=AQ= Meet : Noah_B ~ 10 pages! Answering but I'm really sick, so I might passout (Full Version)

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Noah_B -> =AQ= Meet : Noah_B ~ 10 pages! Answering but I'm really sick, so I might passout (6/19/2005 2:44:32)

That's right Ladies and Gentlemen it is my week to be met... or to be 'meeted' =S

Please ask me any question your heart desires, I will answer all the the best of my ability. I hold a plethra/plethora* of knowladage within this gray matter of mine.

Little bit of AQ background: I joined AQ last July/August... spent a bit of time on the old forums in the "Q&A" / Game Strat forums, under a different name, then came over to these forums the day they opened to the "public" and started posting away.

Was of the first generation of "Helpful" titles and once had more posts that Skyboy himself... for some reason Capt thinks it's funny to purge my total post count. =D


The goal for me is 10 pages of questions, so if you ask some.. come back in a couple days and ask some more! Never be afraid to ask me anything, I don't have to answer if I don't want to! =P

Please be patient as I may get behind on answering, I do work.. play video games and try to get outside of the "Great indoors" now and then. n_n




* just to note:

"Plethra" - A greek mesurement of 100 Greek or 101 English Feet - square mile.
"Plethora" -A superabundance

I obtain both. ~_^

DeadEternalFrost -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 2:45:16)

do you like cheese?

Yes.. I do enjoy a bit of well aged mold now and then.

The One Wolf -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 2:47:24)


Will you marry me, Nora? <.< >.>
Hmm... if by Nora you mean Nora-Nora, yes. She will marry you.. if you can shower her with riches and chocolates.

*sicks teh Gecko of DOOM on you*

Whaddaya like to read? Belgariad? BattleTech? The Inquisition War?
I tend to read a lot of magazines. Maybe I like the fact that I can get a lot of disposable info. Mainly Game Informer (since it's always been a dream of mine to work for them) ...and no Warhammer books. I stick to random stuff - I enjoy: Nick Hornby, Tom Perrotta, Hemingway, David Sedaris, Terry Brooks, Eldredge, C.S. Lewis.. blah blah

You like to play Warhammer? MechWarrior?
Warhammer.. the newest video game: "Dawn of War" - yes, I have played it.

Whaddya like to play?
Well I play a lot by myself... one player games. =) Currently I just got an xbox and I'm playing Forza Racing. I love, love RGPs.. shooters, action games.. brawlers.. football games. I have all sorts of systems that I play on, I stick to Nintendo. I was born with a NES controler in hand, so it comes natural.

Computer wise, I like free MMORPGS... for instance, Rose on was something I played for a while, now it's Guild Wars and Maple Story. I also have Pirates!, Counter Strike, Baulder's Gate. etc. (you know the basics)

Where can you be found hanging out?
Wow.. if I'm not at work I'm usually at my casa. The Great Indoors man... I shoot some hoop at the park and been known to roam a few of the local music spots. I like this coffee house, I got there sometimes. Used CD stores I dwell in... Out and about or right here at the PC.

How old are you?
Well I'm older than most and younger than a few.. that could land me at 22.
Who really IS Nora?
She is my female alter-ego. I am convinced that female are superior to men.. so I like to mess with people on IRC and see how their interaction with me changes when they think that I am a female.

Are you a figment of my imagination?
I could be .. or are you a figment of mine?
Is this the Matrix, or is this reality?
Cold brutal reality... now get a hair cut and a real job you slacker! Plus I can't stand the Reeves guy... who does he think he is, Jesus? Running around playing saviors all the time. What a poser.. =P

If this is the Matrix, what is reality?
Read above you slacker!

Who are you?
Who am I? I don't know...

2 + 2 = ?
4, I think.

Meepit, Geico, Nora, Ciao.
Roger, over and out.

Illusion -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 2:48:36)

Who are you talking to? This is Noah_B foo! =P

Does aged cheese taste good?
VERY! On chips (nachos) or crackers... even with a fine wine. Cheese is great. I especially love it in stick form or those little slices at wedding buffets.

Favourite colour?
Depends, I claim to be an "artist" so for me.. I love the spectrum. Infact I go through color phases. I used to love red with a passion.. now, I dunno. I like pink.

Favourite song?
Wow man, you are hitting me with the tough ones. I love music, I am a self proclaimed "music snob" .. so choosing ONE fav over the others, almost impossible. I can give you bands, like a top 10. But you will have to ask for that later.. =P

Or check out my audioscrobbler: http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/N04H/

You like Meatloaf? Singer and/or food.
Both are fat filled... and tastey. So yes and yes.

Um...should I try and think of more pointless questions?
Yes, infact you should come back for round 2.

Too bad if you said no.
Oh, but I didn't! ^^

Like being a mod?
LOVE it... It's such an honor and I love being able to help out in some shape or form. Great game, better community.. =D

What's the best bit?
Best bit? No you will have to come back and ask me this again, I'm not sure I follow.

