RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (Full Version)

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Ash -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/16/2009 18:19:20)

Hey there Phoenix.
Enjoying your post?
Yes, it's a great opportunity to send encoded help messages to the people who are posting ^_^
If time is a construct of not only space and dimensions wht would happen if we added Mr. Puddingshins?
Saucy Multidimensional Puppet Show?
Ever play Guild Wars?
Ever play Pokemans?
Of course :o
Favorite if you played the above game?
Between the two? Pokemon of course.
Pie > cake?
True, since the cake is a lie.
Well that's it for me, good luck!

Thank you, see you around ^_^

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/16/2009 18:21:50)

z0mg! Phoenixfire555 woooot!
Oh, *pretends to be busy*
Still here? Fine, fine. I'll answer your questions.

How to become AK plox?
You must rescue a princess, get her frozen, have her turned to stone, shatter her petrified body, then you have to actively title-seek whenever possible (it helps if you add "make me an AK lol" to every post).
Can I be an AK pl0x?
You'll need a greater appreciation for steak first.
How to be Black Mage pl0x?
Cast the spells which makes the people fall down. Then you too can be a black mage!
Hmm.. I suppose that is all. lulz
Alrighty then, I will be seeing you around.

archie -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/16/2009 19:10:38)

Triple Ak h4x post!
omg, triangle attack is a guaranteed crit :o
You didn't even have any @ in there...I'm disappointed in you archie!
anyway, congrats, and have a great time :p
Thank you, I'll do my best to ^_^
I haven't bothered with questions for quite some time so i'll leave you in peace..
Peace is nice and all, but couldn't you leave me in a giant vat of jello or something?
Bye bye!

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/16/2009 19:17:59)

Since 3 AKs have posted above me on this thread, and I only asked 5 Questions, can I post again pl0x?
I suppose since you bothered to post...
What IS phoenixfire?
Not entirely sure. I made it up randomly for a site I used to use a long long time ago...when I came here I just kept the name.
Do the numbers 555 mean anything to you?
Other than being easy to remember? Not really. "phoenixfire" was taken so 555 was an addendum.
Siked for college, I know I am [:D] I'm goin to the University of Delaware [;)]
College is gonna be great!
Rule Check: [8|] One more smiley and...?
I delete the post and give you a DOUBLE SEEKRAT BAN!!!!@@!!!12!!!eleven!@1!!
Your favorite smiley on the Forums?
Don't use smilies, I are too srs :| (I do use :P a lot though, just no image-smilies)
That's all for now, I will come back again though =P
We'll see about that...*builds a moat around his MtAK and fills it with scuba bears*

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/16/2009 19:20:01)

phoenixfire555! :D
Viking! :D
/me congratulatorywelcomebopsnuggles
/me returnsnugs Viking and lix
Notice that 5 AKs posted in your MtAK in a row? :P
I know, it's weirding me out. And TG is the post below this one...
So how's them shackles?
A little too loose but Scakk hasn't tightened them yet so I'll have to settle for this.
What color are they?
They're pink with lots of flowery designs. It's disgusting D:
Why Black Mage?
Because I like them. I get to let other people take all the hits and cast super-powerful spells of destruction.
How's polishing my axe?
Considering I haven't been polishing it, I guess I don't know :P
Who's cell is next to yours?
We're all in the same cell, you know that. We really do need a second one though, too many AKs for one cell.
Well, that's all.
Alrighty then.
Have fun, and enjoy AKing! :)
Thank you, I will try to ^_^


The Game -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/16/2009 20:32:42)

Heya vivi!
Heya TG!
Just wanted to say congratulations again, and well deserved. :)
Thank you TG ^_^

15cman -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/16/2009 20:49:50)

It really was only a matter of time, you know.I'm not surprised in the slightest.


That way I don't have to take my shoes off to see if you've gone over the limit or not.

Why would you take your shoes off?
It's a joke involving the counting of toes :P
You know, I remember trying to write a long winded reply to a topic that demanded such, and I hit send.Only to find that you already posted the information in about 1/2 of the length of my post.You fast typer you.
Fast but with a good deal of typos on occasion, especially when I have my hands on the wrong spot on the keyboard which happens more frequently than it should >.>
Alright, I gave reni bluestar a wacking AK stick of spammy-death, and archie some sort of troll sheild.So what should I give you?Not that a black mage really needs it or anything, but here.Spam:A guide to self-protection by Nospmas "Spam" Masp*
Sweet, a guide to preemptive self defense against spam!
Me: User, you're banned.
User: But I haven't done anything!
Me: Not yet you haven't...but you will. Oh you will...

