RE: Quest/War Bugs (Full Version)

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Mauritio -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (1/11/2011 6:50:04)

I found a problem in the zard hunt quest...but I'm not sure if it's a bug from the game or a bug from my armor or the weapon...the problem is that the game freezes when I'm using the water dragon form and when i'm trying to use the brilhado blade's special happend twice until water dragon form stops when the brilhado blade's special attack appears...and I have to refresh the I said the bug problem is either from the zard hunt quest...or there is something wrong with the water dragon form when it's using the brilhado blade's special attack...this is really odd[>:]

Well it seemes that there is a problem with the water dragon form...but it happend again at the zard hunt quest when I was fighting the czard...even though I had a weapon of mine to attack...the incendiary drake tongue...again my water dragon my weapon special attack...but there is something I remarked this time...when the weapon appered for the special attack...there was another weapon...and I don't recognise it seemes that when you equip the water dragon form with a doesn't matter which weapon it the special attack of the water dragon form with that weapon the water dragon stops...and you can see another weapon he's's the third time...what is with that weapon? I have other weapons...but why is that strange weapon appearing? is there a problem with the water dragon form? and how come it always happends at the zard hunt quest?

Uberwerkenstein -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (1/16/2011 8:04:57)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Glitch

Bug details: A "search" mini-quest in the Devourer Saga in Granemor is impossible to complete. I move the cursor around looking for Dewlok, and the cursor turns into the hand on certain areas with info bubbles saying things like "Maybe Dewlok is ____" but clicking does nothing on any of them.

Before bug occurred: Defeated three vampires with Vampire Slayer E, watched a giant zombie get eaten by a big ribber thing, and then character verbally worries that the ribber might have eaten Dewlok.

During Bug: Standard search mini-quest format seems to work right up to the point of clicking on possibilities, when nothing happens - there is no info bubble indicating success or failure to find what is sought. Double-clicking does nothing either.

After bug: N/A - have to exit tab to logout and then log back in. There is no other way to get out of the Search.

Quest/War Bugged: Devourer Saga, Prologue Part 5: Big Trouble in Little Granemor
Character Level: 55
Equipment: The equipment I had on was Dark Plate, Assassin Shield, and the Ultimate Crossbow, with My Truffle as pet.
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13
OS: Windows XP
Flash version: Adobe

Communicant of the Light Lord -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (1/19/2011 10:42:23)

^ Not a bug, he's on the front left roof iirc.

edit: Oh, sorry about that, misunderstood your post.

Uberwerkenstein -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (1/20/2011 1:13:41)


^ Not a bug, he's on the front left roof iirc.

I repeat: Clicking on the available options does nothing. It is a bug.

Underclass Hero -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (1/21/2011 11:36:31)

Whenever I come to the first battle at The Destroyers: Part 2 the loading gets stuck at Player.

I did log out multiple times

mrbeaner123 -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (1/21/2011 12:46:10)

Type of bug: Back to town Inability
Bug details: Happened with Darkovia Vampire/Werewolf war and the Devourer Saga so far
Before bug occurred: I could return to town

During Bug: Every time i try to go back to town it shows the cut scene of the war beginning again and does not allow me to return to town even if you die.

After bug: ---------

Quest/War Bugged: Darkovia Vampire/Werewolf War, Devourer Saga
Character Level: 78
Equipment: Dracopyre of Night, Pyrite Axe, Unlight Shield, Pearapplo Basket
Screenshot link:------
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? Yes same effect
Did you clear cache? Yes multiple times
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Internet explorer latest
Flash version:Latest

Mark Chung -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (1/24/2011 4:42:01)

@mrbeaner123 - I usually go to the Guardian Tower and return to the town from there. It works.

stratuscone -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (1/25/2011 23:38:13)

Type of bug: game freezes
Bug details: happened to me whenever i access the dragonspine quest log a few minutes after logging in
Before bug occurred: @battleon, just logged in.

During Bug: dragonspine Mountains won't stop loading.

After bug: it kept on loading for a whole hour, then i decided to close the window

Quest/War Bugged: Dragonspine Mountains
Character Level: 104

Did you log out and log back in? Yes, but the bug seems to happen randomly.
Did you clear cache? Yes multiple times
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: google chrome and mozilla firefox
Flash version:Latest

Deer Elk -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (1/27/2011 21:29:55)

Fusion Dragon War part 2.