Alright, now I'm done.
Awww boo.. we were just getting started too. Kthxbye come again!


Dadric Daeglos -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 2:50:11)


Why am I so much cooler than you?

That's easy.. you are Double D. With a nick like that, who WOULDN'T be cool?

Lyk3 kaN I g3t sum reel quztioNs hEr3 plz!

Haha...just securing my place in the post order ;)

Well better late than never! xD

What's your favorite Gorillaz song? At the moment, mine is Kids With Guns.

"If Tricycles game with guns we'd all be safer..."

Dude, I'm liking the new stuff.. but you can't beat the first album or the B-sides for that manner. I think mine will and shall always be: Man Research (clapper) or 5/4

What's the coolest club evah?

Uhh.. dude, I don't know what the club scene is Iowa is but you should get out of it ASAP. <_<


Who's sexier...PaePae or Daydrick?

Hmm.. now is this: Dd w/ Shades and shag vs. Prom Pae?

Cause that's damn near a draw right there.

Arklen or Seahawk?

Ark: has the "yo-factor" + the best hair I've even seen on a man, I want to smuggle him.

Seahawk: Has the BEST taste in professional football teams...

Can I choose Pae here? =P

Cooler dog: Holly or Tucker? (Holly, obviously)

Again Draw... how can you compare two of the best canine pals a guy could have? You can't.

Don't you wish you had my sunglasses?

Sorta, I've had a couple pairs of those.. and I have some dope glasses (needs to get a pic) right now. I did have some aviators.. they even had a name, inscribed on them: "Turboman 3000" omg.. they were so PRO! They had a solid front... so there was no break in the shades, it actually came up and over the nose.

What's your favorite beverage?

Do I have to say it? It's a given...

Noah_B does the Dew. Mt Dew all the way

I'll be back for more abuse later.

oooo.. that sounds like fun! >=D

Mal Ganis -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 3:10:24)

Yay for teh Noah!
<< Forgetting something? Hmm? >>

........Gunner.. McPants? Vampire Slayer Gunner McCool? Shoot...

I loose in life, forgive me snuggle pants?

Siwwy Mesmer. I can take ye down. Bring it!

Listen Ele, anytime.. anyplace... just let me get to lvl 20.

Serious (Not really) question:
How can I get my hair as cool as yours?

Uh.. cool as my hair? Well... since I just cut it all off. (it's not that cool anymore)

But here's what I did: Cut it short, let it grow. Got it trimmed a bit after like 5 months.. just so that it wasn't pushing mulletage. Then let it grow more, you have to train your hair to do cool things, like the swoop in the front. Plus, here's a tip: Don't shampoo your hair everyday. Let it go a few days. I was shampooing mine every 5-6 days. Meh, once you give up trying to look cool.. that's when you become cool. ~_^

(Totally took this from Wasted)
Should tasers used on children?

Look at that question again... don't edit, just ask it again. It makes no sense. (But I work with kids, so I could be a fan)

And on a last note... where would ye be without AQ/the forums?
Well .. probably still at another forum community I was previously VERY involved with. But I mean, if I didn't have these forums.. there would be no G-Club, no AQ buddies... no... *cries*


theaya -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 3:23:06)


'Ello! : )

Can I have a huggle pweeze?

Well since you said "pweeze"


(I don't huggle ANYONE, you should be honored. ~_^

Did you know that I have a Coulrophobia?

Oh yeah.. the fear of clowns right? No I didn't but I'm refraining from posting pictures of clowns right now.

If you were a reptile what type would you be?

Easy, a Chinchilla... wait, you said 'reptile'. Um, Ball-Python... Gecko's are overrated and Cameleon's, well actully they are pretty darn cool. So are frogs... hmm.

What would your name be if you were a duck?


Do you know me?

Not too well but I'm not against getting to know someone, infact I love meeting new people and getting to know them! n_n

-If so am I annoying or scary?

You have your forehead signed.. that's different. But not scary nor annoying.

-If not.. then damn... Have I scared you yet?

No... but does this: [image]http://www.hitentertainment.com/hitcatalogue/imagesCatalog/bozo.jpg[/image] Scare you?


Who's Ralph?

Kid from this Simpsons! I love Ralph, he's my favorite! *eats paste*

Do you like videogames?

No.. I hate them. (lies)

-Whats your fave Videogame?

HATE! (Chrono Trigger for SNES)

Will you marry me (not Nora..)?..I'll give you a rabid squirrel and um.. cookies!
Who's this Nora chick? And sure... I've always wanted Squirrel cookies!

Whats your fave type of pizza?

Any... no actually: Cheese and Pineapple

Gotta jet.. baiza! -shift eyes and huggles then skips off-

Toodles, come back again!

Pastici -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 3:23:27)

Do you like dishes with organs in? (Liver, kidneys, etc...)

No.. eww, no.

Favorite question? (In general)

Hmm.. "What's your favorite type of music?" + Noah = rants and confusion.

However I like questions like: "Will you marry me?" - "Is he dead?" - "Did that hurt?" - "Do I smell?" - "What time is it?" - "Can you get me some more toliet paper?" - etc.

