Farming Guide - Exp and Credits (Full Version)

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fiery wolf -> Farming Guide - Exp and Credits (4/9/2009 0:54:53)

[color=#CC0066][center][size=5][b]Farming - MQ Style![/b][/size][/center][/color]
I'll try and keep this updated as soon as new releases are out, etc. Forgive me if I don't. ~ fiery 

[hr][center][size=3][b]Introduction to MQ Farming[/b][/size][/center]
In the AE games, when you farm, you intend to receive a resource or value multiple times over large amounts. In this guide, we'll be focusing on how to farm. 

Different places to farm for [color=#CC3300]EXP [/color] and [color=orange]CREDITS[/color]!

***[u]Knife and Spork (K&S) is the best place to farm for both exp and credits[/u]. For help on how to beat these challenges look here: [link=]Click![/link]

[i]If you are unsure where the places are or what quests I am referring to, search it in the [link=]MQ Encyclopedia[/link] since it would be too much to put instructions and trivial details in here as well. Thanks![/i]

[color=red]When there is a war or a holiday event, go there to farm as they tend to give better rewards. Plus you can usually get rare stuff at the end :) [/color]

Also, I have found farming to be quite boring. Tip: Listen to music or do something else while farming, such as browsing the forums/internet. I tend to farm/do hwk at the same time :P

As you know, different levels have different advantages and different quest opportunities. So, the guide will be broken up into different level sections.

[hr][center][size=3][b]Levels 1-5[/b][/size][/center]
[color=#CC3300][size=2][b] EXP [/b][/size][/color]

If you really want to land the ship, go ahead, but battling on the ship is better as far as farming goes. I know it's tedious but you'll have to cope with it.

Non-SC: Well, it's pretty basic here with the Newbatron. What you want is to use the battle button for a good amount of time. Getting Credits at the same time will help you get better weapons from Tek's shop. Get some there, and get ready to battle the Strange Blip. When you defeat him, you'll want to battle him again. And again. And again, until you reach level 5. He's good up to there. DON'T buy the Level 3 Mecha from Tek's Shop; go to Soluna City and choose one from there instead.

SC: All Star Captains get 200 NGs bonus with their upgrade. If you're a Star Captain already, then you have a good advantage here: Get the Kurosawa Okamoto from Tek's Mechs. Now here's the catch: You need to reach Level 5 within 24 hours. Doing this will give you a very good NG sellback on the Kurosawa. Other than that, farm to Level 5 using the Strange Blip. Don't land until you're Level 5. If you don't want to get the Kurosawa then that's fine if you want to save your NG's for something else, but there's not much that's worth getting at 200 NG unless you have a steady supply coming in. 

If you really must land the ship... farm at Mecharoni (the pizza place left of Soluna)

[color=orange][size=2][b] Credits [/b][/size][/color]

[b] Mecharoni [/b] - Order #66, aka Big Rusty Rat

[b] Hospital [/b] - Autopsy

[hr][center][size=3][b]Levels 6-10[/b][/size][/center]
[b][u]Ideal Mechas:[/u] [/b] 

[b] House mecha [/b] - usually ideal... the advanced mystraven I find most useful, wolfblade mecha is great at level 6, 12 and 15 as far as I know. I'm iffy about the runehawk mech (default equip)

[b] Mecharoni [/b] - the pizza mechas are pretty good, available lvl 8, 13, NG at 18

[color=#CC3300][size=2][b] EXP [/b][/size][/color]

NOW you guys can land from that stupid ship. Welcome to Soluna City! There are many paths you can take here, now, to get experience/credits. Let's go through each one, from the western half of Soluna to the eastern.

[b]The Museum[/b] - Overall, not [i]too[/i] good, but still okay for farming. However, the fact that you might run into one of the most hated bugs in the desert, and the fact that the whole thing is very tiring, might not make this the best place for farming.

[b]K&S[/b] - ULTIMATE, #1 place for farming! Up to a certain level, though. :) Some people still have a few second thoughts about this, due to the number of battles. However, in both EXP and Credits, the K+S is a terrific place!

[b]Mecharoni[/b] - Order #66, aka Big Rusty Rat

[b]The Soluna Police Department[/b] - The Mega Lupus fight (after you retreive Clue #14) is a nice alternative for the K+S or Hospital, if you can't use those. 

