=MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (Full Version)

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Ash -> =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 19:44:36)

Hi there everyone. I'm The Legendary Hero and I am the newest AK for the DF Encyclopedia!

Rules...there have to be rules! =O
All Universal Rules Apply.
Please limit yourself to no more than 10 Questions Per Post. You may post once per page.

A bit about me first.
~ I go by a lot of names. TLH, Ash (my aqw name!), Hero, Zero
~ I'm in college for Journalism...although my horrible spelling doesn't usually make that apparent. XD
~ I love the Megaman Zero series
~ ReverendWyrm is one of the greatest artists I know
~ The Amethyst Claymore is the best weapon besides the Z-Saber

Other then that ask away!

I shall be editing in this color.

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 19:45:21)

How's the AKship!
O.o it mind blowing! XD
Who AKed you?
Maegwyn :)
How's them shackles?
Heavy...but being a reploid I can easily lift them! =D
How's polishing my axe? :P
Is that what that big heavy thing is?
Your edit color looks strangely like pjc's... :-\
His is one set of red down I believe.
Well, that's all. Have fun AKing! :D
I will, thanks :)

Nuh-uh Flower Puff Girl! (Flower Puff Girl = Tflo)

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 19:46:18)


Cheater >:O

Welcome to AKness--Madhouse edition
O.o *welcome to the jungle plays in the background*
So, who promoted you :p
Maegwyn :)
So one day on the dot of being helpful?? Musta been suspenseful!
It was really really short. XD
Why, why, why??
Why not? =D
What do you think, Squirrel, Flower Puff Boy, or Racoon?
Favorite Part of DF.
The weapons!
Please list all of the positive things you will bring to the DF pedia!
Well I'm attentive, I work hard, I'm....hey wait a minute...I never interviewed for it! =O
Done! See not so bad :)
Nope..not bad at all. :)

5000cloud -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 19:50:22)

No way! Congrats.
Thanks :)
Question 1:
Butterscotch? O.o

GoldenPlate -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 19:52:27)

Q1. Do you study nemesis plate?
Why yesh...yesh I do :3

jazlovely_017 -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 19:54:20)

Hiyas TLH?
Hiya Soki
Gratz in AKship!
Always appreciated :)
Fan of Ash?
Favorite DF NPC and awesome hero in "Army of Darkness"
See ya!
See ya :)

bigwavedave -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 19:54:28)

1. How come you have a MtAK thread before me?
Because I is awesomesauce? :3
2. Would you polish Viking's axe for a year in exchange for a cookie?
I actually like upgrade chips more then cookies....I'm looking for a feather foot chip right now.
3. Favorite movie ever?
Star Wars
4. Why that editing color?
*points to avy* 'cause he's red! =P
5. Would you rather have Turkey in Chile or Chile in Turkey?
erm...a turkey in chile...i'd be cold but I wouldn't be eaten with crackers
6. Best city in the world?
7. If a tree falls in the forest and crushes someone, do they make a sound?

Severin -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 19:55:03)

The Legendary Hero who's legendary moves are the stuff of legends?! *face-melted* :O
Favourite kind of moon?
The kind that comes with marshmallow :)
Hockey sticks are for _____ ?
Wacking Zombies!
Favourite colour?
Purple...although my edit color doesn't seem that way. XD
Favourite ice cream flavour?
Cookies and Cream
The end. Enjoy your legendary-ness. ;)

pokepwner -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 19:57:15)

So let's get's started
How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck if a wood-chuck chuck would?
6 pints in a quart! >.>
Ok now some math:AE+Chuck Norris=____
A wormhole?
What's your Favourite book series?
Deltora Quest

~Quiet Beserker~ -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 19:57:46)

Huh.. what?! how?! ;P

I'm thinking the exact same thing o.o

Congratz! :D

Why tank you! =D

I remember you having the 'Helpful!' title about 10 minutes ago. :o

I actually had it for about a day. =P

No questions.. Sorry.


