RE: Think, Question, Repeat If Desired (Full Version)

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Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat If Desired (2/9/2009 15:58:45)


Demoniac Vintage

He said, "I'll stay until I die,
And when I do, I'll be around,
Though I have sunk into the ground.
When my soul melts into the sky,
I shall still remain here with you,
To alleviate any rue
Which my departure may have caused."

So he thought, and so he believed,
Then the world shifted beneath his feet-
For the first time he felt defeat.
Alas, he was so very grieved,
He searched the bottom of his glass
To forget about his poor lass;
With one bottle, he drowned inside.

With the mind-numbing lotus fruit,
His life became a living Hell
In which only misery dwelled.
His mind was full of thorny roots;
For some comfort, he would have killed,
Yet he'd already drunk his fill-
No more room inside of him now.

For company, he'd his demons,
Following him where e'er he went,
But he would still never repent,
Nor suffer guilt for his actions.
Damning himself forever more
To an existence he abhorred,
He knew that it would never end.

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat If Desired (2/17/2009 10:16:34)


I scream once more to no-one,
Blazing hot tears wounding the ground.
I've no more places to run,
My throat constricts, preventing sound.
God, what is it I've become?
My brain and heart together pound,
Fusing together as one.
Will I expire here on this mound,
Or will I yet see the sun,
With its gilded majesties crowned?

Thrice-damn this unknowingness!
Will I ever have salvation,
Innocence's simple bliss?
Can the world show some compassion,
Can it unfold its iron fist?
We are driven by mad passion;
Must we punch instead of kiss?
It seems we are on a mission
To make up for what we missed-
Some basic instinct of taction.

I search inside of myself,
Prodding that which laid dormant years,
Laid to rest upon a shelf,
Stained forever with many tears.
Is currency truly wealth?
If not, I'm poorer than my peers.
If not, I am common filth,
Deserving of derisive jeers.
My soul must be in bad health,
As Hell its malformed head now rears.

I miss the magic of youth,
When I was safe in my own home.
The bitter taste in my mouth
Was caused by me, and me alone.
Have I become one more Faust,
Of my own actions do I moan?
Will I ever myself roust,
Admire what I already own?
Must I internally joust,
Debate over what to condone?

These thoughts in me did smolder,
I had become what I abhorred:
One who lived but to molder;
My incompetence loudly roared.
Yet I lifted the boulder,
Laughed at my sorrows, down they poured.
As my despair waned colder,
My fortitude finally soared.
I unburdened my shoulders-
It's finally done, thank the Lord!

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat If Desired (2/17/2009 10:17:38)


Walking to the familiar door,
Entering the house once more,
I stop, wonder why I'm here,
I reminisce on yesteryear.

The times were so much better then;
Now I live in this filthy pen,
Constructed of my ennui,
The only cage that's binding me.

Why is it that I'm here again?
Did I ever have a plan?
I forget, it's been too long,
It's like a stranger in a throng.

No matter, I am still assured
Had I some talent procured,
I would not have fallen down
Upon hard economic ground.

Oh, how I miss that yesteryear,
'Twas then I lived without fear,
'Twas then I never worried,
My thoughts were never too hurried.

Why can my life never go back
To an existence sans lack?
Wait though, I've always lived here,
I never lived in yesteryear...

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat If Desired (2/20/2009 12:36:54)

Corrupted Question

With these fingers,
I can create,
I can cremate.
Pushing away
All those who would stay;
I want answers.

With these foul hands,
I have killed more
Than I've cared for.
Taste the carnage,
Feel the hemorrhage
In my commands.

With these long arms,
I can grab for
All I abhor.
Pull it to me,
Corruptive algae,
Causing me harm.

With these shoulders,
I could take on
Dreams now forgone.
Yet I refuse,
I still must abuse.
I need answers.

With this body,
I can now see
Countless answers.
Not a single one fits.

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat If Desired (2/23/2009 15:37:08)


It's pulling me down,
Clinging on with a vise-like grip.
All over the town,
You watch people as they submit.

No-one can withstand,
They all collapse like dominoes
In its cold steel hand.
Oh look, there another one goes.

It is everywhere,
Consuming all things in its path.
Though everyone stares,
They only see the aftermath.

