RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (Full Version)

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chrismas3110 -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (5/7/2009 16:44:01)

My house sell back price hasn't risen for over a month and its below the price i bought it for.

COMPACTER -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (5/12/2009 8:26:54)

i have the forest mansion estate and i notice on my land i have a mana collector which is level 5 however for the past day in a half i have been only receiving 4 energy sources and it is supposed to be producing 5 per hour, can you look into this for me please?


Sugar -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (5/19/2009 8:06:45)

With the above character's graveyard, I am unable to upgrade it beyond level 3. I don't know why. I tried multiple times and ended up with negative resources even instead of it telling me I can't do it. I left the home and returned and then I got the not enough resources thing but had negative resources. I would like this to be corrected if possible since I could have at least used these resources to attack...... I was around 300 or less in each resource this morning on this character (sorry I can't remember exact values).


OK wierd. Now I went back and it is upgrading and my resources are no longer negative and seem reset about right. So is this just slow server?

gigadude -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (5/19/2009 21:29:14)

Has this bug been reported before? No

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Game crash(maybe)

Character ID or Character Page Link:
Character Type (Adventurer, Guardian, X-Guardian): Adventurer
If the character is an Adventurer, is there also a Guardian on the account? No
Error Code: ?
Screenshot link: None

What House/Estate do you own? Forest Log Cabin Estate
What item is having problems? Vegetable Garden
Item Type: Estate Item

Bug details: ?
Before bug occurred: I was defending my vegetabel garden to make more products.
During Bug: After the battle it just shows my char info and my log cabin picture and nothing else. It froze and I couldnt do anything but look at my stats

After bug: I restarted and then I had to wait till the server status is clear.

Did you clear cache? ?
Did the bug happen again? No
Browser Info: ?
Flash version: ?

It happened again.

dancemyminions -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (5/20/2009 17:08:30)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch

Character ID or Character Page Link:
Character Type (Adventurer, Guardian, X-Guardian): X-Gurdian

What House/Estate do you own? Frostvale Cottage Estate
What item is having problems? Fishing Pond
Item Type: Estate Item

Bug details: Had 419 Z-Tokens, bought Fishing Pond. Update screen froze, so I refreshed the page. I now have 419 Z-Tokens and a fishing pond, i.e. I wasn't charged for it.
Before bug occurred: 419 Z-Tokens, no fishing pond in my inventory (I have not placed it on my estate)

After Bug: 419 Z-Tokens, a fishing pond in my inventory

Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? It's certainly not going away
Browser Info: Whatever the latest version of firefox is.
Flash version: ?

EDIT: Looks like that was fixed up. Thanks guys!

ryanolander -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (6/18/2009 22:35:27)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.):
Character ID or Character Page Link: 544110379
Character Type Guradian
Error Code: i do not know
Screenshot link: i do not know

What House/Estate do you own? Forest Log Cabin Estate
What item is having problems? house
Item Type: level 1 estate mana collector and house
Bug details: When i go in my house my mp and hp will go very slow
level 1 estate mana collector will only get 12 energy
Before bug occurred: It work great

After bug: After?

Killer13 -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (6/19/2009 19:21:11)

im in the special adventurer group that can log in all the time im lvl51 and the mega world portal is giving me exp. idk if thats a bug but u might want to look into it

Illuminator -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (7/19/2009 1:33:13)

Has this bug been reported before? I don't think so. (I checked through this thread)

Type of bug: Glitch

Character ID or Character Page Link: 29918896
Character Type (Adventurer, Guardian, X-Guardian): adventurer
If the character is an Adventurer, is there also a Guardian on the account? yes
Error Code: ?
Screenshot link:

What House/Estate do you own? Forest Log Cabin Estate
What item is having problems? Guard Tower/Trade Hut?
Item Type: estate item

Bug details:
Before bug occurred: Everything was normal.

During Bug: I tried to upgrade my guard tower from level 8 to 9 and it didn't work. So I logged out and back in and tried again, it still wouldn't work. I then decided to instead upgrade my trade hut from level 9 to 10. That one worked, then the guard tower upgrade went through and gave me negative stone and energy resources because I didn't have enough for both upgrades.

After bug: I have negative stone and energy resources, and both buildings are upgrading.Everything else is normal and working fine.

