=MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (Full Version)

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Crimzon5 -> =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 8:39:16)

Hi guys and gals. Crimzon5 here! Koree as well :D Yep!

Okay, as usual, all Universal Rules/Guidelines apply.

Now, for the question info:
1) No more than 10 (per post)
2) I may choose not to answer some.
3) I will use Bolded Crimson to edit while Koree will use this grey-purple-something... which in Crimzon's screen looks like dark blue.
4) Remember, it's Crimzon5, not Crimson
5) Have fun! This will remain open till... the end of the month

Drakeh -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 8:46:41)

Congrats both of you
Thanks Thanks from me, too.
What do you think about my char(under avy)? Rate (not full rate of course) From 1 to 10. 10 max.
Hehehe, strange thing really. Ever since I became an OoC AK, people have been asking me for AQ advice. But the OoC has nothing to do with the games. Anyway... I'd give you a 7. You seem a bit broke xD I'll give 8. You could update your inventory a bit with that cash.
Do you watch aq videos on youtube? IF yes whose videos you watch? (maybe mine (my name on youtube ancienking aka drakeh)
Err... no Not really that often. If I do watch it's just some random players.

Most favourite class on aq?
Paladin Ranger Oh right. Errr... Martial Arist.
What is your biult?
Beastmage Ranger, although it really isn't build. But I can call it whatever I want.
Coffe or tea?
Iced Tea Hot chocolate
Ubear form lv120, reign plate or ancient fire dragon form?
Dragon Epic version of Reign!
Congrats both of you again
thanks Thanks from me, too, again.
Ps. sorry for grammar mistakes
It's just a few typos and missing punctuation marks I don't really care about typos as long as it is readable (you are).

shadowultimate -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 8:49:35)

Hi Crimzon5 and Koree
Hi back from Crimz Hello.
Congratz on the AK-ness :)
Thanks Thanks (what else can I say o.O)
Now for question time XD
Bring it on! Now for answering time!
Ninjas or pirates?
*looks at avatar* If I told you, I'd have to make you dissappear with my Ninja-skillz.
Coke or pepsi?
Pepsi. Coke
Whats your favourite AE game?
AQ or DF ... can decide AQ. DF doesn't even work with my PC.
And now for teh random question no Ak has yet to answer correctly :P
What is the terminal velocity of Pie?
0 m/s no direction 3.1415926
Thats all, congratz you two
TY ^_^ Thanks!

Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 9:06:44)

Questions for Koree only. Crimzon5, dont you dare answer xD

1) Just to be 100% sure: gender? Male
2) Do think you'll enjoy updating the indices? Why not?
3) Surprised by the AKship? Yeah I was. Weren't you?
4) If not the AQ Pedia, what forum? GBI or GGD

srinivas -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 9:19:24)

congratulations to both Crimz and Koree on making the post of pedia AK. [:)]

Good luck to you as well.


Thanks ^_^ *Agrees with Crimzon5*

nosey123 -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 9:22:49)

Congrats, i was wondering why you posted in the pedia crimzon...5. XD
Well... if I can post a lot stuff in the pedia, they might let me go off without doing the indices xD
*waves at koree*
That's unfair, why didn't you wave at Crimzon :( *waves back*

Ubear -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 9:30:05)

Hey crimZon5, see i put an Z intead of an s [;)]
Oooo... I almost did not notice xD
ninjas FTW, right?
Sssh... we're not sure if Koree is one of us. <-- You should know if you were a real Ninja! But yeah, Ninjas FTW.

congratulations to Koree and Crimzon5!
Thanks. Thanks!

you sure do answer quickly dont you! [sm=twill4a.gif]
Yup. But I'll be going soon... which means... Koree will have more posts to edit first :O

:O! but that means he wins (yay!)! you can just catch up tomorrow [;)]

Elosix the Grimjaw -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 9:45:38)

Wazuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup :D?!!!!!!
The sky Another forum member
Favourite AE game^^?

Least favourite AE game?

How did you becamed AK (in first place)
Circe PMed (I was an OoC AK to begin with) I ate porridge and vegetables and slept enough

Could guy like me become someday AK, or even member of AQ team :O?
Be on the nice list Maybe. Possibly. Could be. I guess.

Dog or cat?
Dog A hybrid!

Favourite TV serie?
Code GEass Mythbusters

Favourite anime/manga?
Code Geass None (I don't read/watch)

Do you consider yourself as "GoodPerson"?
Yup! Yep!

