RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (Full Version)

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scy -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (3/31/2008 20:47:38)


Cake or Pie?

Randomness or Ebilness?

If you could have one wish what would it be?
Son Goku godmod powers >_>

Money or friends?

Am I crazy?
Dunno, are you?

Answer wrong and I'll electro shock you.
Then I won't say 'wrong' :P

Are you gonna be a super strict AK?
If it needs to be, yes.

*Runs away in terror*

StupIdiot -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (3/31/2008 20:53:46)

First off, I'll start by saying sorry that I didnt have the time/will power to read all of the other posts so just bear with me if I ask questions that have already been answered. Pwease? :(

Anyways.. Massive amounts of congrats on yer AKship dude, it was the last thing I wouldve expected on returning from a sickness break! :D
xD Thanks dude.

...So... I hear you like Ginger Ale I guess that makes us like, best friends or something...
Maybe, maybe not >.>;;

Forget anyone else who asked, can I be youre minion? cause I dont think puppy wants me to be his.
At the moment I don't need any minions, sorry :/

Whoes that on your Avatar?
Lemmy, head of Motörhead.

I challenge you to a duel, do you accept? if so, I summon the Blue Eyes white Dragon!
*special summons Five-Headed Dragon and King Dragoon, summons Horus lvl 8 and plays Royal Decree* Hmm... I think I win :P

Puppy -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (3/31/2008 20:55:42)

Congrats Good Feller but I pity you so much XD

4 Pages in 1 Day, that a new record. At this rate you should have 28 pages to answer in a week. XD

I have nothing to say other than congrats.
Well, I didn't think I'd get so many questions either e_e
Pretty hard to catch up, especially with my limited online time at the moment.
But thanks man, hope we'll work well together ;)

Ņight Яain -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (3/31/2008 21:05:56)

hi dude or dudat. pictures reveal it o_o


so like watz up?:D
My temperature's up e_e Hopefully back to normal soon.

sorry i just wanted to talk like that.
No prob ^^

anyway wanna fly like brids?cuz i do!
What's a 'brid'? :P
But yeah, flying would be nice.

scared of spider?

so have u locked any threads yet?:D
Yep :P

is it fun being a ak?
Can be, but the fun is pretty limited at the moment.

apple or orange?

boom boom boom or doom doom doom?
Neither o.O

well that about it bye and congratz again
Kthxbai ^^

and oops one more thing do u chips?pizza?
Yep to both.

mediaevaldragon -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (3/31/2008 21:26:48)


As per Puppy's instructions I have to go easy on you D:

/me superluckcongratshuggleticklesnuggles
/me thankiewufflecuddlesugsandgiggles

You'll need it to deal with the OOC and Puppy :P
O rly? :P Well, it'll work somehow >.>

I'll poke you on IRC 'kay?
xD k

See you soon :D
Buhbais :3

nosey123 -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (3/31/2008 21:47:21)

Grats =p

...I'm out [:D]

...xD Thanks

=Max= -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (3/31/2008 21:58:48)

Nm, cold is nasty >.<

Have you forgotten me yet?
...who're you again? :P
Nah, how could I forget you, Maxie? ;3

Did you ever find those pictures of you in lederhosen?
Successfully burninated and not existent anymore <_< >_>

>__> <__< Could you send me some Cryonic Temple? >__> <__< -shifty eyes once again, just to show the feeling I am setting here-
xD sure, when I find the time to.

Err... MtM/AK is really different from when I remembered it from a long time ago. I remember like, 30 question posts. Your thoughts on this?
I didn't feel like that, so I think 30 questions in total are more than enough >_>

Do you plan on getting higher up the AQF food chain?
Not really, as life could always change and I'm not too sure about for how long I can stay.

How fast does your beard grow? For the pathetic little patch of hair on the bottom of my chin, it's alarmingly fast. ._.
xD from clean shaven to short beard in one week.

...okay. I think I'm done now.
Okay, see ya on MSN some time ^^

Nicky -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (3/31/2008 21:59:35)

Hey Ailifr!
Nicky :D

Looks like I'm kind of late :/.
Bah, don't worry about that ^^

But I won't leave you too many questions, cause I know that it must take awhile to answer all the questions :P. So congrats! *huggles*
Yeah, I'll be busy for quite a while e__e
Thankies ^_^ *huggles back*

Damageplan -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (3/31/2008 22:05:31)

Hello there, how are you on this fine March evening.(or perhaps April, depending on when you answer this)
Back then when you asked that, I felt kinda ugh-y already. Now it's better, but still not that good.

If you were given the chance to speak with one person from any time or place, who would it be?
Paul von Hindenburg.

