RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (Full Version)

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Mo -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (7/20/2008 17:10:48)

I learn most of it from here, the commas and stuff from school

Firefly -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (7/21/2008 6:59:25)


I remember when I went "Le gasp! Eddy used a semi-colon /correctly/!" in one of my edits. =P

I'd say that how much care one puts into grammar is based on their innate feelings. Example: I used to say that I didn't care about grammar, but the moment I stepped into L&L, I got the grammar-Nazi title. =P I tried to work past that grammar-ish side of me, but it was hard... I printed out something to read the other day before I left for Washington and though I wasn't reading to critique, I ended up scribbling all over it with a red pen because I couldn't control myself...

Mistermafio -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (7/21/2008 8:28:14)

That something wouldn't happen to be something of me now, would it Firefly?

Grammar isn't my cup of tea, nor any other beverage for that matter. I often typo a lot of words or just plain write them wrong.

/But/ the ammount of basic-ish grammar I have learned came from this place. I don't think I ever really had a lesson on grammar in school, nor do I doubt I ever will.

Firefly -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (7/21/2008 8:35:30)

Actually... Do you really wanna know? 'cause, that something was your contest story... I'm really sorry. I couldn't control myself. I even left the red pen in the other room, but I just had to run to get it...

Meh, I can never post anything without a few typos. It takes around 2 or 3 rounds of my own editing and 3-4 rounds of editing from others to make something typo-free. Less if it's something shorter...

Most schools don't teach grammar anymore past junior or middle school, to my knowledge.

Mistermafio -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (7/21/2008 8:44:22)

Heh, as long as you actually read the entire story... And pass me along those edits for future use I'm glad enough.
'twould help if you liked it too though.

Seeing how I didn't actually /get/ english properly until middle school. And the amount of grammar I got there was next to nothing. I'm ever surprised I /can/ write the way I do. :^P

Most of my lessons consist(ed) of translating words or sentences. And the teacher won't even /check/ if things are spelled and punctiated correctly.

Firefly -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (7/21/2008 8:49:57)

Great, even more edits to type up... Ah well, won't happen 'til judging's over. And I can't tell you whether I liked it or not until we finish judging. =P

Hehe, then you're doing awesome. Sounds like my French lessons, lol. I wouldn't /dream/ of actually being able to write in French the way you write in English...

Lux -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (8/8/2008 20:45:46)

Everywhere. I then checked it with my teachers and books, and here I am.

time losh -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (8/8/2008 21:14:04)

Me learn grammar? Thats unpossible

SoulSeeker -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (8/10/2008 17:25:19)

Who woudn't say the Good ol School? and Reading[;)]

Mr. Safety -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (8/10/2008 17:35:19)

Picked it up myself[;)]

.::oDrew -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (8/20/2008 17:34:16)

I certainly read quite a bit when I was younger. Many people fail to recognize how reading is a skill. You can practice reading just like you practice archery. And I'm a very accomplished reader, as strange as that may sound - I got a perfect score on the Reading section of the SAT.

In addition, I entered several creative writing contests in my elementary-age years; in high school, I transitioned to research papers. In my Junior year, I placed seventh overall at the National level of a historical research paper competition.

In my opinion, it is abundantly clear that a young child who learns proper grammar - and learns it well - is almost guaranteed to possess a deep mastery of the skill later in life.

Sinf -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (8/22/2008 10:12:19)

School and WoW ( Not everyone talk 1337 in there :P)
Still my grammar isn't perfect.

Fenrir Wolfsoul -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/2/2008 18:42:23)

I read... books... a lot... and... it made me talk all... proper... lol

Idk really just living just outside town in Ohio I guess no real dialect influence

Sentharn -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/2/2008 19:45:20)

I learned mine from two sources, one of which was immensely more helpful than the other.

The first source was (ugh) school. I breezed through that book on grammar and forgot about it.

Then when I started really heavily reading I began to take notes and eventually got better and better at it.

Firefly -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/2/2008 19:47:49)

People say I talk like a writer, lol. It's more than just grammar. It's more like I use words that are more in literature than actual life.

