Charades - not done (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> Charades - not done (11/4/2008 19:58:43)

The sun sinking low, cast its mellowing light, upon the fleeting day. 
The flowers turned their sighing faces towards the singing Jay. 

As if on cue, he puffed his breast, a twinkle in his eye. 
Sang his song, loudly calling to all, who whispered day’s goodbye. 

The sun sank lower; the shadows crept, crickets began their song. 
The tabby inside left its window seat, knowing it wouldn’t be long. 

Slipping beneath the horizon line, the sun took the last of the light. 
The shadows took over, the Blue Jay returns to wish his family goodnight. 

From his nest he saw his place taken by something small and sweet. 
Fairy eyes looked on a world so dear this new time she did greet. 

From her mouth, a new song arose, calling all near and far. 
Shadows shimmered as the Fairy took flight, bowing to the Evening Star. 

Emerging steps of cloven hoof, slim horns atop their heads. 
Reed pipes held high, a dance in step, Satyrs have left their beds. 

The Fairy bowed her graceful head and listened to them play. 
It’s a pity, she thought, humans cannot hear this during the day

The thundering beat of graceful wings turned her towards the sky. 
A pale soft glow against the coming night came the Pegasi. 

Each tossed its head, silver hooves shining, setting upon the ground. 
They stretched out their feathered silvery wings without making a sound. 

The Fairy gently settled on velvet nose, brushing each with a kiss. 
Gracing the last she looked with a smile what's next she would not miss. 

Proudly a group trotted into the grove ; the ground, it trembled and shook. 
Upon first glance, some would see only men until taking their second look. 

The Centaurs strutted, caressing each tree, teasing them with their touch. 
Branches quivered as lithe bodies emerged, adoring the Centaurs much. 

A chase ensued between Centaur and Nymph, the Fairy clapped her hands. 
Satyrs joined in with a lively tune while the Pegasi regally stand. 

One Nymph was caught, then a second and third, until the Centaurs quit. 
Each Nymph held tight by Centaur embrace, upon the lawn they sit. 

In the distance a false sun arose, blazing in orange and red. 
The closer it came to that lively place the more the darkness fled. 

The call of the Phoenix filled the starry sky, his eyes were burning bright. 
His great wings alight, descending with grace, heralding the coming night. 

Wings of pale light rose from the flowers of the Lily bed. 
Soft hues of blue, purple and green, with eyes of jeweled red. 

The Fairy leapt up from her perch, happy as can be. 
Her sisters and brothers had woken up and joined them finally. 

Stretching and yawning, the Fairies blinked, eyes still full of sleep. 
Until they hear a familiar sound, a rumbling so deep. 

Like lightning they flew into the sky, all eyes were turned on them. 
Something playful this way comes, to feed the Fairies' whim. 

They spun a web of light around a shadow in the sky. 
The Pegasi all stamped their feet to welcome a winged ally. 

Reptilian head and spiny back with gossamer wings of gold. 
Landing nimbly amidst the throng stands the Wyvern of stories old. 

He bowed his head to Centaur and Nymph and winked to Satyrs with mirth. 
But he held his winged limbs high aloft to greet his friends of worth. 

The Pegasi pranced and danced their way into the Wyvern's embrace. 
He wrapped his wings around them all, a smiled played on his face. 

"The time has come," the Fairy began, "A game that we must choose. 
Something that we all can play and enjoy, win or lose." 

A Centaur raised his hand and smiled, "I propose a chase!" 
A Pegasus shook her noble head, "I prefer a race!" 

"No, no, no!" a Satyr exclaimed. "ne'er would that be fair!" 
Upon your wings you always win!" another protester stares. 

A nymph rose nimbly to her feet. "What about charades? 
Surely that would be great fun." Then back to the grass she laid. 

The Wyvern opened his toothy mouth, grinning as he tried to speak. 
But low and behold, there came a sound no one'd heard for weeks. 

A blurred streak came from the west, knocking the Wyvern down. 
Upon his muscled chest he stood, Griffin has come to town! 

"I'm here!" he exclaimed. "We may begin." Then upon Wyvern he sat. 
Poor Wyvern groaned and threw him off, "Why must you always do that?" 

"As I was going to say," Wyvern began, kindly looking around. 
"Charades sound like a splendid idea! A champion shall be crowned." 

The Griffin preened his razor-like feathers, pretending his feelings hurt. 
"Whatever you say," he solemnly said and flopped down in the dirt. 

The Satyrs looked at each other and sighed, watching the drama unfold. 
"Here we go." one whispered low, pointing. "That one broke the mold." 

A Centaur slapped his flank and cried, "Here, here! Hey none of that! 
Let's just play our game tonight. And stop being such a brat." 

Affronted, the Griffin glared at his "friend" and couldn't believe his ears. 
"I don't know why I come at all..." he said through falling tears. 

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