[b]Hospital[/b] - Another #1 place for farming, also has a max level for good EXP rewards like the K+S. Most people claim this to be better than the K+S at EXP farming at these low levels. However, it's not just the Hospital in general; it's the [u]Autopsy [/u] mission that helps you, as icemanx says, "go from level 3-12 in under a day".

[b]GEARS University[/b] -'s mostly the Mecha Piloting 101 (the stat training class) that helps here, but not too much. Warlic's office's quests aren't that good, since they're really just storyline quests.

[color=orange][size=2][b] Credits [/b][/size][/color]

[b] House Labrynth [/b] - once you know exactly where to go, it's fast and easy. recommendation is to kill the last enemy before treasure chest.

[b]Mecharoni[/b] - Order #66, aka Big Rusty Rat

[b]The Soluna Police Department[/b] - The Mega Lupus fight (after you retreive Clue #14) is a nice alternative for the K+S or Hospital, if you can't use those.

[hr][center][size=3][b]Levels 11-15[/b][/size][/center]
[color=#CC3300][size=2][b] EXP [/b][/size][/color]

[b] K&S [/b] - do the challenges you are able to do without difficulty.

[b] Kerberos (Angry Wolves) [/b] - in the police department. go fight werewolves

[color=orange][size=2][b] Credits [/b][/size][/color]

[b]K&S[/b] - same as above

[hr][center][size=3][b]Levels 16-20[/b][/size][/center]
[color=#CC3300][size=2][b] EXP [/b][/size][/color]

[b]Major Braddock Steele[/b] - Fight Pet, SC - Suicide Mission (kill all the SS)

[b] K&S [/b] - recommended: challenge 7

[color=orange][size=2][b] Credits [/b][/size][/color]

[b] Gears University [/b] - talk to Warlic, do starship parts

[b]Major Braddock Steele[/b] - Fight Pet, SC - Suicide Mission (kill all the SS)

[b] Moon[/b] - Power Cells Quest, Rescue! (rebel), Defend!

[hr][center][size=3][b]Levels 21-25[/b][/size][/center]
[u][b]Ideal Mechas: [/b][/u] 
[b] Arthurian Bull [/b] - SC only, levels available: 21, 26, 29, 33 (default equip is fine)

[color=#CC3300][size=2][b] EXP [/b][/size][/color]

[b]Bossfight! (Bandits!)[/b] - required: 100 Sheriff Reputation, (Westion)

[color=orange][size=2][b] Credits [/b][/size][/color]

[b]Bossfight! (Bandits!)[/b] - required: 100 Sheriff Reputation, (Westion)

[hr][center][size=3][b]Levels 25-30[/b][/size][/center]
[color=#CC3300][size=2][b] EXP [/b][/size][/color]

[b]Mr. Z[/b] - SC, change the level to extreme.

[color=orange][size=2][b] Credits [/b][/size][/color]

[b]Bossfight! (Bandits!)[/b] - required: 100 Sheriff Reputation, (Westion) 

[hr][center][size=3][b]Levels 30-33[/b][/size][/center]
[color=#CC3300][size=2][b] EXP [/b][/size][/color]

so by now, we all know the drill. exp farming boring, but we wanna be at the top dont we...

[b]Gark [/b] - Skipper or Captain Zack (both give 326 exp). keep in mind Skipper can give u a -25 to hit, and captain zack has the -70 to hit (body).

[b]Battle Button[/b] - 330 exp at normal. variety of enemies. 

[b] Planet 51 [/b] - Fight! different SS enemies

[b]Lagos[/b] - previous missions, dont bother with going through the maps. takes time and you may not encounter any enemies.

[color=orange][size=2][b] Credits [/b][/size][/color]

[b]K&S[/b] - challenge 10

[b] Battle Button [/b] - normal level provides great credits and exp. SC's you can do Hard mode if you want.

[b] Planet 51 [/b] - Fight! different SS enemies

[hr][center][size=3][b]Update Log/Acknowledgements[/b][/size][/center]

[b]Update Log[/b] - The Update Log will be used as soon as the guide is sent for approval.