Did you clear cache? yes, both buildings are upgrading and I still have negative resources
Did the bug happen again? I can't test it to see.
Browser Info: Internet Explorer 8
Flash version: 10

EDIT: I no longer have negative resources but both buildings still say they're upgrading. This happened after I defended my level 10 vegetable garden, it froze after I won the battle. I relogged in and my resources were no longer negative and I redefended the garden. I fought the same monster (darkness dragon). This time the defending worked.

winkillerx -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (7/26/2009 15:45:56)

Has this bug been reported before? NO

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch

Character ID or Character Page Link
: 57747439
Character Type (Adventurer, Guardian, X-Guardian): X Guardian
If the character is an Adventurer, is there also a Guardian on the account? No
Error Code: N/A
Screenshot link: N/A

What House/Estate do you own? Darkovia Mansion
What item is having problems? N/A
Item Type: (Painting, House Guard, Estate Item) N/A

Bug details
: Just purchased a Darkovia Mansion, trying to clear trees for it, but when I kill an enemy, no tress have been cleared, when I kill enemies?

Before bug occurred
: Could clear trees

During Bug: Fighting the enemy

After bug: No Tress Have been cleared after killing enemy

Did you clear cache? YES
Did the bug happen again? YES
Browser Info: FireFox v3.0.12
Flash version:

Have you hit your gold and exp caps for the day? If so, you have to wait until midnight server time to clear trees. ~phoenixfire555

Thorun -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (8/3/2009 19:56:27)

Back-to-house bug.

Hi. I was in a shop somewhere (only once, and i can't remember which one). In this shop, i sell my house. When i exit the shop, i should have returned to my house. But the house wasn't there (was sold..). Then there came a message upon my screen: "There is no house" and this message repeated itself 2-3 times every second - and i got stuck with my game in that way. I had to shut down my browser and restart to regain control of my character.

I don't know if it's a bug - but i presume it is.

Yes, it's one that occurs whenever you sell your Estate from the Estate shop and do not buy a new Estate - you don't have an Estate to return to. ~Aelthai

Mr.AQ -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (8/6/2009 8:42:21)

i need help building my house i keep clearing trees but notning is happening please help me

Are you receiving XP or Gold for the battles you fight? If you do not, you will not clear trees because nothing is saved. If you have hit your daily caps, you will not earn XP and/or Gold depending on which cap you have hit. ~Aelthai

TheBlindSage -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (8/22/2009 14:52:04)

Has this bug been reported before? Probably not.
Type of bug: Graphical error?, typo? - When you go to the shop to sell items, under the house items it says everything after 8 spots is in storage
Character ID or Character Page Link: 8507572
Character Type: X-Guardian
Error Code: uh what

What House/Estate do you own? Darkovia Mansion Estate
What item is having problems? Everything after the first 8 items

After bug:
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Firefox 3.5.2
Flash version:

afterlifex -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (8/22/2009 21:05:29)

Character ID or Character Page Link:
Character Type (Adventurer, Guardian, X-Guardian): X-G

What House/Estate do you own? Darkovia Mansion Estate
What item is having problems? sytem update/any estate building under attack

Bug details: I guess it is a bug in how the system updates estates on the hour, when I go in to an estate building that is under attack and proceed to defend it(close to the update time) I will finish the battle(after the update time) just to have to defend the same building again right after.

Before bug occurred: building under attack

During Bug: same building still under attack after clearing it already.

After bug: proceeds as normal

Did you clear cache? no
Did the bug happen again? has happened many times
Browser Info:
Flash version:

Chipmunkking -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (8/23/2009 6:50:24)

Character ID or Character Page Link:10914329
Character Type: Adventurer

What House/Estate do you own: Darkovia Forest Tent
What item is having problems: Potion borrowing
Item Type: Potion

Bug details: When visiting a neighbors home (a forest tiki hut) I clicked the potion refill to <ahem> borrow potions up to 3 as the encyclopedia page shows. But because I have more than 3 mana potions, it does no allow me to collect heal potions. Not sure if this is actually a bug or not.
Before bug occurred:

Did you clear cache: Yes
Did the bug happen again: Yes
Browser Info: Foxfire v. 3.0.13
Flash version:

DreadDoom -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (8/25/2009 9:33:46)

Type of bug:Glitch
Character page:
Character Type:X-Guardian
House/Estate I own:Darkovia Mansion Estate
Item Problems:Items I bought don`t appear in my character page.
Item Type:Estate Items
Bug details:The other bug I`m having is that when I go to cut trees for space for my house after I bought it the trees remain uncut no matter how long and battles I fight.Help!!!
During bug:Trees I cut remain uncut.
After bug:I did everything there is listed.

