Kick em' in the dishpan hoo hoo hoo! (Full Version)

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Suuichi -> Kick em' in the dishpan hoo hoo hoo! (8/26/2008 12:57:00)

Riddle Me This

<Suuichi> Riddle me this
<%Ana_Maria> <Suuichi> Riddle me this <====Riddle me that
<Suuichi> Riddle me there
<%Ana_Maria> Riddle me everywhere
<Suuichi> Riddle me in the sky
<%Ana_Maria> Riddle me way up high
<Suuichi> Riddle me on the floor
<%Ana_Maria> Riddle me through the door
<Suuichi> When the fat lady sings
<Suuichi> Riddle me on a star
<%Ana_Maria> Riddle me by far
<Suuichi> Riddle me this orange
<%Ana_Maria> Riddle me that nothing rhymes with orange
<Suuichi> Riddle me that there is, door hinge
<%Ana_Maria> Riddle me at Stone Henge
<Suuichi> Riddle me cutting a hedge
<%Ana_Maria> Riddle me falling off the edge
<Suuichi> Riddle me falling of the ledge
<+Recar> Riddle me I'm stuck in a wedge
<Suuichi> Riddle me Heath Ledge
<Suuichi> r
<Suuichi> <_<
<Suuichi> Crap
<Suuichi> Riddle me Ana Marie
<+Recar> Riddle me into a tree
<Suuichi> Riddle me Skooby listen to me
<%Ana_Maria> Riddle me I dont has to, Suuichi
<+Recar> Riddle me Skooby set me free
<%Ana_Maria> Riddle me Loshy, here I be
<Suuichi> Riddle me Clyde made an awesome piece that I want you to see
<%Ana_Maria> Riddle me MM, I hath eyes to see
<Suuichi> Riddle me MM is nowhere to be seen
<%Ana_Maria> Riddle me MM AEF hath been
<&Rational|Dinner> Riddle me pugly
<Suuichi> Riddle me this

Midnight Moon

In the day, as I stare at the sun
With its luminescent glow
I await for night to come
And the sun to go down low
I gaze upon the midnight sky
Full with speckles of light
I am truly at peace, full of calm
In the middle of the night

The Realities of Life

Imagine a storm is the clash of good and evil
With drops of blood blanketing the ground
Imagine the wind is a whisper in your ear
That sends a shiver down your spine

Imagine thunder is the truth erupting from the lies of the world
In a thunderous roar that all can hear
Imagine lightning is the light at the end of the tunnel
That all try to avoid in fear of being struck

Imagine rain is the tears of lives past
As they mourn the loss of their loved ones
Imagine stars are the shimmers of hope
That remain after one disappears

Imagine the sun is an orb of lies
Heated by the hate in the world
Imagine the sky is a blanket of truth
That people stare at for comfort

Feelings of Mind

They tell me to an idea
Give life to invention
I tell them I am a cocoon
Trapped with nowhere to go

They tell me to be a pencil
Express emotions, thoughts, and feelings
I tell them I am a safe
Stuffed with secrets none can see

They tell me to be a butterfly
Free as a bird, gentle as a feather
I tell the, I am a train
Knowing exactly where my destination lies
Never changing my course

They tell me to be a child
Laugh and play day long
I tell them I am a psychic
Making lies to see others elate
Telling truths to see teary eyes


Graves all around you
The smell of death in the air
Shrouded in darkness

Blood Shower

Trickles of red rain
Dripping slowly down a face
Someone cries sadly

Dark Silence

All is engulfed in
Darkness and shadows of past
Not a sound is heard


Sadness and sorrow
Fills the mind of people 'round
Silent and in thought

A Beauty in the Rough

A rock in the ground
Maybe a stone or gem
Asleep for millions of years
A ray if sunlight a drop of warmth
Disturbs its rest unannounced
Dirty, dull, with something inside
A burning ember waiting to grow
Lifted up and awaiting
Stared at with eyes wide
A new destination comes
Dropped in a bucket
Not expected at all
Sits silently, slumbering once more
Awoken again by something new
Moistened with dirty water
Rocked back and forth
Waking up at last
Once and for all
Raised up high
Warmed again by the sun
It shines through now
Not like before
Taken inside
Handled with care
Moved just a few
Silently sitting again
Cut and shines
Turned to beauty
Myriads of colors
Bursting through
Awake and alive
Shining brightly and long
Never to sleep again


Suuichi -> RE: Kick em' in the dishpan hoo hoo hoo! (8/29/2008 18:09:08)

The Heiress

Paris Hilton is skinny as a nail
And now she is going to jail
She was caught drving drunk
While listening to funk
And now there is no chance of bail

The Ogre

There once was an ogre named Shrek
He went on a very long trek
He found a donkey
Who was very wonky
And now lives with a pain in the neck


Pae is a gecko you see
Chomping is her specialty
She strikes fear in hearts
Her eyes are like darts
And for some reason she like skaWEE


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