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Deleted User -> [Deleted] (6/10/2005 17:39:16)

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Krywallyn -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - Online, I think... - (6/10/2005 17:59:22)

So can you count to a 100 backwards while juggling rabid chipmunks?
if I were big enough to hold at least one chipmunk, maybe
Do you know that on the 24th of december 2011 the aliens are coming?
Do you believe that cows are discriminated? Why?
yes, because
What will happen to me if I edit your reply?
reply go BOOM! :o

MokeyLordDies -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - Online, I think... - (6/10/2005 19:15:38)

Do you have an old character that you don't use anymore? I do! If you do does it have a DH or UIK? Or is it level 95? Or do you have an active one with those stats? If you do tell me here and then send me a PM if you could. I have something to discuss about that kind of account!
not really; one staff character used to have it; nope; huh?; uh... no...
My kittie's name is Blazer!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you have a kitty? nope
If so what is its name?
Do you like cacti? sure
How old am I in cactus years? two
What is your favorite flavor of jellybean? not sure, depends on the brand, usually

~Lion Eagle~ -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/10/2005 19:16:31)

I'm back >:) Hi again heehee
I think I know why your name is prouncounced Pie. To me it's something like "pa-hee" or "pie" with a funny accent. Get it? [:D]
I have more poetry for you :) Rateys please XD (now if only my brother wasn't watching me)
I am the Outcast by Lion Eagle

I am the outcast\Sent away, left to die
Never first, always last\But I never wonder why

I am the hated one\But I don't care
I believe my life is done\The hate is more than I can bear

I am the one that's blamed\A shadow of what I used to be
Never loved, always shamed\For reasons I can't see

I am a dragon hiding in a shell\My life sliding away fast
I hate life for reasons I won't tell\For I am the outcast

(Argh, darn brother...watching every word I type...And the little book I made that holds my poems almost fell apart)
It's a good poem, some nice transitions, depressing one, though.
If you could die bravely in war or peacefully at home which would you choose?
bravely at home :P
If you could become a dragon or a phoenix which would you choose?
If you could choose between invisibility or the gift of flight what would you want?
What eye color do you want most?
hm... grayish green?
My brother asks Apple or Blueberry Pae? (don't blame me)
:P Appley Pae!
What does >.> and <.< mean?
might be on, might not
Whats your favorite kind of pizza? (mmm...pizza)
black olives :P
Random) Here are today's directions - 1)Walk up stairs. 2) Bounce down on your head. 3) Spin in a circle. 4) Jump out the 8th story window. 5) Say hello to [sm=fantastisch_05.gif]
NEW) LOL!! I was using a name generator to get some random names for RP characters and...
http://img154.echo.cx/img154/954/pae4ab.png no really!
*can't think of anything more to say so snuggles Pae and runs out the door*

sethd80 -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/10/2005 22:16:48)

one more question
Do you like Vephy more than Reens?^_^ cause apparently he wants you and her to be fighting over his snuggles[:D]
:O no comparing

godna -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/11/2005 0:20:38)

what is this "Section 8, Chapter 1, Article 12" you speak of?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article 98. ;)

ZLOK -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/11/2005 0:41:34)

Do you want the 27th of august or the tenth of september?
em... I'd ask for what, but the tenth of Sept. should be okay :P
Getting married you sillyhead.
But before I ask, I have to know, do you really love me?
Yes! *snuggles* Squeeee *snuggles back* My gecko!
But where is our honeymoon going to be to?
don't know
And when is THAT going to be?
don't know :P
How does a year of travelling the world sound to you?
Cramped legs on an airplane always causes problems.
We could also just cuddle at home?
sure XD
Speaking of home, where're we going to live?
no idea
Wanna move to Canada with me? *giggles*
We'd have to go visit a few people too. ^_^

HeroOfLight -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/11/2005 3:37:24)

