RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (Full Version)

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Skyline -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/8/2009 12:23:22)

@ Above, it's awesome.

lol, this contest is taking so long I forgot if I even joined

IcyJack -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/10/2009 5:10:39)

Lol its over they should probably lock this one, still I wish, i got a chance to participate, oh well, it was a long time ago.

Dragon_Enforcer -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/10/2009 9:10:34)

I didnt get a chance to participate as well...

Lol i was just looking at the submissions


Name: Slugjaw
Appearance: (created using gimp)
Backstory: The engineer Caotica White had been asked to join the Warp Force to create new technology for the purpose of combatting agents of the Network. This five-barreled energy shotgun was the first weapon Caotica created in service.
Special Capabilities: The plasma cells that power this weapon are extremely powerful. So powerful, that they actually create more energy than can be expended per second the weapon is in use. As a result, the cells may discharge a much higher wattage in the shots that may induce rapid shock paralyis in the opponent. In mechanical opponents, these "super shot" cause CPU overload.

< Message edited by Caotica White -- 6/13/2009 20:50:22 >

Buddy, I would really be impressed if you actually created that model and textures, but since you created it with GIMP, i think its an automatic disqualification.
I dont think GIMP can be used to create 3D models and textures, correct me if im mistaken

hoody45 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/11/2009 13:04:01)

how do i make my own wepeon, like do i have to use ANime or paint,,? like help me someone

Sigfrid0 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/11/2009 17:47:52)

you are right i used tineye image searcher and i found 1 result with same weapon on a chinese site..

ringulreith -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/12/2009 15:07:04)

Uh, nowhere does it say that your art must be a 3D model, nevertheless that certain programs are not allowed. In fact, you could have submitted an entry with no art at all, like yours truely.

DragonSlayerNinja -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/12/2009 16:09:33)

isnt tommorow the results day? Atleast i think its this week

raven of honor -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/13/2009 5:06:46)

Is the contest over? ...
Weapon Walkthrough ...

Btang95 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/13/2009 23:28:15)

WHEN is the next Warpforce contest available? I didn't hear about Warpforce until like July 10th.
I wanted to post a design I made!!!!

Btang95 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/14/2009 12:47:12)

When I saw some of the entries, So many of them are swords and hammers.
It is for a futuristic game
Why is it that most of them look like weapons from Battleon.
Not alot of lasers, guns, etc.
Some of them were even copied of other designs including AE's own weapons.

One last thing, when is the next Warpforce Weapon contest coming?
I have a really cool laser canon I drew.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/14/2009 18:23:54)

currently, we're still awaiting results as to who won this contest.

and there were a selection of future-space-guns made, including my entry, except my entry doesn't look super-space aged. it does however have some added things to it to make it spacey.

DragonSlayerNinja -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/15/2009 14:10:11)

I dont get how it took 2 weeks to judge over 50 entries and get the winenrs out, and over 4 weeks for weapon contests of only a coupke pages :(
oh well.
Patience DSN, patience.

Well when they are realeased Im sure it will be worth it.

Btang95 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/15/2009 15:16:36)

ALOT of the entries are swords that look like they were from DF or AQ styles.
Not alot of lasers, guns, etc.
When there is a new contest for Warpforce, I please message me, I love drawing, I
have a laser that was gonna be put into the contest, but was too late.
Message me when there is new contest.

cnguyen -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/15/2009 15:53:44)

FAIL.. I made this.. But forgot to submit it
I was my neon retro gear

Please don't use image tags. ~V_J

Btang95 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/15/2009 17:05:35)


DragonSlayerNinja -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/15/2009 19:01:47)


Do not lie, how you forgot to submit that.
That is game content and the contest ended before the games release.
Also that is an armor when this was a weapon contest.
Also please do not embed images, please put links.

Cmoney413 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/16/2009 1:31:13)


Price:750 Z-Tokens

BTH 12

Effect:Hundreds of creatures from diffrent planets and galaxys attack your oppenet
Damage: 500% Base and Random, 50% Base and Random Damage Each
Stats: No
BTH: +30

This Massive Blade could only be held by the strongest warriors

cnguyen -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/16/2009 8:09:44)

Wow... Why so serious.
I actually forgot it
You don't have to flame others
Seriously, get a life... Don't spend your time on the forums flaming others

Runehawker -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/16/2009 9:14:34)

for a new game i was hoping for a more advanced graphix like DF or MQ and possibly AQW but i could live with this kind of graphix

steelsoldier -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/16/2009 9:50:32)

What´s the point of doing these senseless discussions of who is wrong and who is right, everybody makes mistakes.

yoda23 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/16/2009 16:54:33)

where are contest winners art, cant seem to find it

SnaleKing -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/16/2009 20:17:36)

i like stan's cybud the best. i hope it wins, cuz that would be awesome. i would get one, thats fo' sho!

Btang95 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/16/2009 21:32:14)

During grade 6-8, i was TOP artist in my School, and got the some award for art.
But not a lot of people are good artists in my School.


DragonSlayerNinja -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/16/2009 23:51:48)

Results tommorow i think!
I beleive that winners weapon is gonna be released tommorow aswell.

Btang95 -> RE: =WF= Weapon Art Contest Discussion (7/17/2009 9:28:58)

Please please please let it be a cool laser, I'm sick of swords and axes.
If it's a sword then atleast make futuristic.

If it is a sword that looks like it's from AQ, DF, OR AQWORDS
then this contest has told me enough about what type of game Battleon should stick to. [sm=icon_confused.gif]

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