RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (Full Version)

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nkop -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/1/2009 21:35:35)

10)part 1)yea i was really talking about when they finshed aq ,dragonfable and mechquest.

i know they are point and click games but it will be cool if they have a major update when they have u move with
w,a,s,d, and attack with 1,2,3,4.
but it will be great if they make the game lick the gameplay of edler scoll 4.
so how u feel about this?
Well I DO LOVE TES4:O but I like my MechQuest as is. There are already other games that have done the console thing so good :D I wouldn't mind seeing an XBox Exclusive game but I still think it's way too soon for anything lilke that. But Hey, I'm not Development staff, maybe they're working on making DragonFable 3 a PS5 Exclusive xD
You know that you can use the number keys to use skills in AQW right... right?!
10) part 2 ) what are the new things u can do? and i can be your friend on aqw? ha put in a good word for me k. it nkop in aqw
All our new physical powers are Forum Only, meaning we dont do anything new in any of the games. However I have noticed to power to amass a small army of followers to be quite neet, if passive.
ah don't worry Grey, before you know it we'll be modding AQW :P XD

Master Number 300 -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 0:42:11)

Congratz to the both of you!!
Your thanks is appreciated :)
It's always nice to see friends move up. Congratz again Razgriz!
Thanks again O.o

srinivas -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 0:43:17)

Hiii ^_^
Haai (it's swedish for shark apperantly O.o)
congratulations on getting AKed, and good luck with your jobs.
Thanks, we'll need it to get through the rgular tortures :P
Thanks, we'll need it.
(no torture included, don't ask why.)
ok... Why not?
Don't poke the bear Raz...
Peace out.
War out... bad joke ._.
*War in?

SwordPrince -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 1:16:24)

Hey congrats RazGriz (and other guy)
D: noez you be forgetting mah colleage... but thanks
Teh colleage not liek to be forgetten'
whats your favorite colour ?
not this one
^What he said
i cant think of anything else laters
kbye =)

GeoKid -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 2:26:20)

Congratz on AKship, now I have many questions to ask...
Oh sounds like fun
You know you love answering these as much as I do =)
Whats your fave AE game?
All e.e
If you had to die and could do it any way how would you do it?[sm=fantastisch_05.gif]
quick and painless, or in my sleep
Jumping on a Grenade, or anyother Herioc act :3 Weird right? Comming from the bad guy xD

Whats your favourite type of cheese?
Old cheese
Vanilla or Chocolate ice-cream?
yea i heard that one before, it has something to do with racism >=( but vanilla
^You're looking too far into this. He's just trying to figure out which food to poison. For the Record Chocolate > All
Are you Good or Evil? [sm=hmm.gif]
I'm good... most of the time, but recently my evil side has re-awoken
I'm tired of being type-cast as the villian, so I've been doing some good clean work for once >.> Trying to really work in that "Shades of Grey" Line in here... not totally working.
I ran out of questions[sm=icon_sad.gif], oh well bye
awww, bye
I liked his question, Raz make him come back! Stop scaring away the nice ones.
Edit: I'd like to point out the ice cream thing was not intended to be racist lolz

awesomeness1997 -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 3:55:01)

Fave colour?
Electric Pink?
Fave food?
Brains! Brains! I love 'em I need... my tummy jumps for joy when I eat 'em...
Are you human?
How are the shackles?
warm and comfy, a bit tight, but that's because they don't want me to escape for some reason
Sharp, Cold, and Rusty. I'd easily escape but I'd need a tetanus shot and I don't fair well with needles...
Do you like pie?
Not really honestly...
How many cows have you eaten since tomorrow?
uhm, well there are 3 carcasses here, but I think i lost one somewhere
Lost... yeah, that's the word :3
Fave smiley?
rawr! [sm=akriloth_side.jpg]
Have you ever done something that you dont know you did do yesterday?
Yea, I wonder what i've done wrong all the time... ._.
I breathed in 73% more O than normal.


See yah

Dragon Slayer096 -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 8:11:55)

Hiya Raz, grey...
Hai there
I thought you guys would become AKs...I heard a lot about Razgriz anyways...
Who hasn't heard about me :P
What have you heard about me...
I hope you don't stop making videos, promise me and your fans that you'll make one more Razgriz or should I say Garuda..
I dunno =/ and it's Razgriz
Pffft, I wouldn't mind some extra resposibility so Raz can make his pretty little moving pictures :D
So, you play MQ, DF, AQW, AQ, a combo or all of them?
all + WF soon
Not DF, Soon WF.
Which AE game would be your best?
probably AQW yay indifference
Oh Finally, I've been waiting for a best question for a while hehe I am Awesometacular in MQ :O
You prefer AQW/AQ/MQ/DF wars?
If there's a good amount of motivation and cool rewards, yes
AQ, the Go by fast. On the other end there are MQ wars, which although take forever, are also worth it. Cept the bug one, that was just not cool...
So, are you guys gonna be involved in posting art stuff here?
nah. just checking art and making sure everyone follows the rules
I might, I'm trying to get Raz here to do it too.