Adios Amigos (Get it 'Cinco De Mayo') :P

Lol, see you around. :)

Razen -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 19:59:23)

It is Awesome to see the archknights just expanding more and more

We are the borg...resistance is futile. (They still creep me out >.>)

The Gilded DragonSlayer -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 20:01:42)

:O O_o Greetings and salutations to you, The Legendary Hero! It seems you have eluded capture for a long while, but AKship is now upon you! Anyway, on to the Questions:
They always get you. T.T
1. Who AK'ed you and why?
Maegwyn, I guess because I'm ok with weapons? She never said lol.
2. Do you like my Signature? It includes me and my best friend in AQW! I am the one over on the right! n_n
It's very awesome! =D
3. Who do you like better -- Mr. T, Chuck Norris, or Leonitus from 300?
Mr T. No one couldn't choose him! =O
4. What would happen if the 3 people above fought to the death in a spectacularly amazingly epic battle of mass proportions?
*hums Ultimate Showdown by Lemon Demon* It's the ultimate showdown...isn't it destiny!
5. Do you think I am nice?
Yes :)
6. How does it feel to be shackled, locked in AK Jail, and having your every move being monitored by another Moderator or AK?
Well I actually have bugged upgrade chips that keep me in check....I get to walk around if I'm good though! =D
7. Seeing as you are fond of the Megaman series based on your Avatar, who is generally your favorite Megaman character out of every Megaman generation?
Zero. He's the reason I chose my forum name...MMZ4...T.T
8. Do you enjoy cake, cookies, pie, cupcakes, and muffins? If so, here! /me gives him a basket filled with everything of the following. n_n
Oooo, why thank you :)
9. Why do you haz my same name scheme? It is not fair, I tells you! D:
But...but...awww =(
These are generally all of my questions for you, TLH. Good luck with being an AK, ol' buddy ol' pal!
Thanks :)

~JW~ -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 20:01:57)

O Hai!
Hey there
O.O *looks around* where?
If A Tree Falls In A Forest And Im Not Around To Save It, Does The Sig Get Out Alive?
Only if it can walk faster then the sig next to it. ;)
Want A New Sig?
I'm actually working on a new Zero/Ash one..but thanks anyway. :)

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 20:10:52)


It's up if you want to. =P DF general discussion.

WHAT!? I assumed that you weren't making one. GAR!
Why wouldn't I? =O

1. Who AK'ed you and why?

The answer is Maegwyn. Why: He's ridiculously helpful and the Pedia needs some places filled.
I am? When did this happen?

I remember you having the 'Helpful!' title about 10 minutes ago. :o

Yeah...he just got it yesterday. Like I said, it has to be a record.
Can I has my prize now?
Now, if I were to insert seven blocks of Swiss cheese into a printer, how many mechanics would it take to fix it and why?
2. It would take one to disassemble the printer and one to eat the cheese...mmm cheese...
Do you celebrate Towel Day? If you don't, remember that it's May 25th.
I shall remember!
Now, what shall you do if I make these symbols? HA! ۩ ۞ ۝ They are NOT images!
Congratulations again.
Thanks :)

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 20:15:09)

Hiyas The Legendary Hero.
WhAtS sHaLlS yOuS dOs IfS iS wRiTeS iNs YoUrS

I'll rebel!

Spam! Or is it?

I lol'd XD

1st day on the job and you already post this? I would've waited at least a week or something :P

I like getting things outta the way...plus tflo and icy did one their first day too....soo..I blame them!

Here is your pie. *Hands TLH a pie*

Mmm...pie.....Is it blueberry? =D

Now that you have it do you mind going over that store and paying for it?

I didn't eat it yet. =P

Technically, in the Ranks of AKs, you are a noob?

I don't know if we even have ranks yet...

Just like i said in my pm, you will see post a lot in the pedia. Be prepared! (In fact, I'm making one right know)

O.o I'll try to be ready!

It seems was like it was only yesterday that you were just a helpful member. Or was it? XD

It was XD

"Flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing" Is this true? Should you attempt it?

Only attempt it if you have lots of comfy pillows under you.

See you later. Good luck with the pedia!


P.S. Next time i post here, shall i dare make it hard for you to edit my post?

This one is already hard to do XD

AQ Madness -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 20:20:02)

Wow!!! Last Week you was a regular member, then yesterday you were Helpful, and now You're an AK!!

Like always, I only ask 5 questions....[:D]
I can take em!

1. Which AE game do you like the most?
2. How does it feel to be an AK?
Tis interesting
3. Do you know me? In forums and in game? (AQW)
maybe ;)
4. Llamas are my fav animals, Do you like them?
Sorta...the clothes you can make with their fur is nice.
5. Congratz!!! Hope to see you Lock a thread soon![:D]
I can do that? O.o

thantos -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 20:51:03)

congraz man!