Where have you been? Its not right without you and Dadric keeping a watch over OOC. :(

Awww buddy, don't you know. Once you become a mod it's not cool to post.. evah! =P

Actually no, I've been around. Unfortunatly for me the past few months I experianced some hacking of my accounts here and some abuse of my powers/position. So I've been sorta lying low letting most of it blow over. But I'm back now, for good. ^^

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 3:27:37)

Is my name nice?

Yes it's very nice. Lions infact are my favorite animal.. so I do take enjoyment from your name.

Do you know any other female lycans besides me?

Actually no. But are you "lycan"... isn't a "lycan" a werewolf? You happed to be a lion. Which would make you.. Lion-O?!


Da Dragon Slaya -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 4:26:53)

Yay! Noah!



Fine... gone and messed up my color fade... =P

And a great song btw, Coldplay = cookies

I heard you have a fetish for uglypeople.com. Is this true?

Actually no. But I hear someone here has a picture there...



Yayyayaya! SPAM TACO



Can I poke you?

Sure, you dont' have to ask...




*stares... breaths*



Hehe, we have fingers!

*gasp* =O

We do! wow.... all this time, I never knew!

Your illegal?

Yes in some countries I think I may be illegal. However in the great U-S of A, I am very much legal.

Now. What's your favorite part of being 'The peoples mod'.

Too be honest, it's having people not know who I am... actually that's my least favorite part. Every mod has a little bit of a different approach to the forums, in a sense to the community/game aspects. Personally I love the community, so I just enjoy the thousands of people that keep not only the forums alive but the game aswell.

Chicken necks?

Are not good to chew on.. I would strongly suggest that you start a different diet. The trendy "Chicken neck" diet is actually proven to make your feet swell.

Between you and me, do you think Dadric is a bit dead in the noggin?




Dude...even I think so...or wait...

I shall come back with more!

I cannot wait!



EDIT: Changed the color 3 times .. the yellows on this forum make the eyes sore.

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 4:40:41)


Can please i have a snuggle?
Gees.. two in one day, in one thread? This is going to make me look like a softy snuggle boy... Oh well!


Do you read any manga? and if so whats your fave?

You know I haven't read a lot.. from time to time I get to pick some up and read a little. I've read some Naruto, FMA, Cowboy bebop... let's be honest, I read the "pop" manga. =P

Could you suggest some good manga that I could pick up and read?

Do you like my fluffy tail?

Oi it's mucho... *pats*

do you think there should be more RPG's with wolves in them? (like Shadow Hearts Covenant)

Sure but are we talking main character is a wolf? Or sub-characters? I mean, there's been a few Werewolves worked into games... that's a bonus.

Are you going to see land of the dead when it comes out
Actually I am a HUGE "scary movie" fan.. especially zombie movies! I just LOV
zombie movies.. so yes.

What do you prefere zombie or canable movies?
Zombie.. for sure.

Do you prefere lycans or wolf boys?
I know two Wolf boys and one Lion-O... I prefer wolf boys of course.. especially when they become trendy and spell it: 'boi".


Have you ever read the wheel of time books?

Nope, unfortunatly I can't say that I have. Sorry.

Would you like to see me do a pirate Jig?


Duuuuuuuuuuuuu Eeeeeeeeeeeet

is "dead thing pie" your fave thing to eat?
Nope. I actually like pudding pie.

lol and one more question for here, in total do you know how many guys Homer Simspon has kissed on the lips so far?

Well he hasn't kissed me... =\

No, tell me.. wait, let me guess... 20?

bye for now *glomps and snuggles*

*tickles WBoy's belly*

smbdoll -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 4:46:06)

Heya NoahB!

Ohhh the Doll (Boss Lady)... Yummy. >=]

Have you been covered in jam and sent to my room yet?

Yes once, a while back.. do I have to remind you of how much I enjoyed it?

Do you want to be?

Yes.. now.

Why or why not?

Why: Jam + THE Room = Happy Noah

Why not: ....there is no 'not' getting jammed here!

What is your deepest, darkest secret that you will tell no one but me?

Well hit me with some Jam.. send me to the room and we can discuss such secrets.

TankHunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 4:47:52)



Got a Tank you want me to kill?

Actually.. no, I don't. But I will put you on speed dial, just incase one happens to cross my path.

What was the Covenant Elite called after recieving his new armor after getting torched to near death in Halo 2?

This is so unfair, I just beat H2 a couple weeks ago and now I can't remember. Herman? No... Chewy? No.... Dang it!


TankHunter - o :: Noah - 1

How do you kill a Covenant Scarab?

Uh, chase it in a Scorpion...

TankHunter - 1 :: Noah - 1

TankHunter- Board it and set the reactor to criticle

Was Instellation 05 destoyed?


What was the name of the two Super Mac platforms that were destroyed in the begining of Halo 2?

