RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (Full Version)

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15cman -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (1/19/2009 6:10:25)

*makes way through jumbled mess of forums to Eukara's C&C* Whew.

I really love your poems, Eukara.They bring feeling and life into the words, especially Empty Heart.There is hardly anything left to say other than they are really wonderful.



Eukara Vox -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (1/19/2009 13:25:26)

Thanks 15cman. It means a lot to hear that said about my poetry.

Here is another one.


Sentharn -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (1/20/2009 1:18:53)

And you told me you were terrible at symbolism...

I just read the latest of your poems and enjoyed them immensely, although as I mentioned they do seem a bit more 'darker' than usual, but without losing any of their attractive gleam.

As a side note, I don't think I ever told you how much I enjoyed "A Conversation"--I do believe it is right up there with your best pieces! I re-read it again this morning and still found it powerful and vivid, with a touch of covertly mischievous charm that prevents it from becoming extremely sombre.

Cow Face -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (1/20/2009 16:18:21)

After fighting off many setbacks, I have finally managed to battle my way to a computer and enough time to write a comment on your excellent poetry. Though, as I warned Ana_Maria, it could possibly get rather "rambly" at times. This is a natural consequence of my mind. Bear with me. ;-)

I notice a great variety in your works. While most are in the style considered traditional by people of the U.S. and U.K., you also mix in French and Japanese styles, which makes it a more interesting read. In addition, you display a talent for all of your styles; all are well-structured and flow freely. On a side note, you showed me two styles I'd never seen before, the French style with the name that escapes me, and a serious limerick.

Another thing which struck me was your religious-themed poetry. In those works, you have accomplished something which I have rarely seen (and have yet to accomplish myself): you write religious poetry which is neither trite nor cliché. Too often, I have heard songs- though not on Legends and Lore, mind you- that, to quote a comedian, are "I woke up in the morning / Had a bowl of oatmeal / Christ is God... Christ is God..." Yours are absolutely nothing like those. Yours convey powerful, emotional messages while remaining original and very enjoyable. Again, I sincerely congratulate you on that.

As a final thought, one more thing that impressed me was your writings which were meant to be read along with another work. Since I read your poetry after saving it to my Flash drive and taking it to my home PC, without Internet, I was unable to hear the full effect. Nonetheless, they still retained the high quality of all of your works. You have proved yourself to indeed be a wroet. :o

Ah, I almost forgot! In fact, I finished saving this, then remembered. I noticed a few commas that while technically grammatically incorrect, could be meant to indicate a verbal pause. I shall add them in for consideration.

The Student

How I can acheive, what others can't conceive
While I watch my dream take flight.

Should be "achieve".


I do not want to see, the failure in me
And let all my dreams pass.

Could be "I do not want to see the failure in me".


Cutting down the life that give us reason

"Give" should be "gives".


Time with Me will help to undo,
Hardship you feel while it is you I pursue."

The comma here could be omitted.


As you look at your screen, can you not see,
Sleep must come, even in good company?

Comma here could be omitted, but it could stay, too.

Nodding his head, witholding his flame.

Witholding should be "withholding".


But you see, that I cannot do.
All I need, is for someone like you

Comma could be omitted.

Eukara Vox -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (2/1/2009 18:30:51)

I'm Only Alive With You

Eukara Vox -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (3/9/2009 19:48:19)

Silver Lining

One of those "I am in a recreations place the middle of yelling, hyper kids and suddenly got inspiration" poems.

Eukara Vox -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (4/8/2009 16:35:46)


No One

Mistermafio -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (4/23/2009 16:33:55)

It's been too long since I commented on your stuff, way too long.

I love your newest 'forgotten', it's one of those poems that I wish I could think off, really.

But then again, most all of your poems make me feel that way :^P
Keep the poems comming, 'cause I can't get enough. ^>^

Eukara Vox -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (4/23/2009 17:20:20)


MM beat me to the posting!


