RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (Full Version)

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tone40 -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/22/2009 22:18:58)

Hello and congrats
Hiya, and thanks!

Darkness or light(element)
Both :)

Evil or good
Yet again, both. :P

Favorite Color

Favorite Fruit
Green Apples

Dracomancer or Dragonslayer
Hmm.. not sure.

If AE were to make another game what would you want it to be
Any would be fine, AE always makes great games.

How do you feel about farming
It is fun. :D

Well thats all bye *drops a few cookies on a plate then flies away on jetpack*
/me waves goodbye and devours the cookies

Coyote -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/22/2009 22:46:16)

Hello, Munchie!
Hiya Versy!

Renascent Renamon or Vafrous Vulpix?
They are both epic.. hard to choose. :P

Geez. Only twenty questions total? I allowed thirty. >.>
I am not a deity. :P

Phantom of the Opera, or West Side Story?
Phantom of The Opera. :D

Only if longer to New York than by train.
Psh.. I can totally fly. :D

How many rulebreakers' spleens have you eaten so far?
Are you calling me fat! o.O

Am I a coyote or a fox?
You are a Foxote :P

If you weren't a Munchlax, what Pokemon would you be?
Snorlax :P

Nighttime or daytime?
Night time.

I'm being inactive on the forums right now, but feel free to poke me if you need help with anything. n_n Bye!
Have fun slacking off. :P

Weena -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/22/2009 23:06:03)

Hey Zank! Ahh remember me from AQWorlds? (I think this is proof of your forums account... <(^_^)>)
Hiya, yes I do remember you.
Nice!! I'm pretty sure I'll cya again. :D

What have you been doing lately?
Not a whole lot. :P
Ah, relaxing and enjoying the breeze are ya? :D

Life as an AK must be interesting!! What's it like for you?
Fried Twinkies!
Mmmmmmm yummy!

I could ask you other questions on AQW though so that's all i have - cya!
Have a nice day!
You too!

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/22/2009 23:07:41)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!

Who gave you your position on the forums when you were ak'd?

Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
C, the answer is always C :D

Ready to play?

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....
don't get me wrong I will freeze you
I am too epic to be frozen.

whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
My Epic Aura :D

Does this shirt make me look fat?
Hmm.. nah

Does it make you look fat?
Ewwww! /me shudders. The horror! THE HORROR! D= ~Coyote
Bad humanoid fox thingy!
So, to you, I am a FOX, not a foxote! D= You lied to me! ~Coyote

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQW community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Have a nice day!

skydrite -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/22/2009 23:59:31)

Hey Zankuukyokuha or Munchlax or Drakkos...
Hiya! :P

I have no questions but I'm posting here to say congratulations
Thank you!

That's all and yeah, good luck too
Thanks, have a nice day! :D

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 0:01:56)

Con-Grad-U-La-shonz Zankuu(rest goes here)
Th-ah-nk you! :P

Still eatin those Fried Twinkies?

You like C/C's or AQW GD more?

Want me to come save you yet?
Psh, I can totally save myself. /me attempts to flee and trips over shackles yet again. o.O

Angelique ask you?

Well, I asked you all I needed to know you in your previous MtAK, so I won't bombard with queshtons now =P

Good Luck, Happy AK-ing
Thank you, have a nice day!

chocobo lord -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 0:04:32)

Hullo Zankuukyokuha!
Hiya chocobo lord!

I think I'll call you Xanko.
I will call you Bort. :D

So why this ugly colour?
'Cause I like it. :P

GAHH. Clicked links are annoying me. :O

/me gives Xanko the 8-Bit White Mage's Holy Hammer of Retribution. (Now specially designed to crack cell walls and shackles!)
/me uses it as a back scratcher

Do you like Fried Twinkies?

Do you like Deep Fried Twinkies?
woot! :P

Do you like Burned Twinkies?
Nah.. that is alittle too fried.

Chaos or Order?

Why what? :P

Have a nice day!

I'LL BE BACK!!! ... In the next life.

Weary Knight -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 0:22:16)

Good job on getting AK! Now *flashes contract* You and I had a deal. Once you achieve the rank of Archknight, I get $100. You have to honor the deals you make. *nods*
Too bad I don't know what you're talking about. :D
That's good, cause all I flashed in your face was a piece of paper with nothing on it. :P

Time for questions!

Who would you pick to be your trainer; Ash, Brock, or the new guy Paul?

Will you answer this question?
No :P

Are you a fan of Lex Luthor? If so... then +5!
Wasn't he in the Wolfpack in WCW, with Sting, Kevin Nash, and Macho Man Randy Savage? :D

Favorite type of music?
Linkin Park

Favorite Opera?
My favorite kind of opera, is when it is over. :P
Wrong answer. Acceptable answers included "West Side Story", "Candide", and "Paradise Lost". /me readies the club. ~Coyote

Well, I gots no moar questions. But I won't leave without saying this, Psyduck is the best pokemon in existence!... Yes he is!

