An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (Full Version)

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Master Samak -> An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (9/14/2008 15:27:05)

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Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (9/14/2008 15:45:04)


I've walked down a road paved in strife,
And came to a crossroad in my life.

One path would take me from a graveyard of yore,
And place me with people I've not known before.

Another would pull me from all that I know,
To make me search for answers below.

The last would continue me on my own way,
Guiding me on to the price I must pay.

From these three choices I almost didn't see
That a fourth path also waited for me.

Of all the roads, it's the best and the worst,
The wearisome one I've been walking on first.

Those who saw me go, later never forgot,
Turning around to witness... that I am not.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (9/14/2008 16:12:28)

The Queen

"Look to the hills," reads a crumbling sign,
"If it is the Queen you seek.
Find her and you will reap wonders divine,
Of which nobody dares to speak."

Softly her words linger in the still air,
Gently calling men to her side
To ease the loneliness which she must bear,
The solace that changed her inside.

"I am the voice of the past that will never be!"
Rings in the ears of men who pass by.
Those with the will had strength to flee,
While those who did not were doomed to die.

If a man were ever to find this poor soul,
The ghost driven out from the ground,
Then dreams would be made and his own life made whole,
But, alas, she will never be found.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (9/17/2008 22:19:28)


Look to me,
and I might assist you.

Look to others,
and they might support you.

Look to yourself,
and eventually you'll find your own way.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (9/21/2008 11:11:50)


Objects give people the chance to survive,
While helping remember times gone by.
They provide the knowledge for youths to survive,
And let the old live on when they die.

It starts as children and the toys we've used,
Filled with memories of infant-like bliss.
Then when we're grown and our lives are confused,
They bring us back to the place we so miss.

But every once in a while,
Something destroys a smile,
Making symbolic trials
That no one ever forgot.

It's strange to think, however,
An object's powered endeavor:
Much endures forever,
While we, in turn, cannot.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (9/21/2008 11:25:11)


Many surround one
and I know why.
Children find fun,
as x finds y.

Kept alone and forgotten,
left with but my curse,
only looking over when
worst has worsened to worse.

Just once her eyes will raise,
to quickly glance at me.
I'll know, then, by this gaze
that nothing will ever be.

One is two,
Is life is death,
Is chance is true,
Is all that takes a breath
And keeps it for themselves.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (10/5/2008 23:11:07)

The Worst Race

A horrible slip,
the motionless trip
which began the doom of my day.

A cry of surprise,
the untimely demise
which frightened the actor in play.

Bursting with speed,
to undo the deed
that trapped me in with my foes.

Berated with cold,
too unnaturally bold,
that increased my painful woes.

Called falsely to go,
this debt I must owe,
to hide my shame and my grief.

Creeping and found,
this untread ground,
to cast away all my relief.

Down more than ever,
and kicked to endeavor,
I suffer myself to the end.

A hazy view seen,
and worse than it's been,
I stagger away from this Bend.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (4/5/2009 23:39:39)

Track'ed Clarification

Nigh a year of servitude
paid for a hindering find.
Worried thoughts surrounding brood
until comes this tranquil mind.

Memory in flesh.
The will to move.
A life made fresh.
So much to prove.

Ask not for reason;
the arcane not explained,
brought against treason,
which relieves, ever-pained.

And so mine eyes fill with flame,
a BloodRage manifests at last.
The mind within its present frame
ascends to hold off the past.

I am not myself.
I am that higher difference
but I am not myself.

Thusly mine eyes are filled with Rage,
a gun blast or touch summoning me.
Formed unto a celestial page,
and whilst on that circle I'm free.

No relevance time has here.
Ne'er shall this place know pain.
Weakness fades, as does the one year:
Ability tenfold I regain.

But then my task is done
and I take my one last look
before mine eyes clear again....

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (6/8/2009 0:25:05)

If We Must....

Must the world spin like an ignorant top,
devoid and bereft at a contemptuous hand;
set for all time to whirl non-stop
by a solely observant's command?

There's too much uncare here to be found,
so little time to stop and regard,
that if one ever sought to readily confound
he'd simply have to assist the unmarred.

So linger a second and be ever kind.
Take a moment to slow down a while.
Only then would people be likewise inclined
to do the same with hearty a smile.

