RE: The Ultimate Paxia History Thread! (Full Version)

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~Divinity~ -> RE: The Ultimate Paxia History Thread! (10/9/2008 22:56:50)

First Clan War: Back then I was still ancient as time, I'm a veteran. :P I remember it well. I was very excited when the first clan war came out, the stirrings of something big came, I thought it would tie into the Devourer. I remember searching the forums for whispers of truth, or something tying into the main plot. What I found was a wasted battleground. It was nothing but a flamefest, so I retreated into my shell of the AQ GGD, Suggestions, and Spec & Theories. I fought for my clan, but stayed far away from all other members.

When the dawn broke, the clans formed into 8, I was intrigued and hung around Lucian a bit, seeming to be on the more mild side of the clans. Back then Nocturu looked like a yawing pit of hell to me. I was scared to move to Nocturu or Igneus, who seemed to be alive with spam and flame. Things cooled down, activity decreased in gigantic sweeps. Threads were suddenly gone.

I retreated to ZH where I was safe. Months later, I drew out of my shell and sought out the clan that seemed the most interesting. I found Nocturu.

Moridin -> RE: The Ultimate Paxia History Thread! (10/17/2008 3:20:51)

Hm. As the oldest active Nocturan, I suppose my expertise is needed...after the elections, I'll see if I can get a board together to get a comprehensive Nocturan history together.

Can we include entities which are now considered illegal? Or should we censure it? I hate that I have to ask that question...

Baker -> RE: The Ultimate Paxia History Thread! (10/20/2008 23:59:32)

If you mean sub-clans and the like, Morry, I'd personally say that's okay. They did exist, and were a big part of Paxia for a time. I also don't feel that mentioning them does any of the harm the groups did, so there's no reason they can't be a part of the write-up.

On a more personal level, Nicto is still around on the forums as .Discipline, so he can probably fill in some gaps if you need help with older stuffs.

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