RE: Myrmidon Rewrites (Full Version)

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Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon Rewrites (11/10/2009 9:12:36)

Okay, so the prologues end. (Yeah,,, Act 3 is done)

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments (11/24/2009 5:45:37)

Chapter 1 posted

only now?!!

Meh, I spent 19 000+ words on the prologue xD

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments and pics - 10/25 (11/30/2009 3:39:04)

Double update :p

Brynn Summers -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments and pics - 10/25 (12/2/2009 23:14:50)

Am currently reading... will have edits to you soon. So far I've only found a few mistakes. Like what I'm reading.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments and pics - 10/25 (12/3/2009 4:41:45)

Thanks Byrnn!

Few is good! for times like this :D

Brynn Summers -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments and pics - 10/25 (12/5/2009 23:24:12)

Here are the edits for what I have read so far...

Act One: Humanity Divided

He gazed into the child’s jade eyes, his face streaked with tears shed just recently.


Rocking his arms, he could not hold himself from saying what he had to say: what his son should expect in his life, how the world’s architecture would work, and why things were the way they were.


Not every family had a chance to share a lineage with the divining entity, which was the reason why pure Humans exist up to this point.

Blood and Tears

This sensation however, can be related in a sense to nostalgic experience.


Or engulfed in a void of sorrow?


The disrespect she had received forced her to burst with anger.


“Yes, my Lady,” he replied as if he had lost control of himself.


Her lips looked to be heart-shaped from his angle, and her eyes appeared to be shut.


“So that was why you were anxious to not reveal your face.

Light Sought in the Caverns

He mourned not only because a life he had pledged to protect was lost, but he mourned because his reputation as the Sentinel was scarred with failure.

Act Two: Dragon Slain

Messengers would report back that the Human king was never responsible for any of the attacks.


I swear, I will live to see the day when that smirk of yours wiped off your face.

The wording here confused me. Is this what you meant?

Left to Rot

The two turned to each other to see whom they had bumped; to their relief, it was a friend.

Although at times I was confused by the changing scenes/plot shifts, I like it over all. I will try to finish up the rest of it later this week. Keep going!

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments and pics - 10/25 (12/6/2009 1:01:34)

Thanks! I needed those. Man... I keep on forgetting to put the prepositions back after I remove them and rewrite!


“So that was why you were anxious to not reveal your face.

Umm... I think it was already correct. It would mean that he was too anxious / nervous or whatever to reveal his face.

Brynn Summers -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments and pics - 10/25 (12/7/2009 23:08:52)

Journey to the Caverns

Never did he let go of it after the slaughtering.


He walked closer to the ash, and picked up his cup which he had left on the floor during the other night.


A grin as wicked as Navith’s grew on his face.


The boy aimed for the crown this time, but that action only led to the same response his other strikes had received.


Ignored, he felt as he if was an unwanted item... being left to rot.


His words served as a sign that he trembled at the possibility of the boy’s regaining of the past.

Act Three: Rebecca Zendalin

Often, the windows of the residence next to his would open, giving a young woman a bath of sunlight and rejuvenating air in exchange for her lovely appearance being exposed.


Every day when the vendor would do his regular routine, he would tell himself that he was going to knock on her door and try to persuade her to buy from his stock, but always backed out when a feet away from the door.


However, this man plays a minor role in the story, and in fact, he will probably be never heard of again.

Really don’t like this sentence because this is the first time in the whole story that the writer has entered the scene. Unless writing an autobiography, the writer should never voice his own opinions in the work. You could just leave it out and it would still be fine.

So, why would Demigods go for a Human like little ol’ me?

Two “littles” are redundant.

Before Love Turns to Hate

If I don’t go now, the best-paying job could be taken by someone else.


Is my job as disgraceful as being prostitute?


She did not want to hear those words again.


She fixed her eyes on one who was playing with a switchblade between his fingers.


“What can I do you for?” the bartender asked when the noise made by the leaving man led his eyes to her.


“Yup. I sure am!” she responded immediately.


Rebecca left, rereading the paper in her hand as she walked.


Rebecca took into the air, and bent her legs as she jumped.


The woman was curious to see why her sudden smile degraded into a frown.

Love is a Curse

She turned her head then tilted it continuously to toss her strands of golden hair behind her ears.


They might be around the house, the mercenary thought.


“Hi!” she waved with a widened smile despite the startled princess’ first warded reaction.


But that same thing felt completely new, for she was not experienced in watching deaths not caused by her.


“What’s going on?!”