1afteranother -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 0:35:32)

Well, for my second post, after reading theres, I have a few more things:

You like LP? They are my favorite, other then Three Days Grace.(It's a tie)
Linkin Park is my favorite band. :D

In the End or Points of Authority?
From The Inside

So how many Fried Twinkies do you eat a day?
I lose count around 50 or so :P

Dragonite has, and always will be, the greatest Pokemon ever.
I could totally pwn a Dragonite with a Munchlax. :P

Are you happy your an AK?
Fried Twinkies!

As in my last post, I have something else to make you fwink(ie!):

There are 10 types of people in the world:those who understand binary and those who do not.
Blasphemy. Everyone knows that the world runs on base-seven. ~Coyote


pmk138 -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 2:27:45)

how many questions can i ask on the 30th of february?
'Tis abit late for that. :P

if it is your birthday how many questions can i ask?

if it is my birthday how many can i ask?

if it was ur and my b=days how many can i ask?

do you think you have seen me ever in-game?
Hmm.. don't think I have.

how do you say epic air slash in japanese.
Fried Twinkies

is this over my question limit?

if it isnt plz continue. if it is plz continue still [:D]

wat is ur mom's sons char's name? (this is a bit easier than last time)

if it was your, mine, and artix's b-day how many questions can i ask?

so can i give more questions cause im willing to say its one of these scenarios >:)

Firekid1310/ -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 2:44:53)

Greetings and congratulations on becoming an Archknight.
Greetings, fellow adventurer!

1.Why fried twinkies?
'Cause they are epic. :D

2.If I said twinkies discust me what would you do?
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. :)

3.Aq, Df, Mq or Aqw?

4.Do you like pie?
Yes, very much. :D

5.Whos your cellmate?

6.Why Munchlax?
'Cause Munchlax is epic.

That is all and congratulations once more.
Thank you, have a nice day!

TurkeyMan -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 2:53:45)

Guten Tag(Good Day)

Ever tried baked twinkies?
I have not.

Second favourite food?( cannot contain letter "T")

If u had $999 Billion what would you do with it?
Hmm.. I don't know.

Say Munchlax died how would you feel?
Don't you ever watch the anime? Pokemon never die. /nod

Can you lick your elbow?

Do you want to lick you elbow?

Favourite kind of cheese?
Extra Sharp Chedder

Congratz and Arive Derchi
Have a nice day!

zelda027 -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 3:01:54)


whats your fav AE game?

when did you get your job?

do you have a toaster?

did you watch sesame street/barney when you were a child?xDD
I did, when I was really young. :D

Thank you, have a nice day!

drDOT -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 6:44:01)

Hey you !
Who? Me? <_< >_>

What is your favorite Artix Entertainment game ?

Who is better : you or Zankuukyokuha ?
Hmm.. tough choice.

Why do you like Twinkies ? [:d]
Hmm.. I just do. :P

That's all . Congratulations !
Thank you, have a nice day!

Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 7:44:04)

Omgnowai! Congra-supah-tula-mega-tions!
Thanks! :P

First C/C, now AQW GD. You must be happy. Lul.
o.O Uh.. :P

What's the feeling like?
Hmm.. ask again later. :P

What's with the AK's and Pokemons? >_>
Pokemon is epic. :D

Don't worry, your codename's still Drakkos.
Shh.. :P

Munchlax! Fried Twinkies ftw!

Can I haz a fried twinkie? (>_> <_<)
/me hands Silver Lion a Fried Twinkie

/Me plays Zankuukyokuha theme song.

Well, congrats again and good luck!
Thank you, have a nice day!

The Gilded DragonSlayer -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 7:46:55)

Greetings, Zankuukyokuha, and/or Drakkos! Good to see you again, pal!
Greetings, Exodius!

1. I thought you already posted your MtAK thread in the Clans/Clubs Section..?
Shh.. nobody knows that yet. :P

2. Do you like my new signature? I personally think it fits me! :D
It's nice. :)

3. So, Zan, have you finally gotten used to your shackles? How are they now? Painful? Comfortable? No feeling in particular and/or in general?
I think I have lost all feeling in my right leg.

4. Tell me, what is so good about Fried Twinkies? Why is it you have such an insatiable appetite for them?
Sugar :P

5. You do remember me, right? Right...?
Yes, yes I do. :)

6. Do you think I am nice or kind or something of that sort? If so, what would you consider me as?
Hmm.. nice :D

7. What do you like more -- Fried Twinkies, Cake, or Pie?
All three

8. If Chuck Norris was turned Undead and then sent to fight Artix, who would win? Would the universe be able to handle a battle of such epic proportions?
I don't know...

9. You being a Munchlax, do you prefer eating anything that you can eat, or are you one of those Munchlaxes that prefer certain foods in particular?
Anything that won't eat me first. :P

10. How are you enjoying being shackled, put in a cell, and being trapped in an AK Jail where those who own your soul and promoted you are guarding you, watching your every movement?

