RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (Full Version)

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sourivore83 -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (3/5/2009 5:39:30)


Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): graphical error

Bug details: pets summoned by beast master seem to over lap if not called in a decent order
Before bug occurred:

During Bug: dragon will overlap an guest, guests must be called before dragon or the dragon layers is over the other guess

After bug: Recall guests

Pet/Guest Bugged: all beastmaster guest
Other Equipment: Primal Garb (any equipment on)
Screenshot link: None yet
Did you log out and log back in? Don't Need to
Did you clear cache? Don't Need to
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Firefox 2.2? (Newest one)
Flash version: 9.??.??

Al this is really is jsut pointing out that the beast master pets overlap if not called correctly, like a tiger then a dragon will look fine, but a dragon then tiger will show the dragon overlapped halfway up the tiger

I have the same problem.

I report again this problem because the first report is old (6/2/2008).

Thank you to fix it. It is an horrible bug.

ants -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (4/3/2009 23:38:18)

when the Rose Blossom burns an opponent it doesnt show in the box.... infact the box doesnt show at all[8|] bug?

The Rose Blossom's Burn hasn't been incorporated into the Ststus System yet; this will be done when the pet is swept. ~Aelthai

swamprati -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (4/9/2009 0:57:39)

Has this bug been reported before? Unless providing new info please do not duplicate reports.

I didnt see it

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.):

Guest disappears

Bug details: Va'sara disappears instead of attacking.
Before bug occurred:left trescol with va'sara as guest

During Bug: Va'sara shows as guest when first start new attack. When it is her turn to attack she disapears. I went back to trescol to get her and I went to a few places to see if she would stay at any she didnt. i even went back to trescol and see if she would stay for battle there and she still disappeared. I have picture in house (small portal) This is how i went to trescol each time.

After bug: Does not reappear after battle is over. I logged out and back in and retried going to trescol still happened

Pet/Guest Bugged: Va'sara
Other Equipment:
Screenshot link:

Did you log out and log back in? yes
Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? yes
Browser Info: IE8
Flash version:

She costs SP to keep around; if you don't have enough SP, she will disappear. ~Aelthai

avantasia139 -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (4/25/2009 22:32:30)

I started a new account today and clicked random adventure and ran into the dark cave monster and if I click attack or be friends I battle a frogzard instead of behemoth

I have tried this 3 times.[;)]

Master Merlin -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (5/22/2009 9:37:14)

Type of bug: Glitch

Bug details: The Gracefang guest deals abnormaly low damage on her first hit of the three hit attack, when it is suppost to do the same as the others. Many others have also had this bug.

Before bug occurred: Regular gameplay

During Bug: See bug details

After bug: Normal

Pet/Guest Bugged: Gracefang
Other Equipment: Various
Screenshot link: N/A
Did you log out and log back in? Don't Need to
Did you clear cache? Don't Need to
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Internet Explorer
Flash version: 10. yadda yadda (Newest

fixed ~Aelthai

tanknspank -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (6/15/2009 4:28:05)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch

Bug details: After a freeze effect happens, such as the MEIK Special, a nerfkitten can nerf the resistance above 200%, which is the capped resistance.
Before bug occurred: MEIK special happened

During Bug: Nerfkitten attacked

After bug: The monster had 212% resistance

Pet/Guest Bugged: Nerfkitten (90)
Other Equipment: MEIK, Shadow Cloak, Nemesis Shield, Pet Whistle
Screenshot link:
Did you log out and log back in? No
Did you clear cache? No
Did the bug happen again? Yes, before this one in the picture it did.
Browser Info: FireFox
Flash version:

The resistance can go over 200%, but the game will not count anything over 200% so even with 212% fire resistance the monster only takes 2x normal damage from fire attacks. ~phoenixfire555

saberfox -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (7/7/2009 7:37:26)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): glitch

Bug details: My protector pet vanished out of my inventory
Before bug occurred: I was doing the dragon cat quest against the hunters

During Bug: after the quest I bought a dragon kitten as a pet

After bug: I started another battle and the dragon kitten was in play so I went to switch to my protector pet and it wasn't in my inventory

Pet/Guest Bugged: protector pet and dragon kitten?
Other Equipment: protector armor and shield,staff of awe
Screenshot link:

Did you log out and log back in? yes
Did you clear cache? no
Did the bug happen again? no, but it didn't fix
Browser Info: Safari, whatever the newest version is, just updated
Flash version: 10.0
please help i dont want to have to go all the way through that quest to buy it again.

Edit: Nevermind I went and bought a new one. But I still lost some gold.

...I can't figure out how to get this to happen, other than by selling it. If you can figure out how to duplicate it, please let me know. ~Aelthai

I tried it again and it didn't happen i think it was just a one-time glitch in the system.

The Finnish Flash -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (8/5/2009 18:36:36)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch

Bug details: My Fairy Godmother won't load.
Before bug occurred: I was doing the Void Dragon Quest at Dragonspine.

During Bug: I tried to Summon Fairy Godmother by calling it and with Pet Whistle, but the game froze and wouldn't load. I tried bumping it to my first slot, but thenbattles won't even load because it won't.

