RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (Full Version)

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Glenn von Danziger -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 13:54:58)

*Appears from the shadows*
Meh, one of the evangeline becoming an archknight, eh?
Oooh I like the shadows! Well I am more of a dark angel really but yes :o)
Ah, one of the "Fallen Ones"...I see.

Very well, on to business:
1.How do you reply to this?
*note: check out the rest of that site if you have the time/want to*
LOL excellent!

2.Have you ever heard of The Misfits?
The film with Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe?
Close, its the band that was started by Glenn Danzig, after Marilyn Monroe's death in tribute to that movie.

3.Would you happen to be from Europe?
Yes indeed.

4.Seeing as you are subservient to Scakk, is it inevitable?
Utterly inevitable!

5.How's the cell?
Nice and dark. Just like my crypt [:D]

6.How's the sell?

7.What shape/color/weight are thy shackles?
Invisible and yet curiously light.

8a.Ever heard of Disgaea?
No never.
Look it up, its a great game!

8b.If so, have you played it?

8c.If so, do you like it?
Couldn't say.

9.If Jimmy has a half-dozen apples, and you take away six, how much did you say "OMG!" when you got your AKship?
Just once or twice but with about a gazillion exclamation marks after it.

10.What color are your, how you say, wings?
They are black which shimmer green, black and purple in the light (of torches). Just like those of a raven.

That about rounds it out for now.......
Ok [:)]

Glenn von Danziger, Grand Lucifuge.
Angelique, Angelic Being of Darkness ;o)

Y'know, I like you, you've got class!

Ryashi -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 13:57:02)

Hello there, Angelique.
Hello Ryashi

I tend to ask more inquisite questions than most x3
/is scared now...

Obviously, you were surprised when asked, but what kind of surprise was it? More shock/excitement/confusion/all of the above?
All of the above, mingled with disbelief

Why do you think (or know, if you've been told) you've been chosen?
Apparently Scakk liked my forum behaviour. [:)]

Have you had any basic "training" yet as to your new powers and sorts of protocols?
Still learning lots.

Do you (honestly) believe that you'll make a good AK and earn your seat in the spotlight?
I hope to do well. But I shy away from spotlights.

What do you think are the qualities for a good mod/AK?
I suppose a liking of ppl and the enjoyment to interact with them. But at the same time keeping in mind that this is meant to be a pleasant environment for all and thus enforcing the rules if need be.

The other sorts of fun questions have all been asked many times before me and I can't think of any other interesting questions to ask so i'll just wish you the best of luck =3
Thank you very much.

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 14:00:37)

Welcome Angelique
Thank you Robofire2

Is it your fun to be a AK.
So far it is fun yes [:)]

Do you have any Game consoles.
No I don't.

Cookie or Pie.

I like them all but AQ I like best.

What do you think of my sig
Very nice.

Bwes ~RF2~

Twilight Master -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 14:03:47)


Hey Angelique!!!!! =D
Hi TM! :D

Hows ya doing?
Swamped but well thank you.

Congratulations on the position! - Well deserved IMHO.
Aww thank you so much!

Do you like all the shiny new buttons?
They scare me still LOL

Are the rest of the AKs/MODs/ADMINs treating you well?
They are all so nice to me!

Will you keep your not-so-new-and-very-crowded domain clean and tidy?
I shall try.

How much wood could a wood-chuck chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck Chuck Norris?
Kung-Fu style?

Ok, that be my questions for you. And once again, Well done!
Thank you again :D

I'll be seein' ya.
For sure!

Moondragon -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 14:05:40)

Hi Moondragon.

What is worst between multiple posting or random spam?
Hm tough choice there...

What is hardest between lick your elbow or sing God Save the Queen backwards?
Apparently licking your elbow is not impossible but I suppose it would still be harder than to learn how to sing neeuQ eht evaS doG.

I thinking on a number between 1-100. Can you guess what it is?
hint: it's 99
Hmm lemme concentrate...... is it 99?

Do I have to ask you 15 questions?
No of course not LOL

Which question was hardest to answer?
All those ones where I had to actually think LOL

Now my favorite question: Do you pick your nose?
Yes I do (with a tissue) cause when you do not, eventually flowers and weeds would start sprouting. [8D]

Bye and see you later.
Bye and see you

Fisto -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 14:18:30)

First off let me say, congrats to you hun! We all know you deserve this more than most!
Aww thank you co-Masta.