Best place on forums?
AQ GGD I don't want to answer exactly like Crimzon >_>. But I still say AQ GGD.

Who´s coolest NPC from ALL AE games?
Sepulchure The one with the lowest body temperature

am I annoying ^.^?
No Nah
Which holiday event is THE best? (In real world)
Easter Christmas!
Bangs your cup with mine
Hold on, wasn't that more than 10 questions o.O

ShadowLurks -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 11:21:15)

Hey guys congratz

I don't have questions just a congratz and a good luck soo....
Good luck guys. :) Thanks! I hope my in-game luck helps...

Added. Thanks ~Crimz

Apocalyptic Silence -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 12:05:17)

Congratz to both of you! [:D]

No real questions...but have fun and good luck!
Thanks! It's kind of refreshing when there isn't a ton of questions in each post.
Less stuff to answer then.

whackybeanz -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 12:31:36)

Hey Koree and Crimzon5, congratulations on your AKship!
Thanks whackybeanz Thanks
So, what was your first reaction when you saw the email about the AKship?
Actually I got a PM instead of e-mail but my first thought was "Woot?". It really came out of nowhere. My reaction was: Wow! I didnt even get a helpful title... but weird... why OoC?
If you had to choose only one of the many AQ Pedia sections to update, which would it be?
Weapons Monsters
Because you can't kill monsters by slashing them with an armor... Except if it has sharp edges. Easy!
I think that's pretty much from me actually, congratulations once more, and enjoy your AKship!
Thanks! What Koree said
P.S. Thanks Crimzon for updating some of the quest entries! =)
Np [;)]

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 13:14:49)


Congratz both of you, hmm, I think that fits XD

1. How does it feel? Fun It's awesome
2. Do you like Moglins *In AQW* Dont really play it often. And when I do, people keep on badgering me to trade accounts with them [:@] I don't play it. I do have account there but...
3. Do you like Birdo? ..? After looking at the results of a famous web searching engine, I have to say no. Aww, no one likes her...I feel like the only one :p //D.U.M
4. How old are you guys? Above 14 less than 19 Old enough
5. You like AQ? Yup Yep
6. Who of you are the best? XD I'd say me... and if Koree tells the truth is humble, Crimzon5 would also be the answer Neither of us
7. What do yoy think on when you reads "DragonUltraMaster"?
I see Glacarius First thing that comes to my mind is blue-coloured text.

9000. Whoaa, what happend to the 8993 questions? They got hidden because of 10-question limit
9001. It's over 9000 ! :D
Lol. LEarn to count, My 3 year old sister is better than you :OMeh >:3 //D.U.M Yet it is below 9002
Well, I guess that's it ^_^
Have a nice day,
Adio then Yes I will
Edit, PS: Would you do me a favour?
Fix the last thing as In Media Res missed in this thread... *It is the second last post* I fixed it. I didn't miss it! It was ... um ... a test for them! Yes, that's it! >.> <.< ~IMR Pff, suuuuure it was, IMR, Suure it was [;)] D.U.Mhehehe :p //D.U.M
Thank you!!

It was a test? Awww... Koree beat me to it v_v


Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 13:44:17)

I just knew about Crimzon5 but never hear about Koree! :o
I'm famouts! W00t! But give credit to Koree, he's ben providing Pedia writeups via info submission
Where can I find your post so that I know who you are, Koree? Thank you in advance! :p
You will never know who a Ninja really is -- but you can try to search me from the members list (upper right corner)

I don't have any question.
Congratulations and good luck with everything!! [sm=biggrinparty.gif][sm=flowers.gif]

THanks Thanks

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 16:25:20)


Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
It's Crimzon5 [:(]
Who gave you your position on the forums when you were ak'd?
I was an OoC AK to begin with. So Circe gve me the position. Then Scakk gave me my Paxia position, then In media res gave me my AQ pedia-ness
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
Ready to play?
Bring it!
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs).... No prob and thanks.
don't get me wrong I will freeze you

whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Errr... 42?
Does it make you look fat?
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I read a long post
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
1) Lelouch vi Britannia commands the thread: lock yourself (Code Geass Reference)
2) Ninja-lock
3) locked

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQ Pedia community...cya says Stephen Nix!


Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Who gave you your position on the forums when you were ak'd?
In Media Res
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
I'm neutral.
Ready to play?
I'm already playing.
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....
don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Is it just me or did it just get cold in here?
whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Does it make you look fat?
No, because I'm not wearing it.
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I immediately changed my avatar. Then I had a party.
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
Don't have one yet :l
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQ Pedia community...cya says Stephen Nix!

