=Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (Full Version)

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damselindigital -> =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 14:00:21)

Well, due to vigorous prodding on the part of a party that shall remain nameless... Alac.... I have created a meet the author thread. Some of you probably know me pretty well if you've been around the truthseekers on the Caelestia IRC network at all. Others may simply know me through my writings. Whichever the case, now is your chance to ask me questions.

My answers will be edited in in this lovely shade.

In order to preserve the few scraps of sanity I have remaining, I am placing a 10 question per person limit.

Psst... this makes up for me not doing a meet the ak thread way back when. Right? Right?

Nixtrix -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 14:08:38)

Do you have any hobbies besides writing and AKing?
I'm one of those people who is likely borderline to being ADHD. I have trouble sitting still, so yes. I have lots of hobbies. I enjoy many kinds of gaming, the digital kind being only one of many. And I do a number of hand crafts such as cross stitch to keep myself occupied when watching television or movies.

What do you like best about writing?
I have always liked the feel of getting into a good groove. It's hit and miss sometimes but when you're on the words flow well.

Do you have a favorite element?
Yttrium. Betcha didn't see that coming.

Is this how you make up for not having a Meet the AK? :P
I'll... uh... get back to you on that.

What do you like best about writing for the Zardian?
I think the freedom of material and topics that I have coupled with being able to work with some really great people

What are your thoughts about the word 'Bye'?
What follows is usually not nearly as interesting as the word "Hello"

Maegwyn -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 14:08:54)

*Walks in with the steaming pot of coffee* Hey! Alac asked all my questions already!

1) Do you also write things that are not for The Zardian in your spare time?
Occasionally. When it's not class work, it's usually revolving around my role playing, whether it be world settings, character development, or otherwise.

2) Who is your favorite literary character?
Granny Weatherwax. I wish I was nearly that good at headology.

3) Do you prefer to write in silence or while listening to music? (If music, what would be your typical writing "soundtrack?")
I write in silence. I like to give my writing my full attention so as to make it the best I can. Same goes for school work.

Cubal -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 14:15:51)

Questions, squee

1. Chatspeak: Just a trend or an omen of language to come?
I expect it will change and evolve over time but as things get more digital and we get texting on practically everything, even our toasters, it will be hard to exterminate entire.

2. If you're looking for something to read, what determines what book, article or such you will choose?
Genre to some extent, also my prior history with the author or that of a friend's recommendation. Also sometimes I'll just grab something that sounds interesting from the blurb on the back cover. Really depends on my mood and how many new books have been brought out by my favorite authors to see where I go delving.

3. Cellar Door? (Question add-on: Was that question too cryptic?)
Second Floor. (Nah, I'll make of it what I wish.)

That's all, thankyouverymuch.

Baker -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 14:16:46)


ORIGINAL: damselindigital

Well, due to vigorous prodding on the part of a party that shall remain nameless... Alac....
Aha, I caught you! You think you're so sneaky, but nothing gets by me!
Oh no! I am discovered!

Mhm, anyway, I'll be the first (of many, no doubt) to ask the stock questions that come with an MtAK, and then try to come up with some original ones...

What is your favorite color?
Blue! No, greeeeeeeee.....

How did you find the AE games and then the forums?
I found it a number of years ago when I was just browsing through the web looking for something entertaining. I've been around ever since, though it took me a while to actually register an account on the forums and not just peek around.

What is your favorite movie?
The MST3K version of Prince of Space. I like it very much.

Will the Seekers ever really find the truth that they are seeking for the truth of?
If they do, it'll likely be akin to 42. There's still the matter of the question.

If you were going to have to move to a far away island for the rest of your life, what three possessions would you bring with you?
That depends largely on what, if anything, is already there. Probably, companionship of some kind. Tis no fun going insane alone.

Do you like to read the same sort of stories (meaning subject matter) as your write, or is there a different attraction between the two for you?
I would say it's roughly the same. Science, fantasy, humor, scifi... I like to think that I have achieved all that at least in some capacity with my articles.

blues -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 14:19:57)

Nice..... question time :P

1) Whatīs your favourite book/books?
The Discworld series, in particular the book Thud. The ending of that particular novel resonated with me.

2) Do you like Fantasy and/or Science Fiction?
Yes, both.

3) Do you know Michael Moorcock?
I'm afraid I have not read any of his works.

4) What are your thoughts about Stephen King?
Somewhat mixed. Some of his works I truly enjoy, some I find a bit... disappointing on the whole.

5) What are your hobbies?
I do believe I answered this one earlier. You may want to scroll up.