What kinda cookies you like? I got all of them, with Holy Wasabi at the side...(ew, Wasabi and cookies, but I had to get rid of it, don't tell Artix :P)
Me lieks Doom cookies, from the Lellyna brand
No here, take a GreyCookie. Tell your friends :D
Liking the pressure of being an AK?
huh? pressure? O.o
^He's had it easy so far it's my timezone that the BIG rule breakers show up O.o
I dunno what to say...
me neither
Parting is such sweet sorrow D:
/em gives Garuda (Razgriz) and GreyStar..
a cookie?
BYE and hope you guys don't die before I do...
yea... that=P
Thanks, Live Long and Prosper!

valy_punisher -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 9:02:04)

nice 1 garuda razgriz
if you say so
you like evil cookies!?
yesh, they're yummy
banana is evil or good/
very evul
wat music you like
good music
wat pokemon you like to kick ur ass?
Gallade is the only one awesome enough to be allowed to, if he can, that's another question x)
good ork wit the forum a nice place
i think so
trust me cabbages is evil?!
yes, evil cabbage!
i have low ideas wat to say umm cake king
Pie King? o.o

Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 9:04:46)

Did you guys notice that you both start with a G?
We have big plans for that.
Congrats by the way :D
Thankies ^-^
yea thanks
Oh yeah... I still have powers in this board (but since they're assigning AKs here... I might lose them soon D:) I'm outdated Oh, still works in GGD
Your only outdated till Crmnzon6 shows up in the mail. Oh here he is. Oh cool, remember to help out when you have free time!
All their Art suggestions r belong to us >=)
How's my avvy?
I really like it.
nice and sketchy i suppose
~Crimz (not CrimSon [:@][:@][:@] xD)
I'll just call you: "The one who made me use a different color than yours... cuz i wanted yours in the first place >.>

BlueRage -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 9:15:14)

Greetings here

Hi Raz!
(This is for Greystar)Hi!

Not impressed >.>
Questions here
1.(Greystar and Garuda only)How your feeling after being promoted to AK?
I was feeling estatic
I fear that I'll only have 1 braincell left at the end of this month
2.(Raz)Can you accept my friend request on youtube?
I'm too bothered to review everyone so i just accept them by default >.>
3.(Raz)Are you going to put Greystar in Twilight Of Liberation?Greystar reply too.
4.Fastfood or Slowfood?
Slowfood. The adventurers these days are too quick for me to hunt down easily.
Slowfood, fastfood is too fast to catch...
5.DF,MQ or AQW?
DF... i keep saying something different
6.Which is the best staff(s) here in your opinion
Well I've been talking a bit with Cubal (Assuming you mean just mods and staff and not regular AKs) but Also Mae, Reens, and Alac are pretty nice :o
undecided, I don't know them all too well yet x)
7.(If)You have two paths,one is quit AK another is stay on be AK which you'll go?
I'd quit the AK and become the Mod >:) And then I'd Shower the world in daisies! AND THEY'D BE EVERYWHERE! *Maniacle laughter*
*sigh* Unlike the evil guy up there, I'd stick with AK and become Mod whenever I deserve it... then shower the world in... uhm... cookies.
8.WarpForce how's it?
Haven't played, we don't do any Alpha, I start teh beta as soon as anyone else with Guardianship does.
9.Wats ur favourite subjects?
Vacation >.>
10.Do we meet both of you in real life?
If we told you what real really was you might start to doubt yourself about your very existance. It's better you keep thinking what you think is real is real or else... your head might explode.
Probably not...
Compliments here

Raz that's a great vid for announcement

/watches ToL

/Greystar in TOL FTW
We'll see.
Ending here

(Grey and Raz)Happy AK-ing!Congratz and cya!
Happy Foruming :D
He stole my line again >.>

777SlipHate666 -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 9:46:26)

Char. Deathbringer128
Thisll be my 2nd post

But du guys no wut the Stat: Intilligence or Wisdom will du 2 the player
My Best guess, which is ALL SPECULATION:

Intelligence -> Magic Damage
Wisdom -> Amount of Mana

Lulz me haz int n it maeks me smart n shtuff, and giefz me mana and more magic damage 8D

MechaMistMage -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 10:09:37)

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Raz! He's heeeeeeeeeeeeeere

Time to cause some madness!
there's more?
sure, the madness never ends... just like Animal Crossing never does ._.