Why geckos?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown.
What does your title mean and how did you made it?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown.
Who would win in an ebil battle to the death? Twilly or Zorbak?
Zorbak winning ebil battles is a given.
Who is your favourite mod other then yourself?
all of them
What do you treasure most in the world?
ability to communicate with others- includes discussions and just goofing off
Favourite animal besides geckos or any other lizards?
canines, felines, lupines, and others
Why green? :P
If you were able to make your very own NPC -which you probably could...- what would he/she do and what race would he/she be? And what would your NPC do?
mentioned part of this before but a gecko/human hybrid of some sort... I'll think more about the rest if it comes up :P
Favourite AQ pet?
Liz Wiz, of course
Favourite story in the story forums? I'm looking for good ones to read other then Hero of Winds' stories.
not sure
Is it possible for me to change my username from "HeroOfLight" to "Jason Nguyen"? I feel stupid picking this username...if it's not possible then ok. If it is possible and was already done then...e-mail me telling me?
You'd have to ask an admin.
Too much questions that are already asked?
How many?

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/11/2005 5:59:44)

Do you think there should be more were-animals?(eg.werelion,werejackal,weregecko,weretiger,werefox and ect.)
Nah, I think that it'd just be overdoing/overkill; it'd basically get old after a while.

ICEBALL -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/11/2005 12:41:13)

Have you ever seen a guam gecko?
What kind of gecko are you? an ebil gecko? a death (goddess/god) of geckos?
ebil lively goddess?
What is an uggle?
It's *uggle ;), which covers any possible combo with uggle in it.
"<.< >.>" looks like shifting eyes... is that what they are? you said that it means maybe, maybe not but im not sure exactly what that means either

Killer Croc -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/11/2005 12:43:24)

Do you like reptiles?
If so do you prefer crocodiles or alligators?
Am I insane?
if you want to be
Are you insane?
obviously ^_^
Is ICEBALL insane?
if iceball wants to be
Any realtion to the Geico gecko?
:O never
Wheres Section 8, Chapter 1, Article 98?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown.

HeroOfLight -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/11/2005 21:47:39)

Ask an admin? I'd probably won't be able to contact one of them...they might've turned off the option to PM them...*droops his head down in shame and sadness*

wingard -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/11/2005 21:54:09)

are you an insane geico gecko of d0000m?
*beep beep beep* *asplodes*
sounds painful...
ieeee im dead
do you like pie?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown
if so what kind?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown
Was that a question?
male or female?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown
if male have a girlfriend? :P

if female have a boyfriend? :P
can i have a snugglewugglehuggle?
*does so*
am i insane?
sure, if you want to be
see section 1 chapter 4 article 9
I can't see it if it doesn't exist :P

tyty_pretzel -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/11/2005 21:55:39)

Could you type in orange?
I don't know...
Do you like pretzels?
(if yes) with or without cheese?
hard ones without, soft ones with preferably
Fav. snack?
whatever I feel like at the time... eating ice cream right now
Fav. dinner food?
no preference
Fav. breakfeast food?
no preference
Fav. Book/author?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown
Do you like Harry Potter?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown
I'm so pumped to get the new book, hopefully my mom preorders it >.>
good luck with that :)
Why did you pick "Pae" as your name?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown
Fav. Sport?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown
Fav. gaming system?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown
Fav. game for that system?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown
Thats all!
the pretzel stealer!
*steals back pretzel*

The Extinguisher -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/11/2005 23:53:53)

I'm back again! Yay!
Pae when you posted you pic of yourself, does that necter taste good. The butterflys under my control seem to think so, but I need a second opionion.
It's very sweet ^_^; bees pester me a lot, though.
I forgot some meat, but I will return. Maybe I'll bring some saussage, or pork
cooked, I hope :P

Luz -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/12/2005 0:37:36)

Third time lucky, Pae! Hello, Gecko!

Would you like a Character Rating?
I should be fine for a while. Thanks anyway, though.

I bet you have a list of pesky idiots in your head now, with me in the middle. (Arranged according to mentality.)

That picture of 'you' looks pretty. Let me guess, Google search? :P
Nope, a friend took a picture of me. :P

I think its nice that you're not posting your real picture on the web, though. At least you know basic internet do's-and-don't's.

Do you like chewing Jellyfish?
Stinging is painful ;_;

Would you classify Cheese under 'Swimwear' or 'Household appliances'?