If you found out you had a week to live, what is one thing you would run out and do right away?
Nude run with HellBlazer xD

Why haven't you done that yet?
Well.... I never have been in such a situation, so... >.>;

Would you argue with the statement"The only stupid question is a question left unasked"?
Actually I'd agree with that statement, but I see lots of stupid questions which are asked e_e

What is the best studio(not live or best of) album of all time?
Man, that's a toughie xD
Hmm..... For the recording/mix as in instruments fitting/matching each other, I'd say The Sorrow's current one. Drums are hard and clear, yet the bass and guitars don't get muffled nor muffle anything else.

What is the one thing that annoys you more than any other?

I have to ask, You already have the new In Flames CD don't you?I assume you europeans already have acsess to it.

Well, how is it? C'mon don't leave me hangin'. Just tell me how it is.
Nevermind, I just picked it up, time to find out for myself.
To both: This time you guys were lucky. You got it before us for some reason >.<
Yet the Japanese got the album on the 26th of March already.

I guess that's all I got for ya, have a fine day, good sir.
Thanks for dropping by and a nice day to you as well, bud ^_^

Solaron -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (3/31/2008 22:32:35)


1)Do you know who I am?

2)Whats your favorite animal?
Kodiak bear FTW

3)Favorite Color?
Dark shades of blue.

4)Favortie music?
Well duh :P


6) This doesn't count as a question, does it?
Yes it does count o.O

7)*Goes insane*

Thats all, byebye

This has been Mim

lonewolf537 -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (3/31/2008 23:18:18)

hey there ailifir.
Hi lonewolf.

how do you guys figure out if someone has been warned/banned before?
'Tis a secret :P

do you have any pets?
Fish and budgies.

do you play super smash bros brawl?

are you the essence of awesomeness?
Who knows :o

am i the essence of awesomeness?

well thats all i got for now.
Kthxbai :3

Sqiggley Worm -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (3/31/2008 23:43:43)

OH MAH GOD, Ailifr is an AK!
I leave for like, 1 week to begin writing a novel, and look what happens.
:P Welcome back btw

Madness? This is OOC! *cough* >.>;

Nah, not really :P

Congratulations! :D
Thankies ^^

Have you had your coffee this morning?
No coffee for the last few days, only tea. Better when fighting a nasty cold >.<

Budgies or Budgies?
Budgies of course :3

Uhm...I'm not the one to ask too many questions so SUPEROMGCONGRATULATIONS on your AK-ship! :D
Heheheh, many thankies ^__^

.::oDrew -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 0:04:53)

Oh hey, it's Ailifr. :o
Ohai J :o

How's it going? Been quite a while.
Good, could be a bit better though. Hope it's going well for you.

So, all AKs have to get IRC, right?

If so, are you gonna be on all the time?! :D
If I find the time, yes.

Funny thing, I seem to recall your name oft being brought up in those old "Who would make a good AK" threads. And I think we always laughed. >____>
...I don't recall anyone laughing about that other than me o_O
>_>;; Ummm...Yeah.

Can you share a story about your toughest AK duty so far?
Not much to tell so far. The toughest was the first SW I had to give though.

Yes or no: Has anyone ever received a warning from Ailifr. :3
Yes :P

I've always been curious: How much training is involved in being an AK?
Daily drill and exercises e_e

Alright, well, that oughta quench my curiosity for a while. So, yeah, good for you, these are the golden years, thanks for the memories, and good night.

EDIT: Let's not use the word "good" four times in two sentences, kthx.
xD okay, buhbai dude.

Half Dragon -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 1:11:58)

Hello, We all knew you'd be an AK eventually, Ill never leave again!
Did we all? o.O

Cake or Pie?

Dragons or Hydras?

Cake or death? X)
Death has a nasty aftertaste >_>

And the final question! *drumroll* Starcraft or Warcraft 3?
I'm more into Warcraft myself.

.Silver -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 8:27:46)

just one question this time 'round

what do you think of ramstein?
Never been to Ramstein myself, but it's said to be a nice municipality.

Day Malrone -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 8:37:31)


Where do you live? (city and country)
All I'm gonna say is Germany.

How long was spent staring at the PM message before you believed it?
15 minutes at least.

Favourite non online game?
Legend Of Dragoon.


If you could AK another board what would it be?
No clue, really.

Favourite musical? (Little Shop of Horrors FTW!)
West Side Story.