So, is the secret headquarters really that secretive?
Yes it a dark cool underground crypt-like lair. I felt wonderfully at home immediately. ;oP

Do you realize you are the second member from our EGOL Clan that has gotten to be an AK?
Yes I remember, that was when we were still on the AE forums

Does that make our clan even more special?
We rock!

When you have a son will you name him after me? (I have to ask twice you know [;)] )
And I shall answer again that calling a lil child Ultimate Supremacy would be the ultimate supremacy in cruelty. Imagine the teasing!

Shall I kneel down and shine your shoes? [8D]
As you also well know I have talons. And very lil control over their twitchy slashyness :P

Would you like your black roses thrown at your feet or laid on your majesty's bed?
Either or both would be fine :P

Have you told Nick about this UBER AWESOME POSITION YOU OBTAINED?
Yes and he heard me OMGoshing when it happened LOL

Well thats enough for now, you are plenty busy enough will all the other requests!
Thank you and yes I had no idea it would get so huge so soon!

P.s.- Don't forget about us little people at EGOL.
Tsk lil. You guys are my clan!

P.s.s.- Again Angelique, I am so proud of you and so honored to know you personally!
Aww thank you. I am proud and honoured to know you too co-Masta

P.s.s.s- Give these other AK's a run for their money or else! [:D]

P.s.s.s.s- (Almost) Forgot to use my sig, hahahaha
EGoL ftw!

Zacky Vengeance Aloy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 14:19:03)

Congratz Angel :P i'm here with my questions as promised :P
Hello Zacky and thank you!

but first, i have to say hello in my Zacky way :P

*throws pie into Angel's face*
/me greedily licks pie off face YUMM!

what if year 2008 suddenly ended? the dreadful number '30' has come :P
It will nevah come!

you know alot of us wants you to take over Scakk's position? :P Head of AQ GGD ftw!
You wish me to go insane? I am glad it's he to have all the responsibility and not I!

AQ war threads; Lock it, or close an eye to the lil offtopic-ness and let the fun continue?
Well that is the thing. I have a job to do now; so even though I adore you all, I have to keep a reign on the spammage now. I shall hopefully not have be too strict though.

List 5 names of EGoL members you can think of, now! :P
just wanted to see who you remember the most :P lol.
I remember you all since I was with you guys only a few hours ago. So no need to name names. :o)

*looks at the above 5 names* if all of them suddenly forgets and ignores you, what will you do? how would you feel? :P
Very alone :o(

now dont think of any sad thoughts now, the above question is just a joke it wont happen :P
Good I am happy again :oD

why that special avvy? :P
Ive used it on youtube and I like it. It is a lil grave angel. But who knows maybe in time I'll change it.

which is my best AQ video? :P
Hmm so many good ones. I think maybe Safiria?

Opinion of the Sweep's ideas and plans (e.g Nerf of mage weps and BMM guests getting a sp/mp cost per turn) ..?
I don't know yet but so far I am just a lil scared for my BMM awesomeness. I will just have to wait and see how it all turns out.

Marshmallows, Chocolates, Pie, Donuts?

10 questions cleared, Angel! going downhill now (very fast) 5 more questions to go :P <-- is this a question? >.>
Hmm maybe not.

4) if you could have one rare back, what would it be? (for me i'll get perm DB, or Guardian Angel pet)
I suppose the DB was great. But I think maybe I'd get the signs back. I sold them rather than sticking them in storage. Doh at me.

3) Poelala, Twig, Twilly or Zorbak?
Twig for healing me so faithfully every day.

2) Angel or Angle? (just joking)

1) did you know why you were asked to be an AK?[&:]
Apparently Scakk liked my forum behaviour.

guess its time for meh to sleep, 2.17am here.
Oh I keep forgetting where you are! Sleep well!

cya in IRC or in-AE-forums :P
See you soon!

p.s my sig > yours[;)]
LOL ok

sorry i cant think of any silly stuff >.> XxGothmogxX asked all the interesting questions >.>
Scary weren't they?

i'll leave it to Epsilon for the real silly questions >:P
I look forward to them LOL

Willkill12 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 14:23:44)

Wow! I never exspected this! Well done! Must be a shock, eh?
I didn't either and it was a total shock. Thank you though :o)

Well, I want to say thank you, cause before my build change, I used all your tactics completly! It was thanks to your vids I got the S-Sheilds! BTW I was the one who suggested Final challenge in Bunny Jammies. Well thanks!
I am glad I could help then. :o)

1.) Vampire Nerfbat or Nerfkitten?
I love my kitty above all else

2) What made you sell SuperNova? (Just curios)
IU has a better bth.