Can't leave. Fleeing the flight only returns you to camp. The return to town button and the Dragon Blade button do nothing. The only way to leave is to close the window or go to a different website.

theBatMan -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (2/2/2011 20:59:59)

Type of bug (Game crash/blackscreen, glitch, graphical error, typo, etc.): Game Freezes(Wont Load)

This is really bad.
This happened to me MULTIPLE times this week, and it's NEVER happened before.

BUG: Dragonspire
That's it. All I do is try and go to Dragonspire and it NEVER LOADS ANYTHING!

I've lost the DragonBlade 3+ times this way this week. It's not funny and I don't have time to play the dragonblade quest 1000 times a day!

brianspenceni -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (2/6/2011 11:30:23)


I've been fighting in the Paxia war (defending Glacius) for the past five or six months and over the last few days, I've noticed a bug that seems to be affecting the war counter. From one wave to the next, the fight count can go up by hundreds of wins (this isn't real, as there unfortunately aren't enough people defending glacius) and down by a similar amount. I've also been dual farming (all characters on the guardian server) and occasionally the two fighters are showing hundreds of wins difference.

Also, alarmingly one clan (dynami) saw an increase of 2,600 during one wave to the next - I'd been defending for hours with one character and then the figures for that clan shifted dramatically. Is something happening to the paxia wars databases or what is going on?

DJnotAFC -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (2/9/2011 6:46:53)

Fusion Dragon Quest Bug.

I try to access the Fusion Dragon Quest from the Event's Button, and it bring me to Dragonspine Mountains. BUT, there is NO Fusion Dragon Quest available. Where is it now?

eidolon -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (2/13/2011 6:40:41)

Type of bug: Can't get back to town

Bug details: Went to the Drakovian werewolf/vamp war, died, and respawned at the cutscene prelude to the war. Every time I click a "back to town" button or die and respawn it is always at the cutscene of the war.
Before bug occurred: Was hunting items for Beleqwaya's scavenger hunt. Last item was in the void so I chose to die in drakovia.

During Bug: Stuck in drakovian war

After bug: still stuck

Quest/War Bugged: Drakovian werewolf/vamp war
Did you log out and log back in? hesitant to, because Ill have to do Beleqwawa's quest again
Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? yes
Browser Info: firefox latest
Flash version: latest

Meati -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (2/17/2011 16:50:04)

Not so much a bug, but more of an exploitable mistake. In the current Speampunk Undead Attack, when Target Practicing, the very corner of the Steampunk Undead's shield appears at the sides of the screen for a short period of time. All one has to do is just point, click, and wait for it to refresh with another one.

gerri -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (2/25/2011 9:45:13)

I'm having the exact same problem as eidolon in the exact same situation (last item on Beleqwaya's list) and am just as hesitant to lock out. Could you let me know what the solution for him was?? Thanks! BTW no I didnt try to do the same thing as eidolon.. (-;

Type of bug: Can't get back to town

Bug details: Went to the Drakovian werewolf/vamp war, died, and respawned at the cutscene prelude to the war. Every time I click a "back to town" button or die and respawn it is always at the cutscene of the war. Same goes for fleeing.
Before bug occurred: Was hunting items for Beleqwaya's scavenger hunt. Last item was in the void so I chose to die in drakovia. Died against elder vampire, after I lost challenge battle. Finished the 25 hourglass quest plus all the purple swirl quest. After I helped death he send me back to Darkovia.

During Bug: Stuck in darkovian war

After bug: still stuck

Quest/War Bugged: Drakovian werewolf/vamp war
Did you log out and log back in? hesitant to, because Ill have to do Beleqwawa's quest again
Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? yes
Browser Info: Internet Explorer 8
Flash version: latest

Thanks again.