Smalls -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (4/23/2009 17:28:43)

I really like these Euky! They're so deep, it really leaves me things to think of! I can't find any mistakes in the latest one

Mistermafio -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (4/23/2009 17:34:47)

Heh, lol, I see you added to the poem while I wasn't looking :^P

I like it even more now, stop making me jealous! :^P

Eukara Vox -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (4/23/2009 17:53:09)

Stand Tall

Was in one of those moods!

*snuzzles MM to peices*

And thanks Smalls!

Mistermafio -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (4/23/2009 17:57:08)

/me throws a tantrum

Quit being better at this then I am! :^P

I really like Stand Tall, too. Now don't go and add anything to that while I'm not looking!

*huggles Euky*

gwoonjustin -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (4/24/2009 13:27:18)

Heyas Eukara!

Randomly dropping in to check out what you've been up to.

Silver lining:

The awe inspiring song of nature.


Yep. Awe-inspiring. That would pretty much define this poem right here...

No one:
I'm usually a bit suspicious of this much repetition, but I have no reason for complaint about it here.

Crikey, you're giving me awfully little to complain about here. Not even a *sobs* typo, or a *sobs some more* structure flaw...*bursts into tears.

Stand tall:

Until finally, strong in build and strong in heart

We finally have what it takes to start

Maybe the repetition of finally is a bit quick?

Particularly liked this one. Very touching.

Liked this one a lot too, though the theme may not particularly appeal to me much.

Eukara Vox -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (4/24/2009 14:26:19)

Ooooh, that is bad. Finally shouldn't be repeated. Thanks for catching that.

And I know that Given won't appeal to many people. But I wanted to post it anyway.

Thanks for the compliments, Gwoon. [:D]

Edited because I can't spell repeat.

gwoonjustin -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (4/24/2009 14:52:50)

I was being kind of harsh and quick there. What I meant was, though I do not feel the same way, I can in fact understand the emotions you express there, and it is a good poem.

I didn't mean it would mean absolutely nothing to anyone without similar beliefs, though it did kind of sound that way.

Eukara Vox -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (4/24/2009 15:13:39)

Oh, I knew what you meant Gwoon, no worries. There is a lot of faithbased poetry here, though this is only one of two that is actually truly discernable as such.

I am glad that you saw what I was going for though. That makes me happy.

Eukara Vox -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (5/10/2009 23:31:26)

In the Silence
So Very Alone
All too Aware

Gianna Glow -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (5/11/2009 0:34:31)

First off, absolutely amazing Eukara. Second, I love them, especially 'Given'... but then again, thats right down my alley. :) I just wanted to drop by and say so.

Poetic Melody -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (8/17/2009 12:32:57)

Hey! I'm here, so here's some critique.

Very Nice Rhyme Acrostic on Enough, however I found one mistake.

Ever think for a moment that no matter what
All of your effort is in vain.

If you are asking if someone ever thought for a moment that no matter what all of their effort is in vain, wouldn't you end with a question mark instead of a period? That's all, it's been a treat reading these.

Eukara Vox -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (11/14/2010 14:05:19)

As a side note... the first three stanzas have a rhyme... and it was not meant. I swear.

Slate Grey Sky


It's been a while since poetry graced my imagination. It felt really good to write it again.

Shreder -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (11/14/2010 20:05:32)

Poetry from Eukki...A rare sight to be sure! :P

Anyways, one small typo:


Is to deny that i can feel anything anymore.

I believe that "i" needs to be capitalized... [;)]

Eukara Vox -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (11/14/2010 20:59:46)


Clyde -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (12/4/2010 16:29:41)

I like Stolen. So raw with emotion and deep with meaning. Each line has a nice harmony with it. Whenever you do poetry it is always to get something off of your chest and it's always a treat reading what you're heart is trying to scream out. Keep up the great work Eukky :)

Eukara Vox -> RE: Dragonfly Dreams Poetry ~ No One (1/6/2011 12:13:39)


I think I need to stop being so...



On another note, because of a request, I am returning some of my poetry to the forums. It was faith based, and I had removed it for specific reasons. But, a few requests over the last few months has moved me to put them back. Once I round them all up, they will return.

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