Of course, I must thank everybody - Mods, veterans, amateurs, dedicated players, players who come and go :P - for being part of MQ and therefore, this guide as well :P
More Specifically: 
SlyCooperFan1 for starting this thread
SlyCooperFan1's Credits - [i]Thanks to my brother for being my test subject, to icemanx for the Autospy info, and to ogrelala for SPD info.[/i]
TreadLight for the exp and credit guides made before this one.
venturer90 for aiding me in this guide in all aspects
all players for suggesting a farming place 

PD -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/9/2009 1:41:52)

I will help you make this guide look top-gun when it comes to Approval time:

1. Instead of 1 guide to EXP farming and 1 guide for Credit Farming, why not cover both EXP AND Credit Farming on this guide? It takes up less forum bandwidth (Costing poor AE less money [:D]) and simplicity is great.[:D]
Plus, I won't have to make a Third Guide on Credit Farming.... (I can only make two more guides [:(])

2. For levels 21-25:
Big Bad Bronco is Good up to level 25
Knife and Spork Challenge 9 is Recommended and Challenge 10 (if you can do yet)

3. For levels 25-30:

Knife and Spork Challenge 10 has Power up to level 30.

4. For Levels 11-15:

the Mega Spider Quest gives 500 Credits and 80 EXP, good for both EXP AND Credits

5. Try changing the Title to make it sound more attactive and friendly, like to "A Simple Guide to Experience and Credit Farming" or something along the lines of that, After all,

ORIGINAL:Eternal Chaos

Attractiveness counts as well. It's great to add color, pictures, a banner, and some centered text will help a lot. They might not have a banner and such, but are usually organized with pictures and other links, center text, and the like. This counts as a big part of making a great guide - and is what gets you your Guide Feedback. *Guides rules states that the max file size should 250KB or less for all images.*


ORIGINAL:Eternal Chaos

An informative, catchy title is also a key element in a great guide. It doesn't have to necessarily be either one, but this generally catches others' attention. This way, you can get more responses and your readers aren't wasting their time because they know exactly what is in the Guide just from a glance.

Snow Raven -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/9/2009 3:09:56)


Gark - Skipper or Captain Zack (both give 326 credits). keep in mind Skipper can give u a -25 to hit, and captain zack has the -70 to hit (body).

You did a mistake saying they both give 326 credits it should be 326 exp

SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/9/2009 9:42:14)

For Levels 30-33, the Level 30 Star Captain Challenge (located in the Star Captain Club) is also a pretty good place for EXP.

PD -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/9/2009 16:17:13)

Fiery wolf: I didn't mean that one, I mean the Bug Squash! Quest
[link=]Bug Squash![/link]

fiery wolf -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/9/2009 16:18:42)

@ venturer. my bad. fixin now

@ venturer.
i don't recommend that farming area because you cant repair your mecha and it gets annoying sometimes. i agree it does provide great rewards, but you might as well be farming somewhere else.

PD -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/9/2009 16:28:48)

Well, I guess we all have our opinions on Farming. To give more Farming Spot Ideas, this thread will help you most indefinitely: =MQ= Farming Discussion

#13 -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/9/2009 23:46:03)

Well, Knife and Spork 10 is a very good suggestion from level 25-27 seeing we'd have to use level 25 mech untill we get to level 25.
Also, in Update Log/Acknowledgements, not all need to be bolded. Only the date and names of peoples.
Also, at level 3, getting Kurosawa mech is waste of NG just for farming... I suggest to land the ship at level 3 and do Mecharoni job to keep it not boring.

fiery wolf -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/10/2009 19:25:06)

@ #13. yeah for the bolding that was a typo my bad.
level 3 info acknowledged.

Snow Raven -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/15/2009 9:22:35)

Also you forgot the labyrinth in the credits sections, if you know your way round there you can get to the end quicker than a normal battle, plus have more credits. It gives you credits 100 times your level.

fiery wolf -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/16/2009 1:27:26)

@demon sorry which section exactly (what levels?)

Snow Raven -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/16/2009 12:31:51)

Idunno really its kind of an all rounder.

