MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (Full Version)

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Myra -> MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 15:42:16)

That's right! You may already know me as an AK in the DF General Discussion forum and the Bug forum, but hey, I just got a new forum, and MtAKs are fun, so why not make another one? Please remember these things when posting:

1) Of course the forum rules apply to this thread.

2) Please don't ask more than 10 questions per post.

3) Don't post more than once per page, please.

4) Try not to repeat questions that have already been asked.

5) If you ask me something that I find too personal, you may not get an answer.

6) I shall edit in this colour

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 15:45:12)

Misty Rangar! :O (That's totally your real name)
Totally! Not :p

So how are you? Excited about working around here?
Yup, it's cool. :D

I used to work here for a very short period of time, and then left. I guess I'm more of a pedia guy. But I'm sure you'll do great, you already have the talky boards like DF GD and Bugs. :D
Thanks. I like "more of a pedia guy" - that should be your title :D

Is the weather brilliantly potato right now? Or is it a spoon of disaster? :|
I think you might want to tell that to the secret agent over there ... I really have no idea what the correct answer is O_o


<Insert randomness here since I'm too laaaaaazy>
I fail to see why I should do your work for you! If you can type that you are too lazy, you could also type something random instead. :p

That's about it. kbai! :O
Bye! :)

Ash -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 15:47:14)

Hiya MR!
Hi TLH! :)

A new section eh?
Yes. Just wait, they will get to you too! :p

Where did the snake Avy come from?
It's from the movie "The Neverending Story". The book is much better, btw!

Pie > Cake?
If it's true that the cake it is a lie, then yes (pie > lie) :D. If not, then I like cake better.

Is being a ranger really fun?
Oh yes! Also, melee combat really hurts O_o

If you could have one thing what would it be?
I dunno. I would say world peace, but that would make me look like a stupid beauty pageant contestant Xp

Well I'm off..back to my cell in the 'pedia. Congrats on the new section!


UltimaKomoto -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 15:49:34)

You again?! I remember you from the General Discussion MtAK.
Yes, it's me again!

So, Congrats on the new board you got. I'm sure you'll do fine.
Thanks! :)

[Insert random question here, since I got nothing at the moment]
I will only insert random answers. Questions are your responsibility :p

Well, I am off, because I really don't have much to say...huh.

Syrena -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 16:14:23)

MR! runs up to MR and gives him a BIG hug
Syrena! (who still seems to think I am male, but I hug you anyway :)

So you got a new job =D
More like a new way to spend my free time :p

Its time for the questions of infinte random-ness!
Bring it on!

What would you do if someone called you Stacy?
Tell them they are mistaking me for someone else, I guess? Stacy is not a bad word, as far as I know, is it? :)

Why is this sock green?
Either because it was made from green yarn ... or Cysero's got something to do with it.

What are your thoughts on scrabble eggs with bacon?
I could NEVER eat that for breakfast, even if I would eat bacon. Xp

Can you do a split?
A split of what?

Who are your new roommates?
I am still in the same cell, but my AK colleagues for this forum are Croncler, Minar and Vahn_Kaichi :)

Guess what. Its Summer! well almost
Whee! I love summer. :)

What question is this?
That's a good question! (I'm too lazy to count which one it is)

Thats all folks, see you on the forums! Maybe i might come back O_o
Okay, see you there! :)

DOOM Muffin -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 16:48:12)

Hi Mysterious Ranger how are you on this fiinee release day?Well here goes my questions!
Thank you I am fine - even one day after release day :).

Why did you choose your avy?
Hmm ... I just like it. :)

Favorite snack?
Everything that goes well with a cup of coffee ... I'm a coffee addict O_o

Favorite thing to do in DF?(I know you love that game, who wouldnt!?)
To play a new quest for the first time and laugh at the cutscenes :D.

Favorite pizza flavor?
Everything vegetarian is fine with me

Bye :)

Warlocker -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 17:13:00)

Hi Warlocker!