3) Resistance or blocking?
Both but blocking is cool

4) What made you choose Beast mage?
When I started I really had no idea about builds but I liked pets. So when I got to clean up my build I chose stats that would work well with that.

5) Would you call yourself sensible?
On the whole I am quite, yes. At least when it matters.

6) Have you ever had one of your topics locked in GGD?
No I don't think so

7) Waz up with your Avatar? I see you have the same one with Youtube.
I looked at the other posts. Can I have another question? 7) Doos yous knows whats i'ms sayings ifs Iis talks likes thises?
It is a lil hard but I do get it.

8) What is your name?

9) What is your quest?
Adventure Quest. Hmm this must mean something that I keep getting those...

10) What is you favourite couler?
Uncanny.... Dark blue as black is not a colour

11) Are you thinking there is something strange with those questions?
Yes! <<

12) If so , would you be surprised if I said "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"

13) Do the words "Monty Phthon" and "European swallow" and "Uhhm" come into your head?
Very much so. They leap in fact!

14) What is your name?
It is still Angelique

15) What is your que... Wait i've already asked you this, sorry! [:o]
LOL timeloop

MONKEY DOODLE DANDY -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 14:23:55)

Thank you :oD

I have just one question........

How are you going to celebrate; for this occasion?
I already did by taking the afternoon off yesterday LOL

Serbitar -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 14:33:30)


AKness has you in its grasp! Hold still while I get these chains undone!!
Hehehe I quite like them. They suit my darkness theme.

Lol, how're you finding it?
Interesting so far :oD

Doesn't Evanescence rock? (Say no - you die :D)
I do not know them very well but from what I heard I liked them.

How did you get to level 130? Last time I checked you were like 110!
By insane crazy Drakel farming. But I've been there since January.

I'll be back. With more questions. And more cookies >:D
Oooh cookies! See you later then!

deathstar333 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 15:22:50)


Congrats on AK-ness, you deserved it ;)
Thank you very much. Sweet of you to say. :oD

On with the questions:

If you could change ONE thing about AQ, what would you change?
Hmm, I'd make Z-Token gift certificates available.

Same for DF?
Yep for Dragon Coins.

Same for MQ?
Yes but for Nova Gems.

How do you like the forums?
I love them. They add a lot of fun and a sense of community to the game.

What has been your favourite thread title in the past few weeks?
Which ever has the news about the weekly update :oD. But I liked the one started by Eowyn a lot too about Do Girls Play AQ.

And finally..... I couldn't help but ask it, it's traditional....

Do you like pie or cake?
BOTH! ;o)

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 15:42:33)

Hi, D.U.M again [:D]
Hi again D.U.M.

I just wanted to ask where you´re from?! ^_^
I live in London UK, but my family is from all over Europe.

Favorite food?
Desserts! But otherwise Italian, Lebanese and Thai.

Do you have any sisters/brothers in your famaily?
I have one brother

How old are you?
Not 30!
ok...? Your are not 30 :/ Good...Answer XD //D.U.M

What do you think, when you hear (or read) "D.U.M"? Do you think at something special, except me? XD [8D]
I think of you and the granny LOL
HAHA, you still remember that??? XD XD . That´s good, I think ^_^ //D.U.M

How is it to answer our questions? :P
Overwhelming. I didn't expect so many so soon LOL

lol for questions like these [:D]

Anyway, Congratz one more time!! ... Dudette XD
Thanks again Dude!

See you around ^_^
See you on the war thread!


Vasil -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 15:45:43)

YO Angel!
Yo Vasil!

You're the second EGoL member who's AK O.o (is it me or EGoL pwns[8D])
Yes I remember :o)


Wait why am I writing here?...oh yes CONGRATZ!
Thank you!

I know a lot of things about you so no need to ask them here
Yep that is true :o)

EDIT: Use my EGoL sig!

