Jumping Brain Spider (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Jumping Brain Spider (5/5/2008 1:47:04)

Jumping Brain Spider

Also see other Brain Spider Guests ( Imago, Tarantula, Black Widow)

Location: Summon Jumping Brain Spider Spell
Effect: Every turn before attacking, you lose 20 MP. If you have less than 20 MP, the guest disappears.


If the opponent has 0 strands of webbing, Attack 1 is used. Otherwise, Attack 2 is used.
    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Darkness
    Damage: 5-15
    Stats: Yes
    BTH: +12%
    •If the hit connects, the opponent gets three strands of webbing*. For each strand on the monster, it takes -2% BTH**.
    •If Attack 1 is not used, one strand falls off the opponent at the end of its turn.

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 3
    Type: Melee; Melee; Magic
    Element: Darkness
    Damage: 4-15; 4-15; 2-11
    Stats: Yes
    BTH: +4%; +4%; +6%
    •If the last hit connects, the Brain Spider munches on your opponents brain***, to a maximum of 8 times. The opponent loses 2 INT for each munch.
    •All three attacks on Attack #2 gain +8% Base and Random damage every time this occurs.
    **(It deals 108% for 1 munch, 116% for 2 munches, ..., 164% for 8 munches)

    *The sticky web wraps around your opponent!
    **The brainspider's webs have slowed your opponent!
    ***The brainspider eats your opponent's brain!

Basics from many people, including Halcyon, Onyxia, ThunderD, superfuzzball, Lkeas, and jimbo32. Specifics from Aelthai. Correction from ayashi and Aelthai.

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