Syrena -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 20:52:05)

OMG a new AK!
We're everywhere. O.O
How are the chains?
Along with my restraining chips their tight and metal like. =P
Whose your roommate?
Paperclip...of DOOM!!! (Atleast I think so =P)
Whats your opinion on cheese?
I really like it. =D
What's your opinion on my drawing?--> I call it Chibi s Galore =P
Aww...their so cute...I wants!
What question is this again?
6? I think....
What would be your favorite Megaman Zero series? I like....well i really can't chose =P
My favorite game would be number 3....although 4 made me like it even more....so 3 XD
Pickle Shin!
Blubber nuggets!
I think thats all the questions for today....see you around the forums and here's a cup of milk. Would you like a cookie or doughnut to go with it?
Oreo please! See you around the forums. :)

Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 21:13:49)

Hey, congrats
You still better help in the AQ Pedia, okay *grin*
I shall, not even my chains shall stop me. =P
Whats the guy in your avatar?
Zero is a reploid. A robot that has the mannerisms and features of a human...perfect A.I. basically. And he's a hero to boot!
Please tell paperclip of doom that we AQ Pediars are out to get him
*you could join us if you want xD
Lol, I'll tell him. =P And you never know...I join all kinda of causes.

The Game -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 21:18:42)

Heya, and congratulations once again. :D
Hey and thanks once again! =D
I have come to flood your thread with silly questions.
=O Mah schtick...she has been stolen! XD
If a Chicken is going downhill at 70 Watts per hour, and a Bowrider sinks in quicksand at a rate of 10 Coulombs per minute, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck sells seashells by the seashore?
The squareroot of Pi divided by 4
If a Canoe is going uphill at 70 Amps per nano-second, how many pancakes can you fit in a doghouse?
That will be all, and good luck!

Shocka -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 21:22:40)

What's the answer to life the universe and everything?
42! =D
Did you know that 79% of people cant touch all their teeth wit their tongue?!
Did you know that 79% of people try it after they read it?
I'm in that percentile!
Did you know that 79% of people are smiling foolishly right now?
lol, I know I am. =P
If you are not then cool! [;)]
See you around!!

Biomeister -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 21:26:10)

Wow, You were promoted less than a week after being Helpful!. Pretty cool. Congratulations!
A day actually. =P Thankies!
Any good things about AKship so far?
The awesomesauce title!
Who is cooler in AQW, Corwin or Stardot? (Pretty sure Corwin will kill me for asking this XD)
Hmm..that's a toughie....ReverendWyrm! XD
Favorite Game?
Fried Twinkies, good or bad?
They go good with ketchup. :3
Where do you see yourself as a forumer in 1-10 years?
Erm...where I am now? o.o
Any thing I forgot?
What am I thinking about right now?
"I have school tomorrow"
See ya later.

See ya
*Hurray for Black Chancery!

GoldenPlate -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 21:40:45)

Q: Are you good at tearing arguments apart like lettuce?
More like tissue paper =P (Ahh..galaxy quest)
Q2: Have you been rick rolled before?
yes -_-
Q3: Do you want a cookie
Oreo please! =D
Q4: Can you win an argument against Falerin O.o you can use big words
I could try...even though I'm a journalist he probably knows a lot more words then i do XD
Q5: Do you like chicken
Yes I do.
Q6: Do you like Halo 3

It's an awesome game! =D
Q7: Do you have Xbox live
Don't have an X-box =/
Q8: Do you like olive garden
It is a tasty place to eat.
Q9: Do my AQ and DF characters suck
No way O.O
Q10: Is Kalynar Badass?
He is the Archmage....does that count? XD

chevette -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 21:46:28)

holy mackel! another AK
I know right?
what is your favorite movie?
Star Wars
are you star trek fan?if so, what show you like?
Voyager was really sciency and i liked that.
what character you like best?
The doctor...he had such a quick wit.
ain't that shackles heavy to you?
My superior reploid strength makes them a bit easier to carry. ;)
who's your cellmate?(heh heh heh, i had to add that one)
Paperclip of DOOM I think. =P
who do ya report to if a big, serious, nasty problem that might come ya way?
Maegwyn or Circe
are you always on top of everything about DF?
Almost always ;)
sorry i must stop because my brain is going mush. bye for now!?!
Lol, bye
oh oh i just remember that i will be helping you on your weapons thread whenever i can. i mean to help update the thread correctly.
I appreciate that :)
so i'll be see ya later alligator.

Audious. :)

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= The Legendary Hero - Reploid of the DF 'Pedia (5/5/2009 21:52:12)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Oh teh noes! =O
Who gave you your position on the forums when you were ak'd?
Maegwyn did. :)
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
I am a warrior for Good! =D
Ready to play?
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....
don't get me wrong I will freeze you
XD nice. And glad to have you aboard. :)
whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
I activate my Shield Boomerang and deflect your ice storm!
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Does it make you look fat?
T.T All the cookies have not you.
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I made this thread XD...oh and added the info I submitted :3
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I don't actually have one yet...I need to think of one though lol.
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Cya around

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