RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (Full Version)

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DA Holder67 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/1/2009 16:26:04)

Not fair! I was freakin' crossing off days on my calander! Ahh,Oh well. My whole days ruined now,but so what.

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/1/2009 16:55:08)

@kuld I was referring to Galanoth's statement that we would get a "real trailer" in June.

ctlg8 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/1/2009 20:37:56)

I forgot. When does it come out?

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/1/2009 23:57:56)

ctlg8: WarpForce comes out on July 3rd

iKennyxD -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 0:06:11)

Question: If your a guardian in Adventure Quest, are you automatically a guardian in warp force? or you have to pay to be a guardian?

moneybags -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 0:09:24)

@iKennyxD: You must pay to upgrade in WarpForce, but you can participate in WarpForce testing if your'e a Guardian in AQ

Genoclysm -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 0:38:37)

iKennyxD, WarpForce is a spin off and sequel of AQ. They are two different games.

Warlord3000 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 1:24:10)

What are u all gonna be and what will u keep their name???
I Would Be Drakel Named Kelth'Nis
U all??


Alopex Lagopus -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 3:59:39)

I'll be a human, named Alopex Lagopus (to be honest, thats Vulpes Lagopus... but they are the same...)

Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 4:40:14)

I will be playing a male Drakel named Lodro'eld - it's not a real Drakel name, as far as I know, but its the name of one of my fictional characters...That I haven't used tons of times already.

Warlord3000 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 5:10:09)

ah great names any other names in my Kuld?

necrolich66 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 9:12:44)

hmm a male drakel and necrotic name
any idea kuld?

DarkLore -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 9:39:22)

How about Necro-Man? LOL! I know you were asking kuld but I couldn't resist!

Nex del Vida -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 10:00:49)

Heh. Kuld, your Drakel's suffix means "city."

necrolich66 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 10:41:17)

necro man
necro drakel
neco kel
necro eld?

Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 11:14:21)

/facepaw...Didn't consider that, just took the name of an already existing character of mine, and replaced the space with a '

Well, then he won't get the luxury of a Drakelish name. He shall henceforth be known as... Lodros von Reyn.

Name him Ner'zul, for the lulz.

Seriously though, I'm no expert at the Drakel language - Lodro'Eld, or Lodro Eld as the actual name is written, is just a legendary king person from an alternate Terra of my making...So I don't really have any good drakel names for you.

moglinslayer315 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 12:44:16)

Man I can't wait for this game and my name will work perfectly for a drakel!!
Is it like AQ or AQW??

Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 12:45:40)

Its a spinoff of Adventure Quest - read the announcement (etc) threads that this thread was made to discuss.

necrolich66 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 13:00:21)

@kuld no thanks
next idea?

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 15:56:05)

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it's gonna be something of aa failure like mechquest i mean now there r little updates to mq and both mq and wf r located in space i seriously don't want to pay again seeing as i paid for all 3 games and the fun quests and details are beginning to thin and thin now the only fun game is df but what the hay a new game is always welcome but it's probably gonna make update/new events to aqw, aq, df, and mq WORSE i mean 1 game update followed by 3 on the same day? and now 1 more? i hope that it doesn't tire out the staff or be abandonned like zardquest

i wish it was free for gurdians though [:(]

firedemon7 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 17:34:36)

i wonder if this is were aq chars (re)meet the shadowsythe

(mechquest needs suggestion forum)

poomaster -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/2/2009 18:21:17)

drakel necro names? um... necreld, sepulgauna...don, obsidius, Vlakel the defiler, kakiketykookooklops!!!

idunno something confusing sounding heavy on k sounds and reptile references

dang a song contest i really should learn more about creating stuff... well i know plenty its just doing it lol

Warlord3000 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/3/2009 0:59:57)

Hmm. so now to the next topic
How would u like to your drakel look like?
You like a pink, red or blue drakel?
I'd Like A Black Drakel

You All???

necrolich66 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/3/2009 1:23:31)

a black drakel with red eyes
still looking for a name

Lkeas -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/3/2009 1:25:07)

I'd like my Drakel to have hair. [:)] Maybe leopard spots!

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