Necromander -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/2/2008 20:31:32)

I read a lot. I have incredibly good grammar now, and have acquired a reputation for being a Grammar Nazi. I have a Grammastika too. It's a little headband I put on whenever I correct people's grammar.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/3/2008 17:29:07)

I learned it in my never ending travels around the world on a flying dictionary/grammar book. What?

On a more serious note, I took things up from verious places. And it all started with... *dum-duh-duh-dum-dum* Pokemon trading cards. Not kidding. To be honest, I've never learned a single thing from English classes at school. When I was 13 (start of dutch middle school/high school, not exactly sure :P) I actually was about the level guys who were 4 years older than I am. Now I'm fifteen, and I'm pretty confident I'd be able to clear an English exam (for graduation and stuff) with at least a 6. If not a 7/8. So yeah, I'm pretty confident in my grammar. :P (remember, pokemon cards = dah pwnage:P)

SL -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/3/2008 22:22:13)

Hehe, forums were a big thing for my father. ^^ He taught me most. Though I must give some credit to english teachers. :P

rakkety tam -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/4/2008 0:50:50)

My grammar quality comes mostly from reading, with a little help from english teachers over the years. When I actually try I think I do well with it.

ChaoticFlame -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/5/2008 15:49:32)

I taught myself, I guess. I was always ahead of other students, anyhow...

My main source of knowledge comes from my personal library (Which happens to have about... *counts quickly* 200 books in it...), and I'm still learning. I can ONLY improve...

Mittoo -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/8/2008 6:59:52)

I type with (aaaalmost) perfect grammar, even on mediums like WoW, MSN or IRC, where everyone seems to use chatspeak.

I picked up most of it naturally, and those I didn't know about were taught to me by a fantastic English teacher. You can actually see, in one of my first RPs, when he taught a lesson on, say, direct speech, because it's reflected in how well I punctuate the story.

styles1005 -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/12/2008 13:06:57)

I picked up most of my grammar from... uh, I don't know exactly where. Most likely somewhere between Earth and Mars. Oh, that's not what you mean? Why not? I like to type with absolutely perfect grammar unless I am trying to fit in (i.e. playing a multiplayer game or in a chatroom), where I might use shorthand. Otherwise, I get *really* ticked off when either I or somebody else makes a grammatical error.


I taught myself, I guess. I was always ahead of other students, anyhow...

My main source of knowledge comes from my personal library (Which happens to have about... *counts quickly* 200 books in it...), and I'm still learning. I can ONLY improve...

200 books? Geez, can I read them? It'll only take about a month, depending on their size! No really, my reading (keep in mind I am three years ahead of my age level in school) is PHS (post high school, meaning college level)

Firefly -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/12/2008 16:05:48)

Bah, fast reader and good reader aren't exactly the same. I don't consider myself a slow /or/ a bad reader (just my opinion; I won't be offended if you tell me I'm a sucky, snail-paced reader =P), but there are 12-year-olds who can read faster than I can. =P

I might've forgotten to mention this, but I also learned a lot of grammar from L&L. Yes, I wasn't a grammar-tard when I came, but I've learned quite a bit here. Before, I simply knew what to do subconsciously. I didn't really know the rules of /why/ so, while my writing didn't look too shabby, my critiques contained things like "Comma after 'sometimes,'" with no real explanation because I simply /couldn't/ explain why. All I could do was give an example and know by gut feeling that a comma was needed. =P

200 books? I envy you... I've read about half the spinner in the fantasy section of my school library, but I own only about a dozen or two books.

Coyote -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/14/2008 12:16:40)

Same here. It was only shortly after I came here that I started tagging reasons on to why stuff should be that way. That helped my own proofreading abilities /immensely/. I speak from experience when I say that explaining something to a person who doesn't know about it will help you with it so much, it's not even funny.

Firefly -> RE: Where Did You Learn... Your Grammar? (9/14/2008 13:04:17)

Yeah. Actually getting them to understand is rather helpful to critics too. =P For example, if I could explain why commas have to be there on those occassions (eg. it's joining an independent clause with a dependent one) said person will be able to find those places themselves instead of forcing me to point out every mistake I see, lol.

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