Donīt tell Nixeh your favourite Element, heīs a Kleptomaniac!!! :P
Quiet you!
Hey, it's her Meet the Author... Get out of here, Nix!
Woops too late.

TreadLight -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 15:25:33)

Hi damsel.

'Great articles you've got there!
Thanks muchly

Any sneak peeks?
I'm afraid that's above your security clearance, citizen.

Nix doesn't deserve the amount of elements he has >:D

Any favoriite movies?
I think you'll find that's answered above

TV Shows?
Doctor Who, hands down

Zardian Articles?
Also answered above. Though if you mean other than mine... I won't play favorites. :P

Well, I'll see you later!

Mo -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 15:31:03)


1.Like being a writer?
It's probably not my calling in life, but I do enjoy jotting down a story now and again.

2.How did they kidnap you?
That would be Falerin. He even has me working his IRC network, Caelestia.

3.What kinda torture do you inflict on AK?
No torture here. I'm the nice, quiet one. (They'll never see it coming)

4.Is it fun?
It is... interesting.

5.Do you make AiT miserable?
See prior answer regarding treatment of AKs

6.You know Cow Face? Tell him hi for me.

7.That's all. All questions ripped from an unknown source

Clyde -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 15:43:39)

Dams! :D

So I told Alac to do this. Does that make me the prodie? :o
*slaps Clyde in the face*

What would you do with an empty role of duct tape, a riped piece of paper, a paperclip, and a rubber ducky?
Wouldn't you like to know? Actually no... You probably wouldn't.

What do you think of that tyrant Alac? Sssshh, she may be watching us now.
She's actually really pretty awesome. And no, I'm not just saying it because she may read it.

What if one day, a pink hippo flew across the sky?
Make sure I'm wearing my waffles on my head.

IC (in character)-wise how do you think Damsel and Clyde feel about eachother?
I can not speak from the perspective of Clyde about Shayril. However, I CAN say that she is not very impressed with him. He's picked some issues and fights that she takes great exception to.

(I might know, but...) Who's your favorite character to RP as?
Shadara. It's great to play someone that care free and bubbly. I just hope she doesn't end up getting the entire group killed.

I ran out of questions, so I will take my leave now. Take care Dams.
*slaps Clyde in the face*

The Game -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 15:57:27)

Hiya damsel!

Having fun bean Author and AK?
Sure. 'Tis not a bad job if you can grab it.

I just stopped by the say hi, and good luck! ^___^
Feel free to return if you have more questions

Suikoman444 -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 16:31:57)

Just have a couple

What's your take on the 8s?
A good group of people. And if you rotate them 90 degrees, it's infinity.

Have a favorite? :P
Perhaps, but I'll never tell. :P

If you could be any animal what would you be?
Certain events have made me rather fond of the ocelot. I'm not certain that would be my ultimate choice but it is my current leaning. And yes, I'd take the revolvers if you cared to give them to me.

Circe -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 17:00:07)

Hi Dams!

Like being an author?
Well, just between you and me, it's absolutely awful. If they didn't own my soul and have me strapped in front of my computer and keyboard, I would have run off screaming long ago.

I hear its hard
It gets better when you become numb to the pain. I still cry at night though with only that sickly glow of the computer screen to keep me company.

And there are these two editors that are just awful. And also very lazy and slack off a lot.
And they change what I've written! As if I'd ever make a mistacke

Ick, lazy people!
I know... is it nap time yet by the way?

Wheeee have fun with this :P
Fun? Never!

2k2ewyn -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 17:55:22)


just wanted to say that.

Bye ^_^

Easiest questions ever.

Kairomaru -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/22/2008 19:22:41)

I'm being considered for a position as an AiT by Alac and Maegwyn, to my knowledge anyway. So my question is, how long does it normally take to be accepted/rejected for 'The Zardian'?
I'm actually not really a part of the selection process, so I could not rightly say.

Also, do you prefer writing articles about the Artix Entertainment games or about Real World situations?
It honestly depends on my mood. Left to my own devices, I likely would focus mainly on my own characters and settings and not something either real or already devised.

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/23/2008 10:58:32)

Hey. ^.^

Do you frequently visit #thezardian in the IRC network? I don't think I've ever seen you there.
I don't in fact. I'm usually in over 20 channels and that tends to be one I forget about.

How do you feel about Arthur C Clarcke's death?
I have to admit to not being extremely familiar with his works or his life. Therefore I have no strong feelings about it.

If you were to be an aquatic animal? What would you be? and would you befriend a Manatee?
I think there is a lot to be said about the octopus.

