RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (Full Version)

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DragonSlayerNinja -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/15/2009 16:10:10)

the game to everyone but testing probably to verified SC, DL and Guardians but this is just speculation..

Got Fish?

Xyo -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/15/2009 16:49:04)

Awesome the website is up!

Kuld -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/15/2009 17:05:46)

Thank you for pointing that out! New trailer up too, it seems...

*continues to look forward to Warpforce*

Seriyu -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/15/2009 18:26:15)

The game will be available during beta only to guardians, because it is more or less, a direct sequal of AQ. If you liked AQ, you'll probably like WF, and likewise, if you didn't like it, you probably won't like WF. It's probably worth taking a look, but I wouldn't hold your breath. :p

And the site looks nice, can't wait for the beta. :p

Talahar -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/15/2009 19:04:19)

I like the fact that beta is only two weeks. Nevertheless, I'm an X-Guardian, so I'm going to play come July 3rd. [:D]

Vengeance_Shinigami -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/15/2009 20:43:44)

Lol there are 6,210 players online?! O.o
Is that possible?!?!?!


iamaforumdude -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/15/2009 20:44:11)

@above no it isn't possible

Angel of Grief -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/15/2009 21:01:34)


I like the fact that beta is only two weeks. Nevertheless, I'm an X-Guardian, so I'm going to play come July 3rd.

so. the beta is Guardian only?
or is the beta open to whoever does that?

i know testing is Guardian only...but is Beta the same time as Testing?

two weeks? starts the 10th? 3rd? im confused...nvm....3rd i guess....thats a little better...

if it starts the tenth, im doomed, considering im going to europe for two weeks. irony much?

Seriyu -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/15/2009 23:17:05)

3rd is when the beta/testing starts, yes. Guardians are the only ones allowed in testing, but considering the non testing starts two weeks after july 3rd, it's not so bad. :p

Loopfly -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 4:16:36)

not so bad comparing with aqw it was like one month or something right?

Alopex Lagopus -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 4:49:00)

"Customize your own characters using several options: Gender (male, female), Species (Human, Drakel, Elf), facial features, hair styles and more! Then, play as any number of BattleTypes: Armored Cannonwielder, Witty Space Rogue, Quick-fisted Star Ninja, Genius Cyber Tech, and many more! Train your stats and buy equipment to maximize your potential!

WarpForce will update every single month, unfolding a massive galaxy-shattering story as you level up!'

And on the new trailer, theWarpGuardian shot its Guardian Gun. Armored Cannonwielder, here I come! :)

weapon of choice -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 7:45:29)

wow, loving the trailer on the site :)

asakau -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 8:46:38)

Beta last only for 2 weeks nice maybe beta tester will receive a beta achievement & a special beta items

wryder -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 12:29:33)

I couldn't find a Q and A for WarpForce so I'll post my question here.
Will WarpForce have several character slots like Adventure Quest?

Seriyu -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 13:42:40)

Probably? Not sure. All their other single player games do, so I don't see why not though.

Tahhvo -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 15:55:36)

Yo, looks freaking awesome. Can't w8 for beta.

So I was wondering that, would AQ Guardians or players that have upgraded their accounts on other AE games, could get some bonus features, benefits?

Sorry to ask here, i couldnt find the answer anywhere.

btw, trailer looks wicked ;)

lol, instaEdit :D, i mean like other benefits than betatesting ^^

DragonSlayerNinja -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 16:27:31)

no, only guardians... dragonlords and starlords cant cause this is direct sequel

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 20:35:20)

I fixed the "210 Playing Now" message on the home page.
That was just a placeholder for the count when the game is up and running.

Oh, want to see my first WF test character?

Weird huh?

DragonSlayerNinja -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 20:38:20)

captain Rhubarb, it says you are builder of dreams... did you make any of house items lol?

TreadLight -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 20:47:12)


I can already tell that I am going to be a Drakel, now. xD

DragonSlayerNinja -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 20:50:27)


Traveler -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 21:05:47)

"Gauntlets" and "Skills/Techs" instead of Shields and Spells. Interesting.

And the characters seem taller than AQ's ones, at least in relation to the homepage.

I wonder what will be the other starting weapons, besides the Beam Sword (assuming there will be several starting "types").

Wow, I've just noticed that the Beam Sword is clickable. It changes from a long to a short sword. Cool feature for a starting weapon.

Other_Guy_27 -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 21:58:08)

Taking a close look at his arm, it doesn't appear to be attached to his body. [sm=twill10a.gif] Anyway, cool sword. Did J6 make it? I hope it's color custom. (drools on keyboard)

ChrisX -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 22:12:34)

@ Captain Rhubbard

Hey. So is that page seriously the character page for the new WF game? I thought it'd be...more techy style. It looks like the AQ, but the spells replaced by Skills/Techs and Gauntlet tabs.
Otherwise, the drakel race looks kinda good. But then again, its a test character, right? So the new Drakel in WF race is much better to the selection?

Seriyu -> RE: =WF= Announcement Discussion III (6/16/2009 22:58:22)

I'd imagine they're using the AQ charecter page as a placeholder while they make a WF one. :p

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