Well, those are about all of my questions. It was good seeing you yet again, ol' buddy, ol' pal! :D
Have a nice day!

Blackshock -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 7:53:20)

Hiya, thanks!

What's your fav. element?

What's your fav. aqw armor?

What would win? l level 5 pikachu or a level 50 magikarp that only knows splash?
I am going with the Pikachu

what would win in a ditto fight? (ditto vs. ditto)
The stronger one?

what do you think about my aqw music vid(except for it's lame quality)
I have not seen it yet.

an aqw love story

that is all, you are dissmissed...
Have a nice day!

Crazy Gamer 007 -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 8:09:37)

Hello zankuukyokuha (il just call you zank...)

1.Do you like Naruto?
Yes, very much

2.If i chose to like Pokemons what will i get? *crosses fingers and hopes for a cookie*
A Fried Twinkie :D

3.Can i rule da world?
Uh... no? o.O

(If you anwsered yes continue to next question, if no then dont anweser question 4.)

4.Would you like to be my right hand? can haz cookie?
Why not a Fried Twinkie?

6.Do you enjoy anwsering my questions?

7.Me iz ebil right?
I suppose, if you want to be.

8.*biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip* o.0 what happened?
I dunno

9. There is no question 9...

Im done see ya!
Have a nice day!

Diark -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 9:13:31)


1.Which anime has the name zankuukyokuha?
Secret :P

2.Which country are you?

3.Do you go on other server's other than Sir Ver?

4.If you get the chance to have a pokemon in real life,what will you choose?(other than munchlax or snorlax)
Vulpix :D

5.What will you feed them?
Whatever is likes, I suppose.

6.^^The answer is fried twinkies right?

7.Think my name is cool?
It's a name. :P

8.Do you support CHAOS?
Hmm.. if Chaos has Fried Twinkies, then maybe.

9.Your name is too big you know?

10.See ya,bye.
Have a nice day!

ultimata33 -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 9:45:14)

1. Hai! /me hands cheezeburger
/me devours cheezeburger

2. Yay i get AQWorlds membership later this week :D

3. /dance2
<:) Partah!

4. if you were approached by Drakath in AQWorlds would you?
a) Run away.
B) Eat a Cheezeburger
c) Fight him
Roll over and go back to sleep. :D

5. /me challenges you to a staring competition


Oh, sorry I was making a sandwhich, what did you need?

6. Bai!


8. /me gives a Bai! Pie.
Have a nice day!

Dark rider -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 9:47:55)

Heya Drakkos/Zankuukyokuha

1.Did you change your AQWorlds name

2.If so how?

3.Hamburger or pizza

4.Are you Evil or Good in AQWorlds
Evil, Muhaha..

5.Fried Twinkies or cake

6.Do they feed you Fried Twinkies

7.That is all Goodbye

Have a nice day!

Mr.52 -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 9:55:48)

shoop da woop!
/firez hiz lazor

1) do you want a cookie?
Always :P

2) in that case, can I haz my cookie back?
I already ate it. :D

3) Is the cake a lie?
No.. it is just in my stomach. :P

4) how much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

5) what has the head of a cat, the body of a cat and the tail of a cat, but is not a cat?
A cat
lol it was a kitten :P

6) I'm thinking of a number between Q and green, what the heck was the question?
Q, it's Q :D

7) digimon or pokemon?

8) science fiction or fantasy?

9) seriously, can I have my cookie back?
I ate it already.

10) what is your favourite musical?
Does Linkin Park count? :D

11) can I haz one last question?

V -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 10:14:54)

I'm so going to kill you...
Good luck with that.

^ You gonna answer that?
*Grabs twinkie*
I have an endless supply.

The Twinkies are a lie :o
Totally not.

Are you still going to be crashing ma cons?

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 10:52:28)

Hiyas, Zankuukyokuha!!

Nice to see you :p

I gotta ask, as the first question...
1. Why'd you get here now? What was wrong with the ... you know, the clan place?
Huh..? :P

2. Can you post a pic on your fried Twinkies? >:3
dun dun dun...?
3. How does it feel to be an AK in AQW forum?
4. What di you like about Moglins? :P
Moglins are epic
5. Do you like anything else than your famous twinkies?
6. 42? [:D]
hut hut!

Ok, that's it...

Good luck with the AKship and have a nice day, Biyas
Thanks, have a nice day!


Cguy -> RE: =MtAK= Zankuukyokuha: Fried Twinkies! (4/23/2009 11:22:54)

Hey Zankuukyokuha (yes, I did just copy and paste yer new-ish name from the title :P)
Hiya Cguy!

I know I posted in your other MtAK, but I just wanted to say welcome to AQW GD, I'm sure you'll love it here.

Anyway that was all, bye.[;)]
Have a nice day!

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