Thunderhammer! (Full Version)

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Azami -> Thunderhammer! (1/16/2009 19:56:22)


Location: Planet Zargon --> Selina --> Missions --> Thunderhammer!
Objective: Excellent job! Thunderhammer is back to his old heroic self and now you have the location of the secret Universo Facility!
Requirements: Completetion of Bat Cave
Release Date: Jan. 16, 2009

  • Thunder Hammer

  • Selina
  • Thunderhammer
  • Dr. Boltavolt

    Selina: <Character Name>! Thunderhammer is nearby! Proceed with caution...
    Selina: I am picking up some really strange energy signatures in the space time continuum!
    Selina: Temporary time rifts are opening around the city. You may get pulled into one.
    Selina: Don't worry. I can eventually pull you out with my Time Vacuumizer Matrix if you get pulled into one.
    Selina: Good Luck!
    Thunderhammer: <Character Name>! You shall not pass! I must break you!
    You: Thunderhammer! Don't you remember? Boltavolt was your nemesis! He is controlling you with his Hypno-Beam!
    Thunderhammer: Your mecha will be melted down and used as ammo for Universo!
    You: Good grief! Why do I even bother trying to reason with these guys?

    On defeating Thunderhammer:
    Selina: <Character Name>! The battle is not over yet! Thunderhammer has regenerated!
    Selina: Uh oh! there is a time rift at your location! Sensors have detected a Flashback is imminent!
    "Flashback Started..."
    "3 Months Ago..."
    Dr. Boltavolt: Muahahaa.... uahaa... haaaah... ehem... cough...
    Dr. Boltavolt: Hmmm... gotta work on my ua..aaaah
    Dr. Boltavolt: The overabundance of superpower makes this world so lazy and wasteful...
    Dr. Boltavolt: ...All of the so called heroes are such bullies... They're so self-righteous.
    Dr. Boltavolt: Just because I blew up a few power facilities and had some escaped droids rampage around town...
    Dr. Boltavolt: Now I'm considered a super-villian...
    Dr. Boltavolt: I can't go anywhere without getting a broken nose from some overzealous brat in tights!
    Dr. Boltavolt: I was always an outcast because I lack my own superpowers...
    Dr. Boltavolt: They think that I am no threat... Well, I'll prove to them that the mind is more powerful than any super-gimmick...
    Dr. Boltavolt: I will prove to them that technology is the ultimate power! We'll see just how brave they are...
    Dr. Boltavolt: ...once my Muto-Energy Drainer takes their powers away! But first, I will need to finish my Hypno-Beam...
    Dr. Boltavolt: The last part I need to complete my Hypno-Beam is an EvilCorp Brand Proto-Resistor!
    Dr. Boltavolt: I just happen to know about a delivery to the Daily Zargon! This will be like stealing candy from a baby!
    Dr. Boltavolt: Muahahahaha! Uahahahaha! ROFL! LOL!
    Dr. Boltavolt: Billy, er, I mean, Dr. Boltavolt, signing off!
    "Flashback Ended..."
    Selina: <Character Name>! I lost you for a second, but managed to pull you back through the time rift!
    Selina: Interesting. You had a vision of Dr. Boltavolt? Maybe we can learn more about him from these time rifts.
    Selina: Thunderhammer is just ahead... My sensor scans show that he has increased power! Good luck!
    Thunderhammer: <Character Name>! You should just give up now! Universo will crush you like an insect!
    You: Spare me the hyperbole... Let's get this over with!

    On defeating Thunderhammer for the second time:
    Selina: <Character Name>! Thunderhammer has regenerated again!
    Selina: Oh no! There is another time rift at your location! Sensors have detected a Flashback is imminent!
    "Flashback Started..."
    "Mechtropolis city..."
    Dr. Boltavolt: This is too easy! I planted a receiver on the van, now I just have to drive it away with my Hyper Circuit Transceiver!
    Stranger: Excuse me? Is that a Solar Powered Hyper Circuit Transceiver?
    Selina: Where did you get that? I've been looking for one for weeks!
    Dr. Boltavolt: You...y.. you know about hyper circuits?
    Selina: Oh yes! I'm trying to design a new type of mech that uses hyper circuits to power an improved neural net.
    Dr. Boltavolt: Oh! Well that's a brilliant idea! You'll need to compensate for signal noise at 250hz or else you'll fry the whole thing.
    Selina: Of course, silly! That's why I had to order some Evilcorp Proto Resistors.
    Selina: I don't usually do business with EvilCorp. Their contracts have way too many weird loopholes...
    Selina: ... but they're the only company that makes them.
    Dr. Boltavolt: Hehe... oops! Well, good luck with your engineering ventures! What is your name?
    Selina: My name is Selina.
    Dr. Boltavolt: Nice to meet you, Selina. My name is Billy. What is your superpower?
    Selina: Oh, I don't have any powers. I came here from GEARS University's career placement services...
    Selina: Dean Warlic thought that my high IQ would serve the planet well...
    Dr. Boltavolt: Oh! What a coincidence... I don't have any superpowers either...
    "Flashback Ended..."
    Selina: <Character Name>! I lost you for a second, but managed to pull you back through the time rift!
    Selina: So, Billy is actually Dr. Boltavolt? That explains why I never saw him again...
    Selina: I actually warned the other heroes about him but they ignored me. Now they are paying dearly for underestimating him.
    Selina: Thunderhammer is just ahead... My sensor scans show that he has increased power again! Good luck!
    Thunderhammer: You're time has run out! Universo is complete!
    You: Thunderhammer! Do you know that your master has now powers of his own? You are much stronger...
    Thunderhammer: I will not listen to your lies, mortal! Prepare to fight!
    You: Here we go again...

