=MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (Full Version)

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Master Samak -> =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 16:59:44)

Okay, here goes nothing!

Feel free to ask whatever question you'd like—within reason, of course.

I will be answering in this color.

I wish to impose a limit of fifteen questions per post and a maximum one post per person per day, for now. Failure to comply will result in the payment of... GOLD!!!

Now, why don't you begin?

2k2ewyn -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 17:02:29)

Hmmm...... First post?
For me? Yes. For you? No, you got the first reply.

I'm having this here to edit in questions for later.
Okay. Whatever floats your boat.

Hmm.... Maybe for now.

Soooo... (copy & paste)


Am I insane?
The term "insane" corresponds to the comparison between itself and a majority-agreed norm. And as such, this forces matters to become relative. Were specific elements to change, then insanity would cease to be insanity. What you are asking me is first and foremost a view that is neither here nor there.

Personally, though? Who isn't? Now that, of course, would branch us off to yet another philosophical tree. I think I'll save us both here. :)

A reference to the second to last sentence I'd previously edited should satisfy what you seek.

Can your Shoes eat me?
Hmm... you capitalized "Shoes".... Well, I'd say that it is certainly possible. Probable? Most likely not, since I've not the will nor the desire to set my Shoes upon you. Hold on... was that a request? */me laughs maniacally*

Gimme your flies!
What flies?

How many Tootsie Pops does it take to get to the center of a lick?
Exactly three. You can go and ask any sort of owl and he will give you the same answer. I actually had thought it was rather obvious.... XD

Am I a sycomaniac?
Do you mean psycho-maniac? And weren't we just insane?

Bai Bai!
Fare Thee Well!

(I'll be back.... maybe....)
(I'll be here... maybe....)

(You never saw anything)
Absolutes... wait, saw what?

.Discipline -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 17:11:50)

Greetings, Master Samak.
Greetings to you, .Discipline.

I promise I won't make this too utterly degrading for you.
That's very kind of you. Oooh, a promise? I'll have to hold it to you....

How many licks does it take to get the centre of a tootsie pop?
Goodness, again? Ah, very well. It takes exactly three licks to get to the centre. As I'd suggested before, you would do very well in asking any old owl for a second opinion. You'll get the same answer, by the way.

What would you do for a klondike bar?
A Klondike bar? Those square, fattening ice cream sandwich thingies? I wouldn't do much right now—I'm watching my figure. XP

If a tree falls in a forest, and it lands on a mime, does the mime scream?
I'd think the mime wouldn't have time to scream, considering that a tree just landed on him/her....

How much wood would a woodchuck if a woodchuck had a degree in chartered accountancy?
Desire. Need. Ability. And, um, How much wood would a woodchuck what? */me points to original question*

If you could choose any other board to AK in, which one would it be and why?
Wow. That's really hard to answer. Wow... I really can't tell you. Maybe something in DF, but then again.... You've stumped me, I have no idea what other place I'd rather AK in than Legends and Lore.

Favorite band?
This would be a tie between "Celtic Woman" and "The High Kings".

Favorite song?
Mmm... Well, I have many. But off the top of my head, I would say either "The Rocky Road to Dublin" or "Dúlamán".

What color are your shackles?
Since you asked, I suppose you have to listen to this tragic tale.
As an Leprechaun, I have many pots of gold, and naturally other secrets. Leprechauns are rather clever and crafty—not to mention that we heft our own branch of magic (and I won't go into great detail on that unless asked specifically).

Anyway, I know not whether Falerin was particularly interested in the gold I possessed, or if he was annoyed with his unsuccessful attempts to find it on his own, but as I became an ArchKnight, Falerin invoked certain powers over me, as he does to all L&L AKs. These powers were ones that I'd not known of before, different in a way, and it caught me off-guard. A luring force drove me into slavery, magiking me away to a cell and shackling me.

The interesting part begins when The God of Evil's powers began their shackling ritual. Before this point, I was just numb with shock at what was happening; overwhelmed, if you will. But when I felt my possessions being taken from me, particularly my gold... well, let's just say I snapped out of it. Knowing it was improbable to be the victor over Falerin, I instead focused on protecting what I had—with every single ounce of LeprechaunCelticShamrockFour-LeafCloverShillelagh magic I could muster—by teleporting my pot of gold away. The God of Evil soon realized what I was doing and fought to intervene. For the next tense seconds that followed, my cell buzzed and flashed with violent amounts of LoreMaster powers, as he struggled to bind me to his will, and with my own unique resistance, as I struggled to hinder the inevitable. It was hard to hear over the noise, but I believe the other AKs were riled up from what was going on.

As the constant variable of time wore on, we both knew that I was going to lose. But I was not going to hand over my pot of gold. With what little ability I had left, I invoked my own form of magic into the gold. Doing so found a loophole in the LoreMaster’s intent, and so I used that opportunity to gain control. The unbearable power shifted from me as Falerin's magic then converged with mine, and both forces worked together in perfect harmony to forge the shackles I bear now out of the gold. From that point on, I blacked out to the sound of a raging scream and don't remember much past it. No one was in my cell when I woke later. Unnaturally quiet….

But anyway, my shackles are the color of gold, because they are made of gold. I later had infused them with emerald filigree in Celtic designs so that the binds would be lightweight.
So… gold and emerald green would answer your question.

OMG! So that was what all that was about! Sheesh, here I thought some mad boveox got loose in the fields near the cells and flummoxed the inhabitants. You have no idea what power I mustered during that time, thinking we were going to have to put up defenses. You cannot imagine what happens when madness gets contagious in boveoxes, thank your lucky charms you haven't gone through that.

Anyway, next time you decide to grace the sky with fireworks, check with me first. I am the resident fireworks specialist, and well, treading on my territory could get your clovers in a bunch.

Oh and by the way, *rakes hands through the lovely kiss of gold* you may want to aim better when transporting your gold. Certain divine hands have wonderful reaches.

——What!? How'd you find one of my hidden sources?!?! Oh... the fireworks must have opened up portals.... Well, I'll just have to contain this.
I'll leave you alone, Eukara, just because your divine nature wouldn't mix well with mine in a brawl for my gold... plus I don't really mind. :)
—And be nice. I highly doubt you would have done any better if you were trying to switch means of magical invocation while being barraged with The God of Evil's wrath....

Where is your cell?
That's the trouble with being kidnapped magically. I have absolutely no idea where I am. The shackles have limited my range of abilities, but from what I can feel, the area containing both mine and the other L&L AKs’ cells is not a place easily found through luck. It is a place of shadow and light, of immeasurable time, of chance. My cell is located next to the other L&L AKs’, if that’s what you wanted to know.