She gave the wyvern one last look, knowing that something had to be done about it.

Not Everything Out of Love

The man noticed that his emotions had merged with his words.


Making her last turn at a street corner, an explosion of voices pierced the hard silence.


Squeezing her way past the crowds, the mercenary rested her hands on biceps, trying her best not to bump into anyone.


Opening the door, startling her eyes with the bright hall, the mercenary turned her head to her side as embraced the light.

This sentence totally confuses me.
Parts of this last scene confused me. I wasn’t sure who was talking to whom because your sentences and structures were abrupt at times. Could you clarify your sentences?

Act Four: A Heart of Ice
Chapter One: Nothing New

Larz pulled back, taking much bigger steps than the previously mentioned young man and entrusting the safety of his life to the hands of his two escorts.


His two companions stood behind, their arms preoccupied on a handful of crystals.


Navith turned his head back to the previously-defeated Myrmidon, catching sight of both Dragon-made weapons, each cut into two.


Smoke arose from the reaction of the fire and the weird dust, quickly concealing his and Asher’s presence.

Here are all my edits for the rest of your story. The sudden shifts of scenes confuses me and I am currently having a hard time keeping all the characters straight. I like what I can understand of the plot, but there are so many twists and turns. Some of my visual questions are left unanswered. This may be asking too much, but is there any way to restructure it a bit to keep the flow going?

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments and pics - 10/25 (12/8/2009 5:23:21)

Thanks Brynn!

I'll try to make a more casual approach before the start of each new scene


Really don’t like this sentence because this is the first time in the whole story that the writer has entered the scene. Unless writing an autobiography, the writer should never voice his own opinions in the work. You could just leave it out and it would still be fine.

Thanks... I'll remember that.


Making her last turn at a street corner, an explosion of voices pierced the hard silence.

Nice catch... but it was supposed to be heart of silence



Opening the door, startling her eyes with the bright hall, the mercenary turned her head to her side as embraced the light.
This sentence totally confuses me.

Parts of this last scene confused me. I wasn’t sure who was talking to whom because your sentences and structures were abrupt at times. Could you clarify your sentences?

Changed to: Opening the door and startling her eyes with the bright hall, the mercenary turned her head to avoid the unbearable embracement of light.

Added this part:


Weakness ordained by the weapon bothered and pissed the Sentinel. His mind became unstable and prevented him from at least fighting back unarmed. Mixed emotions, anger with sorrow and hatred upon himself and his weapon, disturbed his well-being. He entered the state wherein a man, because of insecurity, would do things which he knew he would only regret if not correct nor forget.

Oh, to fix your problem with the changing of scenes, Imma adding this before ACT ONE:

Myrmidon is a tale of trials and circumstances that befall Alexander from achieving a destiny he chose to create for himself. However, one should be aware that destiny is not written by one person but is rather intertwined with others because of their actions. Thus, this tale cannot be fairly called “complete” until the stories of his companions and enemies are revealed.

Act One focuses on the account of the main character, and it ends just a brief moment before a fateful encounter. Act Two shifts to a few days before the said encounter, revealing and explaining a villain’s motives. Act Three gives background to a companion not of the army, who happens to take part in the encounter. Act Four will only serve as a beginning.

Brynn Summers -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments and pics - 10/25 (12/8/2009 10:37:47)

I see now... Could you maybe add in italics before your different acts (Two days earlier) etc. so that it is clearer?

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments and pics - 10/25 (12/9/2009 7:52:01)

Okay... (Rereads act 2 to calculate days before Act 4)

Let's see: Act 1- one day
acts 2 .. aha! 3 days
act 3... 2 days

alexmacf -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments (12/13/2009 19:59:02)

Added words or letters are in bold; changed grammar, words, or spelling are italicized.

Humanity was willing enough to sacrifice hundreds of – yes, just a few – women to bring greater glory to their race.

He was ashamed to be concerned about by someone whom he had just offended.

“As the Second Princess of Amenia, I command you, my loyal Myrmidon…” and after the release of convicted words, her timid temperament returning, “…Please, oh please, do show me your face.

Sorry, Your Highness.

I was really in a shock when you said that.
turns into

I'm really shocked you would say that.

“Don’t count the chicks until the eggs hatch,” Alexander said, putting one foot forward as he readied his battle stance.
I think "discoursed" was entirely the wrong word, sorry;

A stern tone pierced the silence. “Overthrow the Kingdom? Now? Think again!” Reacting, the six turned their heads.
"Recalculate again" sounds like you opened up a thesaurus and not a dictionary;

“Why, Boss, I didn’t know you flirted with other girls,” Rebecca teased, voice and accent oblivious to whatever feelings her companion possessed.