What's Spanish for 'Light'? (Hehe. Clue: Its someone's username on the AQ forums.)
luz >.>

What was your avatar before you became a mod? (Post a pic if possible?)
I was lucky enough to get it in when they were still being uploaded (It's in the Misc category in the avy selection area.). It's the same as my current one, except that the background was clear with tiny pixel font. reverseblade made some edits to it, resulting in my current one with a few pixels different. :)

If you were dead hungry and given an ant nest, a spider web (with the spider on it.) and a jar of Australia's finest raisins, which one would you consume first?
raisins >.>

Ehhehehehehhhehe! Potato!
*eats potato*

What's a Geico Gecko? Always wondered what it was since I saw 1wingangel torturing it. [;)]
Nothing... they don't exist! >_>

Who's your favourite non-staff and non-admin person on the forums? (That means no Mods, Staff or AKs... And no Pae. :P)
Still too many to list :P

Supercalifragelisticexpialadocious is to Yodelling as a rabbit Jejunum is to ____? (Fill in the blanks.)
<.< small intestine

*flies away on an enchanted pickle* Bye! I'll be back if my mum bails me out of the Special Institution!
*eats pickle despite not liking them*

Squal -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/12/2005 0:45:17)

ok if you had one wish what would it be?
I don't know... I suppose that getting rid of the insecurity that plagues some people would be nice. It'd also likely end up getting rid of more troubles.
whats it like being able to change what people say?
not as great as it may seem :P since I don't
do you have any arch ennimes or rivals?
Yes... the CGI abomination must remain unnamed *shakes a claw angrily*
if so type their names (if you want)
whats is it like being a staff member?
It's usually a lot of fun, but it can be frustrating at times (though most things can be :P).
where is this book iv looked every where even in the worm hole which brought me to another dimention seriosly
Check the last post soon ;)

Sethran -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/12/2005 4:40:36)

Hi, do you like answering questions?
It depends on the kind.
What is your job again as a mod?
moderating, obviously, and also helping out when and where I can
What's your favorite animal?
I don't know... really, I don't.
How did you become a mod?
Here, I posted in a thread that smbdoll posted about new mods needed. The mods at the time then picked the people, and I was one of them along with Cyrus, Fyrel, Indigo, Invain, morgensturn, Noah_B, Reens, and Seahawk. :)
This is fun, this is my first time to meet a mod in the meet the mods, usualy I arrive too late and see it transferred to the meet the mods folder.
hehe, that's what'll happen to this soon.
Do you play AQ much?
I used to, but things have been fairly hectic lately and making time for other things. I should be able to sort things out sometime. :)
Do you know any people that play AQ from real life?
one person who used to play
Where do you live (in which country)?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown
Did I ask these questions the right way, or did I make a mistake?
There really isn't much of a way to ask a question the "right way" other than not being rude, condescending, etc.
What are your favorite tv shows?
I don't really have any, since I don't watch that much TV.
Do you play much videogames?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown
If so, which ones and on which platform?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article Unknown
Thanks in advance
always welcome :)

Slekaw rH -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/12/2005 10:28:05)



what is this "Section 8, Chapter 1, Article 12" you speak of?

That's what Godna asked u for, and u answered, see Section 8, Chapter 1, Article 98. But now, what is See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article 98?
See Section 8, Chapter 1, Article 98 or the last post after I'm done editing in answers to the question. ;)

The Extinguisher -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/12/2005 10:37:42)

I'm back!
No meat, sadly [:(]
What book are all these sections, chapters and articles in.
You'll see soon enough. ;)

Pae -> RE: =AQ= Meet the Mods - Pae - <.< >.> - (6/13/2005 23:52:31)

Okay... so, that's it for me :). Be nice to Arklen. Now, about the Section, Chapter, and Article stuff. I wanted a way to be more creative than answer that "The question was already answered." If you imagine the entire AQ Message Board as a book of some sort, Section would be the forum (OOC being the 8th); Chapter the thread (I ended up just going with what it was when the thread was first made, so it's not always the first thread in OOC...); Article would be the post number (Unknown was basically me being to lazy go find the exact post :P). Anyway, that's it.

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