If you have hit your caps for the day, battles aren't counted so trees won't clear. Please try to clear your estate again after midnight, server time. ~Everest

omega suprime -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (9/17/2009 15:43:56)

i have the same problem with winkillerx... so... guess i have to wait till tom...

Vevel Vey Velect -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (10/10/2009 15:19:01)

has this bug been reported before: No
type of bug: ?

Character type: X-guardian
Character ID: X-guardian3000
Error code: ?
Screenshot Link: ?

What house/Estate do you own: Darkovia Stone Mansion Estate
What item is having problems: None
Item type : None

Bug details:?
Before Bug:My Home was perfect and normal

During Bug: I've Had to keep selling and rebuying the Darkovia Stone Mansion Estate Because every time I Buy one, I have it for a few months, and a day later I find out that I don't have it anymore. I wonder if it's because that the sell price went up for a while and then decreased until it couldn't be sold anymore and then you couldn't own it. I want to know if there is a way to keep a house forever.

After Bug: It was perfect again, but is following the same pattern over and over.

Did you clear cache: ?
Did it happen again: Yes
Browser info: ?
Flash Verion: ?

I think It is going to happen again soon!!!!

Please check your email address in Account Management and - if it is correct - change your password. That sounds like your account may have been compromised. ~Aelthai

Astraloth -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (10/21/2009 14:37:27)

If you are at your house at the estate shop and you sell your house, the game crashes.

Archangel Auriga -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (11/4/2009 17:17:13)

Has this bug been reported before? Have not seen it listed in this thread.

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Blackscreen

Character ID or Character Page Link: 6925387
Character Type (Adventurer, Guardian, X-Guardian): Guardian
If the character is an Adventurer, is there also a Guardian on the account? n/a
Error Code: n/a
Screenshot link: n/a

What House/Estate do you own? Forest Tiki Hut
What item is having problems? Forest Tiki Hut
Item Type: (Painting, House Guard, Estate Item)

Bug details: Everytime I try to access my house button in Battleon I get a blackscreen. I have the yellow line box, my portrait, and health bars. But everything else inside the yellow box is black.

Before bug occurred:

During Bug:

After bug:

Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? yes
Browser Info: AOL 9.0
Flash version: dunno

COMPACTER -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (11/12/2009 13:59:48)

Please look into my account as i feel my Estate is not earning the tokens properly, when did i originally purchase this house i cannot remember, can you look into this for me and advise to the findings please. I paid 16k for the DME and i am at only 15818 that seems wrong for sure.

1% per week is a really dumb idea that's like 144 tokens only a week which is 20.57 tokens per day?? you get more from random bollywood ads.

also not to mention you pay 16,000 tokens for this estate and it auto drops waaaaaaaaayy down to only 14,400 ??? if you purchase a real property i can guarantee you would never drop in price and if so never by that much, i can see loosing 100 tokens off the price but to lose 1,600 tokens in one shot???

please look into my account and see if there is something wrong.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (11/12/2009 23:15:54)

@COMPACTER after buying a house or estate the sellback is supposed to go down by 10% of the original price...and with the current interest of 1% per have to wait 10 weeks to get the same price as when you bought the house...and you can't compare how house pricing works in AQ in real life house pricing...since AQ is a game

COMPACTER -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (11/13/2009 11:24:45)

Yes but i have had this house for far more then 10 weeks i am not near the resale value again.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (11/13/2009 16:29:24)

You bought your Darkovia Mansion Estate on Sept 11.
So, you've owned it about 9 weeks.

COMPACTER -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (11/16/2009 12:06:20)

Capt. Is that good or bad? i don't know? LOL

also thanks for the response brother, you have always been good to me.

Also i seriously bought it on Sept 11?? man that is scary!! lol

The Game -> RE: Housing, House Item, and Estate Bugs (11/21/2009 20:42:20)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Graphical error

Character ID or Character Page Link:
Character Type (Adventurer, Guardian, X-Guardian): X-Guardian
Error Code: N/A
Screenshot link:

What House/Estate do you own? Darkovia Mansion Estate
What item is having problems? N/A
Item Type: N/A

Bug details:
Before bug occurred: Went to see house/estate, my estate loaded, and then the fight automatically loaded

During Bug: Able to click on the buttons to go to my stable, upstairs, etc with the fight still going on

After bug: Beat the monster; another fight loaded right after, but this time in a regular background; beat the monster and it went back to my estate

Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? No
Browser Info: Firefox 3.5.5
Flash version: Adobe Flash Player 10

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