RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (Full Version)

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shmoda -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/24/2010 14:50:35)

@137ben: yes, I know production during the war helps, but of my my guard wins in the last several wars I'd estimate at a minimum 80% were gained the first day from my storage. So for me storage is far more important than hourly production. That could change if we get wars closer together.

Nessa Ellensse -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/30/2010 20:21:27)

What factors do you use to decided when/if to commit reasourses to a war and if you commit how much?

Are you more/less likely to commit if

The war is a part of a larger plot that lasting effects in game

The war is a yearly event (ie the Blarney War)

The war meter is moving fast

The war meter is moving slow

It looks like this will be a multi parter and part 2 is coming out next week

Edit: This post was both about this war and wars in general (remember Frostval? Anyway I'm a little over 50% due to depleating resourses in the bizzar Flecks part two completely and then commiting some reasourses to this war but I'm holding back to see how far we get before Wensday

afterlifex -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/30/2010 20:34:23)

I commit all resource regardless of the war as soon as i cap or it is close to reset. Then I let them start to "restock" & don't use any more that war. So a war the very next week would get about 50% resources.

& why do you say it looks like a multi part war?(in which I mean another war next week?)

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/31/2010 14:30:55)

Purely Speculation but....
I think part of the problem here is that Estates are just a part of the AQ game and the staff may have underestimated the popularity and effect that Estates would have during the Wars.
Keep people hanging on for a particular update and it keeps more people playing AQ? Hence the Captains's diversion to other aspects of AQ and WF.

Another part of the problem might be the difficulty of implementing the proposed Museum system. Maybe it was almost fully programmed at the end of September when Captain Rhubarb gave the November date and then during testing a huge game engine problem was discovered?
Like the originally proposed Castles and Kingdoms? Which has morphed into the MWP system?

Captain Rhubarb now has to devise a new system for the Museum's which will not break the game engine?

It seems unlikely that a professional programmer like the Captain would get so upset by a few silly people calling him a Liar? In fact he would probably be more likely to post a response and then keep us updated on his progress?

Traveler -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/31/2010 19:09:46)


It seems unlikely that a professional programmer like the Captain would get so upset by a few silly people calling him a Liar? In fact he would probably be more likely to post a response and then keep us updated on his progress?

Well, considering that when someone made a thread on GBI pointing out that Rhublade (his staff weapon, which was later released for normal purchase) was quite underpowered, he poped up in the middle of the discussion and -sounding quite offended- unilateraly announced that the weapon was immediately going rare... I'm afraid that Captain tends to act on impulse and temper a bit too often.

And I understand that he doesn't want to give any new deadlines not even estimated ones. But that doesn't mean that he can't disclose some info on how are things going, or if the project is advancing or has been sidetracked in favour of other things deemed more urgent, while keeping it vague enough that he can't be quoted on any specific timetable. In fact, that is a lesson that the KoO learnt a while ago.

As M. Dietrich said above, in the end this is bussiness, and customers have the right to demand some information. Of course, Rhubarb also has the right to ignore those demands, but that isn't going to make him look good...

Walkin Dude -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/31/2010 20:47:25)

Ok here are my views on this whole fiasco. First of all i have been playing this game since 2006. I became an X-Guardian 1 week after I first started playing & I have bought numerousn Z-Token packages. Back then Artix & others were still involved with this game but they soon left for Dragon Fable & other games. I had no problem with this because they left other capable people to update & advance this game.(I have played DragonFable & AQWorlds but i dont like them i LIKE Adventure Quest). What i dont like is that when they needed help on one of the new games, they pulled the person who was working on this game(Capt RHubarb-not his idea) to work on the new game. The message they sent me here was that "we already have your money from (x)guardianship & Z-token packages so the heck with you, let's concentrate on the new money coming in. Now i would have let this slide too if they had not taken it to this extreme! I have had my museum far too long for it to not to have any function. I will continue to play AQ but i have lost a lot of respect for AE & as of now will not play any of their other games.

skydrite -> RE: =AQ= Houses With Estates - Discussion (1/31/2010 20:56:20)

I'm locking this now and starting a new one as this thread has gone off topic.

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