RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (Full Version)

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Lego3400 -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/7/2005 18:08:03)

I am back, and I have a bit of zelda info for ya, Zelda's last name is Hyrule, so her mom's name is Something Hyrule.

21. What did you do while the server was down?
Went onto Newgrounds. I used to think it a cesspool of drudgery, now I think otherwise.

22. Do you want a cookie?
Is it chocolate chip?

23. How about a waffle?
Pass the syrup!

Well thats all for now...
Bring me more baked goods when you come back!.

Irish_Mobster -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/7/2005 22:39:26)

hey HoW, hows it been?

can u edit mine in blue, its my favorite?
Great. Someone obsessed with lobster blood... :p

u dont know me, im realtivly new to forums.
I would hope so.

do you liek my name too?
It's original, I'll give it that.

its original, and ive used it for many games online.
Ish that so?.

Is anyone here driving you crazy with questions?
It's original, I'll give it that.

if so, anyone here NOT driving u crazy?

ok, i got some good questions

do u blelive in medicating ADHD kids?
Only if it works. I have ADHD mehself.

would you be shocked to know that i refuse to take my meds?
I'd like to know your reason.

drugs or hugs?

mittens or kittens?
Mittens. They don't wreck your furniture.

do you like this band...

Never heard of em.

Story of the Year?
Never heard of em.

Heard of em, they're pretty good.

Blink 182?
Heard of em. They're good.

Breaking Benjamin?
Love em. *sings* "I am an oversight...just like a parasite..."

Never heard of em.

System of a Down?
Yah. They're good.

They r0x0r! "Smells Like Team Spirit" is a metal classic.

Red hot Chili Peppers?
The boys from Cali? Sure as pie!


Nope. Never heard of em.

Ok, now more, yay right?

Ok, the mpst important, whose the funniest on Family Guy?
I don't watch the show often, but Stewie is the funniest, hands-down, followed by Brian.

Will Stewie ever kill Lois?
He couldn't for two reasons...1. It would end the show. 2. He's his mother!

Futurama or Family guy?
Family Guy.

Ketchup or mustad?
Ketchup is one of my food groups.

did i mispell ketchup?
No, but you mispelled mustard.

are you going to miss my questions when i go to watch tv?

Yes. Goodbye.

yes, bye is a question, it is, i swear...

Haloexpert -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/8/2005 0:53:58)

Hey HoW im back for more

if i was a monkey, would you give me a banana...?
If you stop asking me this, then yes, I would.

how about if i throw poo at you

hahaha that rhymed...
A poet is you!

if ur name was bob, could you spell it?

how do you say about? (haha the canadian is funny)
...I'm not going to answer that.

why am i talking to you..
Because I told you to.

you said i wouldnt make a good gc..
is it only because of popularity?

hey look a diversion *runs away with HoW gold*
*detonates the fake sack of gold*

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (7/8/2005 1:08:50)

[Deleted by Admins]

the_wotism -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/8/2005 1:51:18)

[:(]Hey im sorry but i have a few more questions....[:(][:(][:(]

What lvl knight are you?[:(]
9 + 1, baby!

I dont think anyone has had a korike(i cant spell)Huggle, can I?[:(]

I been using *korisnuggles* alot and i havent got banned yet..... are you shure i cant use it?[:(]
You don't get banned for that type of thing.

Bye then im sooooo sorry a thousand times for waisting your time....[:(]
It's alright. I've seen worse.

The Korisnuggling Samurai.

Montengro -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/8/2005 5:17:36)

The sky, the stars, the birds...

Whats your favorite movie genre?

Your favorite type of music?

Video games, if those count.

ummmmm tv shows?
Spongebob comes to mind.

do you like horror stuff? ex. resident evil games?
I heard Resident Evil 4 is great.

can i have 5 dollars?

if not then can i have 10? im really poor

what are your views on the military on politics?
The military should get off politics and let someone else have a turn.

mmmm i think the military should be respected and the politicians made fun of !
Both should be insulted (the former to a lesser degree), for they go hand-in-hand now.

im going into the military...what branch do you think im going into?
Army? Navy? Marines? Air Force?

well im clueless on any other a storms about to make my computer go off....buh-bye!

zaarl -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/8/2005 11:59:24)

Hello HoW it's me!
When will the torment end?