Double EDIT: Dont forget to work its more important than AKship [8D]
NO chance of me forgetting.... [X(]

Xplayer -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 15:46:11)


More congratulations on AKship.
Thank you [:D]

Now, the all important question(s)

1. Which new button on my post do you like the most?
The one that allows me to edit in my answers :o)

2. How does it feel to have completely random people (like me) asking completely random questions (like this one)?
It is fun so far [:)]

void dragon master -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 15:46:28)

Angelique an AK?!?! I knew nothing of the kind!
Nor did I till I was asked yesterday.

*Whisper* proposal of evil plans to Angel to gain power *whisper*
LOL and muhahahaha!

Any consoles?
No sorry none.

Of AQ, MQ and DF which do you prefer most?

May the 4th be with you.
And with you.

Where does the universe start? End?
It starts with a full fridge in the morning and an empty one by the end of the week.

When did the beginning of time start
Since ppl were around to measure it.

Hi Low No body's home, Hi Low piccolo!
Uhm if you say so.

or [&o]
I like the smileys on this forum. So cute!

Byes Byes Have fun corrupting the enviroment with your powers
Byee and thank you I shall ;oP

Estrei -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 15:48:11)

Hiyas, if it has to be.
Hi and it doesn't have to be.

So, would you choose Winged Guardian or Shiny Boy?
Shiny Boy, it looks awesome.

Do u know that you avatar is strange?
Really? How fitting then ;o)

Do you like Void Dragons?
Yes they are fun to beat.

Would you eat Ultrapowerpie or Ultrapowercookies?
Depends which one is yummier.

That might maybe possibly with a slight chance of occuring the end. Of course, that may be pure conjecture...
True, true.

My Pain -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 16:01:42)

Hi and congrats.
Hi and thank you :o)

What's your favourite song and by whom is it?
Oh I have so many. "One" by U2 is an all time favourite and "Paint it Black" by The Rolling Stones too. Oh so many more...

What's your real name? You don't have to answer, I was just curious.
Ah that is top secret.

What do you work as irl?
I restore antique and fine painted furniture.

Do you have a favourite book? Mine is The Heroin Dairies by Nikki Sixx
No I don't just have one but I like most books by Terry Pratchett.

What would you say your favourite item is in AQ?
I would say either my Nerfkitty or my BoS.

Is there anything in the game your regret selling?
I regret selling the signs.

Anything you regret buying?
Nothing that couldn't be remedied by selling again :o)

Anything you wish you could have?
Hmmm... oh how about Rolith's Hammer?! :oP

What kind of monsters do you find at level 130, I imagine they are very strong, do you find that Handmaiden and other things like that a lot in RA?
Yes she is there but not all that often. I mostly seem to get a lot of Sneaks still and Ambushes. And I especially love it (not) when the first monster I encounter is an Undead ArMegoggon and I am in Guardian Plate and don't have EoN equipped!

archie -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 16:02:46)

well, i only saw you around for the first time yesterday on the MQ forums, and you weren't an AK then o_O
Yeah it only happened yesterday afternoon!

but here you are in all your AKing glory...
Yay glory!

they have taken away all humanity!!!!!
I was always Undead so...

the shackles!! they BURN!!
No actually they feel cool to the touch.

also frogurt! it comes with free choice of toppings!
Is that yoghurt with frogs or frozen yoghurt? If the latter then Oh yes please!

the frogurt is also cursed!!
Doesn't matter. Get in mah belly!

do you watch simpsons/family guy?
The Simpsons sometimes yes.

and are you from Britain/England? ftw!
Yep I live in London.

anyway.. bcak to whatever deepest darkest hole i crept out of...
I like darkness! Bye for now!

~ArchZero~ -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 16:09:19)


Just so ya know, italic midnight blue is teh evil and bold midnight blue is teh good. Normal Midnightblue is neutral.
I'll try to keep that in mind!

Anyways, questions:

(When can I rule teh world?]
I guess ask the Devouer?

(Ach, shaddap, Evil. Anyways, what is your favorite thing about AQ?
The updates and the silly puns [8D].

(No. When were you asked to become an AK? Were you excited when asked?)
Yesterday and yes very.

(Yes. What was your favorite event?)
I think Frostval was but the Snugglefest was a lot of fun too.

(No. What brought your attention to AQ?)
I was browsing through a gamers forum and there was a mention about DF. And from there I got here.

