RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (9/27/2008 15:02:42)


ORIGINAL: Mysterious Strangeface

  • *** This is not a complain, it's just too bad that our resources are useless for a few weeks.
    It was nice that Captain gave a chance to upgrade the Guard Tower from level 10 to level 15.
    It could be better if Captain will give us again a chance to upgrade the Guard Tower to level 20 or much better to level 25. [:D]
    It's better than nothing doing with the Estates. [;)]

  • quote:

    ORIGINAL: deatht00l

    @ above

    I don't really agree with you...i think it's better to do nothing with the estates
    then throwing money out of the window with useless upgrades :/

    ORIGINAL: etching

    I'll have to agree with deatht00l...I mean, people were already complaining about
    the upgrade requirements just to get to level 15...Can you imagine 20 or 25?
    Not to mention that the resource consumption would be something like -8/-5/-5/-8...

    ^ I believe it should not be a problem since we should get more buildings which produce more resources next updated in October.
    It's just an option in other words a choice, it's up to you. ... Please don't be mad and don't get me wrong... Thanks. [:)]

  • If you never wanna get attacked anymore with the lowest Levels of Guards if possible, you sure will upgrade the highest Levels of Guard Tower if possible.
  • If you have enough Levels of Guards which is combinated of Levels of Guards + Levels of Guard Tower, you will likely never get attacked!! Post #: 27

    ORIGINAL: Mysterious Strangeface

  • RLoG without a level of Guard Tower = C = RLoG = 4930 < Y = 4930 levels of Guards is not available at this moment (total require).

  • RLoGT without any level of Guard = C = [ ( 2400 + 2530 ) / 200 ] = 4930 / 200 = 24,65 = 25(rounded) = 25 levels of Guard Tower (total require) = level 25 Guard Tower is not available at this moment (total require).


  • RLoGT = C = [ ( 4930 - LoG ) / 200 ] - LoGT = [ ( 4930 - ... ) / 200 ] - ... = [ ... / 200 ] - ... = ... - ... = ... levels of Guard Tower (extra require).


  • RLoGT = C = [ ( 4930 - LoG ) / 200 ] + LoGT = [ ( 4930 - ... ) / 200 ] + ... = ... / 200 ] + ... = ... + ... = ... levels of Guard Tower (extra require).
  • quote:

    X = the Estimate Formula of levels of Guards will be likely never get attacked
    ? = the Current Formula <--- Captain Rhubarb is the only one person who exactly knows the Current Formula. :p
    Y = ?
    C = Conclusion = X < Y

    LoG = Levels of Guards
    LoGT = Levels of Guard Tower = Level ... Guard Tower

    RLoG = Require Levels of Guards will likely never get attacked
    RLoGT = Require Levels of Guard Tower will likely never get attacked

  • My 2nd. character(L130) has 38 Guards with total of 2530 levels of Guards since its level 12 Guard Tower - never get attacked anymore.

  • My 4th. character(L112) has 5 Guards with total of 345 levels of Guards - still get attacked a few times a week while it has level 15 Guard Tower.

  • Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (11/23/2008 11:06:02)

  • A level 1 Guard Tower = 1 * 200 Levels of Guards = 200 Levels of Guards.
  • A level 10 Guard Tower = 10 * 200 Levels of Guards = 2000 Levels of Guards.
  • A level 12 Guard Tower = 12 * 200 Levels of Guards = 2400 Levels of Guards.
  • A level 15 Guard Tower = 15 * 200 Levels of Guards = 3000 Levels of Guards.


    The Estimate Formula of level of guards will likely never get attacked:
    RLoG = C = LoGT + LoG = 2400 + 2530 = 4930 < Y

    1) RLoG with a level 15 Guard Tower = C = 4930 - 3000 = 1930 levels of Guards < Y
    2) RLoG with a level 12 Guard Tower = C = 4930 - 2400 = 2530 levels of Guards < Y
    3) RLoG with a level 10 Guard Tower = C = 4930 - 2000 = 2930 levels of Guards < Y



    X = the Estimate Formula of levels of Guards will be likely never get attacked
    ? = the Current Formula <-- Captain Rhubarb is the only one person who knows the Current Formula.
    Y = ?
    C = Conclusion = X < Y

    LoG = Levels of Guards
    LoGT = Levels of Guard Tower = Level ... Guard Tower

    RLoG = Require Levels of Guards will likely never get attacked
    RLoGT = Require Levels of Guard Tower will likely never get attacked

    If you have enough Levels of Guards which is combinated of Levels of Guards + Levels of Guard Tower, you will likely never get attacked!