Giving no heed to him, she detached the ribbon from the scroll and read the information.

The woman scowled at her own lies, regretting that she had to continue hiding the truth from the child.

“I just asked that,” he said as he clenched his fist. “After what they did to me, I have half a mind to attack your walls.”

Grinning, he grew the desire to win.
turns into

Grinning, his desire to win grew.
Sounds better that way. ;

Unfortunately for her, her cheap and lethal tricks are of no use in this fight,” the second knight said.
Again, "discussed" sounds like you looked in a thesaurus. ;

“To the diner, I guess,” she muttered upon her exit.


Ginchicko interrogated, returning the powder into the sack.


Apathetic with the crimson water, he scattered his brigade, hand signaling them to different locations.
This I'm not really sure about. Apathetic towards the crimson water, perhaps?

All the grammar, spelling, and word choice errors I could find up until Chapter Ten. I'll do the rest later.
Even reading for edits, I like your plotline and how the story's coming together so far.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon Rewrites (12/15/2009 7:28:02)

Thanks. I'll take note of them in the rewrite :D

Btw... Here's a new addition to the pics (first one was this: )

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments - 12/16 (12/28/2009 9:39:17)

Chapter 3 has been re-edited (good thing no one has read it... I think)
New Pic: Rebecca Zendalin

And... reading Helix's works made me wanna do better than before xD

Chapter 5 Added... yes, it's short

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments - 1/3 (1/3/2010 7:36:56)

Chapter 6 added

Brynn Summers -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments - 1/3 (1/4/2010 19:48:01)

What Makes a Memory

His breath was visualized as it condensed from what had appeared to be dew-like droplets of water that clung on the window.


Krey approached, landing an eye of an empty wineglass streaked with traces of crimson wine.


Handing the glass over but failing to have it accepted, the blond resumed to his statement.

“have” makes more sense in my mind.


“You killed one too, right?” Alexander confirmed, concealing his sorrow with a masquerade of interest.


The rain lessened the foul odor of the stench, but even though it had not stopped, I still would have given the order to investigate.


I came across a dead man with his horse on top of him, but at that same time, I felt the presence of something… something breathing.


I picked up his location, and when we had met, I was shocked by what I saw


But those who are fortunate are cared for by those with power.


I felt so useless while I stared at her eyes, knowing it would be the last time.


I returned her body to the ground, rushed toward my squires in hopes of preventing another death.”


Alexander had caught him off guard.


“If only you had stayed. You were there when the princess was.

“when” makes more sense to me grammatically.


“And since that something has already happened and will always have happened, I can never forgive myself.


Alexander nodded and bent forward, creeping his eyes into the shadows.

What does “creeping his eyes into the shadows” mean? I am so confused.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments - 1/3 (1/5/2010 5:01:47)

Thanks Brynn ^_^ I really don't know what I should do without you. THough I hope I dont become too dependent on finding errors.


The rain lessened the foul odor of the stench, but even though it had not stopped, I still would have given the order to investigate.

No need for that corrected. Alexander states that even though if the rain had not lessened the stench, the operation would still continue.


“If only you had stayed. You were there when the princess was.

I took the latter one only. I allow small errors (buy not typos) on dialogues to make it a bit natural.



Alexander nodded and bent forward, creeping his eyes into the shadows.

What does “creeping his eyes into the shadows” mean? I am so confused.

Should I change it? Well, it mean that he slowly moved his eyes to an area to avoid them from being seen (he probably cried >.>). I used crep because he did it slowly in an atempt to make it (his hiding of his eyes) not very noticeable

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments - 1/3 (1/6/2010 9:31:34)

OMG I WROTE A MASSIVE REVIEW OF YOUR CHAPTER AND I ACCIDENTLY PRESSED HOMEPAGE AND IT DISAPPEARED. I'll redo it, but I was nearly finished and so I need to do my coursework first. I am the most upset person in the world right now.

Brynn Summers -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments - 1/3 (1/6/2010 19:20:45)

More edits...

Chapter Three: Motives


“Julian,” the king addressed, eyes meeting with the advisor’s charming but dreaded eyes.


Make sure the gracious Noelle is one of them.


Regardless, all that I will say is that I will leave for the sake of my own personal goal, and will return… to show you what will have happened of it.

Do you mean “what will have happened to it?”


Comforting her with the gesture he had just pulled off was indeed a privilege.