Notice this notice and take notice of it, but do notice not to notice that notice and take notice of whatever it says.

Any hobbies?
Yes. I enjoy critiquing, reading, and occasionally writing. I like to run and/or play European football. Acting is another very big hobby of mine. If in the mood, occasionally I tickle the ivories. But most especially, of course, I love collecting GOLD!!!

What do you feel you will bring to the L&L AK Team?
I'm not too sure on the intent of this question. It partially raised a question of concern against my personality. Forgive me, but I would rather not publicly answer this question. If you so desire to know, you can voice a pm to me regarding the same question.

That is all.
Very well. Thanks for posting. I enjoyed having to think about your questions.

Mo -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 17:15:48)


Thank you. You're kind to say so.

Your avy is much more different than I thought you would have.
Really? Is that a bad thing? What did you think I would have?

Why is your name MasterSamak?
It isn't. My name is Master Samak. It has a space.
To be honest, I can't remember where exactly I came up with the name. I don't think I actually did....

Will you recommend me to be creative to Grafh if I show you my art?
Creative? + Art? What a wacky combination!

Joke :P
I know. :P

So how you likin or hatin your AKship?
I'm likin' it quite well. The shackles take some time getting used to. There is still a lot for me to learn, and even more for transitioning/working with highly talented ArchKnights, but I enjoy it. You all are making me feel welcome and that helps. :D

What shackles are you in?
The binding kind.... XP
I am shackled by AK slavery in the form of gold and emerald. You should refer to .Discipline's question of what color my shackles are. It should help.

Are they small cause you so short? :P
HOW DARE YOU!?! I resent that statement with the utmost... um... resentment! *Well, that killed it.*

No, actually, my shackles aren't small because I'm not short. You have to remember that "magic" explains a lot (DF reference). Leprechauns can come in various sizes, depending on the situation. In most cases, as the sterotype size of the Leprechaun insinuates, a Leprechaun is seen as short. Why? Well, wouldn't you want to magic youself down a few sizes so that you'd be a bit harder to find by all those greedy, gold-stealing folk? Can't we all just be social and friendly for a while?

Anyway, my shackles are far from small.

Bye for now
If you must go... then goodbye for now.

Firefly -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 17:29:11)

Torture time... *evil grin* I mean, congratulations! *dragonsnuggles*
Torture? Again? *weak smile* ...I mean, thanks so much! *Leprechaunsnuggles*

M'boy, how're those shackles doing? Bruised yet?
Well, m'dear, these shackles are doing their job. I'm not bruised yet, thanks to my recent temperaments, though I'm still getting used to them. What about you? How's life without shackles? :)

What did Fal offer you in order to bride you into enslavement, ah, AKship?
I'm going to give you twenty guesses. What could have Falerin offered a Leprechaun as a lure into slavery ArchKnight-ship? Hmm.... XP

Dragons or vampires?
Gah, that's too hard to choose! They are both misunderstood. I'd say dragons.

What do you enjoy most about L&L?
I really enjoy being able to read very good pieces of literature made by the authors here. I like the atmosphere, the way it is regulated. I very much enjoy being able to critique others' works and offer suggestions. But what I truly enjoy most about L&L are the people who participate in its comings and goings. They are what make L&L what it is, which is why Legends and Lore is amazing.

How much value do you put into writing, poetry, and editing? Are you planning on going down a career path in that direction?
I place an enormous amount of value into writing, poetry, and editing. Legends and Lore is without a doubt the best place I know of to build up one's knowledge of such things. I genuinely enjoy critiquing and editing—and if I am inspired, then writing and poetry is yet another plus. In my opinion, I see no negative or bad effects from participating in this. I love it, really.

And to be very honest, I would be ecstatic on having some sort of career that had similarity from this. To have an occupation that I love and want to wake up every day (including Mondays) to go to would be a dream come true. Planning-wise, I'm unsure. I really want to, but of course I don't even know if what I post has any relevance. I could be terrible at this for all I know... even though I love it. :) This was a good question, Firefly. I'm very glad you asked it.

Vignettees, short stories, novelettes, novellas, novels, supernovels, or series?
I suppose it depends on the author writing it. Mainly, though, I'm fond of novels.

Freeverse or rhyme (in poetry)?
Presently, I have to pick rhyme. It's no doubt just my own feelings toward it. When I was younger, I'd always hear poetry being done in rhymes—and not young as in nursery rhymes or the like. Free-verse had just seemed not as common then. I actually should try to write some poems like that, as I was suggested....

Favourite writer?
I could write non-stop for hours describing all the different writers that I like—genre, published, L&L, ect.-based.

But I'm over-analyzing... Dean Koontz comes to mind. He's an amazing suspense writer. I've never wanted to put down a book of his until I was through. His specific style of writing captures my attention, though it may not for other readers.

Favourite poet?
I can't say that I have one. I've not read too much poetry for me to have an all-time... but I do have a few.

Do you enjoy writing poetry more, or writing prose more?
Probably prose more.

Snugs or hugs?
Depends on where I'm at. Here? Snugs ftw!

Alright, I think I've taken enough of your time already. Congratulations! I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job. ;)
You've not taken any time away. And thank you. I'm glad you think I will.

pjc -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 17:29:22)

Ohai der. :D
Hewo! :D

*tosses another Uno card at Master Samak*
*takes it with a smile and twirls a shiny gold coin in the air*

You know, with the amount of Uno cards I seem you have, you'd almost think I'm an addict. Which is completely untrue.
Oh, of course it is. I never thought otherwise.

... D:

Do you, like, totally dig my avatar?
Why yes, I totally "dig" your avatar. I've not seen it before, so it must be new.

If yes, then stop! You should be digging a hole to bury your gold instead. D:
Way ahead of you, pjc. My gold well hidden and... or bound to me for all time. :)

If no, then I didn't think this far ahead.
Neither did I.

I've just realised how much my questions aren't really questions, and that this post is mostly full of random nonsense.
Nonsense? That's just nonsense, pjc. Wait....

dat meen i gud spamer, rite?
Um... sure, if that's what you want to be and if you don't want to be then you aren't because it's really hard to tell what you are trying to mean and I'm not the best person to interpret these kind of things so I'm just going to take a shot in the dark and assume that you want to be a "gud spammer" so I say that you are one, okay?

I think I better stop now. I'll let yer be goin' on yer merry way. :D
If you have to. :D

Seeya around!
I most certainly hope so. Until later, pjc!

Cow Face -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 17:32:39)

Hail and well met, O Knight of the eternally writing Legends and Lore!
Greetings and well-met, Cow Face!

