RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (Full Version)

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Leogom -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/10/2009 13:10:12)

Hey Azami!
Hiya Leogom

Oh wait! Which game do you like best, AQW, AQ, DF, or MQ?
MQ hands down. AQ is a solid 2nd.

Daenamox -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/12/2009 1:14:15)

Okay...I dont know probably dont know me...Im just bored right now...
You are the 1st person in my MtAK that I don't remember seeing on the boards. Nice to meet ya!

Easter, Christmas, Radaman, or Rosh Hashana?
Christmas. I love the snow & there is no school.

Do you know what religion the last two of those^^^ are from?
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish new year IIRC. I have not heard of Radaman. But since you implied that they are both from the same religion in your question, I have to say Jewish.

Superman, Batman, HeMan, or Pieman?
Is there a Cakeman?

Since Blues recruited you have you been forced to watch so many Simpsons episodes that youre mind is eternally numb?
Forced? Who told you I didn't watch them before I new AE existed?

...g2g...I know Im not on msn...but...I GOOTA GO!

PS: Do I abuse the period button?
No, at least I don't think so. Anything over 5 might be a bit much, but "..." is very acceptable.

crazy dude -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/12/2009 17:51:13)

What Up Azami!!

You Seen Me Before...Answer Right Or Else...
Yeah... think so

*trap door appears*

*I walk In to Dungeon*
Do you like it in here?
AK dungeon is better. This one is... lacking [>:]

*Another Trap Door appears*

*I Walk Into Spider Pit Room*
Like It In here?
Spiders are annoying.

*Another Trap Door Appears*
You Like it In The Jail Room?

Wrong Answer!!!
*Ties Azami To A Rocket!*
*Tries To Shhot Azami While He Is Flying!*
I didn't go anywhere. Rocket was a dud. Better planning next time Ok? *Burns crazy dude*

DA Holder67 -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/13/2009 1:03:45)

Gratz person I've never met ;)
Thanks. Nice to met ya.

1)Favorite GEARS House?
MR looks the coolest

2)New Bunzilla or Classic Bunzilla?
New. Missed classic.

3)Favorite band?
What? Your......non-musical Folk?

That's all folks! *Hops into hole*

Lance McBound -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/13/2009 11:34:43)

Which is better, Harley Davidson or Victory?
I'm really likin' Porsche right now.

Do you know when they will be coming out w/ new cars in MQ?
Nope. Sure don't.


speedy fighters -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/13/2009 11:51:14)

just here to stare again

[sm=icon_eek.gif]I will never blink

bye! *walks off*

Lucario0708 -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/13/2009 18:54:38)

Im back again my Dragonite friend

dragonite is a pokemon so i thought since all the AKs and MODs are having pokemon avvys
1st, my avvy is not a pokemon. Therefore "all the Aks and MODs" is incorrect.
2nd, I have no knowledge of pokemon, nor would I care too.
3rd, I assume that little blue turtle that hangs around here made you post that statement.

if i was an AK i would be a Lazy Lucario lol
Um... Sure.

<.< or >.>

^.^ or v.v

-.- or _._

<.> or >.<

horribly drawn dragonblade
But it has the same effect... nada [:D]

azami's head


i know, horrible right?

Simon Cowell: Horrible i hate it <.>


snake head

isnt it cool?
Not really. I've seen much better.

commence staring
Needed some smiles for me [;)]


tflo -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/13/2009 19:27:02)

Hiyas again. Just a few queshtions, so don't worry.
Heyas again! I never do.

Favorite Smiley on the Battleon Forums?
[sm=evilking.gif]I've noticed I started using this much more often, and especially here.

Do u liek Mudkipz?
This question sounds familiar.

Does :D or D: count as a smiley to you?
Yes. Now that you've posted those, "D:<" is the answer to question 1.

Wat color's them shacklez?
I'll let you look for the answer in the previous posts

How's the AK Cell complex so far?
Had an influx about 2-3 months ago, so they had to build new cells.

Well, I hope they feed you enough, you are a Dragon after all. Again, have fun!
They put me on a diet [:(]

P.S Dont eat meee D:

Grimmjows -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/13/2009 22:45:54)

/me prepare a egg grenade *Azumi apears* ehh hello.....ArchDragon who likes one piece *finally found a guy*
/me thinks you haven't been looking hard enough?

Ahh what you doing cause i'm doing nothing *whimmper*
I'm debating whether or not to stay.

Would you chose a radioactive rabbie rabbit mecha or a carrot pie poisin mech bunzilla....
Do I look like I could fit in a mech?

Do you eat Bunnzilla for easter......
No. Too much fat. I think this is the 1st time he has been off the couch since last year.

well one thing questions me agh *dang! the zipper stuck*

*me stare at azumi with bunny eyes* can you give me that chicken
Who is azumi?