Goodbye and good luck.
Thanks and bye ^^

xXxChriscorexXx -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 8:52:46)

Hey Chris ;3

You know me dont you *puppy eyes*
Sure do ^^

Its darkchris76 :D I gotta name change!
Thought so, congrats :D

Do you lyk it lol lyk zomg
o.O... yeah, it's nice ^^

Have you seen the youtube prank yet?

mmmhmmm =]

Do you like cakes or muffins?
Both :9

Glad they're not around anymore ._.

mmmm well congrats man I thought you would get it soon =]
Thanks :)

Chaonian -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 9:19:00)

How-diddledy-do :P

This is my first time that a guy that I have seen lurking here has become a mod...
xD Well, AKs aren't really mods, so... :P

How's the weather today?
Been cloudy yet warm all the week.

Lack of imagination and time=lack of (annoying) mtAK questions...

Bye! And good luck!
Buhbai and thanks :)

Cool Dragonz -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 10:11:24)


/me Snugglehuggsandhitshim/her?witharockguitar,tryingtounderstandwhathe/shemeanswithrock-off :P.
/melaughsand pointstoTenaciousD'smovie:P

Let the food fight begin sounds as a better title :D.
Nah, food fights are a waste.

OOC hah? Happy to be an AK?
So far so good e_e

Happy to have an MtAK?
Happy to see the many congrats, but not really happy to have so many questions to answer xD

Happy to have powers >:D
It's useful at times, yes.

Ready to rock?
Always ;)

Good luck!
Thanks man!


Lana -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 10:13:04)

Hello again. =]
Hi hun =]

Wazup buddy?
Not much, me thinks we're in the same boat more or less e_e

Black or Green?
Black for clothes, else green.

Hugs or Fools?
Me <3's hugs :]

Trick or Treat?
Treats FTW

Fight or run?
I'll fight if it's necessary.

Love or Hate?
Love definitely.

Wanta hug?
Always :3

TOO LATE! *Hugs*
xD *huggles*

Well, cya. *smile* Congrats for the fiftieth time. ;]
*smiles back* See ya, get better soon and thankies <3

Dr. Peace -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 10:34:39)

Alrighty this must be a new record your pages are growing incredibly fast.
Indeed o.O

Sadly this is my last chanse to pester you officialy.

Now, Do you like what the KoO did with AQ? (if you have seen it.)

Favorite Book genra(sp?)?

Somewhere you want to go?
Russia, Finland and the US, to visit my buddies.

How many threads have you locked? (I know of two)
Quite a few so far.

Alright byebye again....again.

P.S What do the new shiny buttons do?
They do what you can't do :P

lightbringer lord -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 10:43:25)

William Riker! :o *coughs* Well, I was expecting Eliac to be the next AK:P

Favourite fruit?

Odd habits?
Not that many... >.>

Did tou enjoy working with Patrick Stewart?:)
He's a cool guy, was always fun to work with him ;)

Frayzer -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 10:51:37)

Yay! Ailifr is an AK now :D I knew you will be an AK someday!
Heheheh, thanks Fray :)

1) How's the shiny buttons? :P
Shiny buttons are shiny :o

2) Being an AK is tough and fun isn't it?
Yeppers, and you know it :P

3) How's like being cooped up in a cell with .Silence and Puppy? (All 3 of you are loyal minions to Balos)
So far there're no complaints *knocks on wood*

4) If you could mod other boards, where will it be?
No clue, really. It's enough to have OOC and Polls so far e_e

5) Can I call you JT? You look like him though. Srsly. >_> I don't look like him at all.

6) Can I be an AK? Please!

That's about it though. Be sure to come down to IRC if possible! :D
Will do as often as possible ^^

Elartee -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 13:27:55)

congratz with AK-hood thing.

so you like metal eh?
Sure do :]

fav genre plz? (if you want you can add band too)
Tie between Melo-Death and Folk.

well thats all ATM cya!!!

Beelzebub -> RE: =MtAK= Ailifr - Party done (4/1/2008 15:07:03)

Old Gregg's got more questions, ha ha... I'm Old Gregg!

1) Yo momma jokes or egg yolks?

2) Hath thou evar lawled at meh?
Nope :/

3) I think *snigger* you smell! *snigger* of FISH! I'm Old Gregg

4) Are you going to have trouble editing in your colour when I use this colour? Because if you edit it I has a laza and i'm not afraid to use it.
Pffffft >_>

5) Lets do some watercolours!
Nah, not today.

6) Does this forum have warning levels because I cant see them... Whats mah warning lvl D:

7) If I posted 10 posts of 1 questions to boost my post count what would happen :D
I'd smack you with a tuna. Just ask Cubal how deadly that is >_>

8) If I say play with me, you say _____ Fill the blank
'No thanks'

9) When did you begin using grammar?
Since I learned it o_O

10) I'M OLD GREGG!!!
No you're not.

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