Like scholars, we must learn all of our trade:
to live, to love, to remake the unmade.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (6/8/2009 0:39:58)

Sixteen Perspective Counter

I have just shot
your husband
in the theatre box.

Pardon me
but I was never fond
of top hats.

And the performance
really wasn't that exciting

Surely you must know
the thrill of a pistol kick
and the wind on your face
when leaping down to the


Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (9/28/2009 17:36:43)

O Nothingness....

A walk on the passage
of ethereal fate.
Avonian bards have bemoaned
the mistake.
Minds taken to dream
and repair unto dust.
While tendrils of life
mist longing to touch
their souls.

Under the stars linger
remnants below,
Long sought after by
worlds sacrificially bestowed.
Forgotten in life
yet remembered in words.
Passed unseen for an age
before hope had returned
to them.

A people un-touched, only
to reach back towards me.
Too disturbed by what's done
to truly rest in their peace.
Not meant to go dwell
in this world or the next.
Dead whispers enclosed
by barred ironed gates
and angels.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (10/11/2009 19:45:55)

Higher than Kings or Queens

There came upon me, by gracious reserve,
this lady fair in voluptuous white.
A hand at my throat for the soul to unnerve,
she purged my all with contrition contrite.

Forgone is the life that I knew of before,
this mistress so pure having made me confessed.
No moments to come should I ever abhor
now that I can attend to my lady's behest.

Oh, how I yearn to atone for my past,
to find favor within this woman of truth.
But another is near who has me surpassed:
this seeker, a man who is handsome in youth.

Who am I, then, to disturb thoughts of love
when I was the problem, now the solution thereof?

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (1/21/2010 18:21:48)

Erewhile light gave way
and I forebore my own face
tears fell from our eyes.

Torrent expiators
now burble amid charnel earth,
failed by the malefics.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (7/22/2010 18:16:08)


I had thought that if
I came close enough
I could touch this place.
The chord never meant
to break.

The walk taken, the fork chosen,
the ignorance that darkened my eyes;
the only luxury of reflection is
to be viewed before the window seals

What changed into a lost memory
and lifted me from what I knew
not I cared for was the absence itself,
and within the nothingness I forced
myself unwittingly to fill it with apathy.

And so death shackled the souls I didn't know
I cared for and the place of mine own
which would have differed the aligning,
which would have empowered me.
Empowered the pride and expectation.

Instead I tread the mirrored flow.
While the true ones delve where they should,
I must compel bluffs amid common knowledge.
Amongst my own I am not taken
for I am of the damned and condemned.

My bond is of little relief, but my mind
seeks to suppress what it controls below,
and what is not deadned to the world's life.

So I struggle to control my mind.
In the rush, I exist inside foreign
clouds, twisted to illusory acceptance
where the action adapts to the observed
but the restraint checks my soul.

It is my fear, my damning horrifics
that ascends me with the fallen.
What undermines the seers gives
little task to the blind and shielded:
angelical untruths to live this way.

Too close whenever the restraints are
relaxed, too vulnerable if
the innocent wants are scarred by
the fortunate, uncaring ones
that I've become altered.

The lifetime of merging has hoarded
with it regrets perpetually entombed.
While I could get out, I know not
how... because of the apathetic void.
I am sorry for it, and for those
I could not touch.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (9/10/2010 20:54:42)

Two beams of light in an empty city

If I asked, would you reveal to me the demons
you keep closest to your heart?

Would you let go your control,
share the affliction in your soul,
with somebody as fallen as me?

Through this obscurity you cannot see
what condemns you and me?
Can't you lower hands raised between us?

No time is left to decide.

Turn no longer to the solace that awaits
if I am forced to fade away.
Entrust in the one you can and be saved
from this smoldering fate I don't know.

And evermore shall I reach out,
trying to calm the chaos
with a touch in life:

Would you let me in, if I asked?

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (10/19/2013 3:33:55)

A First for Everything

Great Fear
The Unknown
A chance to take
A life to make
One heart to break
Or to heal
Two Souls

Full Moon

An unburdened one shining bright,
across from another hidden right
at the life-light's line, just in sight
and yet no longer contrite
as to be in the shadows quite
all of his life, to take or give fright
about if his pages be white.

blink, lend an ear,
bring about what you hear
and look true at the sight
and, with reasoning, night
and light are not bright nor so quite
as what the moonlit hour first seemed.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (12/25/2013 3:54:51)

A Comfort and Joy

Enough, set aside your despairing rhymes
and rejoice for the coming of fair Christmastime!
Aplenty there will be the rest of the year
days for sorrow, regrets— with this day have cheer!