So some questions for you

So why Rangers?
I guess it is the whole "being close to nature" thing that I find attractive :)

Would you support a cause to a stronger version of the ranger armor in Df?
I think it is already one of the strongest armors in game. More power could make it unbalanced.

If you where to make a holiday what would it be called?
Interesting question ... hmm. I would like a holiday that is dedicated to new ideas instead of focusing on traditions (I mean, traditions are alright, but all the holidays are about them). Innovation and progress day or something XD.

Dark chocolate or White chocolate?
I like the dark sorts better.

If you where a god, how would you have people worship you?
If I was some kind of religious authority, I would tell people that they should not worship anyone and instead think for themselves and try to live a good life :) (you know, like in Monty Python's "Life of Brian": "You are all individuals!")

What kind of sacrifices would you accept?
None, except maybe personal pledges to become a better person.

Good Luck!

Icy -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 17:16:56)

Ohaider. :D
Whoa, it got cold in here. Hi Icy! :)

Grats!! :)

Favorite means of travel?
I really like ships. I have not travelled by ship very often, but it is pretty awesome.

Law or Chaos?
Both have their place in the world. :) I personally am pretty lawful (never drop the "l" from this sentence! :D)

How do you open the gate to Moria?
Lockpicking :)

Thanks all. Good luck! :D
Thanks! :)

Hm4 -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 17:17:46)

Oooh Grats I think
Thanks, I think :D

What's your favourite color?

Dairy Chocolate or Chocolate Dairy?
The first one!

Cow or woC?
Also the first one! :)

That's all

Good luck!

The Gilded DragonSlayer -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 17:47:12)

Mysterious Ranger! Greetings, for it is I, Exodius! Fear my new-found epicness! I see you've become repositioned. Glad to hear! n_n Anyway, on to your questions.
Hi Exodius!

1. Do you remember me, Ranger?
Ummm ... I am pretty sure you posted in my first MtAK too.

2. Look at my new Signature! My best friend in AQW is in it on the left! I am the one on the right. I look just plain uber, hmm?
If you say so :D

3. Are you more mysterious then ever, or are you still the same mysteriousness as before?
It does not change very much.

4. On a scale of 1/10, how uber would you find me as?
I dunno ... I am not very familiar with the "uber" scale :p

5. What are your thoughts on all of the current Suggestions in this part of the DF Forum Section? Creative? All the same and bland? Et cetera?
At the moment all I do is looking through the forum for multiple suggestion threads by the same person and merge them. I have not really looked at the content of many suggestions. But I know that there are some excellent suggestions in this forum.

6. What do you hate most -- 'Leetspeak or Text Chat?
I don't really hate any of them - but it can make it hard to understand what people are trying to say. I'd say, if you want to be sure that people understand you, don't use it.

7. How are your new shackles, your new cell, and your new cellmates?
It's all fine :). I was allowed to keep the old cell. I have already befriended some of the rats :D

8. What do you love best about DF?
The humor.

9. Do you plan on following everyone's footsteps in the Digimon, Pokemon, etc. gimmicks?
No. I am really uneducated in this field. The only "-mon" I know is that little yellow Pikachu thing. XD

10. Now that it has been a while since I asked you this question and you have presumably improved in mysteriousness, on a scale of 1/10, how mysterious are you now?
Mysteriousness is not measurable like this. I already said in the old MtAK, it's like asking how blue the sky is on a scale of 1/10.

These are about all of my Questions for you, Ranger. Warm farewells and salutations to you, and may we cross paths again!
Bye, see you on the forums! :)

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 17:51:43)

New section, eh? Beats all of these new AKs popping up everywhere... (Glares at TLH, tflo, Icy, Cow Face, and Koree jokingly)
Aww, be nice to the new AK's! The more there are of them, the less work there is for the rest of us :p

Just one question:

If I were to insert seven DragonCoins into a vending machine in Marmia, how many Gophers would I have to talk to in order to get my change?
Sorry, I only know Narnia, and I'm pretty sure they have no vending machines there ...