1) So, ye be a leprechaun?
Aye, I be a Leprechaun! So, ye be a CowZard? */me is confused*

2) What is your favorite color?
A darkened Irish green.

3) Have you many pots of gold?
Indeed. They are all hidden, of course, save the one I'm shackled with.

4) Do you anticipate having many after this thread is done?
Well, it's nice to get more GOLD!!! But, I shouldn't anticipate it, since everyone should comply to the limits. Who knows?

5) Pie or cake?
Neither. Both are terribly fattening. Although pie wouldn't be that bad in a given situation.... XD

6) How do you feel about snugs vs. handshakes?
It depends on the formalities. I'd rather snug than shake hands.

7) I see. What about Monty Python?
Brilliantly comedic.

8) Bigfoot?
The abominable snowman? The yeti? Climate change? Who?!?

9) If all your base are belong to us, who are we that own your base?
We are us are is are was are not are owned are bound are false are found.

10) Are all your base belong to us in the first place?
"And it's no, nay, never!"

Good-bye for now, and good luck!
Thank you. I'll need as much luck as I can get. XP

For now, farewell.

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 17:43:32)

Congratulations on the AKship! n_n

How's it like being an AK?
It is certainly a new experience. The information is vast and the expectations are raised, but I'm enjoying it. There seems to be a lot of help from the other ArchKnights.

You belong to Falerin now, right?
That is a very accurate statement, yes.

How are those shackles?
Hindersome. They take some time getting used to. I've yet to fully experience their side-effects, that is, if what I'm hearing from the other cells is yet to come....

Out of these words which do you think would be the most interesting to write about? Cookies, Pie, Shackles, or Leprechauns.
Leprechauns. —Oh, wait. I'm biased here. :D

Is your favorite color green? (It is for me)
A darkened Irish green, but yes. It is.

Well that's all....for now... >:D
So soon?

Wait, forgot one...
Oooh, excellent.

What's the first thing that pops into your mind when you read these words?
Okay. Waitwaitwait. Let me get ready and clear my mind... Okay.

Ireland and Frock coats


Dragonfly Goddess

Leprechaun of L&L

A horns-helmed questioner.

That's all...cya 'round! ;P

TreadLight -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 17:50:07)

Congratz, I hope you do well.
Thank you. I hope so also.

Have a nice time being the new AK!
Only if you have a nice time letting me have a nice time being the new AK! :)

Silversword8 -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 18:03:09)

1.Did I totally see this coming? *coughyescough*
Um... I'm getting an impression that you did. I don't know where it came from, though....

2.Is that cup half empty or half full?
Which cup? The half-full one over there... or the half-empty one right behind you?

3.Who am I?
Who are you?

3. Who are you?
Who am I?

4. Do you like cookies?
Yes, I like them. They are outrageously fattening, but I do like the taste of them.

5. Do you know Alexandrite?
Who? I'm just kidding. Yes, I'm familiar with that name and person.

6. Do you play AQW?
On occasion, but I certainly do.

7. Should I congratulate you?
Only if you think this deems congratulations.

8. Who asked you to be an AK?
That would be a LoreMaster by the name of Falerin.

9. Do you play AQ?
I have, but not as much nowadays.

10. Do you play DF?

11. Do you play MQ?
I did, but I made a sacrifice that prevented me from continuing.

12. What forums do you visit?
Only Battleon Forums, I believe. If you meant within this one, then I'd say that I visit all areas every once in a while.

13. Do you like the OOC?
I don't not like it....

14. Am I just making questions to get to #15?
I don't know, are you? Are you just making questions to get to #15?!?

15. Did you realize that this is indeed question 16, not 15, there are 2 # 3's and I have therefore exceeded the question limit under your nose. In a nice way :P *gives gold*
I did realize that. I was thinking of merging the two #3's, but the thought of getting gold told me otherwise. *Collects gold!!!* Thanks!

Sparker -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 19:44:07)

Congratulations! One day you were critising about my L&L story, now your a Archknight. It's surprising how fast things change! Mmk, on to the questions...
Thank you, it's amazing how time flies....

1. Were you shocked to be an archknight?
Indeed I was.

2. Do you want to be an Archknight?
Um, I already am....

3. Chocolate Chip Cookies, or Raisin Cookies?
Chocolate Chip

4. Elevators or stairs?
Elevators—they can play music.

5. Doctors or dentists?

6. Who doesn't like Cookies?
You got me.

7. Do you get gifts when u become AK??
I'm not sure what you mean by gifts. I get a lot of congratz....

8. Fat cookies or skinny cookies?
Fat cookies—the skinny ones are not to be trusted.

9. Xbox 360 or PS3?
Xbox 360, though I wouldn't know why.

10. Chewy cookies or crunchy cookies?
Both. Crunchy first, then chewy.

11. U like coupons?
Who doesn't?

12. Whats your favorite Holiday?
Christmas and St. Patrick's Day!!! are tied.

13. Am I obsessed with cookies? COOKIE COOKIE. GIMME A COOKIE.
I don't know, are you? Are you obsessed with cookies?!?!

14. Is Euraka nice?
She is that and much more.

15. Hi.......

Thank you... :D

Sage Of Wisdom -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 20:22:03)

Hey howdy hey!

1. ^ Do you like the word I created? I think I may put it on a shirt...
I think it would look great on a shirt.

2. How well do you think you know me?
I think I know you not well at all.

3. You play an instrument?
I play the piano. As to the quality of my playing, well that's up for bids.

4. Cats or dogs?

5. Do you really like these things? If so, why?
What things? =MtAK='s? Sure, then. Because I said so.... XD

6. Favorite book? *I demand a straight answer... None of this "well... It COULD be this..."*
The Abhorsen Trilogy. Take it or leave it... sheesh!

7. Do you think it wrong to wear a "straight pride" shirt?
I don't know. I've never worn one to find out.

8. Favorite school subject?
I can't say I have one. None of the subjects jump out at me and scream, "I'm the favorite!". I can get by them without great difficulty, but none have established themselves as my favorite.

9. Do you like candles?

10. How do you feel about the electoral college?
I feel... equity.

11. Do you think Bush should get 100% of the blame for going into Iraq?
100%? Of course not. That would be called dictatorship, totalitarianism, tyranny, etc. There were many other variables involved in this decision. I'm getting an un-neutral vibe from you when you used the term "blame"....

12. Would you trade places from democrat to republican or vise-versa if the presidential candidates and the vice presidential candidates switched spots? Ex. McCain for vice and Palin for pres.
I'm not old enough to be on either "side", though you make an interesting query. If I was, then perhaps I might—and perhaps I mightn't. Presidency and Vice-Presidency are two very different tasks.