    On defeating Thunderhammer for the third time:
    Selina: <Character Name>! Thunderhammer has regenerated again! His regeneration energy should be nearly depleted though.
    Selina: Oh no! There is another time rift at your location! Sensors have detected another Flashback is imminent!
    "Flashback Started...."
    ""Mechtropolis city...""
    Dr. Boltavolt: My heist is going wonderfully! I just have to go a few more blocks then I'm home scott free!
    Thunderhammer: You evil doer! Drop that control!
    Dr. Boltavolt: Ugh... Thunderhammer... I can't drop it you fool! The van will crash...
    Dr. Boltavolt: Don't you have any sense of social responsibility in that overblown super ego?
    "Pow!" "Slap!" "Crunch!"
    Thunderhammer: Ah, this powerless kid again... What a dweeb. He should just give up!
    Girl's Voice: Aaaaaa!
    Thunderhammer: Oh No! Somebody's in trouble! Thunderhammer to the rescue!
    Selina: Aaaaaagh! Help!
    Dr. Boltavolt: Ugh... that really hurts! That guy is going to kill somebody someday...
    Dr. Boltavolt: Thunderhammer You thick-headed dolt! You almost killed her!
    Selina: Thanks for saving me Thunderhammer.... You're incredible!
    Thunderhammer: No problem Selina... A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
    Selina: Hey, what are you doing for lunch? I could use some company.
    Thunderhammer: Sounds great! All this macho heroism has given me a manly appetite! I'd love to satisfy it with you!
    Selina: Wow! a date with a superhero.... soooo dreamy!
    Dr. Boltavolt: Oh give me a break... Oh well, at least that little diversion gave me an opportunity to grab this Proto Resistor...
    Thunderhammer: That little twerp! I'll have to hit him harder next time!
    Selina: It's too bad, I kinda liked him. Why do the cute guys always turn out to be diabolical megalomaniacs?
    "Flashback Ended..."
    Selina: <Character Name>! I lost you for a second, but managed to pull you back through the time rift!
    Selina: Oh yes, I remember when Thunderhammer saved me from the runaway van...
    Selina: Don't tell him I told you this, but our first date was definately the last! That guy's favorite subject is himself. What a bore!
    Selina: Thunderhammer is just ahead... My sensor scans show that he has increased power again! Good luck!
    Thunderhammer: <Character Name>! I have had enough of this game! Now I am going to end this once and for all!

    On defeating Thunderhammer for the fourth time:
    Selina: <Character Name>! Great work! My latest scan shows that Thunderhammer did not regenerate that time!
    Selina: Argh! Another time rift is opening up! Prepare for a flashback!
    "Flashback Started..."
    "Back at the Lab:"
    Dr. Boltavolt: Muahaha! Thunderhammer! You will be the first guinea pig for my newest invention, the Hypno-Beam!
    Thunderhammer: You won't get away with this... feel so... weak... can't move...
    Dr. Boltavolt: Your powers have bee drained by my Muto-Energy Drainer and converted into pure energy!
    Dr. Boltavolt: My next project is going to be HUGE... I call it Universo!
    Dr. Boltavolt: I will need the energy of all of the heroes on this planet to power it an you're going to help me get it!
    Thunderhammer: I'll never be your guinea pig! Not in your wildest dreams Boltavolt!
    Dr. Boltavolt: Don't dream it.... Be it!
    "Flashback Ended..."
    Selina: <Character Name>! I lost you for a second, buy managed to pull you back through the time rift!
    Selina: Thunderhammer just contacted me. The Hypno-Beam has been disrupted!
    Selina: He knows the location of Boltavolt's secret Universo facility!

    Rewards Shop: None

    *Thanks to Viking_Jorun for links to Thunderhammer & Dr. Voltabolt!

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