RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (Full Version)

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Knightstar2001 -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 12:44:54)

So,you finally got around to making the MtAK thread and you had to do it while I was asleep. Oh Well, On with the questions.*turns the spot light on Alexandrite*


1.Where were you on July the 17th?

lurking in the forums lol!

2.Since we know what weapon you crave, What Pet or Spell would you like to have?

I guess a Vampire Bat pet from donations and Power Word Die Ultra spell

3.Favorite Monster in AQ and DF? (MQ is still a little young,but you can add one if you have found one you like already.)

Sarah the Nerfkitten is my favorite in AQ and Sneevils in DF. lol in, I can't remember a name of a mech monster there! haha!

4. Favorite Event(war,holiday,Quest) from AQ,DF,and MQ?

Snugglefest for AQ! for the other two...let's see uhmmm, none because I rarely play the other two!

5.If you could bring back one Rare and put it back into the game,what would it be?(shadow Dragon Blade not allowed)

Ice Dragon Blade maybe a Frozen Claymore!

6. If you could bring back a War,Quest or even a Storyline and put it back into the game(with all it's rewards as well). What would it be?(shadow Dragon blade allowed,but you must provide a Secondary answer.)

the great fire war, i heard it's great so I want to try it out and get the rewards! muhahaha!

7. Do you think the staff should add the rest of the story leading up to the Fight with Akriloth in the time scroll?

yeah, that would be nice lol!

8. Do you think that the story with Drakonnan should be made into a time scroll?

nope. lol'z!

9. Do you think that we will ever be able to go to FalconReach or Swordheaven in AQ?

maybe, that would be awesome!

10. Will Cysero ever show up as a NPC in AQ and how would you feel about it if he did?

Cysero?! he should stay in DF hehehe!

I will leave you for now to ponder these questions. *leaves the room with the Spot light still on Alexandrite* I feel like I forgot something. Battle On!!

oh noes! :o see you!


Edgelord -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 13:12:21)

Congrats on AKship!

thanks so much!

Now on to the questions.


Okay... i've got nothing.

lul'z, that's more awesome!

12 or 12,000?

I prefer 13!

Done, have fun and congrats!

thanks again! :D

PaladinLordRahat -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 13:24:14)

Congrats, also thank u for your help I got 1 question


Do U think there will ever be trading in adventure quest?[:D]Plz say yes[:(]

maybe, weird things always happen so who knows?! maybe someday! xD

::Raist:: -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 13:36:51)

Congratulations on becoming an AK! You deserved it.

thanks a lot!

Anyway, do you remember me?

name is familiar yes

What would you do if I told you that my quadrary has a Shadow Dragonblade?

/me steals!

Here she is:

/me steals the shadow dragon blade! haha! :P

:P I'm done for now. Catch you later!

thanks and see you!

Glacial -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 15:00:30)

Hey Alexandrite, congrats become an ArchKnight!

Thanks a lot Glacial! :D

What did you think when Scakk PM'd you?

I thought I was dreaming!

Do you like AQ better or Maplestory?

AQ for life!

That's it for now, but then again, congrats Alexandrite!

thanks again and see you around!

XG5 -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 15:27:50)

I won't start with congrats since you're probably tired of those by now :P

No, I love reading congratz! :P

I hear you live the Philippines?(LUCKY!![>:]) I'm from Manila but but I moved to U.S.

yep, and lucky you!

What level are you in AQ?

main is level 130

What's your fave color and second fave? Mine's is blue then green.

favorite is blue, second favorite is yellow!

Do you have an AQW character?


Favorite smiley?[:)]

:o <---that! lul'z

What's the most useful estate plot for you?

hmm, I still have to decide about that!

Do you see me around AQ GGD?

yep and in polls too!

Read the following very fast over and over: Congo Rats![8D]

congo rats?! o.O thanks! and see you!

Lince -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 15:31:11)

Hello! Hola! Tag! Salut! Doumo! Zdravstvuyte!


How did it feel to be AKed?

it feels good!

If you could chose any race in any of the games, what would it be?

a Jedi race, is that good?! lul'z

If you were deserted on an island with only 3 items, what would they be?

a knife, a poison and a sleeping pills xD

What are some of your hobbies?

playing AQ, basketball and watching weird youtube vids!

What is your least favorite thing on any forums?

hmm, I guess none. hehe!

Can I have a cookie? Saojun gave me one!

you should give me a cookie instead!

Does it get annoying having to answer all these questions?

nope, it's fun!

Now I'm kinda just typing for no reason, I'll stop soon.

oh, ok!

So yea, congratz on the AKage! Live long and prosper! \\//

thanks a lot!