13. Have you heard of the band Alter Bridge? If so, what do you think about them? (If not, LOOK EM UP!!!... Please?)
I've not heard of this band, no. I shall look them up, as you requested.

14. Have you ever named an object?

15. If time stopped, and everyone but you was frozen, what would you do?
I would complete every and all assignments of life that I had to do so that I would be completely caught up with time's constant flow. I'd then proceed to learn why time stopped, find a way to control it, and finally restart time.

Alright, I'm done. Congrats. May your AKageness be awesome.
Thanks. I hope it will be.

Necromander -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 20:24:59)

What is the Sound of one hand clapping the other?

How many roads must a man walk to get to the nearest pub?
That's of his choosing. He could walk a thousand roads if he wanted to take the long way to the nearest pub that was nearest when he looked. Or he could not walk on a road. Or he could choose not to walk, but run or ride or etc. You should ask the man what he wants to do.

IF a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does anyone care?
I'm sure someone somewhere in the world would care about a tree falling in a forest.

What's with the Caramelldansen avatars? *glares at pjc*
I haven't the foggiest. It's the new... something. :)

Bothered by Bad Grammar?
Not bothered... but not overjoyed.
The "Arch" refers to the title of me being an ArchKnight. The "Leprechaun" refers to what the person posting (me) is. Leprechauns were created by America. They are a tie to Ireland and it's wonders. I am from America, with ancestral ties to Ireland. I think it fits rather well.
ArchLeprechaun? Why?

Bai. And congrats. At least I didn't spam as much as pjc.
See you around! And thank you. Was pjc spamming? I couldn't tell....

Vahn_Kaichi -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 21:28:49)

Oh, the first MtAK at L&L I'll be posting on. Yay.
Yay! Congrats, I guess. XP

0. As usual, congratulations on becoming an AK. Expect to do anything Evil while with the title?
Thank you. I appreciate it. “Evil”? Heavens no, that’s for the God of Evil to do. And do you really think I could do anything Evil? Please.

1. This is L&L, so it makes sense to ask which author, OffBoard, you admire the most.
Yes, I suppose it does. The author I admire the most… admire…. Well, I’d have to choose JK Rowling as an author I admire most. And don’t you dare think about rolling your eyes or anything else that pops into you head when your mind instinctually reverts to an image of a possessed and obsessed “Harry Potter” fanatic! This is far from that stereotype, since I’m speaking about the author—not her works.
I admire her for her ability to go from "rags to riches", welfare to multi-millions, from her ideas in her literature that sparked her success. From what she was able to create within the certain situational aspects of her life, and succeed in, I believe should give cause for admiration of some form or another. That is what you questioned on—admiration—and that is what I give.

2. And what genre of writing is your favorite?
I enjoy writing narrative genres.

3. Besides writing, any other artistic skills? Maybe Drawing, DA, any Musical Skill?
Yes. I’ve played the piano for a good four, maybe five years. Acting is also an artistic skill of mine, if you consider it art.

4. Any source of inspiration to write?
Life in itself is the inspiration.

5. (OMG HIDDEN QUESTION) If every book in the world would be destroyed, and you could save ONLY ONE, which would it be?
(Holy Cow! HIDDEN ANSWER) Hmm… I’d rather not publicly answer this. And hiding this answer isn’t enough, in my opinion. Please feel free to pm me if you really desire to know.

That's probably it. D: OR NOT!
It is? Or it isn’t? MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!! XD Thank you for taking the time to post. I liked your questions.

Argeus the Paladin -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/8/2008 23:28:57)

Just one for now, thanks.
Fine, if I have to.... :)


ORIGINAL: Epic of the Qingslayer (Shamelessly quoting from my own story XP )

"The 1:150 million odd is for madmen and planet killers"

Here now in L&L we have 4 AKs and around 20-30 campers. So... are you among either of those kinds? [/joke]
You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you?! :D

Clyde -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/9/2008 0:50:50)

1. How it goes Shammy? :o
Clyde!!! */me Celticsnugs* It goes well.

2. D y lk t whn ppl spk wth n vwls?
I dn’t nt lk t whn ppl spk wth n vwls. t crtnly s chllng t dtrmn tht whch s bng sd, thgh hr tht n’s wn mnd cn ntrprt wht s bng sd vry sly.

3. How do you feel when people ask you why you choose your persona?
I don’t mind. They never knew beforehand, so it is an innocent enough question to ask.

4. Sooo why ArchLeprechaun?
I thought you had this explained to you before now. “Arch” refers to me being an ArchKnight, of course, and “Leprechaun” speaks of me being from America (which comes from the fact that Leprechauns were invented by America), and of me having ancestry from Ireland.

5. Honestly what is at the end of a rainbow? Skittles or Gold!?
Well, which kind of rainbow are you talking about—? */me clamps his hand over his mouth* Um… forget that last bit.

Skittles are from the “Taste the Rainbow” slogan. In television commercials, you don’t see skittles at the end of a rainbow—you see them falling from the sky where a rainbow is at. It is gold that you’d find at the end of most rainbows—I mean all rainbows….

6. ......?

7. Your opinion on the current economy?
Indications, lack of faith, sorrow.

8. You know I did mean the cookie economy, right? I think there's a shortage. *nibbles on cookie*
Of course. I actually think there wouldn’t be one if you would stop hogging them all. Fattening things.

9. Lucky the Irish Leprechaun for Lucky Charms, seriously what's his deal? D:<
Tell me about it. He’s actually not a Leprechaun, but a well-paid Hollywood actor—distorted by animations and manipulated by payments. I hardly think he’s Irish. And besides, if he was a Leprechaun, then General Mills would have his pot of gold and not need to sell cereal anymore, right?

13. Do you blame Circe? I don't blame you for blaming Circe.
Circe? The no-good, easy-to-blame, double-crossing, two-timing, hyphenage-describabled Circe? Why would I blame Circe?

14. Is Eukara crazy? How about Fal?
Eukara is far from crazy. And Falerin? I have no opinion in the matter (if you get my meaning…).

15. 15 questions, is a bit much, eh? :P
You’d be surprised what would happen if there wasn’t a limit….

*congratsnugs Shammy and goes back to work*
*thankssnugs Clyde and resumes strolling through Legends and Lore*

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/9/2008 4:12:07)

:o Samak! Over here! *waves hands*
*turns around* PaperClip OF DOOM! There you are! *hurries over*

Congratulations! :D
Thank you. :D

Hm. Must think of unique questions. No "cats or dogs" and the sort.
Very well. I shall ready myself.

