L&L's Christmas Carols ~~Collab. Fiction~~ (Full Version)

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Recar Dragonlance -> L&L's Christmas Carols ~~Collab. Fiction~~ (12/12/2008 14:15:51)

My Christmas Tree is up which means we can officially be excited for Christmas...

Of course, there's two weeks until Christmas and what better way to celebrate the season of happiness than with our pens... or keyboards...

Anyway! I'm putting this up because... well, I've wanted to since October : ) Also, I think it would be good for us to have tales of the Christmas.

So place your stories or poems in the thread below. No rules, just it has to be Christmas orientated... Happy, sad, exciting, boring we want them all. So come add your stories down below.

Put the Stories here!

The Carols of Christmas

The Band of Extraordinary Story Characters
~~Recar Dragonlance~~

The Star Polisher

How the Years Pass

Firefly -> RE: L&L's Christmas Carols ~~Collab. Fiction~~ (12/12/2008 21:39:48)

A very nice way to set up the thread, Recar, and great work at bringing the holiday spirit into L&L! Happy early holidays, everyone!

I've read and enjoyed the story. I'm debating doing one of the following:
1. Type up my old ugly horrible Christmas poems to post (Yes, I give y'all permission to laugh at me)
2. Write a new Christmas poem (My inspiration doesn't seem to be flowing, grr)
3. Write a Christmas story.
4. Tweak one of my other stories to make it Christmasy.

I'm leaning on four atm, though it feels a bit like cheating...

Anyhow, a few random points about your story, Recar.


Warlic slammed the weathered tome onto the table, bringing forth a cloud of ancient dust that settled on its base.

Imo, the adjective is clunky and unnecessary.


There is… There is a chill in the air I can’t quite shake,” The Wizard said,

I don't think "the" should be capitalized, since it's still part of the same sentence as the speech. Even if you're capitalizing wizard (which I don't recommend since it's a noun that's rather familiar to everyone), "the" should remain uncapitalized grammatically, no?


In the midst of the tremor, neither mages recognised the book name Recar Dragonlance’s Tales of Fire had tumbled open.

"recognised?" Oh, I think they'd recognize it since they were just talking about Recar... Maybe "realised" is the word you're looking for...
The name, not the book, fell open? I think you meant to type "named"

I hope the comments helped. ^_^ I'll have something for this collab soon.

jerenda -> RE: L&L's Christmas Carols ~~Collab. Fiction~~ (12/13/2008 13:43:51)

Oh, this is cute!! I may actually write something for this- perhaps a little bit of light writing will help me get rid of my 'off' streak. ^_^

Actually... I have a sort-of Christmasy story that I wrote this summer and I've been meaning to post it here, but have been unable to decide where to put it, as my short story thread is vampire-themed. So I shall cheat and put it up here and consider writing something else later. [:D]

There. Shortest story I ever wrote. Don't know how good it is- it made my mother cry, but then, she's my mother. Dismember it as you please.

Cow Face -> RE: L&L's Christmas Carols ~~Collab. Fiction~~ (12/17/2008 15:50:21)

I have, of course, questions.

1) Poetry is allowed, yes?
2) If so, is it fine to re-post something from my personal poetry thread?

Firefly -> RE: L&L's Christmas Carols ~~Collab. Fiction~~ (12/17/2008 22:05:04)

I'm not Recar, and only he can give the final answer, but I assume the answer is yes for both since that's the way it is for most collabs of this kind. Anyhow, the answer to the first is definitely yes:


So place your stories or poems in the thread below.

I even talked to him on IRC about posting old X-mas poem. Which I should get to doing if only I were a bit less busy.

Cow Face -> RE: L&L's Christmas Carols ~~Collab. Fiction~~ (12/18/2008 17:33:34)

/me is fail. Epic fail. Not sure what's up with me the last couple of days; my mind's been going crazyier than usual.

Firefly -> RE: L&L's Christmas Carols ~~Collab. Fiction~~ (12/24/2008 14:36:22)

Alright, I epicfailed at trying to get my old Christmas poems to work because they were just /too bad/. Trying to write a new one didn't work. I turned a happy Christmas poem into a emo love poem. <_< I tried a song, but I would want a tune for that to work and I don't really have many composition ideas atm. So...

I wrote a story. Last night, half-asleep. It started off as some kind of happy thing with many characters, but I just couldn't bring myself to write that. I had to do something sad... So, I ended up using a very old, very useless character (as in, her stories have never been written paper; indeed, even the plans of her stories were in my head and I later cancelled them because I realized if I didn't like reading the detective thing, I probably won't like writing it).

Meet Detective Diane, yet this isn't a detective story /at all/. It might be confusing, so I added the weirdo poetry in the beginning of each scene to show time passage. And the Christmas element is slight.

I hope I don't ruin the holiday spirit with this more depressing addition.

Without further ado, I present:

How the Years Pass
Also known as "Detective Diane and the Christmas Boy" if you want a more upbeat title.

EDIT: Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays, everyone!

jerenda -> RE: L&L's Christmas Carols ~~Collab. Fiction~~ (12/28/2008 23:21:15)

Can we still be excited for Christmas if Christmas is over?

time losh -> RE: L&L's Christmas Carols ~~Collab. Fiction~~ (12/29/2008 0:31:40)

I posted a Jack Rose Christmas :p


Recar Dragonlance -> RE: L&L's Christmas Carols ~~Collab. Fiction~~ (1/3/2009 19:55:26)

Urgh, I'm sorry I disappeared (oh dear I can't spell it :'( ) for like a year but stuff happens. Erm... I updated the first post for your viewing pleasure. You can still add stories I guess, and I'll keep updating the thread. It will be nice to have a bigger library by next year so... go on. Well I won't be around here as often but I'll still but in a few words of support here and there : )

Firefly -> RE: L&L's Christmas Carols ~~Collab. Fiction~~ (1/3/2009 20:50:16)

Actually, you spelled "disappeared" quite correctly, if that was what you were wondering. ;)

Aww, you won't be around often? :( I'll miss you, my friend. I hope you can make a return, but I know what you mean when you say "stuff happens." /me snuggleattacks

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