TankHunter- The Athens and The Multza

Omg more H2 questions... Uh: Dinkers and Phantom 345677433!Rgv

Tankhunter - 2 :: Noah - 1

If you could have any weapon from Halo or Halo 2 what would it be?

Energy Sword.. no question. Or the Carbine, that's a fun gun.

What is the Flood master called?

You mean that big old plant?


Who survived the destruction of Halo despite impossible odds that was a human?

You did... you're the Tank Hunter. Well it's unknown if MC made it out alive, right? So who... Ser. Johnson?

TankHunter-Sargent Johnson is correct

What would be your second choice for the any weapon from Halo/Halo 2?

Halo, Pistol.. no questions asked.

Who would win in a battle between Master Chief and you?

Master Chief's skills > Mine .... but I'd give him a run for his money, maybe even pull out with a victory.

In Halo what was the Marine's name who owned a helmet recorder that Master Chief used to find out what happened to Captain Jacobs Keys?

Fine I don't know Halo trivia.. you win.. you win.. I give up.

TankHunter-Private Jenkins

What captured Captain Keys?

Spain. =S

TankHunter- The Flood

What was the Moniter of Installation 04 called?

Oh the humanity! You're killing me.. you win! You WIN! *cries*

TankHunter-343 Guilty Spark

What was the AI's name who helped Master Chief all through the game?

Cortana.. pfft.

How was Halo destroyed?

MC peed on the circut breaker... doom!

TankHunter-Master Chief detonated the Pillar of Autuem's Fusion Reactors

HAHAHAHAHHAHA YOU ARE NO TRUE HALO PLAYER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH If you were a true Halo player this quiz would have been easy as pie.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 4:52:50)

What's your favorite color?Also,I am a bit offended by your former remark about my werewolf form.

Hmmm color? Well I actually like a lot of colors. To choose one specific one would be unfair to all the other colors, especially the hues and shades. But I am a fan of green, royal blue, red, and pink.

I am very sorry about a offending you. I wasn't aware that you had two forms.. I thought since you were Lion by title, well I just assumed, that you were pure lion. If you have a seperate lycan forum.. I am very much impressed by that. Lion and wolf? What a fantastic combination. =D

Da Dragon Slaya -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 4:57:00)

Noah! I'm back! Hooray! *High fives Noah*

Weeee! *^5's*


Well I've been doing a little green.. for you I chose at random. ^^


Favorite sport?

To play or to watch? Now that is the question....

Why do you write in pink?

Excellent question! Well I am a fan of the color pink.. I don't own a ton of pink things. I have one pink shirt and a braclet that's pink (it's for supporting Breast Cancer Research) But I just thought for fun I'd start with Pink and work in a fade.. see if anyone noticed.

Shirts or shorts?

Hmmm.. Shorts. No.. shirts.

Jeans or jumpers (sweatshirts)?

Ooooo Jumpers, I love that term! I call them sweaters or hoodies.

I like my jumpers!

I got a toe!

Just one? I have 10! I win!


Oh not the bladder.. now I have to go...

Elmo knows where you live, what do you have to say about that?

*in the bathroom*

Toilet or shower?

I like both.. but I can pee in the shower, so shower wins.

Kitchen or Piano?

Kitchen = food

Food = auto- winner

Why do I ask pointless questions?
Because you're great and I love questions like this!

Hmm.. My theory is: When you are born, a bone is stuck in your brain, forcing you to do the exact opposite than what you are told. When you reach late adolescence, the bone crumbles, leaving the human with a sign of intelligence. Do you agree with me?

Hmm, I'm past adolesence. So yes, I have to agree.


YayayayYYAYya ayYAYya

Chicken legs?

I don't eat chicken off the bone.. I only do strips.



I'll be back for more later!

I will be expecting it!

Ollierulez1 -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 5:05:08)


Opps.. careful!


Why, hello!

You alright?

I'm sleepyish.. but doing well, yourself?

What do you think of my title?

Uhh.. I once poked a dead beaver with a stick. That was pretty rad. You use sporks, so I'd have to say you're equally if not cooler than I.

How come i've never seen you before........?

Well do we live close to one another? I can't say that I've seen you either? But if we are talking about the e-world. Well I'm an "old school" poster. I haven't been posting much these past couple months, a hacker got into this account and was just ruining my fun. So I've been lying low for a while... you know, waiting out the storm. But it's all good now! ^^ And I spend most my time either here in the OOC or in the Strat forums, just reading ... and moding. Not much time for posting anymore.

If a flying monkey, a giraffe that shoots fire from its eyes, a cow with a machine gun and a duck with a bomb strapped to it got in a fight, who would win?

Monkey... he flys away. But if he's destined to fight.. the duck wins by default.

I AM THE ULTIMATE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE! BOW BEFORE ME PUNY HUMAN! ( or alien, elf, dwarf, whatever you are!)




Need some water? *pours a glass*

What is the longest word in the english dictionary?

is pretty darn long.. so is:

  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  • pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - lung disease - 45 letters
  • hepaticocholangiocholecystenterosto
Corret. super cala.....whatever isnt actually a word.