After bug: I tried changing inventory and selling it and rebuying it, but to no avail. =/

Pet/Guest Bugged: Fairy Godmother
Other Equipment: Various combinations.
Screenshot link: None.

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? After I cleared my Cache, it was fixed. =D I still thought I should report it as a caution, and that clearing cache being able to fix it would be what I'd advise to people who get this bug. It wasn't fixed with relogging in.
Browser Info: Firefox 3.
Flash version: 10.0.something.

That means that you had a corrupted copy of the Fairy Godmother in your cache (it would have been corrupted during download); clearing your cache forced you to download it again, and that time it downloaded without errors. ~Aelthai

flanch -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (8/15/2009 6:51:42)

fighting the Seeker lvl 97
ok first of all all of his defences are
Meele: 1
Ranged: 1
Magic: 1

(im wearing asguardian plate with nerfkitten and golden axe equipped)
trying to summon paladin Captian and he keeps dissapearign every time i summon him

You must be using the Level 90 Nerfkitten; she does 4 nerfs of -6 each, which would take his 25/25/25 defences to 1/1/1.

How much MP do you have when this happens? Paladin Captain requires MP. ~Aelthai

kuramas_foxy_rose -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (8/19/2009 21:20:55)

Type of bug: Loss of 2 Expensive Z-Token Pets

Bug details:
I have 5 guardian characters, so I've obviously spent over a hundred dollars on Guardianships alone. I bought a Little Death for two of them: Raven ( ) and Starr ( ). That's a total of eight THOUSAND Z-Tokens in missing pets. Both characters no longer have the Little Death pet in their inventories, nor does it appear on their character pages. Don't bother asking me if I might have sold them, there's no way in the world I would EVER sell my Little Death pets... It was one of my favorite Z-Token purchases I ever made.

Before bug occurred:
I'm in no way able to tell you when this bug occurred, since I haven't been back here in at least a year.

During Bug:
My characters Raven and Starr no longer have the Little Death pet in their inventories, nor does it appear on their character pages. Don't bother asking me if I might have sold them, there's no way in the world I would EVER sell my Little Death pets... It was one of my favorite Z-Token purchases I ever made.

After bug:
There is no after; it's still happening.

Pet/Guest Bugged: Little Death

I'm sorry - all token item purchases are tracked, and there is no record of any purchase of Little Death on either of those characters. You may wish to contact the HelpZard. ~westwind

kuramas_foxy_rose -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (8/25/2009 15:52:43)


I'm sorry - all token item purchases are tracked, and there is no record of any purchase of Little Death on either of those characters. You may wish to contact the HelpZard. ~westwind

That can't be! I remember it very clearly... One of them was my very first Z-Token purchase, and the other was an early purchase too!
Maybe it isn't in your records because of some problem you had in the past- after all, I bought them both 3 years ago.

All Z-Token purchases have been tracked since Z-Tokens were instituted. Are you sure you are not remembering a different character, perhaps from a different account? ~Aelthai

The Stig -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (8/26/2009 21:44:51)

Type of bug:glitch

Bug details: Balyhoo kept on looping after i watched the maximum number of adds(kept looping to the screen where Balyhoo asks if you would like to watch again, or leave)
Before bug occurred: Finished a Balyhoo add
During Bug: Directed toward same screen, no matter what I pressed
After bug: Logged back on and everything else was fine
Did you log out and log back in? Yes, I had to refresh to exit the loop
Did you clear cache? No, since bug did not occur again, seeing as I could not watch Balyhoo anymore
Did the bug happen again? Not sure as of now, will have to wait until tomorrow
Browser Info: Mozilla Firefox 3.0
Flash version:

Marth 234 -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (9/10/2009 22:47:53)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch

Bug details: Using "Damnation V" makes my pets disappear and locks use of pets
Before bug occurred: Pets were working fine

During Bug: My Vamparagon disappeared and I couldn't use "pet whistle" or click the "pets" tab

After bug: Pets don't work until next battle

Pet/Guest Bugged: N/A
Other Equipment: Golden Plate, Lightning Rod, Nerflord's Crest, Pet Whistle
Screenshot link: N/A

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Safari
Flash version:

This is not a bug. The Damnation spells dismiss your Pet and Guest and lock the Pet menu. They are more powerful than a normal spell in exchange for this. ~Aelthai

Ah, I should probably have looked in-depth at this more. Thanks!

Dream King -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (9/24/2009 7:37:25)

Has this bug been reported before? I didn't see it

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch? Maybe graphical error too

Bug details: I was doing the hunt for the euthark quest on trescol, after fighting the euthark your guest is supposed to be dismissed before the ancient euthark. The mogleets just turn invisible but still attack.

Before bug occurred: Bought portal to trescol, then got reputation to 11, bought scrumptious bora'jee and went to do this quest

During Bug: The mogleets are still there but invisible on screen, rather than dismissed.

After bug: The mogleets turn visible again and continue to act as normal, perhaps they're behind the background rather than being dismissed?

