RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (Full Version)

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Erason -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/4/2009 15:57:29)

Wow, can't wait. I bet the chapter will blind my eyes of awesomeness!

Gianna Glow -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/4/2009 16:52:08)

Pie! Hurry up!!!! Please??? I want to read the next chapter! :D

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/4/2009 22:56:42)

Ok, the next chapter is up. Let me know if the last part of it seems rushed. I'm not quite sure if it is or not as I'm a tad tired.

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/4/2009 23:12:31)

Not too rushed, though i thought no more side quests. >>
Also, on a side note, you posted this right as i was about to stop checking to see if it was up [:)]

ringulreith -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/5/2009 3:59:45)

So, GG got you to finally post this? It was very good, just like the rest of the story! (oh no, I think I got exclamation mark-syndrome her...)

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/5/2009 4:54:06)

I liked it. Although, much names <,< I dislike it when I had 5 hours of sleep anyway but okay... I will report you for giving them another Side Quest o_O

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/5/2009 13:18:41)

Awwwww, y'all liked it? And I lied... or rather, Grim is making silly assumptions that he thinks he's in control. He loves that feeling. :P

Gianna Glow -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/6/2009 0:18:25)

Wow, that was epic Pie! I really do enjoy it! [:D] Please hurry up wth the next part please! [:D]

Nightly -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/6/2009 17:42:05)


The only thing Grim was sure of at this point was the aftermath of using this jury-rigged system, and all of it was bad. Both of their mana and stamina stats were at 0, and every time restoring magic or items were used on the pair, the replenished energy would slowly drain itself, as if some sort of invisible sponge was absorbing the stats. Running out of
MP wasn't really a big issue besides the fact that one couldn't use magic.

Your line got messed up.


Health Points, or HP, was a general measurement to describe how healthy someone was.
While it is mostly used to measure how much damage someone can take before dying, HP also reflects the general health of someone. If someone is sick, their hp drops to reflect how sick they are. The problem with the hp stat was that it couldn't measure everything about a person's health, otherwise it would be too general to be used as a reading.

This one as well.


However, these two systems were not enough to give an effective readout of someone's
"vitals" at a quick glance. So, a third system of measurement was invented called Stamina. Stamina was somewhat of an oddball measuring system, as it was the most unstable of the three systems. Stamina was supposed to measure the body's "physical" energy, the energy that was needed to do essentially anything from breathing to running. The first problem is that the body's "physical" energy was somewhat linked to the magical energy, so when someone drained their MP, their stamina would suffer as well. Stamina also was linked to health: the less HP there was, the less stamina one had.

And again.


Normally, stamina usually never drops below 1/4 the maximum rate. When someone's stamina hit that point, the body would be aching all over with limbs feeling like lead. Stamina was usually this low after a fight, when the adrenaline would wear off and the body's "flight or fight" response was calming down. You want to go to sleep right away, but it would still be sleep.

This makes no sense to me.


This was the situation Jenna and Necro were facing. Grim's major concern was that this energy absorption would continue while they were out, effectively sending them into a catatonic state, which would be hard to undo as he was unaware of the specifics of the magic going on. He knew the two would black out effectively, but he was hoping that the absorbing effect would wear off before that happened.



"Grim, there's this new green bar on my Complicator called Stamina that just popped
up..." Reaver said, noticing it for the first time.



Reaver shrugged as he crawled into the tent that had been prepared for him and Mog to get some rest. Jenkins put blankets on top of Necro and Jenna and carefully slid some pillows underneath their heads while he stood watch at the sign of trackers.

For the sign? It sounds better.


"Damn it, I don't know what the hell the Death Element was thinking when it made that damn deal... no, this isn't its fault..." Grim muttered as he looked at the two with pity
and fear.


"What do you mean?" asked Reaver, who was preparing breakfast for himself and Mog.

"Reapers act as avatars for the Elements, or at the very least extensions of them. An Elemental Sphere would never cause harm to its own Reaper unless it directly disobeyed

Line, line, line.


"Keep in mind that orders from them are rare, and once the deed is done you resume control of yourself. They can only do that if there is an order... but Necro made a deal
with the death element, which changes the rules... which I'm not aware of as this hasn't happened since... not in recorded records at the least,"



"I'm confused now... can't the Death Element counter those changes? And why are they
fighting each other?"

I wonder what this is!?

Okay, I'm done quoting lines...

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/6/2009 20:56:52)

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what's the giant quote now there Nightly, you completely confuzzled me...

Ok, yes, I typed half this one in an email and ths stupid spacing got messed up. I THOUGHT I got everything, but apparantly not. I'll fix it later.

In other news, I"m working on the next chapter, expect it up tomorrow :O

Nightly -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/6/2009 21:48:28)

Hah! Fixed it!

Gianna Glow -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/6/2009 22:54:24)

Sweet! I can't wait for it Moogle! :D

Erason -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/7/2009 14:25:24)

Oooh, new chapter is the pinnacle of Awesomeness!
Hope the next one is as good.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/7/2009 17:21:31)

This chapter isn't quite as epic as the pervious too. I wanted to make it longer, but I decided to have the next "scene" in the next chapter as it felt more appropriate there. When will the next chapter be up? Who knows? Certainly not me :o

Gianna Glow -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/7/2009 18:31:04)

Well, this one was certainly interesting turn of events. I did enjoy it though and keep up the good work! And I cant wait for the next one!

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/7/2009 18:36:20)

BTW, I did purposely name the next Reaper Loki, so that may give you some indication as to what role he'll play in the party. :3

Nightly -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/7/2009 18:39:28)


Necro winced at Grim’s anger as he finished cleaning the deer and handed it to Reaver. Jenna also finished at the same rate and handed hers as well. “Make sure you don’t’ burn this batch” Necro teased.


“He’s not a complete idiot, but it was his entire plan that brought us here. Since he was so kind as to put us into this situation, I will leave it to him to redeem himself. Should he manage to pull it off and get us back on track, I will reward him with a cookie,” Grim stated.

Oh jeez. The fabled cookie again...


"Killed during a raid on the town of Rosethorn. The Paladins were waiting for that raid, and slaughtered every single one of us… by cousins and father were in that raid. Mom died of heartache…” he said sourly.


Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/7/2009 18:45:59)

Yes, the fabled cookie. This is not just any cookie, but it is THE cookie.

Will make corrections lateh :o

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/7/2009 20:04:25)

THe ultimate cookie of pwnage....and a much slower chapter than the earlier ones.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/9/2009 22:11:37)

Meh, it's not the greatest chapter in teh world, but it works for now. Next chapter should be more exciting, but I have a very busy weekend, just a heads up. :o

deathwalker05 -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/10/2009 14:38:04)


mostly Necro who did the talking, and he was a pretty good story teller for a mechanical engineer.

Belive you mean Reaper.
Besides from that, saw no errors.

Nightly -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/10/2009 15:07:23)


Nope. That is what Necro was back on Earth :D

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/10/2009 17:38:20)

Necro was studying to be a mechanical engineer before he got whisked away to Tipa. :o

BadHulk -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/12/2009 3:31:34)

And, Reaver is a techno "freak"

Thats Mr. Vath to u. -> RE: The Reaper's Records: The Chronicles of Tipa- Comments (9/13/2009 16:34:19)

Pie, I LOVE YOUR STORY! Its awesome. I found it a week ago, and i've read it at least 3 times already. Keep up the good work.

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