Convient for me that you ask that, I just looked that up 2 weeks ago for a kid that I tutor.

Have YOU ever poked a badger with a spoon before?

Beaver + stick = poke

No badgers.. we don't need no stinking BADGERS!

WEll, bye.

Awwww.. bye. = \

For now. MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! *poof! a cloud of smoke. when it clears, you see me trying to open the door handle*


*points* and *laughs*

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 5:33:21)

yay more questions from the wolf boi *cuddles*


did you know that you found my one weakness? *giggles from the tickling*

I did? Muhahahahahahah... *tickles*

Have you sceen the first three dead movies? (night, dawn and day)

Night... check

Dawn... check

Day... negative

Have you read the Resadent Evil books before?

Nope, just the games.

What would your reaction if you meet George A Romero?

I'd give him a Highfive... then probably realize I have no clue what George A Romero looks like.

lol an I only only one who finds smbdoll scary?

You are the only one my friend.. she's not scary at all. =D

Do you like me?

Like you? Like... I like cheese? Or like you like I like being burnt?

Buig difference... I think it's too early in our relationship for me tell if I "like" you. Hehe.

Hav you ever sceen Lexx?

Who? (obviously not)

Do you use any chat programs?

Sure do.. mIRC + NNS = funtimes.

Those "others" .. AIM, MSN, Etc... Sure I do a little on those aswell. Not much, e-chatter boxes annoy me. And really IMing is NOT a converstaion, it's just fast e-mail.

more snuggles please?


Would you like to snuggle ot pet my tail?

How about I pull your tail? >=]

And before I go here are some Manga that I have read and liked alot so I shall recomend.
Demon Diary
Get Backers
Suikoden III
Prince of Tennis
Liling Po
Hands Off

And there are a few others that I think are really good though one you can't get out of Japan yet.
Also yup in Shadow Hearts Covenant theres a mian chracter who is a wolf, that the main chracter can understand, hehe but the thing the wolf is one of the smartest party members.

Oooooooooooooo Danke!

demonhunter -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 5:57:11)

Heya. Haven't seen you round before...

Hello... you know I get that a lot. But I can assure you I've been around for a while. ~_^

Do you RP?

I've tried before... as much as I like writting and story telling, I just can't hack it. I don't have the RP gene within me. I do love to lurk and read the RPs, they are usually always entertaining.

If so, would you be interested in joining 'Quest for Vengeance' (my RP)?

Awww.. I'd love to but I'd stink it up with my lack of RP skills

Have you ever heard of Suzi Quatro?

She's a musician right. Suzi Q.. old school. ^^

Have you seen the 'Smokey and the Bandit' movies? If yes, which was the worst?

Yes, aren't they all pretty bad? I mean comeon.. how many movies can you make of the same idea/characters.. one. So the first is the best.

Final question... Why do you keep changing your text colour?

I don't know.. just to mix things up a bit, would you like me to keep it consistant? I think with just two colors it looks a little bland. Having a nice color range helps make the questions and answers stand out a bit... easier to read, sort of. Hee hee.

Awww was that the final, final question? Come back again! ^^

Nice meeting you.

Ultima Bahamut -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 6:44:46)

What video game consoles do you have ?

NES (Same one I got back in the early 80's) SNES, Playstation, Game Cube, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Xbox, Atari (woodgrain).. portables: Game Gear and GBA-SP


How many video games do you own ?

Uhhh... wow, I've never counted. A lot.. ^^

I see

Heard of FFVII Advent Children ?

Yes, 86 days.

Omg you know the countdown , yeah it at the NA site

Do you lol like skyboy59 ?

Ahh.. you threw the "lol" in there. Tricky... Yeah I do like Skyboy, he's been a asset to this community for a while now.

An asset ...

How many cans of teh coke do you drink a day ?

Hmm.. well I try to lay off 'teh coke', stuff's bad for ya! ~_^

But on average I drink like 1-2 cans of soda day. (Averge as in I can go a week without any, than at one LAN party can consume mass quanities of Pepsi or Dew.)

I really try to stay away from pop... but it's just so darn addictive

Yeah I am nearly addicted to teh coke

Do you have a interest in watching macromedia flashes ?

Flash vids? Sure! I love the small little funnies and then of course the more serious.. like ninji, etc.

Same !!

Do you like swords ?

Hmm.. I have to say I'm more a fan of spears/lances and axes. Maybe it's just that everyone likes a sword and I'm making a small attempt to be somewhat unique. But sure, swords are the classic weapon of choice.

I like spears/lances

Do you like magic ?

Magic magic or the card game? I like both. No true fantasy story is complete without a little Magic.

Not the card game .

Do you hate bahamuts or dragons ?

Of course not! Neo Bahamut was my favorite summon in FFVII.. muhaha. Ever since I was small, I've enjoyed a bit of Dragon Lore.

thats gd

Is my sig ugly ?

Shoot I didn't look at it before I edited this... I'm going to go out on a limb here and say no. You just don't seem like the type of person to have a "ugly" sig.

