Asatsu -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (3/4/2011 7:18:45)
Not quite sure if its the right section, but it seems connected to armor... Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch/Freezer Bug details: Before bug occurred: First times, I was fighting Angry Protester(2). Seconds time was against Mutant Natator(2). [EDIT:] Third time, Drakel Ninja(2) ~Asatsu During Bug: The foe preforms an attack. Scourge's Tenet does its Backlash ability. Foes returns to resting posistion. Then, nothing. No Attack menu, error message, BSoD, nothing. The only thing that is happening is the resting animation (Bobbing around a bit). After bug: As stated above: Just resting animation. The battle neither proceeds nor yeilds a message or menu. The only way out is clicking the "refresh" button the the browser. (This is especially annoying for free players such as myself, who have to wait for an opening to log back in.) Item Bugged: I belive it to be Scourge's Tenet. (Other version may have it as well, but I'm to lazy/poor to test.) Other Equipment: Well, I don't think it matters much, but Vahallan Maul (Both times), Scourge's Rampart (First time)/Chieftain's IronThorn (Second time). Screenshot link: I has none, but its just what a battle would look like during attack selection WITHOUT the attack menu. Character page link: My Character Page Did you log out and log back in? Yes Did you clear cache? Yes Did the bug happen again? Yes Browser Info: Internet Explorer Flash version: Note: I can't say for sure, but it seems to only happen with pack monsters as it has been working fine for other battles. [EDIT:] Yup... only three times it has happened have been against pack monsters... ~Asatsu