See ya around then.
*Sampson "Spam" Spam.Not that clever, eh?
It'd be more clever if his name was spamson :o
Yes that's true I clever AKs you =P

Xplayer -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/16/2009 21:08:36)

Hajimemashite and Konichiwa (My dictionary says that means "Nice to meet you and hello, but I may be wrong)!
That's good, I don't have a dictionary so we'll assume you're right XP Hi there!
Congratulations on AKship.
Thank you ^_^
What's your Favorite Final Fantasy?
FF IX of course.
I'm not the one to ask too many random questions, so I'll see you around (I think).
Alright, great seeing you!

Sora Aeragorn -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/16/2009 23:39:05)

Congratulations, phoenixfire555! It's great to see you finally aboard the AK-ship! ^_^
Wait, I know this one! They're gathering us in pairs for the flood...that must be why I'm am FI AK, Clyde was alone XP
Just dropping by so please enjoy yourself and see you on the IRC!
Thank you, see you there!

Xyphon -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/17/2009 0:27:56)

Seems like everyone's editing in blue now >.<
Blue is a popular color I guess, but I couldn't find a good reddish color I liked that wasn't taken and this is Vivi-color.
Do you like eating?
I love eating! It's one of my all-time favorite things to do.
Why or why not?
Because it lets me eat meat. Meat is the greatest invention ever!

srinivas -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/17/2009 9:37:25)

New AK!
Yup yup!
Time for torturing! [sm=icon_twisted.gif]
Yes, but who tortures who? Mwahaha...
........ Oh well, I got nothing.
Oh, alright. No torturing then?
congratulations though, and good luck modding.
Thank you, see you around ^_^

Ubear -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/17/2009 9:56:23)

Phoenixfire is an AK! :D
I am! :D
That'll be all... I can't really think of much things to say :/
Alright then, see you around.

Everest -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/17/2009 12:47:53)

1. Like, when did this happen, I'm blown away, here I am minding my own business poring over Forum Issues and wham! AK!
Depending on who you ask, it either happened on Tuesday or Wednesday.
2. How do you farm so well? I'd exhaust myself if I farmed as much as you. Must be the... *headdesks*. :P
The headdesks add rhythm to my clicking when I farm and increase my efficiency by 52%. It's true :o
3. Which, in your opinion, is the most balanced item in AQ, Necromancer Cloak or Golden Plate?
I find that whenever I walk around in golden plate I fall over a lot, so necromancer cloak.
4. Which is more boring, watching kids run around and around a track or staring at the woods for fifteen minutes waiting for kids to come back?
Boring? Those are my two favorite hobbies!
5. If I have sixteen toes, can I ask moar questions?
No, because I still only have 10 fingers XP
These are very very important questions, so please take them seriously. :D
More seriously than I take GameOver, promise!
Congrats, Vivi!
Thanks ^_^

Rasudido -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/17/2009 13:51:51)

so vivi
so ras
now that youre an AK....
uh oh...
1. why havent you changed your black make hadoken display to one of a fireball?
Because I *always* use Black Mage avatars. Always. Seriously, ask around.
thats silly go do it now

2. also why phoenixfire555?
It was a username that I was using for various sites at the time I signed up for these forums.
3. will you be changing it to Vivi like you should?
Probably not, I still like the name.
4. can i have more pages each page 1 post per page?
No, but you can have a beating with the cluebat if you try :D
5. so tell the truth who forced you upon AKship?
Mae was my abductor.
6. can you please explain to me what this burning daystar is and what people's obsetion with it is?
It's this thing in the window that acts as an alarm clock when you sleep too long. I don't know why people like it so much, I keep hearing "Green Energy" but the burning daystar is most certainly NOT green.
7. If all the piano's in the world where destroyed, and you came into EC and saw it had 20 pages of new spammy threads because someone let n00bs post in there, what would you do?
I'd give all of my work to TG, then go find a nice beach and sip pina coladas on it.
8. if you were the head staff, what would you change in the game and why?
Level 131 fireball. There is no why, just a what :P
9. say you love me in the sexiest voice you can muster
10. What is your real name? not that I don't think your parents named you Vivi, it's just that I think your parents didn't name you Vivi.
My real name is Sir Lt. Dr. Vivi Esquire.
k im done for now... congrats on your slavery AKship, dont abuse your special weapons too much
I'll try, although with great power comes a responsibility to abuse that great power.

Solar Boy -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/17/2009 18:17:33)

Hey look, Vivi's an AK..
You're lucky I'm not an AK for AQ Suggestions or else I'd totally be in ur thread deletin ur posts D:<

Nah, jk. <3 Solar Boy.