Perhaps to give in
Would be the course of action best.
It's at it again,
I think I'll take a little rest.

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat If Desired (3/3/2009 14:52:04)

Stripes - Voice Recording

The stripes on your back
Are the price that you pay
For the mindless attack
And the kill of the day.
As you finger the wheal,
As you wince from the pain,
You lust madly to feel,
Or to know you're insane.

But though they all weep,
You split their heads in two,
You are playing for keeps-
You're sure not counting coup.
'Cause you wallow in filth,
You've got to take the pill
To escape from yourself
And your personal Hell.

Shove them to the wall,
Quickly pull the trigger,
Watch them one-by-one fall
'Neath your twitching finger.
From the old to children,
You see no difference.
You're just in it to win,
You ignore your conscience.

Gorge on the sorrow,
Glut yourself with the blood,
'Til dawn brings tomorrow
With the carnage hated.
Then it all starts again,
The tears flowing still out
In homage to your reign,
Their never-ending doubt.

Will it ever cease,
This long, mind-numbing war?
Will there ever be peace,
Like the lost days of yore?
Or will stripes on our backs
Be the price we all pay
For the mindless attacks
And the kills of these days?

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat If Desired (3/3/2009 16:36:08)

Another collaboration, this time with Skooby, Jiggibidy, Personater, and myself.

"We are family... all my L&Lers and me!"
and thats our title

Joyful, Joyful
We belong
Here in L&L, this our song
We are family, my friends and me

While we may dispute our styles
our quarrel only lasts a while
Our little community is tightly spun,
But there's always room for another one.
Our tie that binds
our writings galore
our stories, our poems, our tales of Lore

I feel we have a good crew
who dont mind working together, to help me and you
From our ArchKnights
to our Grammar Patrol
to each poet, writer, and that rare wroet
to the special Mod, Eukara
and yes, even our fearless leader..........

We share with each other tales of our glories,
Cleverly compiled in poems and stories,
Some that are tragic, some that are beauties.
Found can be works to make you smile or cry
Works here are too beautiful to be passed by.
If you can take the long, long wait,
And not take the beggars bait,
You'll become an AA or an AP,
And the rewards are oh so sweet.
for one, you become
part of a writer's society, though a tad elite
but that's OK, I suppose
for at least we all have in common, that we passed some test
Showing we can write, at least as good as the rest
We try our best, and I think it shows
We come together as one
to crit and help each and every one

I thank God each day for the Internet,
And the wonderful people there I have met.

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat (If Desired)/Stripes (3/5/2009 15:15:20)

Lesser Shades of Grey

Everything's turning grey,
Every hour of every day.
And I don't know what to do,
So I ask for help from you,
You scorn me once again.

Entropy soon will wilt
Everything I have built.
I cannot protect you now,
Though I suspect that somehow,
You do not really care.

Everything's turning black,
Why won't you take it back?
As it destroys all I knew,
I see that compared to you,
They're lesser shades of grey.

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat (If Desired)/Stripes (3/16/2009 12:35:26)


Blaze on, firebird:
Burn away my doubt,
Scorch away my fear,
Singe all of my tears,
Smoke the rest out.

Soar on, firebird:
Beat your blazing wings,
Fly away from me,
I only chain thee
With what I sing.

Reign on, firebird:
Rule the morning sky
From your blazing throne.
But though old you grow,
You will not die.

Fly free, firebird:
I release you now,
To seek whom you please.
I rise off my knees,
Hope you ever live,
And with that I give
My final bow.

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat (If Desired)/Stripes (3/23/2009 13:38:25)

The Easy Way

Give me something to believe,
A spirit to resurrect,
Memories to recollect,
A self that I can respect,
Let me trust myself again.

Give me something to hope for,
Something I can dream about,
A jail from which I can break out,
A mind that is not worn-out,
Let me end what I cannot.

Give me emotions to feel,
Pain to let me know I live,
Sorrow so illustrative,
Happiness I then can give,
Let me know these things once more.

Give me thoughts within this head,
Knowledge that will enlighten,
Inspire me to move my pen,
That these thoughts will never end,
They will ever bloom onward.