Sora Aeragorn -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 18:16:47)

Hey guys, ^_^

Congratz, Koree! It's great to see you aboard the AK-ship (How do you think of the shackles so far?).
I'm getting used to them
Crimzon5, congratz to you too on your new board. I think we should celebrate sometime with some orange rolls and sake ;)
THanks! Not just orange rolls... sushi rolls as well.

Anyway, just dropping by, and good luck to both of you with the pedia work! Thanks
(IMR seriously has had too much fun with all the work) ;P

kittycat -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 18:43:56)

Waz up ya!
Koree and Crimzon5, Nice catch!
Hi! Hello
What is your craziest idea ever?
Err... abuse my AK powers and delete several posts in a thread until someone is seen with octuple posts Mess up all of the Encyclopedia entries. But it would just take way too long.
Only Koree: GBI and GGD, Huh?
Yep, my favourite sub-forums.
Only Crimzon5: Since you're an AQ AK, Be a person that you admires?
I admire... a small 6year old girl that plays tennis
Have you been an advice giver?
Yeah... I was PMed for help frequently. I don't think I've been PMed so many times for advice, but I do help out people.
Are you tryin' to conquer this?
Nah... Oh noez, he figured it out Uh, no.
Your favorite holiday in AQ?
Frostvale <-- Same
What's best to be an AK? Lol.
Hmm... SPAM? Everything
Bye, "AKs of lifetime."

Bye Bye

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/22/2009 20:31:17)

Yays! I felt it was unexpected, too, no offense. :P

Very nice jobs. IMR has been overworked lately; we're very behind on the Quests.

Congratulations again.

Thanks Thanks

Bratac -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/23/2009 12:55:17)

Crimzon5 and Koree I'd like to congratulate both of you for your promotion. I don't have any question but just short comment if its ok with both of you if not please remove it.
Ever since I started to play the game Quest section of the pedia was diplomaticaly stated never in the top shape. A lot of new players depend on the information in it by trying to find location and info on the particular quest/quests. I remember going crazy because I would try to find event/quest that was in pedia only to realized it was no longer available in the game. I hope this will change.
Other thing is players spending time wrinting sometimes insenly long events only to sit there for months before being updated which in my opinion is very disrespectful. This year alone we have 20+ events that are awaiting pedia entrance with some going back to Jan.
So with your nominations I just hope that we will not only get someone that have a time but someone who have passion to keep things up to date. Once again congrats to both of you.
I believe that both I and Crimzon will try our best and update it when we have time, currently I'm a bit busy because of school, but when the summer comes I should have lots of free time. Thanks for your comment.
Good thing I got to the Sai's right a away ;)

EDIT. Koree: "when we have time" is probably the reason why things got backlog so much. If I was going to give both of you a professional advise I would say that consistency is probably best method to deal with huge project like pedia. Anyway, I can see we are moving along slowly but surely [:D]. Keep a good job both of you.

BadHulk -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/23/2009 13:04:02)

Koree Question:

Are you shure about this?


1) Just to be 100% sure: gender? Male

Err yes, I believe I'm quite sure about that.

Which games do you play more as AQ/DF/MQ/AQW/EbilGames/ZardWars?(Did I miss one or...)
Well out of AE games I only play AQ actively. DF doesn't run smoothly, I don't really enjoy MQ, and rest of the games are quite small. I'm almost the same with him on this one... its just that I also like DF


I stealz your cookez! /me HippehDaveStealsKoreeandCrimzonscookies<3333
No! That'z impossiblez?! *Steals Crimzon's cookie back* That ain't my cookie, Koree. I have sushi... no cookies

Both: Do you know me?
Yeah I do. You did some poertry in the L&L, right?


Still 100% Ranger?
You can count on that. I do use non-100% weaponry too though.

Do I actualy know you from somewhere...? L&L?


mIRC or Webchat
Uhm, neither? Webchat (my GF is there)


Smoking or Beer


ShimmerSoul -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/23/2009 17:02:25)

Good to see IMR finally has some new slaves victims helpers! :P Now, on to the questioning! I will split the questions into two seperate groups, but feel free to mess with each others answers. :P


How do you like AK-hood so far?
It has been great
Dost thou recognise me? (I will not be surprised in the least if you don't)
No, sorry :l
So, I trust that all goes according to plan?
There was a plan?
Rangers FTW?
O, Rly?
Rly, O.
Have you seen that rock in the corner? I think it's watching us...HAH! I'm on to you ya little rock! *throws out window*
Dude, where's my rock?