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/17/2009 23:01:27)

Hello phoenixfire555!
'lo there Stardot!
Just dropping by to say congrats and may I say well deserved, though I thought you would be maybe the next SoO but I was wrong! - woot! ;D
Ha, I was pretty surprised myself to be abducted for FI XP (Rai needs to be alone a bit longer before they're ready to hire some new guys :P)
I am happy and free and that's why I don't have questions for you, though fear me when I am bored or annoyed! XD
I will be sure to do so. I've been practicing my cowering position.
Good luck with everything and don't forget to live and have fun! :D
Thank you ^_^
See you around.

LordAidan -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/17/2009 23:12:36)

Hiyas! Im Aidan! But you must call me LordAidan! >:O
Okie Dokie then.
On with the torture (Of you if thats not obvious)
Like I haven't heard that before :P
What was ur first reaction to being made an AK?
"Oh, evening Mae, how can I help you WHAM *stuffed into a burlap sack, car wheels screech off into the distance*"
If Zorbak scribbled on Warlic with a Magic Pencil of Eternal Scribiling how much hurt would Warlic put Zorbak in?
Warlic would probably be satisfied just confiscating the magical pencil, he's too interested in magical stuffs :|
Can I haz cookie?
Nu. Mine cookies. *hides cookies from Clyde before he shows up to eat them*
/me steals ur black magic. Meheheh!
Careful, it bites. There's a reason you go to black mage school to learn black magic >.>
Can I haz cake?
If you can find a cake that is not lies, sure.
Iz cake a lie?
Yes, definitely.
So long... I'll be back! (Unless u lock it first)
*constructs a moat around the MtAK*

Pink_Star -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/18/2009 0:00:47)

Hi, phoenixfire! :D
Good luck and bye! (:

BlueKatz -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/18/2009 1:15:19)

phoenixfire555- Helpful: I always feel good about u- then u became AK

Thank you ^_^
U are working in AQ and MQ, I will need ur advise
Advice I can give, not a problem.
I got nothing, bye!

Xyphos -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/18/2009 5:46:02)

Anyway, I've long since exhausted my MtAK creativity but congrats and enjoy the post.
Thanks ^_^

Who would win Icy or Burn?
Icy would never hurt anyone, and Burn would probably get distracted...I've gotta call this one a draw.

Pick your favorite AK from this list. Just choose one!
Clyde. He has no choice, but to say Clyde. :|
Avery/iChar. He r cool AK. And he isn't smelly like Clyde!

... and finally, why are you taking time to answer these questions rather than being out there AKing? :P Circe could be watching you know.
After a mere 5 days of my presence, the Forum Issues board has gone from being a hive of spam and flaming/trolling to a utopia of perfectly placed and well thought-out posts, so there isn't much need for me to be constantly on patrol :P

I continue sleeping at the door, oblivious to the world. *beep*
/me tiptoes from the room

BadHulk -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/18/2009 5:48:55)

Somehow, I know you from somewhere >.> IRC?
Something like that.
Do you know me?
Yes, granted I'm not sure from where.
Who promoted you?
MaeMae grabbed me to AK.
/me steals your cookies and leaves skones behind stolen from Cow_Face
I'll accept the terms of your agreement.

Saojun -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/18/2009 6:52:50)

Hiyas Phoenix. Or would you prefer to be called Vivi? :D
You added my color tags. I srsly <3 you. Srsly. Anything you want to call me is good ^_^
Congrats on the AKship! Good luck, have fun and see you on the forums and IRC. [:)]
Thank you, I'll see you around ^_^

Drakeh -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/18/2009 10:13:19)

i just want to say congrats [sm=bgtup.gif][sm=bgtup.gif][sm=bgtup.gif]
Thank you ^_^

Neopie -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/18/2009 12:01:19)

Hi there!
Do you like waffles?
Not since that horrible waffle accident I had three years back...I haven't been the same person since ._.

Do you like pancakes?
Pancakes, yes, I enjoy pancakes.

Do you like french toast?
I'd prefer regular toast, but french toast will suffice I suppose.

/me gives the waffles to Neopie

Do you like video games?
Yes, I love video games.

What music do you like
Most rock and metal is good with me. I don't wander outside my little music genre bubble very often.

Have you heard of chris ledoux
I have now thanks to google!


Suranjan -> RE: =MtAK= phoenixfire555, Black Mage of FI (5/19/2009 8:35:45)

I can't believe I didn't post here yet ! O.o
I can't believe it's not butter :|
Congratulations on becoming an AK !
Thank you ^_^
So, our world domination plan goes well ! :))))
It does, it does. And the fools don't know a thing!
How's them shackles ? Tight enough ?
Not quite, but Goofy is an elusive admin so the tightening will have to wait.
I'll not bother you that much (others will do that..muhahahaha), that's all and congrats again ! Bye and see you ! [;)]
Thank you, see you around ^_^

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