That's it, and congratulations.

srinivas -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 17:52:46)

*eats MR*
I really do not recommend that. Remember how Galanoth rubbed all this Dragonbane into his armour to poison Aisha? He learned that trick from me ^_^

congratulations. :3


ILmaster13 -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/8/2009 17:59:15)

Hies MR!
Hi ILmaster13!

I see you are making another MtAK.
That is correct :)

whats shalls yous does ifs Is writes ins yours colors?
I use my 1337 editing skillz to change your color! :p

How many black dots do you see?
None, actually. But my brain tries to convince me otherwise :O

Any cellmates?
Sure. There are so many new AKs these days, they have to fill up the cells to the maximum capacity. :)

"Flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing" Is this true? Would you care to attempt it?
Aww, Douglas Adams! That brings back some very fond memories ... but I would not try it deliberately. It hurts if you fail to miss the ground!

Why am I asking questions?
I think because you can :)

Is it ever very busy in this board?
As far as I can tell, it is not as busy as most other forums, but there are a couple of new suggestions every day.

*Flashback* Hey you didnt pay for that cake! You better pay with interest.
Put it on AE's bill :p

Thats all for now.

See you later.
Bye! :)

Jackie -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/10/2009 12:09:43)

Hi Ranger...
Hi Jackie!

What you do for mothers day?
Both my mom and me were busy today (and she does not really care for mother's day anyway), so I just talked to her on the phone - but we made plans to go see the new Star Trek movie together this week :D

Are you scared for the mental health of Cysero at times?
No. Cysero may be a bit crazy, but it's the good kind of crazy. :)

Will we ever get to have twig as a "invited" pet in game?
I have no idea. I don't know any more about the staff's plans than any of you.

Want to go Hind hunting with me and Robina? =D
Let's go without Robina. She will give all our gold to the monsters we defeat :p

What tastes better Chickencow or Gorrillaphant?
I would not eat either of them. I mean come on, Chickencows are sentient beings - you can't eat them, it's like eating people! Besides, we don't want to make Zeuster angry :)

If you where about to die and you had to choose between Death and Safiria, who would you pick?
Death. Being undead does not seem very attractive to me. And knowing death, he would probably let me go if I promise to do him a favour :p

Favorite band?
Still Jethro Tull :)

bitsy999 -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/10/2009 12:58:22)

Hidee Ho again Ranger!
Hi bitsy!

1. Glad to see you on this forum too! Hope you'll enjoy it, even if it is a lot quieter 'round here. It is quieter, isn't it?
It's quieter because people cannot reply to threads, but there still is a lot to do. :)

2. Since this is Dragon Fable, and dragons are a keen interest - have you ever read any of the Dragon Riders Of Pern novels by Ann and/or Tom McAffrey? Happens to be my favorite series of fantasy type novels (over 20 of them, at last count)
I have heard of it, but not read any of the books yet.

3. If you haven't read them, would you consider it someday?
Yes. But my list of books I would like to read some day is huge ...

4. BBQ'd Tog, Roasted Gorillaphant or Pan Fried Fsh ??
Since I'm vegetarian, none of that sounds really good to me.

5. Why are the choices always just pie or cake? What happened to pudding, ice cream, popcicles??
You know, that's a very good question. I don't understand that either. It's probably some kind of meme, like the "over 9000" thing.

6. Which DF quest gave you the biggest 'giggle' ?
That's hard to tell, but I think the beginning of Archknight made me laugh the most (My wips are fwozen! :D)

8. If Cysero has stolen all your left socks, how do your feet know you only have right socks?
I don't think my feet know that, but I know!

9. If they can, somehow tell the difference - do they still let you put a right sock on the left foot?
Yes, of course. I won't allow my feet to boss me around :p

10. HEY! What happened to question #7 ???
Umm ... Magic?

Congrats on the AKship!
Thanks! :)

I like games!!! -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/10/2009 15:24:51)


when is the next friday the 13th?
In november - the third one this year. :)

can there be an upgradable pet and doomie upgrade?
I do not know more about the staff's plans than any other forum member. So I don't know what will happen on the next friday 13th.