Foolish writer, you should know
You must earn these things alone.
They must be things that you own,
They must be things you have known.
Why ask for an easy way?

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat (If Desired)/Stripes (3/23/2009 13:39:25)

I Am Never Enough

Turn on the radio,
Listen to a sad song,
For one more dreary night,
Waltz into the twilight.

Beg for what I can't have:
To overcome my fears.
Shall I ever triumph,
Finally have enough?

Grin due to my self-doubt,
Wallow in my ennui,
Lay prostrate in languor,
Exult in my failure.

I am never enough
To win back my own trust.
At least my mind is clear-
I'll always have next year.

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat If Desired (4/2/2009 12:14:45)

From Forge to Flames

Fall of hammers, heat of the forge.
Clang of the armor, clink of the swords.
As one they rise, charge from the Mount,
Their bloodlust boiling as from a fount,
O'er-turning the enemy gate,
Then falling back and lying in wait.

From all sides falls the crimson rain;
The blades flash, retreat, strike again,
While archers stand on hilltops high,
Stringing their arrows, then letting fly.
The mages, for their power famed
Stood back as they set the world to flames.

Ever higher did the blaze rise,
An inferno climbing to the skies.
The gutted buildings tumbled down,
Scorching the already-pitted ground;
Some watched the carnage, jaws agape
As the hairs stood tall upon their napes.

Then night took its faithful vigil:
The blacksmiths left off from their anvils,
The soldiers turned and exited,
Leaving far behind the smoke acrid.
Tomorrow shall it come again,
The carnage start, the battle begin.

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat If Desired (4/14/2009 12:22:41)

Labor's Reward

With each passing day,
He bled for those fields.
He worked half-to-death
To taste of its yields.

With every new rain,
His hopes again soared.
When crops would wither,
His anguish outpoured.

With each tiny seed,
He planted his soul.
For years, he labored
Down in that hellhole.

With strength of his arms,
He'd plow the topsoil.
He'd work 'til his hands
Would crack with the toil.

With joy yet unsung,
He gathered his share.
Though he had but vetch,
He'd savor the tare.

With abounding grief,
He watched as his fields
Were trampled by war,
By the swords and shields.

Cow Face -> RE: Think, Question, Repeat If Desired (4/15/2009 17:50:42)

Hollow, False Wings

[Author's note: One of my online aliases is "Nuclear Dragon."]

And the feelings return again,
It seems that I never can win;
I'm constantly spreading too thin.

I want to help countless people,
I want to protect and keep all,
But Dragon-wings must at times fall.

Why can't these scales deflect arrows,
The missiles of those who harrow?
Has my body grown too narrow?

With my teeth and with my talons,
I try to deflect the weapons,
The blades slashing at my loved ones.

But the only thing that's roaring
Is the emptiness that that's pouring,
Falling out from dawn 'til morning.

And I want to tell you the things
That burden these now-heavy wings,
Could make paupers of golden kings!

But this façade of completeness
Is naught more than my cowardice,
Hiding my inner hollowness.

Won't you split me open once more,
Rip me down to my blackened core,
Finally end my inner war?

Cow Face -> RE: Stripes (4/28/2009 10:33:29)


"Why are you content? What do you believe?"
"Logic," I smiled, "makes me not grieve."

"What keeps you from sorrow, as you're so young?"
"Logic," I smiled, "not emotion."

"How do you keep your placid composure?
"Logic," I smiled, "keeps me so sure."

"How do you know things? What makes you to think?"
"Logic," I smiled. "Of thought I drink."

"What killed your emotion, toughened your hide?"
"Logic," I smiled, dying inside.

Cow Face -> RE: Stripes (5/3/2009 17:59:47)

One More Dilemma

It's so lonely
Here in my mind.
No-one can find
Anything to say:
We just drone on
Each and every day.

Watch the sun set,
As I walk through,
I stroll down to
Watch the memories
As they float by,
Stopping just to tease.

It's so numb here
That the one thing
I am feeling
Is this anomie.
I can't fathom
Our society.

What has happened?
Why can't we know
How to mend souls?
Will we ever heal,
Can't we be fixed,
Or can we just kill?

Human missiles,
They are falling
On those weeping
For what we once knew.
Until one wins,
We shall always lose.