Betcha didn't see that one coming, did you? :P

What's your favorite internet monopoly company?
Parker Brothers has gone online now?


boomies -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/23/2008 15:16:23)

Bleh. Me placeholder was deleted. Ah well. So then, again

Firstly, invisible text no work. triangles shall get j00!
I still have a few strongholds left.

Second, shouldnt you be posting that MtAK sometime soon? Genoclysm even posted already.
I'll.. uh... get right on that. *runs*

Thirdly, what does 1337 mean to you?
Fun number, but not nearly as interesting as 755

10 x 10 = ?
The double integral of xy dA where 0<x<10 and 0<y<4

[:)] vs [:D] vs [;)], which is the best?
Smiles tend to be overrated.

Now then, why did you name yourself damselindigital?
It was meant to be a sarcastic take on the damsel in distress categorization, with the exact reverse meaning. You should hear my rant as to why knights always get kidnapped by the dragons. They need to stop wrapping themselves in a material which makes them bake really well. Of course they're the most delicious!

Why did you choose that title?
Again, to make the opposite impression of the stereotypical damsel in distress.

Why did you choose that avatar?
Well first of all, Spamalot is an absolutely wonderful play. It also was able to convey the type of image I wanted: cowering knights behind a strong leading lady.

What AE Games do you play? Levels. Niao.
I play all 3 main released games as well as having played the minigames and Archknight. Most of my characters are test based but I do have one in AQ which is not staffed that is level 129.

Well, I shall be leaving now.

Ah yes. How many posts are allowed in this thread?
I'll say 3 since it's not seeing nearly as much activity as the meet the archknight threads. Thank goodness.

Bye now for real.

Saerokeon -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/23/2008 22:11:25)


Say your name please:
damsel in digital. Pretty simple

Pronounce it?
I doubt I need to break it down more than that.

Not much to ask...

Color thief on the loose!
Yes and I stole it back.


mitian -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/24/2008 10:44:08)

If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?
I think Jeff Dunham and Walter have that answer covered.

What color will Zorbak turn?
I don't believe Zorbak can be any color other than that of true ebil.

.Silver -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/24/2008 11:25:29)


do ou like pie?
I'd rather have cheesecake

i do

pie or cookies?
Depends on type and who is baking them.

guns and roses?
Punting and moglins?



puppy teh AK
Kitten the mod and KoO

do you do DA?
I'm not terribly certain what you mean by that abbreviation.

i do i'm not very good im afraid :(

Thanks for the word association.

boomies -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/25/2008 15:04:52)

Well then, 3 posts huh? Ill make you regret it, of course.

How many strongholds left now (See previous post)?

What articles have you written for the Zardian?

Who is your favorite author?

What is your favorite book?

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around, does it make a noise?

Now answer me this, what if that tree and forest is in space, and there is no vibrartions because of the lack of air?

And how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Why am I asking wierd Zen related questions?

When does this thread lock, because I need to know when to post my last post here.

Well, thats ten, I'm off.

Mo -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/25/2008 16:54:42)

I've come to claim my last questions *snickers in an evil way*

1.So...any way you could tip me off a way to be an AK?

2.Why is it that AKs get chained to walls and you get chained to the computer, that's not fair.

3.Too many typos...what do you do when you see them?

Well, then I'm off(lucky you).

.Silver -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/26/2008 10:44:55)

i'm back!

do you use internet smileys like this :) alot?

how invited you to join as an author?

do you find forumites like me annoying?

was that the honest answer?

do you ever venture into the OOC room?

does Balos scare you?

he kinda scares me

DA=Digital Art so d have you ever done digital art?

/crawls back in to the OOC hole he came from

Cow Face -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/28/2008 13:33:46)

'Ello, guvnor.

How's everything coming for you?

You do like writing for the eZine, don't you? Don't you!?

Is it 'cause I'm here?

Pie or Cake?

You watch Doctor Who? Cool!

Faugh, writer's block. Byeee.

Dalefanwill -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (3/28/2008 14:33:36)

Damsel :o

So, I'll be silly. :D

The'Galin or The'brutees?

LordBarrius or LOTDBATTIUS?

Socks or slippers, or whatever keeps Nick away?

Now Clyde's got me thinking, and what're Shayril's opinions on Dale? :o

wind_luver -> RE: =Zardian= Meet the Author: damselindigital (4/1/2008 15:17:03)

Did you really think I'd miss this when I saw it?

Although I do think that you've stopped answering these now... *patpats*

I actually don't have any question that I can think of >.<

Just to copy Dale and Clyde, although I have a fairly good idea of the answer >_>, what do either of the Shayril's think of Keara? :-P

Runnign away now, Enjoy my non-questions

Kudo's for you if you catch this one!!!!

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