Can the pet be the grim reaper?
I guess anything can happen in AE games. You could try and make a suggestion about it :)

will this pet be bought farmed or given away in a chest after the boss?
Didn't you just come up with this idea? If you make a suggestion, you can also suggest where you would like it to drop.

megakyle777 -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/10/2009 15:37:30)

(Hides Doom weapon behind back) Hi Mysterious Ranger.
Hi megakyle!

Congratulations on becoming an AK!

What is your opnion on Doom?
Well, I have a doom weapon, but I try not to be corrupted.

If you could have one enemy as a pet, what would it be?
Sheleton :D

Why are you a ranger instead of a Doomknight?
Because I like to wear my armour instead of having my armour wear me.

Who would win in a fight, you or Sepulture?
I hope it would be me.

What is your favorite moglin?
Zorbak. I always had a soft spot for incompetent villains :D

What is your favorite NPC?
Since the beginning of Archknight, I would have to say it is Ash.

One last thing....(Smiles evily)

(pulls out doom weapon) I WILL DESTROY YOU! (Charges at MR, FAlls over and gets stabbed by own Doom weapon) Nice meeting you. (Yells For Twilly)
Destroying people 101: Don't prewarn them by yelling "I will destroy you". :p

Syrena -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/13/2009 19:57:53)

pokes head into thread Is it page 2 yet? Can i post now?
It's not really page two yet, but since not that many people have found this thread, I guess I can make exceptions :D

Umm, yes.

How's Life?

Anything new?
No, not really :)

starts to pick the chains with a bobby pin before the Admins come
It's no use. They always find us and bring us back D:

What are your thoughts on Chuck Baby what reference am i talking about
It was pretty easy because coloured spoilers are visible :p. That music is not my cup of tea.

Why what?

That sounds good!

What is the square foot of this piece of gold i found?
I have no idea how much a square foot is. Why can't you people use the metric system! D:
Oh, wait, I got it: 0,092903mē.

Thats all folks! See you...on the next page =D
Well, let's see if this thread makes it to the next page :D


Chuck Brown's song " Chuck Baby"

Reni -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/13/2009 20:39:15)

Have i posted yet? :o
Now you have :D

Hm. guess not. :D
But, but ... yes you did! Your post is right here, and I'm editing it! Don't confuse me!

Are you enjoying suggestions?
Yes, it has been fun so far. :)

I, personally, would love to help out around here, but i already have my max 3 boards. XD
Well, you could always give up one of the other unimportant forums you have :p ... Oh wait, they are almost the same as mine O.O

Favorite aspect of the forums in general?
They are a lot of fun, but there is also room for serious discussions.

Moment in history you would most like to witness?
I always wanted to be a 19th century explorer and make earth-shattering discoveries :D ... I would like to be on the Beagle with Charles Darwin when he went to the Galapagos islands and developed the theory of evolution.

Is it easy to tell from these questions that i really don't have much to ask?
No, I think these are pretty good questions!

Cya round, MR, keep smashing teh bugs, and hosing teh flamers and stomping teh spam. :D
I will! See you! :D

tflo -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/13/2009 20:42:31)

YOU making another MtAK? What is this >:O
It's another MtAK by me.

What would you do if nobody posted in your MtAK [:(]
I would think that nobody comes to the suggestion forum. And feel unloved D:

What would you do if I didn't post in your MtAK [:(]
Bring vengeance upon you!!! DOOOM!!!!!1!!ONE! No, actually posting in other people's MtAKs is entirely optional. :D

What would you do if I didn't give you a
spacebetween questions?
Edit it in :p

Your opinions on opinions?
Everyone should have one! Preferably the same opinions as me :D

Favorite Question in your MtAK asked to you thus far?
Hmm ... I liked Warlockers question about how I would make people worship me, because I like everything that gives me the chance to make Monty Python references :)

I'll bback later [;)]
Okay, see you then! :D

~ tflo ~

OMG! You made my answers look fat! O_O

Neopie -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/14/2009 15:51:21)

Hi Neopie! (Oh, that rhymes :D)

Do you like waffles?
I'm not a big fan, but I like almost all sweet kinds of food :).