Cow Face -> RE: Stripes (5/6/2009 13:28:54)

Vast Shoes

I sat as sunlight slowly danced,
Gently luminesced the room.
Also glowing was a small screen,
Its tiny light helped pierce the gloom.

I watched as people chatted on,
And I laughed with their amusements;
I truly felt I'd found a place
Free from my doubts and bemusements.

I laughed as I was manacled,
I was chained to my new duties.
Now I have many more comrades,
So I'll do what I can to please.

I finally have a purpose,
Something to do with time to kill-
Much like a friend of mine has said,
I've some mighty big shoes to fill!

Cow Face -> RE: Stripes (5/11/2009 13:50:38)

This Thing Called Human
This is a large poem in five parts. Each is like its own poem, but they will share a common syllable count, length and rhyme scheme. It details the stories of five different people, all of whom have been effected by the many systems in life. One creates them, one defends them, one accepts them, one fights them, and one is destroyed by them.

The Empty Man

Lucifer Reed
Was blinded by greed,
The avarice in his heart.
Intent to win
Was how he'd begin
Every day of his lost life.

With practiced scorn,
At six in the morn,
He'd shut up his wailing clock.
Breakfast was next,
With dressing betwixt
His home and his Mercedes.

Madly he'd drive,
For speed he would strive,
As he charged along to work.
He felt so bleak,
Yet he would not speak
Of that which was driving him.

He raced inside,
Pausing once to chide
A worker who stopped to think,
Then grabbed the phone
And began to drone,
Mindlessly, at his client.

When came the dusk,
His now-empty husk
Would make the drive back to home.
Once there, he sat,
Rested from combat,
And wept for his emptiness.

The Dying Warrior

Gunfire all 'round,
Blood drenching the ground,
Upon this pillow she fell.
Her eyes open,
Jaw clenched with the pain,
She knew the end was to come.

She shot, she killed,
She emptied, she filled
Holes in the mindless conflict.
Yet on it droned,
'Til the earth near groaned,
Its belly full of the drink.

Now enemies
She could no more see,
A rest for her weary eyes.
Gently she smiled
As her grief unpiled,
Leaving her for once at rest.

So here she stopped,
Her life to be lopped
Prematurely, far too soon.
Tools she decried,
But machine she died,
Defending the status quo.

What was her name?
It's all just the same
When you're but a faceless corpse;
Unknown, unmourned,
Neither loved nor scorned,
Just a number on a chart.

The Decadent Slave

A charming face,
A leisurely pace,
A spirit to break steel chains;
The first, it glowed,
The second, it showed,
The third was not to be found.

He lived his life
For years without strife,
Without any sign of stress.
A bachelor,
With style demure,
No-one was his enemy.

Within his mind,
Everything was fine,
Nothing deserved any change.
And thus he lived,
Being pressed and sieved,
But all the time unknowing.

They all would wave
To Decadent Slave,
Modernity's role-model.
He who but slept
While his world just kept
Shifting without his consent.

He had his toys,
His "grace" and his "poise,"
All which kept him well suppressed.
Within life's race,
His was one more face
Doomed to be forgotten.

The Guttered Mother

A life broken,
Never to give in,
Despite the pressure on her.
In the headlights
Shining from her fight,
She'd challenge her fate always.

A life guttered,
Though never interred;
No nail would meet this coffin.
From day to day,
With nothing to pay,
She purchased her existence.

A life to save
With the love she gave:
She drew her babe to breast;
Then turned away,
For she could not say
The words she felt in her heart.

A life to lose,
If she were to choose
To submit to her despair.
If not for John,
Her barely-born son,
She might have taken this path.

A life to live:
With so much to give,
She will struggle through it all.
If she survives,
Saves both of her lives,
She shall be forever named.

The Dead Warrior

As two eyes shut,
The quiet was cut
By soft tears, sobs from the side.
Though not of joy,
They still did destroy
The silence which all despised.

Stephen Morence
Had hated silence,
Had called others to action.
Now laid in grave;
In life he had craved
A world where all people speak.

It had been said
He fought for the dead,
For those who could not be saved.
He simply laughed,
Those times he was asked,
Said that was his very war.