PS: Another thing I noted is when you click the back to town button at Claw tip landing it takes you to the Darkovia map.
Edit: I locked out now, gonna go and try if the same bug occurs if I just go to Darkovia to the battlegrounds.
Edit2: Does not happen if I click Back to town right after the cutscene.
Does not happen if I click Skip cutscene -> To battle -> By yourself -> Return to camp -> Back to town.
Does not happen if I click Skip cutscene -> To battle -> By yourself -> Battle for werewolves -> Flee during Elder vampire fight. Neither if I defeat him after Twilly heal and flee during the 2nd fight (Vampire). Neither if I defeat Vampire -> Twilly heal -> Flee during Vamp adept fight. Once I beat her as well I'm only offered challenge fight options against Were-King (yourself, Safiria, E), no back to town options. I choose by myself. Switching equipment from DoN, Ironthorn, LightOrb, Golden Axe to Poisonous Chimeran, Liquefactor, Golden Shield, Guardian Nova Knight Armet. Fleeing still takes me back to the Darkovia map and I can go back to Battleon. Now I go fight him again (same equipment but had to switch to Golden holy armor for Vamp Adept), loose the fight, get taken to the store, don't buy anything, use back to town button and it still works, i.e. takes me back to Darkovia map and from there to Battleon. Next trying if play again combined with healing by werewolf twilly changes anything, then trying whether the map thing during Beleqwaya's quest has an effect. I'm a bit upset though because loosing against the were-king apparently counts as death, even though the text after the defeat says that vic timmy's sister brought me back from the brink of death.
Edit3: okay, so after I just sacrificed my character again in the name of science, i.e. died again against were-king, pressed play again button, then heal by werewolf twilly, I could still return to Battleon the usual way.
Next I went to Dragonclaw Island -> Claw tip landing -> found the list -> I will get them all -> Back to Town, it took me to the Darkovia map again. I choose battleground skipped cutscene pressed back to town and it took me to the cutscene again. Here's the bug. Apparently it only occurs in combination with Beleqwaya's request. I hope this helps you in eliminating it.
Final edit: In an attempt to be thorough, I just tried the following:
Travel map -> Dragonclaw Island -> Claw tip landing -> Back to Battleon (didnt look for list) -> takes you to Darkovia map -> Battlegrounds -> Bug occurs
Travel map -> Dragonclaw Island -> Claw tip landing -> Back to Battleon -> takes you to Darkovia map -> Back to town -> takes you to Battleon, then -> Travel map -> Darkovia -> Battlegrounds -> Bug doesnt occur
In conclusion it only occurs if you use the Darkovia map that comes when you want to leave from Claw tip landing. Also I tried the first quest and the Vampire Slayer Training, it doesnt seem to affect those. As you already have "DragonClaw Island Quests (Claw Tip Landing, Hedge Maze and Dense Red Fog) - If you flee from these quests, you will end up in Darkovia." in the known bugs you should maybe add that "Going to Battlegrounds from this Darkovia map will cause a loop that doesnt let you return to town" on the first page.

Frostmourne -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (3/3/2011 17:48:14)

After you defeat the level 100 nemesis to obtain the level 90/105 nemesis set, it brings you to the 120/135 shop.

Should be fixed now.

H0m3stAr -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (3/6/2011 12:31:10)

During the new Nemesis Set quest (and yes, I've logged in and out several times and cleared my cache), after the first wave of monsters, I seem to be stuck on the first stage of the second wave. i.e. the background never changes.

lord mexico -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (3/7/2011 7:53:52)

Everytime I enter the void on the guardian server I face the same monster over and over again (the powered-up Xyfrag) but the curious things are:

* When I played on my account on the guardian server at a friend's house it all worked fine
* When I played at my house on the free server it all worked fine too

Digital X -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (3/7/2011 7:59:48)

How long ago did you play at your friends house? The Xyfrag in the Void appeared there at 24th February.

See this Design Notes post by Aelthai, it explains in greater detail.

lord mexico -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (3/7/2011 12:18:28)

Well yesterday , hmmm I guess I must have seen it wrong

Cookielord12 -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (3/7/2011 15:54:11)

k i was doign the nemesis quest. i lost to nemesis and it made me replay the whole of the last sectio (from when warlic is talking in the cave) i came out expecting some slighty less time consuming monster (the shellzards made the quest like hell if the quest wasnt bad enough) and gave me two level 80 monster in a row no heal and i died (im level 87) i was like......thats what made me quit AQ in the first place (referring to the impossibly hard quests)

Ghostclaw -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (3/10/2011 12:01:10)

Nemesis Quest Bug. Fighting for the second set and i am fighting the level 130 Nemesis at level 97. I have no chance and his bleeding cuts me down in about 5 turns.

Draak Berserker -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (3/11/2011 13:47:54)

When doing the devourer saga if you hit "back to town" it takes you right back to..
the devourer saga and the text getting bigger etc. you have to go the guardian tower to leave.

Veral77 -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (3/12/2011 11:03:53)

I defeated the level 100 Nemesis, but it opened up the level 135 shop meaning my current character could not buy anything.

This should be fixed now.

beastreaper -> RE: Quest/War Bugs (3/16/2011 23:02:55)

Battle on Granemor gives a Blue Scroll of Doom when I reach Necropolis every time...tried 5 or 6 times now.

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