Chapter Four: The Card Game


As of that moment, she and four other members had gathered at a circular table inside the guild’s tavern.


Act of Nobility: A hand consists of a Squire, Knight, Myrmidon, Queen, and King from two to four different suits.


After looking at the card, her calculations led her to choose whether to give up her Three of Sky for the Earth Myrmidon and become eligible for a Pair hand combination or to replace the Moon Myrmidon for now and wait for a Sky card later.


The fourth player did not draft and surrendered his hand for that round.


“Rebecca, you now have the lead.


Alas, it came to the moment wherein the pot contained twenty-two, and both players were about to reveal their hand.


Rebecca recovered by grabbing the weapon she had dropped and by pointing the weapon back at him.


I don’t even have sleeves!

Chapter Five: Battle on the Sea


The viewers could not comprehend if the gas was a natural fog, the bane of majestic ships, or an artificial cloud, smoke emitted by man-made weapons.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments - 1/3 (1/7/2010 5:38:45)

@Recar: Massive?! *Is both thrilled yet scared* I bet it's gonna hit home (good thing it'll lead to improvement). But heh, when stuff like that happens to me, I just press back and it returns

@ Brynn: Thanks again!

Chapter 3:
1) Taken
2) Noelle's it is. It refers to his brigade, not him.
3) I think of will do. Besides, it's in a dialogue. But thanks for pointing it out in case it was not in my intention.
4) Man.... how could I not have seen that... I mean those

All other corrections, taken. Thanks again


Rebecca recovered by grabbing the weapon she had dropped and by pointing the weapon back at him.

Man, I was so stupid (wait... careless with do) when I wrote dropping. It's so... illogical. Then again, I know my subconscious mind ca be an idiot at times (especially when it fails to realize that some bizarre are dreams when I'm sleeping)

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments - 1/3 (1/7/2010 7:03:53)

Okay, I got the day off school again because the UK can't cope with snow. So, I'm hopefully going to write everything I wrote yesterday before I got out and play in the snow :D

An author named Holly Lisle said in a podcast I listened to the other day that she doesn't like prologues. The reason she doesn't like them is because they are normally only used to give a backstory to the story. This releases some of the tension in the story. So instead of that, you could start in the middle of the action (as you have done with Chapter 1) and slowly reveal the facts as you go along. Read what she has to say, she's published 30 books and can articulate advice better than I can ---> I'm not saying yours definately applies, just ask if you are giving away too much information. When you read a fantasy book, part of the excitement about it is that you want to find out about the world. Manipulating that is the key to writing.

Chapter 1


Millions of raindrops poured from the heavens, sharing the grief of Arkanthor’s loss.

Not really sharing, it's more mimicking. Unless of course he's controlling the heavens...


If not for his mask, one would have seen the sky in his eyes. Like rain, tears fell from it.

For the bold bit, does that mean he's looking at the sky? Or are you comparing his eyes to the sky... because unless they changed colour (like the angels in the Deepgate Codex) then I wouldn't recommend this metaphor. For the underlined bit, if you aren't comparing his eyes to the sky, what you are saying here is that rain falls from his eyes as well as tears. Also, since you are referring to his eyes, than "it" needs to be "them". Unless you are talking about his mask. So the sentence should go something like this "Like rain from the heavens, tears fell from them."


His hair swayed with the unstable wind.

Unless the wind is particularly gentle, then it's never stable.


for he believed the society wouldn't accept him because of his futile race.



The rain adhered his strands of yellow-silver hair together.

I have to admit I had to that word. But nevertheless, you are using very flowery words and techniques in your description thus far. Adhered is a very ugly word and I wouldn't recommend using it as it seems very out-of-place, and is kinda awkward in that sentence anyway.


The rain weakened a bit; droplets of silver water continued to bounce off his armor.

Silver rain!?


Perhaps a symbol of affiliation

Don't suggest anything. Either say it is, or take it out. If you are trying to draw attention to that part of his armour for future reference, then don't do it as the narrator do it as a character.


Pride could have harbored his heart, but he couldn’t accept it.

Okay I'm not too sure about this one, but "harboured in his heart"? Excuse the spelling of harboured >.>


But for a reason he could not explain, a sensation which he himself could not decipher, he believed he felt that something was wrong.

The bolded part I added in. The reason I took out that part of the sentence is because you could say what you wanted in a few words. Most people can't decipher a feeling of wrongness. Also, you are saying a lot to mean a little.


This sensation, however, can be related in a sense to a nostalgic experience.

