RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (Full Version)

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Cow Face -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/5/2008 14:34:34)

I think that it is worth executing like an .exe file. Not like the other. I for one would greatly enjoy that poem. Like everyone else's; they all made me laugh quite heartily!

It has been proven that the article of clothing known as a "shoe" is 67.3231% more ridiculous and silly than any other article of clothing. Evahrz.

Firefly -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/5/2008 16:08:10)

Hmm, I was planning on holding a few "friendly competitions" on worst poetry here. Okay, we need a kind of date, we need a judge (one person is enough, but the judge can't be a participant, obviously), and we need people to participate. Love confessions are really horrible if written badly, so...

Any volunteers for judge? Anyone interested in participating in the love poem thing? If there's an enthusiastic enough response, we'll go with this, 'kay? Post if you're interested. ;)

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/5/2008 16:52:08)

Well, as can be deduced from that previous post, I have to confess that I'd love to put my dear "project" into the competition. =P So, that would automatically exclude me from the judging, of course. =P *bites pencil (it tastes better than the keyboard!) while waiting if anyone else is interested*

Firefly -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/5/2008 17:10:43)

Entering would be fun, but I wouldn't mind judging if no one else has any objections... (please don't think I'm trying to act like a tyrant 'cause I'm the collab starter...) I'll ask some people on IRC and see if I get a response...

Fabula, that means you might wanna refrain from posting that poem for now.

Sairex the Dragwolf -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/6/2008 5:57:48)

Erm...can I do poopetry?

Firefly -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/6/2008 13:49:27)

Yeah, ES pointed out earlier in the thread that the main problem with this collab is that Approved Poets cannot post in Collaborative Fiction, and this collab is about poetry... Umm, lemme try to figure something out here. I'll see if I can get permission from one of the AKs to let someone post your poem for you and give you the credit in the byline perhaps. I dunno.

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/6/2008 16:51:16)

@Firefly: I have no objections whatsoever for you to be the judge for the poopetry contest, actually, that sounds pretty good -- provided, of course, that there will be enough interested people to join so that the contest can be held.

I'm refraining from posting that one poem for now. Gives me more time to "polish" it. =P

I'm not sure about the schedule... Lemme just suggest something...
1) How about waiting for one week (until next week's Sunday) for L&Lers to sign up and then possibly put the
2) submission deadline either to 21st (one week to write before everyone goes to enjoy their Holidays) or to 30th (time to write during the Holidays) of December?

The judging timetable would obviously depend on how many contestants there will be...

I hope the issue with restrictions for APs posting in this can be worked out one way or another!

Firefly -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/6/2008 19:04:58)

Hmm. One person on IRC has shown interest, though he is not yet an AP/AA. I'll ask him to gimme a sampler of bad poetry before I let him judge, lol. It'll be better if he does it or something, so I can enter the contest.

Regarding, APs, I guess I'll ask permission sometime. Once I get a dozen other things done first. <_<

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/13/2008 16:13:50)

The enthusiasm for this contest idea hasn't been exactly overwhelming, hasn't it? =P

So, shall it be between the three of us (Firefly, Sairex, and me) or should we ditch the whole thing? I'm up for both options.

Firefly -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/14/2008 13:22:49)

CF told me he was interested on IRC. We just need a judge. If we can get a judge, then we can go with CF, Fabula, and myself. Lemme drop my IRC to see if anyone is available... And I still haven't resolved the AP issue yet. =/ Sorry.

Mistermafio -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/14/2008 13:42:51)

/me sneaks in and writes his name on the judges list. As he tries to sneak out he trips over a conveniently placed trashcan.


/me runs for the hills

Cow Face -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/15/2008 13:15:57)

I hast my poem written. Let's just say that it involves Pirates. Oh, yeah. Can't wait for the contest to start, you guys' should be hilarious. ^_^

/me picks up the trashcan, then sues MM for littering.

Firefly -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/15/2008 16:41:36)

I guess we should have a date then. I still have to get to work. Unless anyone else wants to enter, it's Firefly (me), Cow Face, and Fabula.

Hmm, how about December 18? That'll be enough time for me to write my, er, "poem." It'll be spammy. Trust me.

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/15/2008 16:46:17)

I'm OK with that date. I'll probably post mine tomorrow, if that date gets set by then.


I had to add shoes to mine =P

EDIT: Is it the date by which the poems should be posted or the date on which the poems are to be posted?

Firefly -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/15/2008 17:06:17)

I suggest /on/ because if it's /by/ then the writers who post later have an advantage of reading their competition and thus knowing how bad they'd have to be to beat them.

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/15/2008 17:12:17)

Yep, you're right. On it is, then. Do we need an approximate time as well? Eg. between 14 and 18 server time?

Firefly -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/15/2008 17:31:30)

I dunno. I would say no, simply because we might not be able to all the on at that time. I think we can trust the later posters to be honourable enough to not read the earlier posters if the span of time was only one day. (Longer times means they might not be able to control their eyes...)

Mistermafio -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/15/2008 17:48:01)

You could also just send the poems you want to submit to me via pm, /before/ or /on/ the 18th and post them afterwards. That way I can verify there wasn't any cheating, and you guys have some room to get sick / be busy.

Just a suggestion from a humble Mafio that *checks judges list* /somehow/ got on the judges list. :^P

Firefly -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/15/2008 17:59:29)

Ah, good idea! Okay, folks, let's do that.

Topic: Worst love poem
Judge: Mistermafio
Contestants: Fabula, Cow Face, Firefly
Deadline Date: December 18, 2008.
Method: Send poems to Mistermafio via PM and post only after all three poems are already sent.

Okay, good! Wonderful solution, MM. ;) There, does that look more official now? =P

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/16/2008 16:12:33)

Yes, a wonderful solution indeed!

I just PMed my contest-entry-poem to MM, so I'll now just lay back and... Nah, unfortunately RL's keeping me busy until Thursday night. I guess I'll see you all when it's time to post these...things =P

Cow Face -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/18/2008 12:16:55)


Due to a snow day, I just found out yesterday that there is a theme. Luckily, I just finished my new poem; sending it to mistermafio now.

Firefly -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/18/2008 17:12:31)

I've just PMed my poem to MM. It's so horrid that I don't think I'll even post it on this collab afterwards. /I/ can't even stand it. It's a song, btw. =P

Mistermafio -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/18/2008 18:31:30)

Well, I got all of your pm's. Now I guess its time for me to say goodbye to my sanity and actually reed them tomorrow.

I'll make my decision over the weekend if everyone here is ok with that.

In the mean time, should I appear to have lost my ability to see due to my eyes melting out of their sockets or my brain out of my ears, you'll know I'm busy ^>^

Firefly -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/18/2008 18:41:44)

Over the weekend is fine by me. ;) And if you lose your ability to see, it's probably because my poem made your eyes bleed. And yes, intentional rhyme.

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: Poopetry~Collab. Fiction - New: An Ode to Emily Dickenson (12/18/2008 18:47:04)

I'm okay with that, because I'm essentially a cat. And if your eyes start to bleed, try covering them with a soft, fluffy hat; 'cause nothing helps like that. =P

*starts to wait*

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