Thanks ^ ^

Got a AQ Forum Clan ?

Sure do.. but it's more of a club than a clan. ~_^

Check us out: Gentlemen's Club

I heard it b4

Do you own a cellphone ?

Sure do... the Motorola v710.


Nice cellphone * jealous lol *

Do you wear a watch ?
Nope, have a cell-phone. (has the clock on it) ^^

Thought so

Does your home have wireless connection ?
No! And never will. I work with wireless networks/networking and I get more than my fill of it at work. I can't stand wireless.. it's amazing yet frustrating. Maybe some day when I get a laptop.

Don't get too angry ^^

Do you own a MP3 Player ?
Used to have a ipodmini.. two actually. They both broke down and I returned them. I do have store credit and I'm eyeing the Zen Micro.

I have the Zen Micro , its quite gd if I say so

Do you have a high-definiton television ?
Nope, someday maybe. But for now.. I'm okay with no hi-def.

Oh okay , maybe they are too expensive .

Whats the brand of your PC ?
Custom Built actually... it's a InTech Northwest PC. (Local Company)

Built by a local company , no wonder I aint heard , sound cool

Do you have a blog ?
Sure do, I haven't updated it in a few days but I'll get around to it.

Me have blog too

Do you have a DVD Burner ?
Yes, infact I've been meaning to test it out! Thanks for reminding me.

No problem

Have you used BitTorrent ?
Yes I actually have used Torrent's before... though my IP seems to hate Torrents and they down load horridly slow. I use eMule from time to time but not often enough to really have it installed anymore. I'm not really into downloading music or files, being a huge fan of music and knowing some artists I would rather see people buy the album or just go to a concert. Anime and such have been know to come across my HD... <_<

Okay , being BitTorrent-free is actually gd

What kind of Internet connection do you have ?
Verizon DSL

Same again lol

Square-Enix ....
Has a very cool website! ^^

Also basically owns.. where would we all be without them? Bored.

You play Square Enix games ? Good !

Do you consider yourself competitive ?
To the extent that I become disgusted with how competitive I can be.. yes.

Disgusted ookay ...

Which game company do you like and hate the most ?
Who doesn't like Capcom? They produced some of the most memorible gaming figures/games to this day. (Megaman, Street Fighter)

Hate the most... hmm.. EA Sports. Why? Well I do love sports games, they just mass produce them on a level of "corprate take over/monopoly" .. and it's disgusting to me.

EA Sports ? Monopoly LOL

Do you watch anime ?
I have been known to enjoy a good anime now and then.

Im anime-freaked ! I watch anime too

Ninjas ....

Behind !

Got eggnog ?
I for one, love eggnog. It's something that I look forward to every year.

I don't even know eggnog , I saw this question being asked a while ago LOL .

How was your computer made ?
It was crafted by a small community of beavers.. Probably from wood and pure steel.

Beavers !!! The local company ae beavers cooL !!

Are you right or left handed ?
Right is my dominate hand, althought I've been training/practicing writing with my left hand.

I tried practicing with left hand once , its hard eh ?

What do you look forward to this year Christmas ?

Eggnog... <_<

Well this year will be different from any other Christmas-past. So I'm looking forward to some change and something out of tradition. Hopefully this year will be a good one! ^^

Okay hope so for you

Have you played a console game online ?
No I haven't.. however I've really been tempted to get X-live. Should I?

If you are rich , maybe

Whichy continent are you on ?
North America

We are very far apart

Do you listen to radio ?
Growing up I used to dream about being a radio DJ.. so I have this strange love/addiction to radio. So yes, I love tuning in.

Yeah I sometimes tune in to the radio in my Zen

Am I asking too much questions ?
I think the real question is.. "Can I ask too many questions?" and my answer to that would be: "No."

Alright perhaps sorry

Do you hate trading card games ?
Not really. I hate that they drive kids to the brink of being criminal to one another. For instance, I work with kids and once a week I catch kids trying to steal or scam cards from each other.

lol scam cards

Got Gmail ?
Yes I do. And 150 invites.... <_<

I don use Gmail , juz asking

Do you own a digital camera ?
This past Christmas I purchased one for my mother.. however I use it more. IT's a Fuji FinePix A330.

My it seems expensive !

Final Fantasy ...

Owns j00.

Ahhh FF Owned me!



Pizza ?


Oh gnoes!

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

o_0 ?



Errmm nvm me


* nvms again *

Nothing more to ask

Awww... boo.

You said I shouldn't ask a lot

K thats all ....


Thanks for the meet

Maybe one last , what is your opinion of Bahamut ?

I thought you were done?! Well I love Bahamut! <3

Me too definitely ! <3

Vode -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 7:14:35)

Have you heard of this secretive organisation called the Gentlemen's Club?

*le gasp* You let out the secret!

Is it true they're planning a worldwide reign of terror?

*coughyescough* No.. of course not. They love bunnies! ^_^

Why do bus stops exist?

