Stolen Battle Ram (Full Version)

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#13 -> Stolen Battle Ram (2/27/2009 23:55:06)

Stolen Battle Ram

Resistances: Immobility: 70
Enemy Type: Equippable
Default special abilities: N/A

Attack 1
Heavy Handed +x% damage.
Attack Image: Attack 1

Attack 2
Combo Hit - +8% Damage | -5% to Hit.
+16% Damage | -10% to Hit.
+24% Damage | -15% to Hit.
+32% Damage | -20% to Hit.

Attack Image: Attack 2

Attack 3
Transfered Battle Programming! Defender: -20 Bonus to Hit for 4 turns. Attacker: +30% Attack damage for 5 turns.
Attack Image: Attack 3

Attack 4
Critical Chance = x% ; Targeting System Damaged -20 to Attack for 3 turns.
Attack Image: Attack 4

Attack 5
Off Balance -25 to hit for 3 turns.
Attack Image: Attack 5

Image: Stolen Battle Ram.

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