Armor or armour? :D (Better than cats or dogs eh? :P)
Definitely armour. (Far better. XP)

Play any games other than AE games?
Do you mean online games? Computer/video games? Board games? :P I don’t think the far latter applies.

Ah, to be honest, yes but no. I used to play some computer games, but I now haven’t the time nor the want to play them. Online… I actually have played RuneScape. And don’t frown at that. I only pop in to play the holiday “quests”, so that's like three times a year. I find any game that has holiday specials very fun to play.

Other than that, no. I only play AE games.

Ever noticed that if you turn AE around... EA! :O Conspiraciez!
*/me’s eyes widen. Thinking quickly, he takes a green handkerchief and clamps it over PaperClip’s mouth to smother the sound.*

Shh! Are you trying to get us all killed?

So how bout them leprechauns eh? :P
Mhmm, yes, how ‘bout them? :P

I would like to correct the forumer who said "first post" as he is incorrect. It's first REPLY. :o
That is a very good correction. I would allow you to correct that former.

Anyway. That's all from me. :P Have fun!
Oh… going away so soon? Ah well. Come back even sooner! And I’ll have fun—don’t you worry….XD

mcbaine -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/9/2008 7:58:29)

Ello gratz man, few Q's (ill try and make em harder as they go!?!)
’Ello, mcbaine! Collectively harder Q’s? Oh, dear….

Writing Q's

poetry or literature?

when did you first start writing?
I first started seriously writing last summer, or this summer. Whatever—the summer of ’08. There. :)

Where do you get inspiration from?
Life in itself inspires inspiration to inspire.

Irish Q's (if you cant get the last Irish Q correct then you should be ashamed!!!!)

are your from the emerald isle?
Unfortunately, no. I hail from the USA. *sigh* If only….

dubliners or the clancy brothers?
The Clancy Brothers, though it’s too close to know a difference.

did you dream you saw joe hill last night
Alive as you or me.

if so what did he say?
"I never died," says he.

Serious Q's

should america ratify the kyoto protocloe?
If it will do what America wants it to do, then sure.

should american CEO's be held accountable for the current subprime credit crisis?
Many argue that they should, many argue that the crisis was bound to happen anyway by the nature of the Market. I don't think anyone should be held completely accountable. CEO's are not the only participants in this matter.

scientific whaling should it continue?
There doesn't seem to be much scientific justification on its behalf. Non-lethal methods of whale researching are known, and since there is controversy about this increasing the number of whales killed, as well as supposedly shifting away from other aquatic species becoming endangered, I don't think it should continue on its present course.

What is the best way to combat global warming?
I’m not qualified to determine the best way. Who is? Who knows. If everyone acted for the betterment of this environment we live in, then dramatic changes would occur. Still, that's a rather large if....

Resolute -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/9/2008 16:23:00)


Not much. What about you?

What kind of things do you hate on the forums?
The term “hate” is a bit strong. I suppose I have a dislike for those who deliberately seek to disrupt any and all compliances toward the set rules.

What is Samak?
"Samak" is a personally made-up name. Coincidentally, it matches the Arabic word for “fish”. I don’t wish to publicly give out how I made this up, so pm me if you must know.

Why are you a master?
I'm not. It's hard to explain. This is also an area I don’t wish to publicly divulge. Pm me if you wish.

Why Leprechauns?
Leprechauns are amazing folk. They are highly intelligent, quick-witted, and have their own kind of magic. Leprechauns are American-invented, but they still have a strong, representative tie with Ireland. They dress considerably well and care about how they look. When socially confronted, they are very friendly, if not formal at first. When insulted or wronged, they will do everything in their power to ensure that they won’t be negatively affected and that the person cannot succeed in their attempts—I shan’t get too detailed in specifics. Leprechauns are known for their stashes of gold, for their items that they treasure dearly. They will protect any friend they have and help those who they believe truly deserve it.

I can only hope that I’m able to honor the idea of Leprechauns through my actions.

This was a very good question. I'm truly glad you asked it.

Why did you almost steal my color? It looks so much like mine.
Ah, looks can be deceiving, my good fellow. In my opinion, I don’t think it looks like your color at all, respectively. My shade of green is much more darkened than yours is.

What is the most excruciating pain you have ever felt?
That would have to have been when I finished a [running] race. You see for some reason, my body is able to regenerate enough energy for me to “kick” considerably well near the end of a run—no matter what pace I’d used. When I use that, and have the past distance added to it, there is excruciating pain felt as my body is pushed to the limit.

I’ve had the fortune to experience that pain only a few times in my “running career”, but it is like no other pain. It was like I was set on fire, repeatedly. Afterwards, though, I felt better than I ever had… for a while. An interesting question you’ve asked….

Who are you favorite comedians?
To be honest, I really don’t listen to many comedians—or any at all, to be precise. I haven’t the time. The closest I could come to would be Peter Sagal, the host of “Wait Wait... Don’t Tell Me!”

Máiréad Nesbitt is an incredible Irish fiddler. Órla Fallon creates beauty when she plays the harp. These are just off the top of my head, but do you want me to go on?

Favorite luxury food = Cream Cheese (Etc. enough for you? XD)

Click meh siggy? Pwease?
*Sigh* If I have to… I’m just kidding. I will.

Glad your an AK! I swear I never expected it...
I don’t know how to express it well enough, but I am very glad that you are glad. And I really don’t think there was anything to expect, if you get my meaning.

Thank you for posting here. I had a very good time thinking of answers. May I see you around!

Master Samak

Fleur Du Mal -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/10/2008 12:11:42)

Hi, Master Samak and Congratulations!
Hello there, fabula! It’s good to hear from you. And thank you! :)

Feel free to answer these slightly annoying questions whenever you get this far in the queue... =P
I would of course answer your questions. And I’m sure they aren’t annoying in the slightest.

1) How much time do you spend in the AE forums daily?
Well, that’s hard to express a specific figure, as time itself affects the days and actions within its grasp. The best I could give is an average, but even that could change. I suppose I could say at the very least an hour, give or take.

2) When you listen to music, do you pay most attention to the lyrics, to the music, or to the interplay with the two?
For me, interplay with the two is most common. Considering that I listen mainly to traditional Celtic music and song (while leaning more to traditional Irish), my method tends to pay attention to both, since there is a history in the lyrics and years of years of perfecting the tune. That, I feel, makes the music that much more beautiful

3 & 4) Have you ever fallen in love with a character in a book? If yes, then with whom?
I can’t say that I have. It would be interesting, though, I suppose….

