winkillerx -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (7/26/2009 15:45:56)
Has this bug been reported before? NO Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch Character ID or Character Page Link: 57747439 Character Type (Adventurer, Guardian, X-Guardian): X Guardian If the character is an Adventurer, is there also a Guardian on the account? No Error Code: N/A Screenshot link: N/A What House/Estate do you own? Darkovia Mansion What item is having problems? N/A Item Type: (Painting, House Guard, Estate Item) N/A Bug details: Just purchased a Darkovia Mansion, trying to clear trees for it, but when I kill an enemy, no tress have been cleared, when I kill enemies? Before bug occurred: Could clear trees During Bug: Fighting the enemy After bug: No Tress Have been cleared after killing enemy Did you clear cache? YES Did the bug happen again? YES Browser Info: FireFox v3.0.12 Flash version: Have you hit your gold and exp caps for the day? If so, you have to wait until midnight server time to clear trees. ~phoenixfire555