Edit: Sorry I didn't see it there.

speedy fighters -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/16/2009 12:39:54)

it's already in there, around the first section, it is within the 6-10 zone.

frostblade07 -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/26/2009 2:40:03)


Autopsy is not an option anymore?

fiery wolf -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/26/2009 17:04:34)

it's there under lvl's 6-10. let me add to lvl 1-5

justin_slayer -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (4/27/2009 8:27:52)

For Higher levels, use the Flash Series with luck and accuracy being focused. This will be great in Lagos and Battle Button

miggymalayao -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (5/14/2009 3:39:32)

On Planet Gark Skipper and Captain Jack have 148 Hp and gives 131Exp...
On the other hand ordinary level 15 monsters only give 125...[8|]
Please add this...

The Game -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (5/14/2009 19:54:14)

Considering this guide was posted over a month ago and the writer has not requested approval, I will give the thread starter 1 week to get this approved, or it gets locked. MQ Pending Guides will not entertain guides for this long a period of time.

  • Remove the link to Nixkreig's guide, because it was denied and will not be approved. It is advised that you only link approved guides.
  • It would behoove you and the readers of this guide if you offered links to all of the Planet guides in the MQ Guides section.
  • Try to rank the farming places in each section. This way, the reader knows which spot you recommend first.
  • For levels 21-25 and 25-30, add more options please. It is hardly a guide if you only have one option, and the stipulation to access the quest is high, so not everybody may access it.
  • Add a route the reader has to take to access each quest. For example, Soluna --> Go west --> Enter the Pizza Shop --> Click the quest which reads Order #66

PD -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (5/16/2009 17:50:22)

Fiery Wolf: The K&S Challenge 10 also works for level 25-30 zone, for both EXP and Credits. And K&S Challenges (The highest one you can do) works finely for the 21-25 Level Gap.

Nixkreig -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (5/16/2009 20:20:27)

I'd say K&S loses effectiveness at level 26 due to the new snakes that scale to that level so it's worth farming skipper or lagos waves of pirates. Also, add skipper and lagos pirate waves to the higher-level sections, they're useful. Get rid of the captain zack in the high-level area, he's way harder than skipper and gives identical rewards. Also, Planet 51 isn't very useful now that they've added the rng option, nor was it earlier due to the low-leveled-ness of the enemies. The K&S should be added to the 21-25 section, as well as the 100 floors, recommend doing it at level 25 for maximum impact, you should add the braddock steele quest in for sc's at low levels, although I'd recommend using it at level 18 with a mech of that level (GH, for the upgrade, otherwise use strider lv 16 vs K&S 8 then strider lv 20 vs K&S 10 because they're good enough and the rewards are good, haven't yet tested werewolf lv 16 or other level 20's for effectiveness, but I'd recommend using rare mecha as much as possible for their obvious power advantages.) for maximum impact or the khael snake, now that it's been upgraded. Also, you should add a bit about the K&S being filled with outdated enemies that are easy and can be beaten at lower levels than originally intended. Another valuable bit of information: the GH is weak but upgrades to level 28 with a doom cell, so is worth buying at level 18. Also, make sure to mention that the storyline is a great spot for farming and that you shouldn't do the quests until you can buy the weakest rewards at a minimum, unless the rewards are outdated, in which case you should just do them when you can. Always start with the jobs in Soluna, get energy blade training somewhere around here so you can beat the jobs. Then, go through Warlic's quests, the rewards are weak, but the experience isn't. Avoid the moon, and instead head to Zargon and do that storyline. Follow that with the moon and Westion, but don't do 100 floors until you're level 25 (i said this before), farm to level 21 then go to gark/lagos because the bull mecha and rewards are available in varying degrees to everyone, but don't bother with crow's nook (including hijacking the ship) until you're level 20 nsc, 25 sc because you want the cannon for your level and robina's quest is for levels 32-33 only as of now. (to be continued after more data gathered.)

fiery wolf -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (5/16/2009 23:00:15)

unfortunately I am currently having several family emergencies
changed to code so it may be continued if wish by another user
apologies for inactivity!

PD -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (5/16/2009 23:02:44)

I'll Be taking over this guide then. I am making a Farming guide that's totally different from this, with different layout, and look, so it might take awhile to make a new version.

Nixkreig -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (5/17/2009 0:18:59)

@venturer: PLEEEEEEAAASE Keep my last post somewhere, I worked a while on that... [:D]

archie -> RE: EXPERIENCE Farming. (5/17/2009 8:32:22)

As this guide has passed on ownership, i'm locking this, as there is no need for any more posts.

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