5 & 6) How about with a character in a comic/graphic novel? If yes, then with whom?
Same story here. I’ve not ever fallen in love with a comic/graphic novel character.

7 & 8) Do you have any phobias? If yes, then which?
I don’t think I have any phobias. If I had to have one, I'd say that I have a fear of the unknown, just because everyone in the entire world has it in one form or another. If you think about it....

9) Chocolate or vanilla?

10) What's 'I love to shake my golden and emerald-green shackles' in Gaelic?
"Ta gra croith mo orga agus smaragaid-glas geimheal" — I asked Amboo....

11) How do you feel about Scrooge McDuck's obsession with bathing in money?
It certainly is an area that he needs help in, I’m sure. In comparison with my love for gold, well, the two are not similar. Scrooge McDuck has an obsession for money itself, the assurance of financial security gone excessive. His pursuit of such things rest not solely in gold, but with anything that is of value to him and/or the world.

Now with my appreciation for gold, that is of gold itself. The monetary value of it is quite irrelevant.

12) When asked for a favourite aphorism, what's the first that comes to your mind?
Lost time is never found again. — Benjamin Franklin

13) What are the best ways to fight prejudices and enviousness?
Force yourself away from yourself and stand on neutral grounds. Take patience in consideration of such things, so as to possibly finding their real worth. Broaden your search in knowledge and realize that forming prejudices and enviousness will do nothing but hinder you from becoming what you ultimately can be.

14) Any insight on how to reach nirvana?
Find true Enlightenment.

It is debatably the only way, but it is one that no one knows exactly how to reach—or when to, or even if they would. Life refuses leniency in this struggle of preservation. Interpretation, understanding, and elucidation of this matter varies from each individual. I have my guesses, and I’m sure you have yours. I am but one person, one entity that is no more advanced than his fellow brethren. Fate may occasionally smile upon me, but it does not grace me with this knowledge.

You’ll have to forgive me if this went too far. Philosophy could take over here if I don’t step in. My apologies if this went beyond your original question. Please, I would like you to pm me and tell me it’s alright.

That's all the questions I'll harass you with!
I was not harassed at all. I’m more than glad that you were able to post here.

See you around in L&L!
With any luck, I am confident that you will.

Amboo -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/10/2008 15:29:24)

Dia dhuit, Conas a ta tu mo chara?
Dia is Muire duit, Ta me go maith.

Ok enough of that until you get better at it... But I WILL teach you it eventually!
Thanks. I WANT to be taught it! :)

Any pets?
Yes. I have five Labradors of black, yellow, and chocolate—two are puppies. I also have one pygmy and one angora goat, along with a black calf. I used to have rabbits and horses, but they went away after a while. I live on a farm, you see.

Favorite animal?
I don't know for sure. I should probably find that out. Maybe owls?

What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?
I can hardly remember, but it involved me flying, defending against a murderer with some sort of power, and controlling my dream with my thoughts. Very weird, to me at least.

Well thats all from me. Good luck!
Thanks, amboo. I very much appreciate it, beyond words.

Slan laith.
Saol fada chugat.

SL -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/10/2008 16:11:15)

Thanks for the initial poetry comment. ^^
Please, there's nothing to thank.

Congrats, and good luck. :)
Luck? Where?! :) Thanks. I'll need it.


mastin2 -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/13/2008 0:31:24)

1: Hello, there, Microsoft! Wait...no...that's not right. That's the wrong spelled out version of MS. Now, what was it? Hello, MafiaScum? No! Wrong again, Mastin! That's a website, not a person! So, what's (well, are. Technically, it's two words) the word(s) I'm looking for? Not the company, and not the website...Oh! Right! Now I remember! Hello, Mistress Samak! No...wrong gender. Oops! Well, fourth's time the charm. Hello, Master Samak! :P (I'm joking, of course. MS, naturally, means Master Samak to me. I've been around you long enough that no other word{s} could abbreviate to MS, in my mind.)
Oh dear... that's good to hear, and hello to you too, mastin2!

2: If the above post was, in any way, offensive, leave a random critique in my thread. If it was not, leave two. :P
This isn't a question! Wait... neither was number one! What's going on here?

What if the post was both? XP

3: Sorry. I couldn't resist the temptation. That's just the way I am--I try to tell a joke, and end up somehow invoking the wrath of the mighty MOD POWAZ! (Mod powers, in this case, equals your AK new buttons)
Now, now, I don't think this could invoke my wrath at all—we're all friends here, right? ...right?! ...RIGHT?!?!

And keep in mind that I am not a Moderator. I've only been graced as an ArchKnight. There is quite a difference.

4: Well, normally, I'd c+p the questions from time losh's thread (which were c+p'd from Eukara's thread, which were copied from identical questions in older AK threads. :P), edit them, and post 'em here. Unfortunately, they're getting dull and overused (not to mention, other people are beginning to ask them, where I was once the only one), and I have some serious, semi-philosophical questions that I want answered. (You're going to ruin them with humor, aren't you? :P) Some of mine (such as the famous 'do you hate people repeating themselves' three times) I might ask after I run out of new questions, but mostly, they'll be in another post. (which I'll include your edit color in, since I assume you'll answer at least one of my questions. I'd do it now, but the way I used to do it was with the quote original button. Can't exactly do that, now, can I?) I do apologize if this post manages to double the length of this thread, considering how I will ask fairly long questions. (And I will not blame you if you give brief answers. I'd prefer long answers like many of your above answers, though.)
Okay. (That was a short answer... tee hee!) XD

5: Well, let's start with a little fun: Pacific Timezone for the win! (I seem to recall we're in the same timezone. My memory tells me you're in Oregon. Is my memory evil, or is this true?)
Your memory may still be evil, but it is an accurate statement that I do indeed reside in the Pacific Time Zone—more specifically, in Oregon. Yes.

I recall that you're in Washington....