Pet/Guest Bugged: Mogleets
Other Equipment: Various, Grim raiment, obsidian cloak, shadow cloak, eye of naab, siege tower shield, grim totem, pavana and gond of the wind! pet
Screenshot link: N/A

Did you log out and log back in? Yes, I logged out, got the mooglets again and went back to try again, same happens
Did you clear cache? No
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info:Firefox
Flash version: Not sure, should be the latest available

Xrai -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (9/28/2009 11:11:18)

I'd just completed Ebil Twilly quest, I sold protector pet and bought double fudge chunk brownie pet, but later, when I'm doing the Dracopyre Legacy quest, it disappears and my protector pet is still there! When I checked my character page, the double fudge chunk brownie is there.

I did not log out after doing the Ebil Twilly quest. What kind of bug is this?

Was this your only pet? ~Aelthai

HCI2I -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (10/3/2009 5:35:29)

im not sure if this has been reported before, but dragonslayer hex's dragon blade triggers on fellow dragonslayers.

I was doing the dragonspine quest "galanoth's fate" and you get zero hex as a guest, then you fight some dragonslayers. His blade became shiny, though i don't know what kind of damage he did, because he didn't hit at all for the whole battle.

[edit] he finally managed to hit, and it did harm (the picture was a big purple '+' sign) damage.

Yes, it would. *sigh* ~Aelthai

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (10/5/2009 11:31:53)

The "real mother" guest from the new Ballyhoo ad seems to have a 100% miss rate and does white ? element with a little black 0 below it but above the damage #

The motorcycle-riding guest has the same bug except for the miss rate

fixed ~Aelthai

Hatred -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (10/7/2009 0:46:47)

The...Heart Hound lvl 90 is bugged...
it seems that it reduces your strength by 35, your dexterity by 30 and your int by close to 50 as well as your endurance by I believe 30, permanently for me, upon being equipped


Monster Dicer (lvl 90)
Ironthorn (lvl 75)
Shearhide Form (lvl 76)
and Exceptional Astramorph (lvl 76)

Heart hound? it .. doesn't touch stats ... Please tell me the EXACT order in which you equipped everything and what happened in that battle. ~Aelthai

LunarCresselia -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (10/17/2009 20:43:34)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): glitch

Bug details: My Vampragon completely vanished
Before bug occurred: Just training on Battle Monsters

During Bug: I was fighting a Fire Drakel Warrior

After bug: Bought another Vampragon

Pet/Guest Bugged: Vampragon and Artic Wolf(Animal Box)
Other Equipment: Basic mage stuff(just started a new char)
Screenshot link:

Did you log out and log back in? no
Did you clear cache? no
Did the bug happen again? no
Browser Info: IE i think 7
Flash version: 10.0

Thank god the Vampragon's so cheap.

There is .. no way for that to happen unless you accidentally sold him ... I recommend checking in Account Management to confirm that your email is correct, then changing your password.
If you can figure out how to duplicate this reliably, PLEASE post directions; if we can't duplicate it, we can't do anything about it. ~Aelthai

vezha -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (10/19/2009 5:52:04)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch

Bug details:
Before bug occurred: Went to the current Dragon War.

During Bug: Galanoth starting healing a PLasma Dragon Lord O_o

After bug: Contnued fighting, Gal kept healing ~half the time.

Pet/Guest Bugged: Galanoth
Other Equipment: Elder Energy Dragon, Dragon Sceptre, Nemesis Shield, Nerfkitten
Screenshot link:

Did you log out and log back in? I'd try it, but I got the Dragon Sceptre and don't want to lose it.
Did you clear cache? See above
Did the bug happen again? Yes, it happens about half the time Galanoth attacks.
Browser Info: Latest IE version
Flash version: Latest version

Lectrix -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (10/29/2009 19:43:11)

When I bought a Gween from this year's Mogloween, it and several other pets that I had couldn't have their item order swapped.

Edit: This happened on my secondary character, which can be found in my sig.

Log out and stay logged out for 12 to 24 hours. THere is an automatic cleanup that will fix this, but it can only work if you are logged out. ~Aelthai

Crimzon5 -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (11/28/2009 20:43:20)

I summoned the Hitokiri in blade mode
Then I switched to Golden Plate
Then he used sacrifice (I can tell because he went boom) but didnt use 2 of my potions

Ubear -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (12/19/2009 16:28:39)

Azamay Marble Golem Bug

Whenever the pet attacks it boosts my CHA by 62.
When it stops attacking it goes back to 200.

Not a bug. The miscs boost your CHA only while the Pet that they are attached to is acting. ~Aelthai

Atr1x -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (12/31/2009 14:06:25)

guardian version of the moglo habillis doesnt nerf combat defences!it increases there resistance, but does not decrease there combat defences: i have tried different armours, weapons and sheilds, and have logged out and back in but the problem still persists, as far as i can see noone has reported this, and i have checked the encyclopedia entry for them and it says that they get combat defence nerfs 100% of the time when there nerf atack triggers

Affinity -> RE: Pet/Guest Bugs (1/1/2010 21:16:20)

Corpsicle (level 30) won't appear when I use Pet Whistle or the pets button.

Fixed. ~Aelthai

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