A final sigh,
A murmur of "Why?"
And the soft wheeze of his breath.
For all the pain,
He fought not in vain,
But he could not win alone.

For sixty years,
He battled the "fears"
Of bigots, liars and crooks.
The tragedy
That only some see:
He was of a dying breed.

Cow Face -> RE: Stripes (5/26/2009 10:44:41)

A Mask, Shattered

Gathering the pieces,
Trying to find some peace.
Gluing it back again,
Though it causes my pain.

Each time it's reaffixed,
My mind becomes more mixed.
I want to strike it down,
To break it with the ground.

This mask is hiding me,
So that I cannot see.
Unfeeling as a glove-
No aches, no pain, no love.

This cloying smell I sense
Is making me to wince.
I shatter it once more,
Then fix what I abhor.

As I pick up the shards,
I once let down my guard.
A careless touch, a slip,
My skin cannot but rip.

I see it was a lie,
And so, I let it die.

Cow Face -> RE: Stripes (6/8/2009 11:35:12)

A Reflection's Reflection

He speaks of that which I can't know,
Tells me to loosen up, let go;
Yet I refuse to change my ways,
For I am me!
But so is he...

Cow Face -> RE: Stripes (6/22/2009 17:57:31)


Breathe in.
Breathe out.
And shout!
Fire one,
Fire two.
One down.
But who?
Leg pump.
Breath gone.
Foot thump.

Cow Face -> RE: Stripes (7/6/2009 12:12:08)


We gather in honor
Of you and of me,
For those who drink of life
With glasses empty.
Just beat us a song
And we'll all dance along,
Pretending that we will forget.

Our heads are all pounding,
Our hearts are all spent;
We're all a few bucks short
Of paying the rent,
So play us a song
And we'll all nod along,
Pretending that we will forget.

With our hopes made of lead,
Distractions are rare,
Cherish them while they last.
Before we're aware,
Drum up a nice song
As we all beat along,
Pretending that we will forget.

Closing time is coming,
An end to the games;
To stop this merriment
Is really a shame.
But sing us a song
And we'll all hum along,
Pretending that we can forget.

Cow Face -> RE: Stripes (7/9/2009 15:29:20)

My Fifteenth Wish

Now fifteen years have I walked this life:
Ducking from quarrels, dodging from strife.
Yet this is no way for me to live!
Something must now finally give.
I was not earning myself a name,
Treating existence as a game
Played not by a thinker, but a fool
Trying to evade every rule.
For two years, I was empty, hollow,
With face bright yet with soul shallow.
I know not that I was absurd,
Though I knew myself a coward,
Afraid to face down my many fears.
Let this be the last of such lost years!
Now I have triumphed over my doubts,
Banished the fear, taken new routes.
This simple victory lightens my soul-
Time to win back the years fear stole.

Cow Face -> RE: Stripes (7/13/2009 10:40:12)

For When The Light Fails
Written for my friend on his birthday.

At times in life, when we are met
With pain and grief, we will forget
All that which makes us who we are,
In favor of the burns and scars.

Yet know this, there shall come a time
For healing, joy, for us to climb
Above that which has dragged us down,
When triumph is the only sound.

For with the cold and jagged peaks,
Those mountains which of sorrow reek,
From whose disappointments we hide,
There still will come that other side.

A side where all the grass is green,
The air is fresh, the water clean;
Where for a time we all can pause,
And live a life without a cause.

Where for a time we all can think,
Retrieve our souls back from the brink
Of precipices, black and dead,
Filled with nothing other than dread.

Ah, someday when these shadows fall,
Making us to despair of all,
Each of us will this valley find,
And there we shall gain peace of mind.

Cow Face -> RE: Stripes (7/24/2009 11:06:13)

Tattered Sole

Scraping past,
Letting go,
Giving up
Far too slow.
Closing back
Any tears,
Rips in my sole.
Not really.

Moving on,
Getting through
Someplace safe,
Someplace new,
Something's wrong.
Can I patch,
Fix up my shoes?
Not really.

Here I am,
With a hole
Gaping wide
In my soul;
Can I yet
Tell myself
That I am whole?
Not really.
Just a tattered sole.

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