RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Penguinpal -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/5/2009 17:29:25)

I'm having incredibly terrible luck farming for Dragonlord's Loss at the Marsh.
Been farming it ever since Archknight came out and gotten everything except that [>:]

falcon2000 -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/5/2009 18:12:40)

You have to wonder what would happen if you use your t-shirt credit to drop shadow armor on the Ash character #?

Danny A -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/5/2009 18:24:29)

falcon2000 someone should test that it would be awesome if you could use it,but what is ash's base class? Im guessing warrior

Kite the Dot Hacker -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/5/2009 19:20:14)

his class is probably 'wanna-be knight' anyway, does anyone think Ash should have more special moves...because arch and sweep are just different animations of a basic atttack...and it's starting to get hard to kill anything

Princess_Moogle -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/5/2009 21:55:59)

I saw people bragging about beating Nicto quest... I did it with lvl 4 Ash, Skull Sword and Twilly. And that's all. :)

How do you refill potions (if you can)???

Lord of Nightmares -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/5/2009 22:25:42)

I don't think there's a way to refill potions yet in AK. As for Nicto, he was pretty easy compared to some of his minions, and I actually had a much harder time completing some of Artix's quests.

Princess_Moogle -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/5/2009 22:51:09)

Same for me, actually. It took me a while to get through the minions, but Nicto was a snap.

I'm struggling with the cave full of elementals. And don't get me started on the Dragesvard quests with my main character...

srinivas -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/5/2009 23:48:22)

The Cave becomes far easier with Artix and any decent wind weapon, in fact, with just the Talon Magic from Serenity's alone Ash can (if he gets lucky) score a crit of 100+ on a boulder elemental. I believe it's Doomwood that has the best wind weapon you can use, or was it the grove? I forgot which exactly but I do know that the Grove has the best fire weapon you can use. Just pray that you don't run into any packs of 3x Sylphdrake in the grove unless you find a healing source.


Valnos -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 3:10:02)

Seriously, Nicto was wimpish. Those fire attacks should at least do DoT damage.

And yeah, Ashes attacks are pretty weaksauce.
Maybe if they combined those other two attacks - made it so Ash has a 40% chance to actually hold on to his sword and use arch after using sweep.

And his mega attack he made up in the first quest....

And his "noobish frenzy" attack from when he fought Belrot in that one DF add... But that actually does damage....

I'm sorry, but even if he IS a noobknight, he should be able to do something useful in a fight...

danultimate -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 3:15:58)

This may seem a silly question,but where do i start the new quest? i cant find warlic anywhere!

srinivas -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 3:18:16)

you can find him near his statue in FR.

just go down one screen and take a left.


Princess_Moogle -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 6:53:04)

I say again, Artix's instructions are misleading.

TalosKane -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 7:36:06)

Personally i think Ash's base class should be Squire

Sornor -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 16:06:19)

I remember back in Archknight, you could use the vorpal weapon throw thing you get in the Introduction. Maybe adding that to Ash's skills and making it pretty useful for Ash might help us out with our fights as Ash.

naturemancer -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 16:12:20)


I'm exceptionally proud of my favorite NPC. He's finally getting his due and hopefully everyone will quit calling him a noob after all this.


Amen to that, when he is an Archknight, no noob accusations anymore. :D Anyway, i am enjoying Archknight, especially since i had never played the original. :)

ha, good joke there but Ash IS and will ALWAYS BE a noob!

correct me if I'm wrong but ANYONE could pwn ash even when lvl 1!

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 19:49:28)

Ash's class is Puny Pip-Squeak.

Kai59 -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 19:53:03)

can i equip CCA on ash?

Byeudeadownzu -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 19:54:41)

yeah cept the head will be black

Kai59 -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 19:56:27)

k thx

Gemini1179 -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 22:11:18)

trying to save my DC's with Ash, but it is BRUTAL trying to level him with one attack. I can barely make it through the Marsh with the Skull Sword.

Lord of Nightmares -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/6/2009 22:54:31)

I just wish that Ash's level and saved equipment (assuming he has access to such a feature somewhere down the line) could be ported over to the main DF game when he joins your character as a guest.

Btw, does anyone know what his max level is yet, assuming that anyone's actually been hardcore enough to get that high?

wolfgun -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/7/2009 1:13:10)

I couldn't get through the new quest so I'm farming for CCA in late shipment while training him to lvl7 so I can use Static.

PowerWordPie -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/7/2009 5:05:54)

i really loved nicto's backwards speech...

the cat in the in socks.... green eggs...

also,whats the problem with nicto that everyone are bragging? i finished with level 3 ash and a skull sword. its easier than the intro for me.

srinivas -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/7/2009 8:09:54)

Lord of Nightmares@ the current cap is 10, which may or may not rise, though I hope it does. [8|]

Also, the staff definitely mentioned that we can port over Ash, equipment and all, as a guest for our character, when they finish coding things up, just in such a way that however, he will be somewhat balanced up.


Princess_Moogle -> RE: =AK= All Ash/ArchKnight Discussion Thread (4/7/2009 8:45:53)

My original Ash is pretty bad anyway...

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