Here, you see, those who in their hearts still believe
cannot fall into all shadow, but know a reprieve
which every soul knew, yet for a time had to leave:

Remember! Remember! Away with these glums!
Ring out the bells! Sound forth the drums!
Christmas comes, bless you all, Christmas finally comes!

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (12/30/2013 17:15:07)

A Red Parrot

Where now the pen and the writer?
Where is the bard that was speaking?
Does he pass now on with footsteps the lighter
or does he dwell on the strand with eyes seeking?

Did the mists of his mind melt finally way,
swept distant by a cold ocean breeze,
or do they gather and grow, here to evermore stay
till words may be spoken and bindings appeased?

Does the villain know it not
that in prison silence rots
'gainst a heartbeat besot
for any speech to be caught
which might tell what is thought
and allay fearings fought:

Is the worst set at naught
for the first who was sought?
Does life-light still brighten this corporeal plot?

(But be not a fool, of course it shines bright,
for I've learned that the swimmer is scared of no sight.)

But what walls, what dungeon, what keep keeps he in,
left lone and kept coiled inside his own House?
Or... are his chains just my own and have always been,
a raven by a snake o'erwhelmed with his mouse?

For what food have I now but memory and wit,
what thoughts can endure this deep and dark pit?

I do not yet know, but must wait and time bide,
though I tiredly care so deep down inside,
though my thoughts come and go with the turns of the tide.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (5/9/2014 2:09:33)

A Box Of Black

What hopeful light will burn blue enough
To reach and outshine these black bindings tough,
Four ringless cuffs that seal without key
Without chalk scrawled lines or salt from the sea?

Was the shape of illusion and sweet paradise
So bought and so brought with fell prison price,
That worlds came and went, thriving happily thrice,
Balanced last upon metals, of child-cold ice?

But no. For ice though cold is a feeling, is life,
Is the chance for a breath, is a heartbeat's world-knife.
But no world is there now, no thoughts flaring rife,
Only words artless cast. Propaganda without rhyme.

Can players play well within whiteless walls,
Boxed in with the words of the wordless of falls,
Can creation make a world with clarion calls
From these black binding voids, the worst of all galls?

It remains to be seen, if that light can be found
From what once had been, to succeed this new ground.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (6/27/2014 14:40:45)

The Present Spelt

Behold! a thing of crystalline face
given the charge of all wholly space
to give nothing but blessings of such holy grace
as what may be wrought with every trace
of my limited skill,
to positively kill
all haunts of ill-will
and troubles that still
would your daily life fill and cast fearful embrace.

By the sun, by the moon,
the first one, in full tune,
I give a gift freely given.

Now, legs break, energy swell,
hope take, and use it well!

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (1/26/2016 10:31:40)

A Morning Flight

"I'll go with you as far as I can," said the man
as his heart brimmed with joy, and, with love, clasped in hand
that hand of his love to depart.

For they knew at the start
they must once again part
and be strong till they meet once again.

Now and then, and with care, in the cold frigid air
as they walked through the snow they would say
"Though we're making our way, I'd much rather stay
all the time here with you and keep warm."

But the form of the world, or the stars, were unfurled
in a way unprepared for them there,
so with nothing to do they at last came unto
a path for just one there to bear.

To tear them apart cost the young man his heart
and he gave it to his love as a gift.

And he kept him in sight for as long as he might,
sent love with his words and prayers to be heard,
and when all else had failed he called and he wailed
till at last he knew he was alone.

So alone at the shore, he wandered, now poor,
and passed his way back now adrift.

His grief knew no cold. His footsteps once bold
now faltered and broke as he went:
with heavy a step, the man cried and he wept
and returned to his house, a man bent.

But the house was no home, for his home had now flown
far away, beyond reach, for a while.
Yet memories were there, of his warmth and his care.
The man found he could muster a smile.

—And so smile then he did, here quite glad to be rid
of the sadness he had written just now:
"For it will not be long till I hold and sing songs
of my dreams to my love anyhow!"

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (8/28/2017 17:20:25)

Further Than Near

What stirs now his heart, this pure blue-eyed lad,
How light steps he there in a new versant green?
Sleeps he blushed, flushed in red, face merry, face glad,
Does he wake to a dawning of gold from his dreams?

