Shadowtech E Series 2.2 (Full Version)

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The True Dragonlord -> Shadowtech E Series 2.2 (5/16/2008 16:01:33)


Shadowtech E Series 2.2

Level: 15
Price: 120,000 Credits
Sellback: 12,000 Credits

Location: Shadowtech Rewards Shop (Warlic)

HP: 290
EP: 160
EP Regen: 11

  • 60 Immobility

    Description: Authentic Shadowscythe E2 mecha model. It is incompatible with current SDF weapons technology. NOTE: This mecha cannot equip external weapons.
    Image: Shadowtech E Series 2.2

    *Thanks to master of dead and Bounses for corrections, bob.builder for correction!*

  • #13 -> RE: Shadowtech E Series 2.2 (6/1/2011 2:30:09)

    Shadow E2 Chassis

    Equip Slot: Body
    Damage type: Ballistic
    Damage: 20-23
    Hits: 50% chance for 1 (Blade), 50% chance for 2 (Gun)
    Energy: 27
    Cooldown: 0
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects:
  • Dire Strike: 50% bonus damage
  • Fuel Leak: 6 - 8 damage DoT for 5 turns
  • Energy Core Is Overheating: 2 rounds of Stun

    Description: A Shadowscythe Chassis with variable attack types.
    Image: Normal, Blade Attack , Gun Attack

    Thanks to .Shadow// for original entry!

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