=Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (Full Version)

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Sir Gnome -> =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 16:11:55)

What strategies can we use in this event? What could the other clans use to counter this? Who should we ally with, should the need arise, and what should be our focus for this event?

All discussion here please ( Universal Rules/ Paxia Rules)

awesomeman167 -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 18:11:46)

we can simply fight for ourseleves and rely on our awesome fire powers
naybe nocturu can back us up but thats it

Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 18:43:16)

I suggest all guardians log out every ten minutes or so. Then our adventurers could get in every ten minutes. or half an hour, or whatever.

If we can allie, Aerodu and maybe Nocturu, are essential.

Lord Asrius -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 18:45:23)

I like that idea, Wintes.

Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 18:46:43)

I heard it somewhere before, I just don't know when. besides, It's all null, since forum decisions are all void.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 19:59:36)

Oh, I remember that idea, its great.

We can also do the obvious and yet effective "attack at x time"

Lord Asrius -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 20:00:55)

Personally, I don'tget the idea of those. They're going to be attacking anyways, right?
Who thinks something from the Paxia Suggestions thread will be in there?

Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 20:01:12)

Or just have everyone attack... if the peopel in oru clan all wqould contribute, we'd have an unstoppable around teh clock military...

Lord Asrius -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 20:03:43)

Actually, faced with responsibility, the deadweight would probably just drop out, leaving you with about ten people.
Which is bad.

Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 20:05:42)

Actually, if we use the last system, it's perfect. beyond perfgect actually...............
I just spent an hour taking down Trigoras.....Never use AuP+BoA against him................ 4K hp.......

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 20:15:18)


ORIGINAL: Lord Asrius

Personally, I don'tget the idea of those. They're going to be attacking anyways, right?
Who thinks something from the Paxia Suggestions thread will be in there?

Sometimes its pointless, but not useless.

If 10 peep come here, attack a little bit...say they're done in 10 minutes...its useless.
If 10 peep come here, attack at certain times of the day, feel they're doing something, they'll do it with more effort.

For example, if you are doing it just because you want, you'll be doing something. But if you do it 'cause you wanna do something, and you feel good as you think you're doing something at the same time as the rest of the clan members...you might put a little bit more effort into that thing.

Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 20:18:18)

Hey sacchi, I had a thought: get everybody active to get a clan leader npc coin avatar to show untiy. Also it would confuse the hells out of people. :P

Lord Asrius -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 20:18:41)

Oh, a psychological thing. I see.
It explains so much. (note that was not sarcasm. Neither is this note. Hold on a moment... you can't tell if that's sarcasm either. Oh well.)

Maureu -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 20:25:45)

Hmm...good idea, but Noctros' face just doesn't really suit me.
I belive I wouldn't mind alliancing with Igneous, or Aerodu (both of which I thought about joining,) and think it would be a nice idea. I have friends in Igneous that I don't mind beating the crud out of, but would rather avoid it. Good luck to us all, regardless.

Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 20:26:47)

It would look cool thoguh. just imagien all the Paxian leaders faces popping up in random orders everywhere!

Lord Asrius -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 20:28:09)

Perhaps we should ally with Glacius, just cause they've never won anything that I'm aware of. Too defensive.

Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 20:44:24)

I'm going to be pissed off if we loose. ryn makes me competitive. Yay?

Lord Asrius -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/22/2008 22:08:15)

You know, I like you more when you're not angry.

Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/23/2008 10:08:19)

Most peope do.

It's always fun to rub victory in peoples' faces.

Shadow Master37 -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/23/2008 11:17:32)

ive got one ill just give a summarry it involves sneak attacks and flaming bunnies ( and if we can find flaming squrriells thats even better)

Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/23/2008 11:21:41)

We don't know how interactive this war will be. Strategizing is difficult.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/23/2008 12:52:24)


ORIGINAL: wintes123

Most peope do.

It's always fun to rub victory in peoples' faces.

Of course its fun, but then I start saying that we did our best when we end in second place lol :D

We're all a bunch of bad losers.

Wintes, I bet I'll kill more enemies than you!

Shadow Master37 -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/23/2008 13:56:24)

ill kill the most i realy want a new clan event to start

Wintes -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/23/2008 14:12:30)


ORIGINAL: sacchi

Wintes, I bet I'll kill more enemies than you!

Already made a bet with Dryn taht we'd win. I'd do it, but we have no way of actually counting.

sacchi -> RE: =Igneus= Strategy & Alliances (4/23/2008 15:00:14)

Heh, true.

I suppose we could check aqstats.com , but I just realize I have tests the rest of the week. But again, I should be studying right now anyways.

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