Hoo hoo, oh hear here!
Hark the longing of tones,
Hold onto a memory, a song in the bones!

There are arms reaching out, there's a head bowing low,
There's a sway and a breath and a sway to bestow.

Oh help, heavens far, see him out in the clear,
Have not 'tween a man an impassable weir!
For here passed the past, but the future's not here,
For he plays by the shore and he trembles with fear.

Alas and alas, for what more can one send?
Quite follows this flow round this unhappy bend?
Can two ships sail as one and onward so wend?
"Even the very wise cannot see all ends."

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (5/21/2018 11:49:18)

Bardic Song

A full three times the branch did bend before it fell,
undone so not by nature's chance nor wizard's spell.
Attend and list to learn it well.

The first unto a breach did sway,
where fancied men their thoughts bewray.
We nearly danced us all to doom
till madness did itself consume—

A tasting pained we can't unsing,
from thence no courts we held in ring.

Escaping brave, the earth did sigh
and deigned to bid the airs to cry,
to never see though sights or sounds
the cowards' face which haunted hounds.

But this, the ways unknown to all,
did bend a second ill to call,
A Will owed for to fog the mind
to lose the past, to freedom bind.

Alack those name-lost leaders' fear
to force us all with aimless steer.
What truth unties such knots which lie
to bind the low to very high?

Against this ill could none prevail.
It brought from all a desperate wail
to near and far, to rock, to stone,
to eldritch and ancestral bone.

No old nor new could right the wrong,
no mortal light could shine so strong.

Extinction nigh, the deed was done.
We failed soon after we'd begun.
A fog outweighed the setting sun—
Until They All Stepped In As One!

The Sun be praised! The Moon revere!
The Gods once more did interfere.
They stripped away foul Death's embrace.
They leaders forced to see their face.

With pride, with shame, they turned, they fled,
they dared the Makers rule instead.
But for salvation came their price:
The gods would not so meddle thrice.

The world restored, none tarried more.
The Heavens closed forevermore.
No council left to council keep,
Just parted words, a rain to weep.

If we will too perchance survive,
then we will act with our own lives.

Wise words were they in last impart,
to give the blossoms new a start?
Think on them now, as last we part,
to heed them well and keep heart.

"Yet wait a wink," say thee to me,
what of the third to threat the tree?

"That answer's in a keeper lost,
a knight's protection double-crossed—"

But can't say more. I've not been told.
Except the gods or monarchs old,
there's none the history do know,
how last it fell, yet still we grow.

And grow we on, is not this true?
Aren't still we here, have things to do?
Then rise, away, enough, my tale!
Learn what you could beneath the veil.

Give heed the two, fear for the third,
And think the rest as things absurd!

In this, you'll live as long, at last,
now full of sense and quaff, repast,
to nevermore repeat the past!

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (7/3/2018 13:36:52)

Request To A Bard

Come sing me a song of love gone astray,
Come sell me a spell, come sleep me away.
Enchant me the night, now long as the day.
Encapture my heart beginning to fray.
Remind me of youth, of happiness, nay,
Rekindle a fire in worlds turned to gray.

I'm alone as the moon on a field full of hay!
I'm bereft of the love I once held on the quay.
No longer a bell whose voice seems to say,
"Nothing more, be at rest, all's happy and gay."

Give strum to your strings, twang ever which way,
Gift unto us all an escape with your lay.
Be soft as a breath or be brackish and bray,
Be any which music and power give sway.

A fortune as price would I happily pay:
All now is but dust, what is gold more than clay?

But if you to sleep cannot send me away,
Cannot calm or bestir me to end disarray,
Then but send me on back where I long for to stay,
To my sweetheart, my love, and from thence I'd relay
To break with your strings and to nevermore play—
So to keep and preserve us, I'd desperately pray.

Master Samak -> RE: An Seanfháinne — The Old Circle (1/21/2019 22:10:57)

The Bruinen Lament

Imladris! Imladris! Your fair river sighs
deep down in the vale ever-gleaming.
Who now is the lord safeguarding your prize
as your kin sing of songs ever-gleaning?

Oh evening bright! Oh blazing night!
Will your numbers shine on in the gloaming
when the evening has passed out of immortal sight
and for love in the world goes a-roaming?

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