6: My large question: is it, like, a rule or something for AK's to have custom avatars? Really, I fail to see the point. For example, you used the sneevil gold fever avatar. You know, this one: [img]http://stonefang.b1.jcink.com/uploads/stonefang//av-18.jpg[/img]
Nobody else did. At least, nobody in any board that I've seen. You were instantly identifiable by your avatar. When I saw it, I instantly knew, "Oh, MS posted." To me, that avatar was your identity. People recognized you for it. With a custom avatar, you might represent yourself better, but...personally, it seems to alienate you from your friends, since it is too different (in my opinion). So why do it? While, eventually, I'd adjust, I'd learn to see you in that avatar, It's just not the same. Don't get me wrong; it's an awesome avatar and I like it, but the difference is...well, drastic. Is it some type of requirement to change it? I still see Eukara as having the Cysero Avatar. Sometimes, I can instantly adjust to an avatar, but when changed...
An example of this is Clyde, who I still see as having a Spike avatar. I can adjust, but once they change it again, I might not adjust to their new one...well, ever. Do I hate the change? Well, not really. Change is almost always good, but...it just makes it feel more different than it should. Let me put it this way: not matter the case, an avatar change, custom or not, changes the appearance of a person. In 95% of cases, we don't know another forumite in person. The only way to see that person is through their avatar. By changing it, someone would be different. While a person changes, their preferences never the same for long, and better avatars are created, I still can't see why a change in avatars is almost instant after an AK'ship, almost always within 24 hours. Does it hold some symbolic meaning, or something? What significance does it have? I suppose this is my real question: Why?
What an interesting point of veiw.... Well, mastin2, no. There is no rule to my knowledge that requires ArchKnights to switch to a custom avatar.

Yes, I had used the Sneevil Gold Fever avatar. Why? Because it was the closest I could get to an Irish/Leprechaun theme. I've nothing against my old avatar; I've just found one that is more to my preferences. I don't really consider myself a Sneevil, and I don't have an overwhelming urge to collect boxes and gold.

And, I don't know, maybe AKs switch to custom avatars because of the IF factor. Perhaps there wasn't anyone who used that particular avatar in the L&L board, but what IF someone did? What would that look like? Who knows?

You'd have to question each and every individual AK in order to find answers, because it's very probable that each AK has their own reasons. I personally am using a custom avatar because it shows more of a Leprechaun side than anything else—and as you'd said, it might represent me better. There are other reasons involved, but they're not needed to be expressed.

To be honest, I don't think it alienates me too much from my friends. I would think my actions, not my representative image, would be the deciding factor in that matter. Yeah, the new avatar could be different, because it is hasn't ever been used before (hence "custom"), but I would hardly assume that changing my avatar would be that drastic.

7: Let's make this one number-related for no other reason other than that this question being question seven (well, to me. I think that if you counted every question up in #6, this would be ~13.), which is, generally, a lucky number. But, let's start with the end question (which I choose to ridiculously bulk up): why? What contributes to luck? Why are certain numbers lucky? As someone who is portrayed as a leprechaun, you'd know this, at least, people think you should. Numbers have been around for thousands of years. Their existence has graced/cursed us for millenia. How come some develop into lucky or unlucky numbers? Can certain events in history contribute to this? Or is it the other way around, with numbers contributing to events? Could it be both? Could number's luck value be determined by religion? Then again, even the founder(s) of the religion must have had some type of inspiration, some type of experience. Somehow, numbers are deemed lucky or unlucky. Is it just because a person says they are, hence they become that way? What is luck? What can it be, besides the definition that some dictionary will give? Is it an unseen force, something that we cannot comprehend that impacts our lives every day? Is it just a figment of our imaginations, made up by millions of factors? We, ourselves, can't create luck. We've tried, but never actually succeeded. On computers, random is not truly random. (I don't remember the exact logic, but I know that's true) In card playing, experts can know exactly how the cards are shuffled; they remove luck. With this as evidence, can we truly know what luck is? Can it truly exist? Is something (like numbers) ever truly 'lucky', or is it not? Why? Why are there so many possibilities?
There are so many possibilies because we make them.

The term "Luck" is, in essence, anything that happens by chance and/or is out of our control. We have no true say in its matters.

If you were to look more into this, via encyclopedias or other resources, it's been said that "Luck" has more or less three categories: Unchangeable, Random, and Unknowing.

  • Unchangeable—This is where nothing can be changed to make a different outcome. Commonly, these events have already passed (like being born a certain way or at a certain place), but are considered lucky because of the supposed good fortune that came forth from its happening.

  • Random—This is where outcomes can be changed by causes that are brought without specifics or real intentions. Making a successful experiment cause completely by accidental means could be an example here. "Luck" was considered here because it was out of your control, and something happened (be it good or bad).

  • Unknowing—This kind of Luck can be seen as changes that are done without the person involved knowing. There is someone else that had "intervened" or acted to make the result what it is. You as the recipient don't know about what had happened and can call this luck—or even Random Luck, if you were blurring the lines a bit. The only way to realize that what had happened was Unknowing Luck is to actually come to "know" what and why it happened, if that makes sense.

It's when you acknowledge these three "factors" that you can perhaps shed a bit more light toward why Luck is affiliated with so many things.

When you spoke of numbers (or even lucky objects), some are considered lucky or unlucky because of its past experiences. History may have made largely known certain terrible events in which specific numbers were involved (for whatever reason) and now are titled "unlucky" by society. Something is only called something when it is both compared to a set norm and found different, and then thus named as such.
Now as to whether or not numbers itself are entwined with the power to cast fortune/misfortune, no one truly knows that. Life has shown many examples of specific numbers being present in situations relating to this, but for all we know they could be merely coincidences. We have no way of affirming them as lucky or unlucky.

One could even venture into religion, as you'd posted. A large religious factor within Luck can fall into the "Unknowing Luck". Some greater power is specifically letting life play out according to their will. They know exactly what they are doing, but we do not. In our "ignorance", we can call these actions both "Luck" and "Divine Intervention", or "Divine Passiveness" or anything that will get my point across. :D

Luck plays its role in all of us, based on what knowledge we have. It can be used to explain the unknown, but it also can have it's own true way and meaning without being a made up reason for things.

8: Umm...sorry 'bout my long questions. It's in my nature to ask a question, repeat it, change it slightly, and then ask again. (I think this could very well be the thing that makes me such a good rambler in most people's eyes. Hitting a character limit on ANY forum is fairly hard to do.) In fact, I think that's part of human nature. I'll go into greater depth in my next question, but I promised to myself that I'd keep this question short. (This is short for me.) Do you mind compact questions? If yes, then I'm truly sorry for cluttering thirty questions into only a few questions. If no...well, then I can rest at ease knowing that I will not have bothered you *too* badly.
If by "compact questions" you mean a large amount of questions packed into one, expressed through multiple sentences in a paragraph, then no. It can sometimes help to get the point accross.