In a sense is unneeded. It makes you seem like you're unsure about what you're saying, so taking it out would only benefit your sentence since if you're unsure about what you're saying, then the reader will definately be unsure about what you're saying. I bolded nostalgic because I felt it was an unnessacary word. A simple "past" I think would be better, since people don't really say "nostalgic experience".


The earth swallowed a fourth of the two-handed sword.

A quarter (do you use quarter's and that? My mind's gone blank and can't remember any TV shows where they do >.>. If you do than that's just a style issue you don't really have to change it. It's just when telling a story sometimes using the traditional language of the reader is better.)


Behind this man, rested the corpse of the creature from where the mischief had started.

Creatures don't cause mischief, they cause trouble or havok. Even trouble's a bit of a soft word.


“Don’t worry,” a young man of fair complexion and brown hair caressed.

He caressed? Voices and objects can caress but speech can't. Unless I'm misunderstanding something :S


His hand caught the boy by the neck, securing him in place while his other hand aimed a short sword at his neck.

You said dagger earlier.

OKAY, my friend has turned up at my door I'll add the rest when I return. Sorry for the bluntness I've just gotten up :S
Right, I'm back and my fingers are falling off. Let's see if I can finish it now...


In terms of damage what? Not much because this was just a Human town?!”

That makes no sense. Even if it is speech, it would be best to change it. "Not much damage? Not much because this was just a Human town?!" something like that.


That’s not true!” The silver Myrmidon’s words struck like an assassin’s

I don't think he would shout that, that phrase is either used by young people (below ten) or by people in extreme situations (a man being told something life-changing in the heat of battle or something). I think that maybe a more authoratative statement telling him to be silent, or something subtley threatning which would make him know his place. He is a powerful, respected warrior afterall.


Princess Katrina could be described as a girl with fair skin, long

Replace with "was". It's passive tense -- not saying what you mean properly.


this time attracting a glimpse that exposed the golden mask under the prison of her fingers.

Prison makes it seem too mellowdramatic for what's actually happened.


Katrina could not recognize the man’s face, but seeing the absence of the divine glow in his eyes made her conclude that he was not a Divinus.

If Katrina couldn't recognise the man's face, then why does she automatically know who he is when she speaks? Also, that's saying a lot to mean a little. You can say that in a few words "Katrina could not recognise the man's face, though she definately noticed the absence of the divine glow." Well, something better than that my brain's refusing to co-operate.


“It’s alright,” she said. “But I was going to say that,

There's actually nothing wrong with this. I just prefer it as "all right", and think you should use that version because she's a princess.


Her statement motivated Alexander to formulate a response. “Climbing the wall between the two

If he says something straight after she'd said something, then it's completely clear that her responce motivated his. So this is unneeded.


But before he could allow her to satisfy him, he had to satisfy his curiosity.

Read that line again... First time I read itaughed out loud. Perhaps change the wording a bit.


you would be just here sitting down and wondering

would just be here


His tone was accompanied by slight laughter, marking the statement with humor.

Definately dont need that in there since it's clear from the dialogue it was marked with humour.

This is good, you've improved so much. I like the story and am interested to see where it's going, which is always a plus. I'm sorry if I was a bit blunt and horrible, my brain has just gone "YOU WILL WRITE YOUR C&C LIKE THIS AND YOU WILL LIKE IT." But here you go, my mega-nitpicky C&C. Take from it what you will.

Brynn Summers -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments - 1/3 (1/7/2010 21:07:03)

Chapter Six: Messages


As his boots made contact with floor, he veered his body around, bowing with courtesy and gallantry.


The captain positioned on the first row of the left line faced to his right, keeping uniformity despite the absence of Krey on the corresponding column.


For so long have the other races attacked us, seeking glory of its own, seeking unimaginable wealth!”


It was usually an extremely large vacant space with a compacted layer of bright sand, but as the situation established, it served as a parking lot for the army’s vehicles, the tower-chariots, known otherwise as siege towers in other cultures, especially that of its origin.


Eventually, after several hammering heartbeats, he came across another wooden door no larger than the one he previously entered. He knocked ten times before growing impatient and opening the door himself.


White walls surrounded the room; filled objects many refer to as dust-collectors were newly-polished.

Run-on sentence.

Soon, when she’s exposed to reality.”

This sentence is a fragment. Needs something added.


“I know that.


With a swift glance, he caught the young Human’s scowl.


Before Krey could inquire about the assassin, the squire had already been eyeing him expectantly.