I remember the good ol' days when you patrolled the OOC full-time...
Well... it got disappointing. Not because of the enforced rules. Maybe because well... the forumites changed a bit.

In fact, I posted in your MtAK there, too! :p

So how's the 'pedia treating you?
IMR is posting in the info submission... you know what that means, right?

Any good spam-busting lately?
Unfortunately... no

Yeah v_v


Well, i'm done. See ya both later, and good luck with teh 'pedia! :P
We'll need it. Especially when the Sweep hits weapons.

Shirefolk -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/23/2009 18:30:37)

Thanks Thanks

Why do the shackles hurt so much?
No they dont They just feel like they hurt but they really don't.

Is the OOC cake a lie? or are people lying about it being a lie?
OoC cake: This statement is a lie.
Believe or not... either way... it'll contradict itself.
The only thing cakes are is food. Not lies.

The Vlogbrothers?
who? My friend is one of them. Although he doesn't exist.

Best thing ever
sushi? Archery

Stupidest thing you did
err.... secret [8D] Being stupid.

If you could add one thing to AQ besides PvP...
Death knight class Myself as NPC, lol

Adios See you

The Game -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/23/2009 19:38:55)

The Super Saiyan has arrived! :D
Now we have someone who can kill superman! Hello there

So, enjoying your new boards you two? ;)
Yup. Yep

Hope IMR is not working you guys too hard.
He hasn't. But look, he's posting in the info submission! Which just makes our job easier

Well, congratulations again!
THanks Thanks!

fenmeisterkronos -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/23/2009 21:27:08)

congratz! the 'pedia entries are *really* speeding up! do you guys think that this is just an initial burst, or have you revived the speed of the 'pedia?

I plan to decelerate soon Once all the never-existed-although-they-should-entries are up I believe the 'pedia won't really be left behind.

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/23/2009 21:31:40)

Ooh! Ooh! Hiyas! :D

Crimzon: Congratz on the pro-moe-shun!

So IMR stole your sole, too? :P
I'm not alone anymore........................... GOOD!!!!

So how's the AQ 'Pedia?
Dont remind me of the indices...

Koree: Howdy! >:D

How are you, my new axe polisher?*
I've been polishing your axe all the time *coughs*
Well, how's the AKing?
It's fun, although I pretty much never get to lock threads

Well that's all, enjoy the AQ 'Pedia!


*Disclaimer: New AKs are to polish my axe until one week after their initial AKship. No I'm not only picking on you. xP Good thing that I became an AK before you did

You got lucky there... xP ~V_J

Ghengis -> RE: =MtAKs= Koree and Crimzon5 (4/23/2009 22:41:22)

Hmm... Greetings and Salutations and congratulations on your new positions as high ranking people of importance (slaves)...

1. If there is half a cup of water is that cup of water half empty or half full?
I'm a pessimist, but I like half full *Drinks it* It's empty.
2. Explain the reasoning behind your answer to the first question?
Sounds better I was thirsty
3. What is your favourite colour?
Uhh... crimson? Wrong!!! Scarlet for me Green
4. What is your quest?
To do something
5 What is the air speed velocity of a swallow being catapulted out of spaceship going at light speed?
300 kph heading east It was swallowed
6. Mathematically speaking Pie R Squared but within what sane people like to call reality Pies R round, from the dimension in which you hail from are your Pies Squared or Round?
It's pi not pie :p I like my pies round.
7. If you could politically assassinate any forum member without any repercussions who would be the first to go?
Hmm... Koree? Just kidding. Let me ask one of my forum friends if they're being cyberbillied/ Err, nobody? *BEEP, wrong answer*
8. I heard caketown is malicious... maliciously delicious... what are your opinions?
Caketown? is that a place? Well at least it sounds sweet
9. What is the meaning of life in relation to tacos, unicorns and moogles?
Life is unbelievable. 24
10. If you could have 1 super power what would it be? (U.S, China, Russia, E.U do not count as super powers I mean supernatural powers -_-) Geo and Pyromancy... does that count as two?
11. Neo learnt from a bald kid that there is no spoon, now you get to learn from a fat one that there is no question 11 [8D] Good. 10 questions only... but hey, you can post twice or more if you want (just not consecutive posts) Since it's not a question I guess I don't need to answer, which I just did.

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