Shutup, Evil and Good. My turn for one question: What keeps you to AQ? Will you always like AQ? (Two questions, I don't care.)
The updates and how much fun the community is. I cannot imagine this to change any time soon.

spellmaster -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 16:18:17)

Hi angelique congrats. Hi five.
Hi spellmaster, thank you! High five!

Lets start the torture

1. Were you as shocked as me when I found out that you were an ak? From 1-10 my shockness was a ten.
Yes in that case just as shocked as you.

2. Who is a better spell spammer me or you?
You no doubt.

3. What was your first impression of me? You can be honest I wont get mad if you thought I was a loser.
I only remember that I thought your pms to me were always nicely formulated and thought out.

4. Why are the coolest girls to play aq?
Cause if they didn't they'd not be the coolest girls?

5. Am I your hero?lol.

6. Will if feel weird to lock the threads of people you talk to on the forums?
I am hoping it won't come to that.

7. When you give me a warning for spamming will you give me a harsh warning or will you go easy on me?
That depends how insistent and reoccurring your spamming is.

8. Do you like my character under my avatar?
Sure, looks good.

9. Do you ever get tired of the bunny jammies?
Only when I get killed by Zardis!

That is all for now and once again congrats.
Thank you [:)]

Ricobabie -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 16:24:55)

Dang it I ish later again D:
Hello Wico!

/me congratz snugglewuggles ^_^
/me thanks and snugglewuggles back

How's it like being an AK? ^_^
Weird and wonderful LOL

Ooo now that you are an AK, you gonna help, pie, gnomy, bball and I at Paxia?
Yes if you'd like. Though you seem to be doing a great job there!

How are the new buttons?
So shiny!

What's the first thing you did when you were AK'ed?
After I got over my shock and my OMGoshing, I went to the secret underground lair. ;o)

So are the new shackles fitting nicely?
Nice and snug yes.

Oh btw where is your cell in the dungeon? I couldn't find mistermafio's but hopefully I can find yours ^_^
Yep but I like to call it the Crypt!

Wow you answer quick! Nice job ^^
Trying to keep up. Thank golly Stardot is here in the GGD too.

Anyways I'm gonna leave you to answer the questions.
So many!! WAH.

Congratz again ^_^
Thank you again :o)

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 16:26:36)

As usual I give out the same questions and I would personally like to thank you for being an AK you need it by now!
Hi Stephen and thank you for thanking me LOL.

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Thank you :o)

Who gave you your position on the forums when you started?
If you mean who made me an AK then that would be Scakk.

Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
Even though I think you might want me to choose either evil or ebil I am a good lil angel, me.

Ready to play?

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....
Aww you're sweet. I hope you don't mind being called sweet, what with being evil and all)

don't get me wrong I will freeze you whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage?
I shall melt the ice with the heat from my burning yet undead heart.

Does this shirt make me look fat?
No you look as slender as a gazelle.

Does it make you look fat?
It is a bit roomy on me.

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I stared in disbelief!

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate lockdown, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I haven't decided yet.

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQ community...cya says Stephen Nix!
See you later, says Angelique

ShadySwipe -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 16:29:18)

Ohai Angel! I just came back and lost first post :(
Ah so sorry but Stardot was hovering about with his finger on the button ready to pounce!

Well, anyways I'll keep this short and sweet.
Thank you :D

1) Do you think you'd head out to any other forums anytime soon?
No I don't think so. I am AK for GGD first and foremost but will help out in Paxia and MQ

2) :o
LOL how bad that would be if it were real!

3) Like your new position?
So far yes :o)

4) How'd you chose your avy?
It was the one I used on youtube. I liked the lil grave angel.

5) Is this getting too long?
No not at all.

6) How bout now?
Still ok.

7) Goodbye?
Ok... Bye then.

8) Good luck and have a nice day?
Thank you, you have a nice day too!

9) I'll be lurking.....!?!?!?
Please do!

CCman -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 16:33:52)

Hey CCman!

Wow, you're an AK!
I know, unreal isn't it?

We miss you in Nocturu! Visit!
I will! Thank you!

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Angelique (5/2/2008 16:34:45)

*Makes elaborate hand motions*

*Is frustrated at Angelique's misinterpretations and leaves*
Sorry to have frustrated you already.

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