You offend me with your questioning of the almighty bus stop, for that I give you this question: Why do you drive in a 'Parkway' and park in your 'driveway'?

What is that in your avatar?

It's not "what" it's "who" ... take a guess, you'll never get it! =P

Actually it's Oblio and his dog Arrow... from the movie "The Point".

Can I have fries with that?

If I can have some of that shake! >=]

Can I have a double upside-down dragon burger with those fries?

You know you have to stand on your head to consume that burger, right?

Do you want to kill me?

Nahh.. but if you like Green Day, Dadric might.

Why? (either way)

I wouldn't harm a fly.. especially not one named Vode.

I will doubtfully return!

Boo @ you. I will give you a cookie if you do! =D

general greivous -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 7:33:35)


Before you say another word.. I must say, your avatar is very cool. Okay proceed...

just to assume my position, dradric rulez
Well no one is perfect and you've obiviously been tainted... but that's okay, I'm willing to give you another shot.

you now, i made a special selection of questions for you and spelly *evil grin*
Ooooo... I like that. Well we are pros of Stratification. >=]

first things first, standart question

whats you favorit zard?
Hmmm... the only good Zard is a dead Zard. *wipes mother zard blood from his hilt*

if a frogzilla starts pokking a oompalompa and the oomapalompa throws the frogzilla in a tube full of chocolat, how much wood would a woodchuk chuk if a woodchuk could chuk wood?
Well if a woodchuck could chuck wood... Willy Wonka would make chocolate dipped Frogzilla bites. Which would be HUGE here in America and Canada and would you millions for thinking of the idea! Congrats! Weeeeee

did you find your keys?
You know... I did. Thanks for asking.

noooooooo, you take to long to do this, i got out of questions that i have prepared so much ;(
Well I'm here now.. you can come back for more.

do you now me?
Do I know you? Hmmm.. well sure now I do. I've seen you around.. have you seen me around? =O

yeah, you dried my, good bye non-thoutfull person

j/k, adeus

*whew* Adeus was just j/k'ing me...

Wolf Boi -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 7:53:12)

Hello *snuggles* I'll start off with two things, ahh please don't pull of my tail and another good manga is Eerie Queerie (its about a boy who gets possesed alot and other things)
Oh and this is George

Boo @ no tail pulling. And Mr.Romero is awesome.. I love his hair. =D

First again can we snuggle more?

*sigh* You're taking advantage of me... *snuggles*

Can you use difrent colors for each question answered?

Well I guess I can... sure why not.. starting next question.

lol how can you not find her scary with the jam and all *hides behind you*

Hehe.. she's not scary at all. The jam is Rhubarb jam and it tastes mucho excellente! Now it's the ROOM that's a little scary... Just don't pay attention to the chains and such, you'll be fine.

Do you like the dogyboy icon in my sig?

lol by too early in our relationship, dose that mean your going to ask me out and buy me flowers? [;)]

Hmmmm, that could happen. =D

Would you chat with me on one of these programs becuse I usally forget to go on that and I prefere one on one chats.

Hmmm .. well you can have one on one chats on IRC. And it could happen.

Have you played SH or read the comic book of it?
SH.... nope and no.

what would be a better movie a pirate movie with canables or a romance movie with time travle and a fight ontop of a whale? (lol two bad movie ideas)

Eww.. neither? Probably the pirate movie .. but only if it could have a time traveling whale worked into the plot line.

Who is your fave resadent evil chracter?

The pump shotgun... come on, it's the one and only zombie killing weapon.

What town would you rather be in silent hill or racoon city?

Racoon City.. no question.

lol would you cover yourself in jam and go to my room? [;)]

Hmm.. well the Doll covers me in jam and then sends me to her room. See the "taking action" in that sentance? I doubt your room is as fun as hers but who knows...maybe?!

What is your fave type of ice cream?

All! Hehe.. actually I like Sweet Cream + Strawberry. Yummy.

Have you heard of the old canadian show SCTV?


Have you sceen my pic when i posted it?


Do you have any fave anime?

Hmmm... tough question. Outlaw Star - Cowboy Bebop

whats your fave band/singer?

Current or all time?

Current Band: The Honorary Title
Current Song: "Existentialism On Prom Night" by Straylight run
Current Singer: Aaron Marsh from Copeland... amazing voice.
All Time Band: Twothirtyeight / Switchfoot
All Time Singer/Song Writer: Chris Staples from Twothirtyeight/Discover America

*snuggles* and more questions latter lol [;)]

Jawesome! I can't wait!

Luz -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| (6/19/2005 8:39:31)

Hello, mod person.


Did you know that Killer is Italian?
No way.. did you know that the Japanese Spider Crab is the largest crab in the world?

*covers eyes*

What's your favourite brand of sneakers?
Vans.. without a doubt.

Which breed of spider do you love the most?
oooooo... Um, Trapdoor Spiders. Smart little buggers.

Is Pae a good mod?
Do you even have to ask that question? Pae is good period. ~_^

Why do you post in so many different colours? The other mods and AKs all pick one.
Why be like all the others?