Who is your favorite questioner so far? Why?
I really don't know.

What would happen if I jumped off a cliff?
You'd go SPLAT.

Want me to find out?
My evil self says reasonable self says no. I'll go with the latter.

Nah I don't wanna jump off a cliff. How bout a skyscraper?
That wouldn't be good for your health.

Your right I shouldn't think like that. How bout a plane 3,000 feet in the air?
If you use a parachute, go ahead.

I guess I probably shouldn't. I mean is it safe?
One word: PARACHUTE.

I don't think it is. So I'm not gonna do it.

C-ya I'll come back with more random questions later.

Regnier -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/8/2005 13:16:37)

Do you control Nibel's Ancient Heart?
Um...what are you talking about?

Have you played Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders?

Whom is the only person I bow down to?

Would you sacrafice Robina to save Hyrule (Yet again)
My character is Link of Lore, not Link of Zelda.

How many Master Swords actually exist!?!?

Sword or bow?
I like swords.

What is your favorite Equipment to wear in Orcana of Time?

Did I spell Orcana right?
Nope. It sounds like a place where Orcs can live together in peace.

Last mask in Majora's Mask, or your precious Wind Waker.
Fierce Deity's Mask, no contest.

Do you want to kill that annoying boat?
No. It's not even's just magical

How many times have you taken a swing at it?
None yet.

Can you personally "Tweak" your Battleon character yet?
I'm not staff.

I smell a fairy.....
Darn you, Navi!

Have you been playing in the woods again?
Naw...I was just taking a walk with Robina.

What do you like best that you have seen for Twilight Princess.
Horseback combat.

Did you see it on G4?
See what?

That is it my Lord.
Yes, bow down to my shining evilness!

Strong Bad -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/8/2005 13:30:54)

Alright, here I am again.
PomPom...and....Strong Bad...are...totally...going...out!

What do you think of the London Bombing? I think its just Terrible!
Whoever did it should be brought to justice. That's all I can say.

Do you think I would have a good chance if I ran for GC? *shifty eyes*
You have a small chance, but it's a chance nonetheless.

What do you like most about AQ?
Frequent updates.

Is there any challenge for you, being an uber player?
Ziragat, Wolfwing and Carnax.

Do you like Video Games? If so, do you have a favorite one?
I like Zelda games.

Do you have any ideas for AQ, being a GC?
Staff generally knows what it wants.

Did you have a great 4th of July? I sure did.
It was quiet until the fireworks started.

What is your Hair Color?
In real life, I'm a darkish blonde, maybe brown.

If you had one wish, what would it be?
I'd wish that all humanity lived in perfect brotherhood.

Would you vote for me for GC?

Well, thats all for now. *Snuggles HoW*
*kokirisnuggles teh Strong Bad Tonberry*

Enil8or -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/8/2005 14:17:25)

Hi HoW, right underneath hear is your place to make any unwanted remarks [:D]
FINLAND! *brain melts*

HoW (How) soon till you become a Legend? (guess)
Give me another 6 months or so.

Why is everyone asking for kokorisnuggles? (stay away from me *draws UIK)
Because they have been denied love! The poor souls.

If you were to become a staff member, how would you contribute to the team?
I'd make up the crAZIEST monsters ever!


If you had one wish, what would it be?
I'd wish that all humanity lived in perfect brotherhood

How can girls be included in brotherhood, and what about all those cute dragons like the Z (void monster) that you pked with your 14(?) PWD?
You know what I mean, Einstein.

Hero of Winds -> RE: Meet the Grand Council - This Week: Hero of Winds! (7/8/2005 17:02:27)

Okay people! No more questions! Next week, one of my other fellow GCers will be answering your questions, annoying or not.

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