A Simple Task (Full Version)

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#13 -> A Simple Task (5/31/2008 2:48:06)

A Simple Task

Location: Magic and Novelty Store
Objective: You should get the Ghost Sunglass of M.J. Be careful! His backroom contains many secrets! / Oh no! The ghost containment unit was breached! Now you must work with Mysterious Johnson to capture the ghosts that have escaped!
Requirements: None
Release Date: -


  • Mysterious Johnson
  • Evylanna

    Mysterious J.: I am Mysterious Johnson! Mrs. Cleopatra is always wrong! Mysterious Johnson is always right!
    Mysterious J.: Mysterious Johnson predicted you would come to his magic and novelty item shop and has predicted what YOU want!
    Mysterious J.: Mysterious Johnson shall grant you access to the identity cloaking SPECTRE SPECS
    Mysterious J.: Spectre Specs will remove the blindfolds of the illusionary world in which you live! Things seen can never been unseen! Are you certain?
    Mysterious J.: Very well. Go retrieve the Incognito Spectre Specs! Beware! Mysterious Johnson's backroom holds many secrets!

    Evylanna: Please help me! Mysterious Johnson has imprisioned me here! Press the big red button... PLEASE!

    If you press the big red button, or try to get the Spectre Specs:

    Evylanna: MUAHAHAHA! Now I'm free to wreak havoc on the land! Thank you <Character>! I'll make sure to destroy you last!
    Mysterious J.: Mysterious Johnson is very disappointed. However, this event was beyond your control to stop.
    Mysterious J.: Mysterious Johnson predicted the breach of the containment system...
    Mysterious J.: However, some of the spirits contained inside were able to block Mysterious Johnson's ability to see when this would happen!
    Mysterious J.: Now you and Mysterious Johnson share fates! It is our combined responsibility to recapture the ghosts.
    Mysterious J.: You shall go forth to find and defeat the ghosts. Mysterious Johnson shall remain here and construct a stronger containment unit!
    Mysterious J.: <Character> and Mysterious Johnson are now partners! Do not fail to Mysterious Johnson!

  • Note: This quest can only be done once.

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