Is it true pie is a lie *cute bunny eyes*
Maybe, but the cake isn't

By the way grats on your new job

Which mod Gothmog or Rubarb
<.< >.> you can't ask me questions like that!!

Bye Archdragon *hour later* Agh The zipper still stuck No No No! *Grenade explode BOOOOOM!!!!*
Bye! Man, you guys and planning... not your strong suit.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/14/2009 4:49:17)

...and Salutations

My congratulations to you Azami.
Thank you James Lu

Gee MQ GD was a desolate backwater before you showed up :)
Still not too much happening.

Here have some shackle warmers and milk and cookies.
Milk and cookies please. Since my leg is always in the shackle, it's always warm.

I can loosen the shackles if you want.
They are actually loose as it is. Think I need to see Goof for tightening... hm sounds familiar.

So who took thy soul?

Hail to the Dragons!
The forums could use much more of that [:D]

Just popping in to say g'day I'll leave you to your work ;)
Thanks for stopping by.

Congratulations again and good job.

sharus -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/14/2009 11:47:13)

hi nice to meet you!

which do you like better box turtles or cats?

what is your favorite level 33 mech (wrathfull Bunzilla, deranged clown, assault anchorman) I prefer wrathfull bunzilla
As I am not a lvl 33 yet....

what is your favorite element(s)?, (mine are earth, air, dark and light)
Fire. And a bit of darkness

I'm out of questions bye bye
Hehe... Cya

pokepwner -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/14/2009 13:17:04)


Of all the planets which one you like the most?
I liked Pluto till it wasn't a planet anymore [&:]

oh yeah! Congratz on the congratz!

Now if they had a fight between Jesus,Santa,Easter Bunny and Chuck Norris who would win?
Reens pwns all.

Is the cake a lie
No. The pie is. Not the cake.

Do you like pie?
I like cake better.

That's all
Very well.

Cya ;)

Hotairballoons -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/14/2009 16:06:42)

what will you do to improve the forums?
Uh... delete spam? lock threads? and you have 2 color tags...?

naturemancer -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/14/2009 17:58:51)

torture time!!!
Heyas! Noooooo!

1- What do u prefer? cookies or pie?

2-MQ,DF,AQ or AQW?
MQ. AQ is a solid 2nd.

3- what level are you in MQ?
32, 29, 25, & 21

4-Do you belive in the cake?
I always believe in cake.

5- What the hell is that viloet thing at your left???!!!
Hummm. I'll let you know when I see it.

5- what the...?!
/me snickers. Forgot what comes after 5?

7- This post is crazy, isn't it?
A little.

well, thats all! see you......sometime... mysterious...

MagiWarrior Rune -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/15/2009 15:48:17)

Welcome to the Addams Family of the internet, Azami.
I'm pretty sure they didn't have thousands of people in that family.

1. Which archknight is the Cousin It?
He is not cool enough to be an ArchKnight.

2. Somewhere, a mystic hangs a fig leaf on a eunuch. Where is somewhere?
In the northeast province of Nowhere. About 5 miles East of Lost.

3. Are you much of a gamer outside of MQ or AQ?

4. Arthur hopes and prays that there isn't an afterlife. Realizing the contradiction there, he merely hopes there isn't an afterlife.
Hm. Nice thought.

5. How do you interact with Wyrms, Wyverns, Hydras and Draconic Warriors at the family reunions?
There are a set of rules in place. "Dragons are supreme,..." um... hm... I've forgotten the rest.

6. Do you agree or disagree with this statement: The finite and the orderly have limits, there is no such limit on imagination...?

7. Do you have a lucky number?

8. What does every human being kill?

9. ...

10. Do dragons have frequent flier miles?
Only the lazy ones that have become far to heavy to fly.

speedy fighters -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/15/2009 16:03:18)

i actually have a question for you now....and i really would appreciate a non goofy answer.
Eh? Those are no fun....

1: why is it that after you people get archknight titles you stop posting in general discussion, stop making entries in the encyclopedia, and in all other ways stop even attempting to have fun here on the forums?
Simply because we moderate the forums more than we post. If you haven't noticed, there are a lot more non-AKs than AK & Mods put together.

2: answer that same question with a strange and spontaniouse answer
The power is overwhelming. That and we would rather lock a thread or delete a post.

3: why is it that a have only seen 10% of the archknight's before they got their title's? do you people all change your names or something?!
Some do. But maybe you haven't looked hard enough. I got my name changed before I became an AK.

4: answer that same question with a confusing and spontaniouse answer
Can't think of one.