9: Ah, yes...human nature. I could ramble all day about it. I kinda have, but only on certain parts of this vastly untouchable topic. But I won't do that here, since that's be spam. Here, I ask of your opinions on thoughts that no philosopher can ever truly come up with a permanent answer for. Do try and forgive the length of this post, and this particular question which should not be touched. But why do we ask for forgiveness? For what reason are we curious? Can, in our lives, we ever answer all questions? We've gone from "how does fire work and how is it made? Can we make it?" to "how does the universe work? How does the human mind work? Why, when we've got all this science, can't we understand ourselves?"
If you get the point. Why is it like this? For what reason can we never understand some parts of our lives? Why do we change? We certainly don't stay the same for our entire lives. Can these questions ever truly be answered? My previous questions (6,7,8) all bring me, in some way, to think of this topic, the topic of human nature. Why do we, one day, have preconceptions, yet the next, try to learn the truth? It has to be human nature to be curious, to want answers to the infinite number of questions we ask. But why? We can say one thing one moment, contradict it the next, defend the original, and then go back to the latter. What could possibly drive us to question every single detail, yet accept everything at the same time? Why do we hide some emotions that we naturally feel? Why do we hide thoughts, hide memories? Do we really fear harming others that much? Can we really fear being harmed that much as well? Yet, in the same way, we can be extremely open, telling others of our deepest thoughts.
Humans are, at their core, exactly the same as each other. But more so than any other, plants, rocks, animals, whatever, we're unique. We are different from others, no two people identical in every way. It all falls back to human nature. Everything loops back, somehow related and intertwining into a massive web of endless questions. Human nature, our nature, is at the core of it all, with one question dominating them all:----Why?
What you are speaking of is a topic that many don't wish to "touch", as you had pointed out. I'm unsure why you are asking me directly, though. I'd imagine that I am no more advanced or knowing than anyone else.
But a bold answer that popped into my mind when I was reading this was of two things.

The first is, "knowledge", or lack thereof. We, as people, don't fully understand human nature (or anything else... that we don't understand) because we don't know everything. It's both as simple and as complicated as that. If we all knew the knowledge of the Universe (or Multiverse, if you want to think about something else), then we wouldn't need to seek answers. If our brains were functioning at 100% capacity, then things would be different.

But that's the point. There are many things we know not of, and that may pique our curiosity to find the answers to them. We consider curiosity to be a part of human nature becuase the vast majority of humans are, well, curious. I'll continue, but I have to vanish now....

The reason for us changing is becuase it is... the nature of humans to adapt. That's what contributes to our uniqueness. We have the ability to adapt to what life throws at us. It may take us awhile, but we still can. This causes us to be unique from each other, and from anything else. If we did not adapt, then we would die... or things would be different, to say the least. When we think that we aren't so special, and that there's nothing that unique about us, well, we aren't looking hard enough. There is always at least one thing that separates us from each other. As to finding that one thing, the ability to easily find it may vary. But it is these unique things about us that may make us want to ask for forgiveness, or not want to.

You ask why we are like this? How should I know? I'm just an individual within this crowd. I'm no "higher" up this kind of ladder than anyone else I know. We can't always be told exactly why because that's the way things are. Some say that there is a higher power, religious or not, that knows but doesn't directly tell us. Others say that we are here just out of the chance of it all, and human nature is not human nature because it's made up. It's up to you personally to find what answers you can.

10: "You’d be surprised what would happen if there wasn’t a limit" Might this be, in part, due to rogue posts that contain seventy plus questions? (Like a certain post in TL's AK thread) Just out of curiosity. You don't necessarily have to have a limit on questions to have a long post. I think I'm solid proof of this. But, for that matter, why do any people place limits on questions? Do they have a fear that they won't have enough time to answer them otherwise? How could they 'sink so low' as to place a limit of two questions?
Two questions? Hmm... that does seem a bit extreme... but then again, it could very well be justified by the AK. It all depends on who actually posts in their MtAK, and their contents.

11: Oh, and how did these traditions get started? You know, shackles on an AK, who is in a cell of some sort. There are variances, such as a jar with no shackles, shackles with no cell, etc., but overall, it remains the same. People will always ask questions related to this tradition. Back in the day, I was like "what is this shackle talk for?", and I still have that question in my mind. For that matter, where do traditions start? There are many varieties, such as family, national, cultural, etc., but all are traditions. How do they start? Is it just because one person did something for whatever reason, and others liked it? They kept on doing it, passing it through the generations to form a tradition?
Yes. That's a rough way of describing it. Traditions tie from the traditions used by different cultures. Their actions in response to their belief, religion, observance, and others are what made the traditions what they are. Other groups, other cultures might have come by and saw a particular "traditional" event and, sure, they like it—or they like what it stood for—and they decided to integrate it into their "culture". Traditions start by anyone and anything that does something unique pertaining to what they believe (or don't) and it catches on. These actions could include major, world-renowned occurrences, or they could be just simple things.

I personally don't know exactly how "shackles on an AK" got started, but I don't mind. It's kind of why I enjoy holidays a lot. It takes everyone away from the commonness of everyday life to enjoy something different each year—something special, something almost... magical.

12: Well, I must say that I am running a little dry. I had not planned that far ahead, having run out of space to write questions down after #9. The rest are improvised, and not as long as I would wish them to be. With that in mind, I do fear that there is a need for the questions to be terminated as of this point, at least, for the moment. In other words, I've run out of things that match the others, semi-philosophical, long-winded posts. I do hope you'll keep the thread open longer, and won't be one of the many AK's who end their thread after a short week. I have more questions to unleash, just need more time for them. A week isn't nearly enough time for someone like me, especially since I'm the kind of person who only logs on when he deems it necessary, which ends up being 1-3 times a week on average. Well, with that in mind...'til next time, my good friend. Congrats.
That's okay. I had a lot placed on my plate already by what questions you did ask. XD

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be keeping up this for more than two weeks. There are lines are too narrow to be walked upon. And some too think to realize you are walking on them.

Anyway, if you want to, I suppose you can pm me or use other means to ask your questions.

Thank you, mastin2, Mijarna, XP. Yes, 'til our paths cross again....

Master Samak

Vaka -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/15/2008 14:24:27)

Master Samak!

I was going to comment here, saying I won't post much because you've obviously got a lot, but from what I've seen... you really go to town with these questions!
Well, I guess I do... feel free to ask some questions if you want, I dont' mind. :D

But I'm about to dash, so I'll just leave a nice congrats, and see you soon n_n
It's very nice of you to congratulate me, but it's nothing, really.

Hopefully, I will see you soon also. :)


~Quiet Beserker~ -> RE: =MtAK= L&L's ArchLeprechaun: Master Samak (10/15/2008 18:48:07)

Hello! :D
Hello, ~Quiet Beserker~!

Just a greeting I'll be off.
Oh, alright. I'll accept it before you go.... :)

I hope you enjoy being an AK! :D
I hope so too. Thanks for the warm wish!


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