Ok, I'm done now, really. [:D]

see you!

Senras Wolf -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 15:52:42)

Hey I just wanted to pop in and meet an AK just for the heck of it and ask you some crazy questions that pop up.

ah, ok. lol!

Do you think we are alone in the universe?

no, there are Jedi's somewhere...

If all of a sudden you find that you're locked in tight battle with a pillow against a chainsaw, how would you fare?

I'll give the pillow to the chainsaw!

If a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, would your mother be calling?

no, lul'z

Why do these types of threads usually attract the craziest and insanest of them all?

because it's the time to abuse the new AK's!

A zombie apocalypse is going on before your eyes, what do you do?

join the zombies!

If your perception of reality is compromised and all fatty fast food products and sweets taste like crap what do you DO?

commit suicide?!

Yeah thats it for my questions, now to run amok in some virtual reality.


LOOK over there a Distraction?

where?! where?!

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 16:02:37)

Congrates Skywalker[:)]

wow, cool another easy round! Thank you! /me snugs you! :D

Sora Aeragorn -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 16:03:14)

Well, a lot of questions have already been taken :p so here's just a few more:


I also have a friend from the Philippines, but he says that where he lives, it's dirty and smells bad. Do you have a better experience?

there are smelly places, yep but I live in a mansion so...

And a related question, have you been to the US (or how often have you visited)?

nope, not yet

You might have answered this already, but do you have a favorite anime series?


Do you like the Final Fantasy series? If so, which ones?

nope, sorry. :(

I guess that's all from me for now...
...oh yeah, and Congratulations! You're the man! (or woman for that matter, hehe...please don't take offense. I stink at making these kind of distinctions on the forum [8D])...or maybe that's another question? [:D]

lul'z ok, see you around!

Zelinker -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 16:09:59)

I'm back for more questions!!!




Wii or Playstation or Xbox?

how about a PSP?! lul'z

Are you hungry right now?

not really

Would a Sneevil eat chicken for lunch if it (the sneevil) was put into a salad?

a sneevil will eat anything that smells good! yay!

Considering Sneevils, do they contain saturated or unsaturated fat?


If above = unsaturated, is it in the cis state or the trans state?

hehehe! hahaha!



Do you play any of the Legend of Zelda games?

nope, sorry. :(

If so, which is your favorite?


O.o again


O.o and again


Alright, back to Suggestions I go...

ok! good luck with that again!


thanks a lot!

/me gives thumbs up.

/me ^5's you!

Necromander -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 16:13:05)

Well Alexandrite, I hope your happy. You've messed up the continuum-dimensional-thingymahoo by introducing Sneevils to AQ players.
Question Time. o.O!

Preferred shape of Box?


Favorite Dance?

don't have a favorite, I dance all the dance tunes!

Favorite Book?

Interview with the Vampire!

If AE had infinite resources and decided to make another game, and gave you the choice of what it was about, what would you choose? (Sorry for how long it is but it's to prevent the Loopholes Saojun and Paperclip of DOOM used.)

about Sneevils, of course! Sneevil Quest! SQ! wootz!

Like New Granemor?

yep, it's a beauty!

c4n >/0[_] !>\34[) 13375!o34!< ? (It'll be hard to figure out, trust me ;-;)


What time is it?

4:30 am on my time Wrong, the Correct answer is Summer Time. I dont blame you for not watching HSM (shudders) no, I was right! :P

I'm afraid I shan't see you very often, I spend little time in AQGD. I bid you Adieu.

thanks for dropping by! see you!

taz_td88 -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 16:20:04)

1. hey skywalker congrats on AK's ... Lucky


2.So u like runescape? personally i can't stand it


3. what do you think of the noob build is it awesome or what?

n00b build?! o.O

4.i hear your from the philipinos(sp?) lucky i want to visit there someday im from the US


5. How do you like all your fancy new buttons?

I must resist the urge to use them all hahaha!

6 Has the Ak status started to kick in yet or are you still in shock?

still in shock!

7.Do you think you will ever have a npc and if you do what will he/she do?

be a sneevil and conquer BattleOn!

8.Are you punny? (funny with puns)

no! muhahaha!

9. Why did you still my favorite color?[:D]

liez! I didn't!

10.Do you like nickelback*continues to ramble off a list of ppl and bands*

yeah, their music is good

11. You know godzilla is real right?

yeah, we used to be friends!

12. Can you guess what the TD in my name stands for? pm if u cant figure it out die?!

13. on the show naruto dont you think Tsunade, Naruto and the ate jiraiya rocked

no, Gaara rocks!