    Can somenone please correct me in this case include the Estimate Formula if I'm wrong? Thank you in advance. [sm=flowers.gif]

  • My 2nd. character has 2530 levels of Guards since its level 12 Guard Tower - never get attacked.

  • My 4th. character has 345 levels of Guards - still get attacked a few times a week while it has level 15 Guard Tower.

    Lets see:

    1) You have level 15 Guard Tower with 1295 levels of Guards
  • RLoG with LoG + LoGT = C = 4930 - [ LoG + ( LoGT * 200 ) ] = 4930 - [ 1295 + ( 15 * 200 ) ] = 4930 - [ 1295 + 3000 ] = 4930 - 4295 = 635 levels of Guards (extra require).
    You need ( extra ) 635 levels of Guards to be taken over by monsters(will likely never get attacked).

    2) You have level 15 Guard Tower with 1148 levels of Guards
  • RLoG with LoG + LoGT = C = 4930 - [ LoG + ( LoGT * 200 ) ] = 4930 - [ 1148 + ( 15 * 200 ) ] = 4930 - [ 1148 + 3000 ] = 4930 - 4148 = 782 levels of Guards (extra require).
    You need ( extra ) 782 levels of Guards to be taken over by monsters(will likely never get attacked).

  • deatht00l -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (12/3/2008 5:09:53)

    captain: I now this doesn't belong here, but if I could ask you about the starting value of a house? since the value raise is now 3% per week the starting value is still set at 10% down (initialy ment to take you 2 weeks to get to original value) it now ment to take you much longer to get the "loss" back or did you just forget to change the starting value?

    on topic: great ideas on the war thing!
    and hopefully the resources will get some uses soon, so that we can look forward to the warehouse!

    beerke -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (12/3/2008 14:22:29)

    Yeah, finaly a war-tracker, and i sure hope that once it works like it should work, we'll see rewardshops with a wave-requirement.
    Something like you need to do 20 or 50 waves in a war, and only during the active war, in order to open the shop.
    If that is implimented i'll be so happy, woooooooooooot, that would make an end on all those farmers that just come,
    and do the final wave and boss battle to get the rewards, but never fight the real war.
    Realy, that would be the most happy day in my AQ-history, even better than turning lvl 130. [:D]

    But i'll need to get some more guards for my lower characters, they don't have that many.
    My main is ok for now.

    Everest -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (12/4/2008 0:03:55)


    EverestAllure don't worry about hazing because all it will do is create competition between all of us to see who beats more waves so it will actually make wars go alot quicker which is good because then we get our rewards quicker even though recently most of them have been pretty lame.

    That's actually exactly what I'd be worried about... I remember a little while ago there was the possibility of country of origin being shown on our character pages, but the objection was made that this would create friction between the players. I know that this wouldn't be intended for anything other than friendly competition, but it is easily abusable. I don't think it's a bad idea, especially because it can help a player keep track of his own stats, but I do wish we could choose whether it would be shown to others or not.

    Tola -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (12/4/2008 0:52:32)

    And what if somebody else didn't bother fighting and had zero wave wins. So what? Anybody really gonna care?

    All signs point to 'YES'. It'll get ugly.

    etching -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (12/4/2008 1:06:52)

    ^^^ If that results in flaming, then maybe instead of a number,
    display a war participation emblem or something at certain intervals like 25/50/100 wins?

    EDIT: A title or emblem for intervals is a good idea. ~Rhubarb

    spellmaster -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (12/4/2008 12:27:20)

    I never thought houses would go rare. I wonder if it's because they want to replace all the houses with estates.

    EDIT: Yes, I'm trying to re-configure the housing system to use Estates for all the larger house sizes. ~Rhubarb

    neo_manni -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (12/8/2008 23:35:51)

    it will make a difference when we can send our guards to wars, but what will happen when we send our guards out, will our houses be unguarded??

    Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (12/9/2008 2:20:40)

    To keep things simple, the Guards will run out, do some battles, and run back.
    Houses will still be as safe as if they were always there.

    Lord Sauron -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (12/9/2008 21:30:24)

    Capt. are we going to be getting castles and kingdoms soon?

    Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion and FAQ (12/9/2008 22:26:58)

    some quick responses:

    * We're going to have something new that has something to do with Kingdoms in February.
    * Using the guard token cost is a good idea for its power amount
    * The houses that I removed will no longer be available
    * The medium size houses are probably going to get a few free estate plots added.
    * The existing estate houses are going to get some free added slots very soon.

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