"Remember you're unique just like everyone else"


Do you fancy raisins?
If by fancy you mean: " consume massive amounts" then .. yes. I fancy them very much.

How'd you ever become a mod?
Well I .... I'm not sure. I came on these forums and spent every moment in the Q&A forums. Answering all sorts of game related questions, then I took on to assisting Niko a little bit in his guide writing. I ended up floating around a bit and found myself in the OOC now and then... Then I just posted as usual, trying my best to help out the mods by PMing links to threads that should be deleted or locked, reminding my fellow members of the rules. I guess people noticed my charm and boyish looks?

Have you seen me before? (Standard Question for all Mods and AKs.)

Yes I have seen you around. (Standard Reply for all people that ask that question)

I know your address. I've kidnapped your turtles and... Heh, just kidding. ^^

*GASP* Oh.. you were just kidding....

Do you think I am crazy?
Nope.. there is no crazy, there is no normal. We are all "crazy" in our own ways that's what makes us "normal"!

Well, bye bye! *flies away on an influenza virus*

Aww, already? Man you've got some skills!

*tries to ride a influenza virus .. and falls off*

necromancer -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| = SLEEPING (6/19/2005 10:34:08)

Am I an idiot?
If you are.. so am I!

Do you know how skyboy59's thinks?
Yes.... Post - LOL - Post - LOL ... and done. =P

Do you think cyrus could have a better look?
Well I know that some time was spent on getting his character the way he wanted.... I think it's awesome how he owns Galanoth with the Fire Dragon. Muhaha.

Do you think dracomancers could have look cooler?
Well sure, they could've cast Brad Pitt to play them all.. but that wouldn't be fun. I like the Dracomancers and their blue-skinned ways.

Who do want out of the grand council?
Out? Dadric.. come on, he's such a sch'mo! And he's a mod now.. and mods don't belong on the GC and GC'ers don't need a mod. They should have active and willing members of this community. (members not mods.. Dadric was a good GCer)

Can you visit the second link in my sig?
Sure can, mind if I shower first?

Coronet -> RE: =AQ= Meet teh Mods: ||>Noah_B<|| = SLEEPING (6/19/2005 11:09:37)

Late, late, late! But still, early enough! It's everyone's favourite Noah up for interview, and I now have my own set of questions, yet again! ^-^


Firstlies first! Can I have a snuggle? ¤looks with pleading eyes¤

Only because your pleading eyes.. how can I resist?


Second, how does it feel to be bombarded by questions?

Jawesome! I love it!.. I could sit here and answer them all day long.

Do you think you'll actually make it to ten whole pages? Kaley is the only fellah to ever surpass 7 pages. You have a large goal ahead of you...

I like to set high goals/expectations... I think I can do it.. maybe. Seems most people forgot about me, which is fine. I hope that I can spark some new interest in me and getting to know new people along the way. Should be a good time.... Wait, Kaley is a fellah? ... *confuggles*

Do you like pineapples?

Yes very much so.. especially on cheese pizza.

What about weapons, do you like any? If so, any particular class of weapon you prefer? I myself am a fan of the Longspear class of weapons.

Personally I'm a fan of the Frog bot.. opps, wrong game! ^^

I like the new weapons.. there seems to be a flood of them. Let's hope that we aren't over powering our adventurers. Of course, I like a challenge... then again part of me likes to wak all over any monster I face, so meh.

I too am a fan of the Longspear weapons... spears > swords

In terms of socialness and who/what you hang around with, are you an Animal Person, a Plant Person, or a People Person?

People... I love people and social interaction. Which is strange.. I spend a lot of time alone, I enjoy solitude. But I also love surrounding myself with people that I know and love. New people are fasinating to me, I love to meet someone new and do some Q&A with them. I

I tend to stay away from "scenes" to meet people at... like bars or clubs, I just don't like the stereotypes or people prone to what I see as "unpersonal" interaction.

Of course I do love the outdoors and animals... I have become somewhat of a computer geek or rather, more of a computer geek these past few months. And now that I can crack my window and get a fresh breeze, I have a longing to get out of the great indoors and do some camping/hiking/driving.. etc.

In terms of diet and eating, are you an Animal Person, a Plant Person, or a People Person?

hehe.. I had to read this question a couple times.

Plant. This past year I've really grown tired/bored of meats.. sure I like a nice chicken ceaser salad now and then or a bit of smoked salamon. But I'm just not a fan really... I do eat steak/beef but just in small portions and not very often.

I do enjoying going out to eat with friends.. so yes, People. Eatting is one of my most favorite things in the world and it's nice to enjoy a good meal with good company.

Now that whole diet thing.. I need to work on. ~_^

Finallies... are you tall? <_<

5-11.. is that tall? I like to round up.. so 6 foot. Tall? I don't think so, being a basketball player I've never felt tall compared to some of the other giants that I get on the court with.

Ta-ta! <3

Farewell.. Do come back again!

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