14.(sweet my age) do you remember me from the forums(assuming not)

not really. :(

15.(running out of questions) did you freak when you found out you were gonna be an AK once again congrats(im watching to see how fast you reply)

yeah, I'm shocked! thanks again!

aNyThInG -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 16:46:41)

Hello. Just a simple questions here and there. Grats on the AKship.

hi! and thanks!

How are you?

good, how about you?

Where do you get the name "Alexandrite" ?

it's my birthstone

Do you like music? If so, what kind?

yep, alternative and country

Any other games that you play?

other than AE games, I play psp games or just counter strike lol!

What do you do when you're bored?

look at the new shiny buttons, yeah it surely will make my boredom go away!

Hows all the questions going so far? Tired yet? :P

lots of questions but it's fun! :D

That is all I have to ask. Later. xD

ok! thanks again and see you!

TreadLight -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 16:56:32)

Heyas skywalker,

hello TreadLight! :D

It's nice to see that you've finally become one of the ArchKnights. Really, I've been waiting until you became one.

oh, thanks a lot!

Well, congratulations, and I'll be seeing you on the IRC.

thanks again and see you on IRC!

Zelinker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 17:27:54)

Sorry. Back again. I need a refresher from arguing on Suggestions (rofl)
Is this Ok according to the rules?

arguing in the suggestion board?!

Did you do the Granemor quests yet?

not yet

You have a level 130? Can you showz meh?


I want real cookies! :P

What's your favorite sugary, unhealthy, delicious, tooth-rottening, utterly delightful food?




Sneevils or *insert favorite food here*?

*insert answer here*

Assuming twelve yellow apples fall from a Sneevil's eardrums (zero starting velocity and two feet from ear to ground), What is the minimum starting velocity for a HelZard seventy-two feet away to reach the apples and consume them assuming the coefficient of friction is 0.6 and the HelZard has a constant acceleration of 1 m/s2? The HelZard has a mass of 50 kg.


Did you actually read the above question? If so, here you go!

cool! woot!



Do you know where Aquadorian is?

no, sorry! :(



Bai again - back to Suggestions I go...:)

see you!

GiddyPinata -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 17:28:29)

Woah, is your last name really skywalker? So your related to Darth Vader? O.o(< that's a question by the way)

no, who says my last name is skywalker?!

why would win in a epic showdown, Chuck Norris or Curious George?O.o


why are cellphones black?

no, they're not!

Does your psp let you download games off the internet?(It lets mine do that, but I got mines in china, and I figured ones from the US wouldn't have that feature or else no one would actually buy a game)


What are these lines from? --> How could I, make a maaaaaaaaaaan, out of youuuuuuuuuu?(hint: )


I hate random questions, dont't you?

no, not at all! haha!

ewww, what is with the pink edit? Pink is for girlssss =P

real men wear pink!

me is done...for now, at least. I'll be back!*lightning crackles in the distance*

ok, see you!

awesomeman167 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 18:19:25)



nice your a archnight i totally saw this coming

really? xD wow thanks!

1 AHA>:) you may be the arcchinight but im the god of fire

oh, ok! lul'z

2 excuse that i um well its just ehhh nevermind so um whats up

I'm doing good, you?

3 do you liek to burn things?

nope. lol

4 what do you do in your spare time?

play AQ!

5 any bands you like

All American Rejects, The Used and Finch! yay for being emo! hahaha!

6 whats on your mind 8 bets its your fear of getting totally roasted by me >:)*

I don't get scared easily! woot!

7 do you liek sharp thing

no! lol!

8 i get the feeling im creeping you out

really? lul'z

9 to bad because thats what i do >:)

too bad it's not creeping me out!

10 well im going to go back to burning thingsmsee ya watch the bascamp or deal wiht me >:D

ok, see you!

Scarfacenaruto -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 22:01:07)

i decided to ask you some questions now

yay! new post!

whats your favuoirite animal


whats your favuriute type of movie

action! though a romantic movie is good too!

whats better chocolate or peanut butter

chocolate for sure!

favuorutie AE game

AQ for life!

favuorite color


who do you think is stronger sasuke or naruto

since the title of the anime is Naruto then Naruto is the winner! lol!

do you like my sig

yes, it's cool! hehe! your sig is gone! xD

well thats all i cant think of becouse this is the first time a went to one of these and i ran out of questions lol


o and see ya later

see you! thanks for posting!

mestregc -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/19/2008 0:40:07)

1-Whats your second favorite color?


2-What are your cats names?

misty, everedy and lightning! weird names I know. xD

3-Do you like pizza?(if not your a bit strange :-0)

yep, I do!

4-Why did you become ArchKnight?

just 3 days ago if I remember correctly I was kidnapped asked

5-Why did staff chosen you to be ArchKnight?