5: can i eat your foot (trademark question)
Only if I can eat you first [:D]

6: [sm=Wuneye.jpg][sm=Wuneye.jpg] that is all...
Bye. *I love stealing smilies*

sharus -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/15/2009 17:23:29)

Ya know, people don't just right rules for their health. There is a purpose to them. Make sure you go here and read rule 6.


what level are you in MQ

SC or nonSC?

what would you if I had a fire breathing cat?[sm=akriloth_front.gif]

is my next question gonna be a question?[sm=EvilEye.gif][&o][:o][:'(][:@][:D][;)][:)][8D][&:][:(][>:][X(][8|]

it might not be question[8|][sm=akriloth_front.gif][sm=akriloth_side.jpg]

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (tries to think of something)


I'll see you another time!

Snake XZ -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/15/2009 17:39:24)

Hola! Buenas Tardes!

Who would win in a fight? Chuck Norris, Bob BArker, or Jason Voorhees?(I have patented this question. NO ONE BUT ME CAN USE IT!!!!!!!!!)
Eukara Rules!!

Do you like pie?
I prefer cake, buy yes.

If yes to the above question, what type of pie?

What house are you in? Please say wolfblade... if you don't...
1st RH, then MR. Made my WB character last.

WRONG ANSWER!!!!!!!!!! No matter what house you say even WolfBlade!
/me opens portal to the Bug War from Westion!
Beware the Dragonfly Hoard.

You now forever must fight in the Bug War.... WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
Wasn't around for that...

If you answered Chuck Norris to an earlier question how many pancakes doI NOT have?

What does sane + insane equal?
sane*(1 + in)

Bye for now! I hope you have fun!

nukefission -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/18/2009 9:42:51)

1.who pmed u that u were an ak-mod

2.what was your chain reaction
You mean my reaction to the chain? "Awww... Do I have to wear this?"

3.favorite AE game?

4.what levels in AE games?
MQ: 21, 25, 29, 32
AQ: 99, 90

5.*breaks rules*
*Burns, locks & warns*

6.chicken or cow
Turkeys are underrated.

7.can i be a potato
That's.... nice u think im crazy?
...<.< ... >.> ... no.

9.i can has potato
But you are potato. What do you need another for?

ok thats all enjoy you akship

Thanks! <-- ? wait.. That's my line D:

p.s pweeeeeeeeeeese dont band me
I didn't....& can't. Not an AK power.

Chaddledee -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/18/2009 10:00:57)





##I aws gonna get dawn of war 2 but then i lost 170 monies. D:
...I lost $50 once...[:(]

How on earth can that kind of speak come naturally to some people?
It's not natural. It's an acquired tongue/type called lazy.

Peace out.

legomaster00156 -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/18/2009 22:22:06)

Mwahahaha!! I said I would return, and I DID!
Yup, looks like you did.

1) Guess what? I spent $20 supporting your captors, so they can buy improved cells with 80% more torture!
Sorry to disappoint, but they have better things to do than torture us; like go out for dinner.

2) If you were an alien, what color would you be?

3) ARE you an alien?

4) The Void's actually pretty fun to be in. You should try going in.
Does it have trees? I like trees.

5) ...

6) Wrong answer! Oh, wait, I didn't ask a question. Oh, well, I'll use the trap door anyway. *presses button on remote* Oops, that opened my garage. I'll be back right after I find the right remote. *opens closet full of remotes* This may take a while, would you like some refreshments?
If you have any dragonslayers around, that would be nice. Thanks!

7) *gives cookie*
Cookies work too.

8) Haha! You fell for my poisoned cookie! Mwahaha! *munches on cookie* Why can't I feel my legs?
I should teach a class about planning....

Agggghhh!!! Save me! *chokes and dies* Well, there's my three posts! I had fun with you right up until I died!
Did you died before or after you finished this post. Depending on you answer, I may call a paladin.

Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/23/2009 22:43:15)

/me cracks knuckles

*round one*
*& last round*

So first off, congratz!

If I were to say a giant nuclear sludge ball from space hit your town, what would u do?
Look out the window. Depending on the scenery, laugh or cry.

What is your favorite AE game?

thanks thats all [:D]

Assassin -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/24/2009 7:11:14)

I got some questions that some one asked me once and i dounno the answers
You probably came to the wrong place, but have at it.

How much chuck can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck cannot chuck any chuck?
The little guy probably needs some chuck.

do undead skeletons die of old-age?
That is a silly question. They have already died.

what happens when two undead dragons marry and have a baby?
Same thing as if they were living.

where are you from IN earth?
[&:] Got me on that one [&:]

btw grats on your AK-ness... or AK-nity
AKship! Thanks!

Azami -> RE: =MtAK= MQ GD's ArchDragon: Azami (4/25/2009 22:01:58)

Well, that about does it. One more installment of MtAK for the records. See ya'll around the forums.


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