Nightbane's Fangs (Full Version)

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Reyn Roadstorm -> Nightbane's Fangs (7/8/2008 4:11:30)

Nightbane's Fangs

See also: Nightbane's Baby Teeth, Nightbane's Teeth, Nightbane's Canines.

Location: The Nightbane Chronicles Part III
Level: 85
Price: 5600 27,439 Gold
Sellback: 2800 18,292 Gold
Element: Neutral

Hits: 3
Element: Fire*, Earth**, Darkness***
Attack Type: Magic
Damage: 28-80 per hit
Stat Damage: 315% per hit
BTH: 21% per hit
Mana Cost: 318

*The Fire Spikes have a (33 + Luck/2)% chance of not attacking if the enemy is immune to or absorbs Fire. It also has a 50% chance of getting a Lucky Strike which includes Luck/20 into the stat damage. (Lucky Strikes do not occur if your Luck is 0.)

**The Earth Wolf has a (33 + Cha/2)% Chance of not attacking if the enemy is immune to or absorbs Earth. It also has a 50% Chance of getting a Lucky Strike which includes Luck/20 into the stat damage. (Lucky Strikes do not occur if your Luck is 0.)

***The Dark Bat has a (33 + Cha/2)% chance of not attacking if the enemy is immune to or absorbs Darkness. It also has a 50% Chance of getting a Ferocious Bit which includes Cha/20 into the stat damage. (Ferocious Bites do not occur if your Charisma is 0.)
The Lucky Strikes and Ferocious Bite extra stat is added to the normal Int/8 and multiplied by the Stat Damage as per normal.

This powerful spell calls forth the 3 primary elements of the dracopyre NightBane's power: Nightraider of darkness, Wolf of earth, and Dragonspines of fire. It also has special effects depending on your Charisma and Luck.


Picture courtesy of jump off duck. Stats from ArchMagus Orodalf (via Rayf Drayson/Kalanyr).

Reyn Roadstorm -> RE: Nightbane's Fangs (7/8/2008 4:12:29)

Nightbane's Teeth

Location: Nightbane Chronicles Part 3 (Found in Strange Whispers)
Level: 85
Price: 5600
Sellback: 2800
Element: Neutral
Mana Cost: 100

Performs all three of the following:
    ATTACK 1
    Hits: 1
    Element: Fire
    Attack Type: Magic
    Damage: 16-48
    Stats: Yes
    BTH: +20%
    •There is a (LUK/10)% chance of a Lucky Strike: The attack will deal double damage with +20% BTH.
    •If the monster's Fire Modifier is 0% or less, there is a (34 + LUK/2)% chance of this attack not occurring, and you healing 15MP.

    ATTACK 2
    Hits: 1
    Element: Earth
    Attack Type: Magic
    Damage: 16-48
    Stats: Yes
    BTH: +20%
    •There is a (LUK/10)% chance of a Lucky Strike: The attack will deal double damage with +20% BTH.
    •If the monster's Earth Modifier is 0% or less, there is a (34 + CHA/2)% chance of this attack not occurring, and you healing 15MP.

    ATTACK 3
    Hits: 1
    Element: Darkness
    Attack Type: Magic
    Damage: 16-48
    Stats: Yes
    BTH: +20%
    •There is a (CHA/10)% chance of a Ferocious Bite: The attack will deal double damage with +20% BTH.
    •If the monster's Darkness Modifier is 0% or less, there is a (34 + LUK/2)% chance of this attack not occurring, and you heal 15MP.
This powerful spell calls forth the 3 primary elements of the dracopyre NightBane's power: Nightraider of darkness, Wolf of earth, and Dragonspines of fire. This powerful variant has special effects depending on your Luck and Charisma.


Picture courtesy of jump off duck. Non-rarity from GelatinGhost. CHA/LUK effects from Chii (via .*..*..*.). Correct MP cost from Willkill12.

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