rewilo -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/23/2012 9:09:29)
Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Keeping a spell, easiest way to explain it. Bug details: Was traning int on my alt and thought it would be fun to see if i could actually defeat the mage trainer (aka, get him to 0 hp) and i did that, and it let me keep the Mana Restoration spell after the encounter and it works as it did during the training. Before bug occurred: Everything was normal During Bug: Well.. i got a free endless mana spell with no drawbacks (temp) After bug: After a relog i lost the spell and everything was normal, tried to "kill" the trainer again and got the spell again. Item Bugged: Mana Restoration Screenshot link: Character page link: Did you log out and log back in: Yes, it removerd the spell. Did the bug happen again: Yes Browser Info: Google Chrome Version 23.0.1271.64 m Flash version: 11,5,31,2