RedEyedDrake -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (7/10/2017 13:34:27)
Purple Rain interacts in a very...questionable manner with items that increase your END and actually increase your current HP up to the new numerical value of the percentage that your current HP makes out of your max HP in general based on your nex max HP (such as the Irt of Osiris) and offensive items that make you pay an HP cost for attacking with them (such as Destruction Burst). I'll describe two scenarios that ended up unfolding in my testing so that the staff may figure out what exactly if the problem from there. The first scenario is as follows: Suppose that your character is at full HP for the sake of simplicity. Cast Purple Rain to record the current HP/MP/SP values. Then equip the Irt of Osiris. Then cast Purple Rain properly to reset the HP/MP/SP. This causes your current HP to drop to the amount that you had before equipping the Irt of Osiris while leaving a gap in your HP bar, implying that while your current HP has returned back to its original value your max HP is now stuck at the value that your max HP became equal to when you equipped the Irt of Osiris within the effects of Purple Rain and before you actually used Purple Rain to reset things. However, if after doing all of this you also unequip the Irt of Osiris that you still had equipped after resetting with the Purple Rain your max HP will still be stuck at the increased value as it was before you unequipped the Irt but your current HP will drop even further, actually dropping below your actual max HP that you had at the start of the battle before doing anything of what I have just described. Also, if you were to perform some sort of attack that doesn't cost HP after doing all of the above and unequipping the Irt you would end up performing it regularly. In addition, if you were to perform some sort of attack that does cost HP (like casting Destruction Burst) after doing all of the above and unequipping the Irt instead of an attack that doesn't cost HP you'd also perform it regulary, with the HP cost being substracted from the lowered amount that you ended up with after unequipping the Irt. The second scenario if as follows: Suppose that your character is at full HP for the sake of simplicity. Equip the Irt of Osiris. Then cast Purple Rain to record the current HP/MP/SP values. Then cast Purple Rain properly to reset the HP/MP/SP. At first glance nothing happens and you still have the ammount of HP that you ended up with after equipping the Irt. But if you were to unequip the Irt of using Purple Rain to reset things you'll notice that you'll still be stuck at the amount of HP (both current and max) that you ended up with after equipping the Irt, despite the fact that you just unequipped it. However, in constrast to the above scenario, if you were to perform some sort of attack that doesn't cost HP after doing all of the above and unequipping the Irt you would see your HP (both current and max, thus leaving no gap in your HP bar) return to the original values that you started the battle with as immediately as you start to perform the attack. On the other hand, if you were to cast Destruction Burst at this point instead of some sort of attack that doesn't cost HP you'll see that your current and max HP will still return to their original values just like if you were to perform an attack that doesn't cost HP at this point. However, that is all that will happen. Your current and max HP will return to those values but the HP cost of Destruction Burst will not be further substracted from that value. Mind, the casting itself will still occur normally in every other way and you'll even still pay the MP cost of Destruction Burst. ...So yeah. That is what I have discovered. However, it bear mention that this happend to an Adventurer of mine on the free server.