I don't know, the best that can answer that is the Mods! haha!

6-Who of the staff invited you?


7-Do you think your a good ArchKnight?

I hope I am

8-Why do you like AQ?

it's such an awesome game!

9-Do you like DF?If so, why?

it's a good game yep, I like it because it's made by AE!

10-Do you like MQ?If so , why?

same answer as number 9

11-Why didn't you become DF's AK?

because I lurk in AQ GD. xD

12-Whats your level on AQ?


13-Whats your level on DF?


14-Whats your level on MQ?


15-Why is ArchKnight(the game) just for guardians?I cannot buy and I wanna play AK,it seems to be good!

It's not that good! lul'z just play DF, it's much better than Archknight game lol!

You answered question 4 as if i were saying when but i said why.

ah, good find! lul'z

Anyway , your good as AK, and im your fan.

wow, thank you so much!

Baker -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/19/2008 1:27:01)

First post!!!1!1 I OWN this thread! <--- woot! o.O!


No? Oh well, close enough.

xD yeah, very close!

Alright, now that my extremely lame attempt at humor and creativity is over: /me welcomepouncesnuggleglomps skywalker

/me thankspouncesnuggleglomps Bball! :D I fail at copy and pasting lol!

See you on IRC!

see you!

alabama_pitty -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/19/2008 1:33:39)

An AQ AK? How interesting. I have only ever interrogated the DF AK's, so hopefully this will be as fun for you as it is for me. Let us begin, shall we?

sure! :P

1. Why ever would you select pink as your editing color?

this color is pink?! wow, I thought it's green!

2. If you were given the authority to tax something, what would it be?

hmm, I dunno. maybe the air you breathe?!

3. I have heard that AK's are often forced asked to give up their souls. Does Scakk own yours?

where did you hear that?! that is a lie! ah, err... I mean yes!

4. Blueberry muffin, Raspberry muffin, or Chocolate muffin?

Chocolate Muffin please!

5. A large mob of forumites are marching toward you with flaming torches, pitchforks, and guillotines (The portable Guillotine: get one for all your kids today!). What do you do to avoid being lynched?

I will not avoid it, I'll face them! Let's see who's going to emerge victorious! :P

6. Why would you not select this lovely shade of green to edit with?

maybe because it's already taken?!

7. Would you say pink is your favorite color?

pink?! no! I like blue

Thank you for your time Ms. Alexandrite! <--- Let's just pretend I didn't read this line! haha! I hope you have a good time policing the AQ GD, and I hope I make your job a lot easier. Seeya around! Everyone who posts from now on owes me $2.75. Haha!~Happy Seeking!~

lul'z, thanks for dropping by!

hooded figure -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/19/2008 1:47:05)

1.) Well, I was wondering when you would become an AK.

really?! thank you! :D

2.) Lets have cookies and celebrate! =)

kewl! cookies and party time!

3.) So,Am I right in guessing you were Scakked?


4.) Favorite food?


5.) Someone you admire?

Jessica Alba <--- you didn't read that!

6.) Favorite book series?

Vampire Chronicles!

7.)Favorite online game?

AQ for life!

8.) Favorite Mod?

Scakk of course! :P

9.) Favorite AK?

teh lightbringer! Brilliancy!

10.) Favorite part of the forums?

AQ GD for sure! lul'z

11.)Hope you have fun, you deserve it!

thanks again! see you around!

MapleStoryFTW -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/19/2008 1:52:58)

Hey there!

hello there! :D

Gratz on being an AK

thanks a lot!

Now for your questions...

bring it on!

1.Do you play Maplestory?


2.Will you ever lock my thread? *Evil Glare*

haha! sure! :P

3.Do you have a motto when locking theads?

lock and lock until you succeed?! o.O

4.Do you have a computer or labtop?

I have both

5.So is being an AK tough?

yep but it's fun too!

6.Chocolate ice cream or straberry?

Chocolate Ice cream!

7. Are you crazy like me?

nu! I ish not cwazy! D:

8.Will you ever quit AQ?

No! never!

9.So lets say I had a Shadow Dragon Blade...

then you must give it to me! nao!

10.What would you do if Cysero took your left sock?

then I will give him my right sock! wootz!

Spanish Weasel -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/19/2008 1:54:38)

Congratulations! Three very important questions for you:

thank you! ok, let's start!

1. Top 3 Favorite movies?

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Edward Scissorhands and Vanilla Sky!

2. What are your thoughts on my character's look? Awesome? Lame? Hot? *groan once you see him* (it's under my avvy)

hot?! o.O

3. George W. Bush: Great president or greatest president?

No comment xD

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