“Oh, by the way, have you seen anyone else in the same getup as mine? A friend of mine was also invited to a squad.”


An artist would definitely prefer to paint her if he was aware of her presence. Her bashfulness would lighten her cheeks, withdraw her head and arms back to an adorable shape, and draw out the innocent expression of her lavender eyes.


The folding of the brunette’s lips and the shape of her brows implied a bit of disappointment.

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments - 1/3 (1/8/2010 9:54:44)

Recar, though you think you find yourself hitting too hard, I appreciate it all the way. I'd rather hear comments like those from you rather than hearing it from the people I don't want to. Besides, you're helping me! That's the important thing. Typos are one problem, but your attacking the style, content, and the idea. Thanks Recar.

I used the prologue to reveal /some/ facts, mostly the basic stuff. It makes the reader get stuff early on the book. And yes, there will be more stuff that he or she will figure our later.


At the center of the grassy field and small hills, heavy drops of water fell on a warrior, bouncing off his armor and skin. If not for his mask, one would have seen the sky in his eyes. From his upward glance, accompanied by a chest-pounding cry, that was as if it were a plea for nature to return what it had taken from him, the soldier dropped his head in despair. Like rain from the heavens, tears fell from them.

His hair swayed with the wind. Every other part of him, aside from his pounding heart and chest, stayed motionless. His lips ceased its movements; the breath he would have spent on crying was contained.

Bold stuff = changes / added stuff. I made him look at the sky, for when he cried, he stared at it.


The rain adhered his strands of yellow-silver hair together.

Removed. Merged remainder of the sentence with the next paragraph.


Silver rain!?

Somtimes, it it rains, the precipitation can look silver. It sounds better to hear than gray, right?


Don't suggest anything. Either say it is, or take it out. If you are trying to draw attention to that part of his armour for future reference, then don't do it as the narrator do it as a character.

Nice tip! Though... I'll do it as part of the decription with narrative assurance


A scarlet K-shaped insignia marked the left side of his armor, a symbol of affiliation to his brigade.


But for a reason he could not explain nor understand, he felt that something was wrong.

Suggestion taken and added bold part

This sensation, however, can be related to a nostalgic experience.

Changed to reflective.

Instead of mischief, how about "his demise"

Caress was misunderstood by me. I changed it to console


You said dagger earlier.

Uhh... daggers are considered as (very) short swords.


“‘In terms of damage,’ what?” he quoted then questioned. “Not much because this was just a Human town?!”

I think that can solve and explain it.

“Wrong, Koren.” The silver Myrmidon’s words struck
instead of that earilier phrase.


If Katrina couldn't recognise the man's face, then why does she automatically know who he is when she speaks? Also, that's saying a lot to mean a little. You can say that in a few words "Katrina could not recognise the man's face, though she definately noticed the absence of the divine glow." Well, something better than that my brain's refusing to co-operate.
She mentions a bit later that someone told her. But you have a point. I'll change it.


If he says something straight after she'd said something, then it's completely clear that her responce motivated his. So this is unneeded.
The intention of that was to show that the words she spoke made Alexander want to speak because he wanted to object it (it being his silence being due to unsureness). Removed it, and added something else.


Alexander formulated a response to show disagreement toward her reasoning. “Climbing the wall between

To the sentence you lol'ed out: changed him to "his yearning mind"

"His tone was accompanied by slight laughter, marking the statement with humor" changed to ---> "His tone marked the statement with slight laughter."

@ Byrnn, Recar made me tired. I'll get back to those. But let me say this, thanks again!

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments - 1/3 (1/9/2010 2:13:34)

Heh, you've read everything (posted) already, Brynn. I better post soon.


White walls surrounded the room; filled objects many refer to as dust-collectors were newly-polished.

Thanks for spotting that. But I was missing the word 'with' after the word 'filled'


Before Krey could inquire about the assassin, the squire had already been eyeing him expectantly.

I was trying to avoid stating the gender. Changed to guest instead


Oh, by the way, have you seen anyone else in the same getup as mine? A friend of mine was also invited to a squad.”
It's a matter of talking. People who habitually use "oh by the way" have no need for a short pause after 'oh'


An artist would definitely prefer to paint her if he was aware of her presence.

Why did you invert the positions? The next lines show that she would be a better piece to portray when shy (shyness that comes from being aware that she's being painted)

Man, I can't believe I keep on missing one word if a few sentences! Thanks Brynn ^_^

Crimzon5 -> RE: Myrmidon - Comments - 1/3 (1/10/2010 8:03:32)

And yeah, I update this thing once again

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