Do you like pancakes?

Do you like french toast?
Well ... I have nothing against it, but I never make it for breakfast

Umm ... this thread is named "Meet the Archknight", not "Let the Archknight cook for you" :p

Do you like video games?
Well, we are in a video-game related forum right now ... yes, of course :D

What kind of music do you like
Progressive rock, world music (stuff that is influenced by traditional music from all over the world), some classical music, some metal

THIS IS SpARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoa, that 300 movie sure started a new meme. O_o

THIS IS NEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, the Matrix guy? Can you do the bullet trick for me? :D

Good bye and thanks for all the fish!
Bye! Yay for Douglas Adams references :D

UltimaKomoto -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/14/2009 16:12:08)

...Alright, I know you said one post a page, but it's taking...well, forever to get to page 2, and I couldn't wait anymore. =(
It's okay, Syrena did the same thing :). It feels kinda warm and fuzzy that people cannot wait to post here again :D

So it's another round of questioning. Sorry for jumping in a few posts early.
Okay, go ahead!

Opinion on suggestions?
I like it. It is easier to moderate than other forums, because there are no replies to the threads.

Opinion on My suggestion? (It's ok if you haven't looked at it, but I get this feeling that no one ever does...)
It's really unfortunate, but I haven't looked at many suggestion threads in detail yet - at the moment I have the ambitious plan to rid this forum of all multiple suggestion threads, and that will take a while ... but I will look at your suggestions too! :D

Favorite kind of video game? (I might have asked this before...)

Favorite video game ever?
I would say DF :D

Favorite kind of milkshake?
I don't drink milkshakes very often, so I don't really have a favourite.

Favor of ice cream?

Would it be possible to type a whole bunch of things on one of these posts if said poster only asked 10 questions? (Not that I'd do that, I'm too nice for that)
That depends. If you just spam your post with random things that are not questions, that would be ... well, spamming. :)

Mythbusters! I couldn't resist this one...
I know them, and I find their show quite interesting, but I haven't watched many episodes. I don't watch very much TV.

And now, I'm off. Here, have a carrot. You like carrots, don't you? (Hey, my good-bye was a question!)
Yes, I like carrots! Thank you and bye!

algebros -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/15/2009 10:15:20)

1. is there a point to this Q&A
It's an opportunity for you to ask me stuff for fun. Just a time filler :)

2. can you tell us anything game related or useful
Well, I know quite a lot of game related things, because I play a lot, but if you mean if I know anything about the staff's future plans, the answer is no.

3. how is this a requested suggestion will this be in the game
This is here because I am a new AK for this board, and it's in requested suggestions because this is the only subforum where people can reply to threads. I doubt that it will inspire anything in game :)

4. why hasn't anyone asked these questoins
Because people had other questions.

5. why am i asking these questions
Because you can.

6. why do you take the time to answer these questions
Because it's my MtAK thread.

Warlocker -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/17/2009 10:47:41)

Sorry but I couldnt wait its too hard to not wait for page two
It's alright :)

Im going to play a game with you

Ill say a word then you say the first word that comes to mind



He is spelled "Zeuster" :p


The random-est questions ever :D

He posted twice here too

That's you!

The first thing I think of when he is mentioned is how he slayed the ghosts of Frostval past, present and future. Paladins are crazy!

9. DF release
The reason why I never go to bed early on fridays :D

10. Cysero and Korin doing the release on DF
Must be fun.

Thats all bye and good luck!
Thank you!

15cman -> RE: MtAK - Mysterious Ranger got a new hunting ground (5/17/2009 13:03:29)

So you've upgraded, eh?
yes, a while ago :)

Do they give you Anti-Spam arrows, since your a ranger?And mysterious?
Our anti-spam weapons are top secret :p

I knew that.
Then why do you ask?

Good bye =D
Bye! :)

Wait wait, extra question.If it's top secret then how come I know?:O!

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