You're going down!
It can get lower?
You're going up!

I'm going to Calgary........ WHY?!?!
For making me doubt my Depth.
Because you like it there?

What's your Favorite Youtube video?
The One.


Faneca Daimao -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 10:51:30)

4 Razgriz

Can you watch Yu-Gi-Oh! Abriged ? (Brooklyn Rage !)
I can, and I did
If I asked you for a cookie, would you give me one ? :3
No! >=(
Do you have a PS3, XBOX360 or a Wii ? ( if you have a Wii I will un-sub you on YT like I did with Xyo >:O )
Wich do you like more, Artix or Cysero ?
Do you consider Zazul as being "creepy" ?
Never met him actually
1NS3R7 R4ND0M SP4M H3R3 N0W PL0X !1!11!!11ELEVEN!11! :3
How and/or why did you and Grey person became AK ? Was it h4x ?
don't tell but, yesh we did teh 1337 H4xxorz 8D

All questions are 4 teh lulz :3

DrewDude -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 11:14:06)

Hello, and congratulations you two! Onto the oh so loveable questions!
With our so wubable answers
HATRED!... i mean yeah we love them
Raz) Do you faintly remember me recently in B-1? Be honest, I know a lot of people have short memories. [8D]
Meh has the shortest of them all =)

Grey) Why not black? Or at least a cool grey or warm grey? Isn't plain Grey just...dullish? =O
I always liked the Ring of DarkStar, but then I wouldn't glow :o And besides, it alludes to the "Shades of Grey" comment I've been trying to work into a post.
Raz) What sparked your interest in making videos in AQW?
The ability of using an MMO as medium...

Time for a double hitter since I've already asked the personal questions:

Lunch or Supper?
Lunch. It's sooner.
Taco or Grilled Cheese?
Soft Shell Taco.
Pie or Cake?
May this post have stalled you long enough for one person to spam a thread somewhere in your board you were supposed to watch and manage. [;)]
Well considering I just did 6 of these in a row, probably.
The forums will survive... probably

Puppy -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 11:18:37)

These questions are intended for both of you D:<
Alright, calm down... want a doggie biscuit? e.e

1) Mwahahaha, congratulations :)
Thanks :D.
Mwhahaha... thanks
2) Would this count against one of my questions?
Yes, however I'm going to do soemthing inconceivable and ask YOU a question. Why is Will Smith dressed as Captain America? PM pl0x
Yes, there's an answer to it
3) Do you consider anything that ends with a question mark a question?
Yes however you could always use an alluding statement to sneak some in, EG: "Your Favorite color is..."
Yes, except those without an answer
4) How's it being an AK so far?
It's cool, handing out Warnings is a pain but its' gotta be done :P
5) You like the group of people? I know your favorite part of it, the custom avatar. ;)
Eh... Cubal needed an Evil Moisture Buddeh so I "volunteered"
Zero destroys the world and then creates it anew... and he succeeded and therefor he's awesome!
6)Do you have a favorite mod?
Geno and tflo are pretty nice.
tflo is not mod silly, I'd say Eukara
7) What was your reaction when you first became an AK?
O_O Nyeeeeeeeh
8) I'm not so good with these, so congratulations once more. :)
Coolio, thanks for the gratz =D
You need to brush up on your questioning skills :P oh yeah, thanks btw >.>

Grimmjows -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 11:26:50)

Hello buddy greystar i'm Z (If you don't know me i'm gonna cook you for supper!)
So anyone up for ice cream?
If by anyone you mean me then yes o.o
If you chose left or right on a path and one of them leads to a laser which one would you chose?
I'd start walking back the way I came.
cake is a lie!
Sector 7 has cake.
Say the number before Six Trillion in written form :P (First one to answer gets a cookie)
The first and only: Five hundred ninety-nine Billion, nine hundred ninety nine million, nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred ninety nine.
Family Guy or South Park?
Family Guy
Well congrats to both of you
I thought this one was for meh only ._.
As for the one who get the cookie is...
Raz can have it.

A_S -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 13:36:24)

I've watched the vidioes and, all i have to say is Gratz n Good Luck :)
Thanks ^^, see grey, the video DOES work =D
~ Siwel

Angel of Grief -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 13:46:38)

1. tacos?
Why not?
2. do you like your AK'ness?
3. you like tacos?
4. Do you like waffles?
5. do you like pancakes?
Yes... wait that's not how the song goes! >:O Where's the french toast D:<
6. Give me your street adress, phone number, and email so i can stalk you with my supar twilight powerz.
1423 Tentacle Drive
Port of Breezes
Sector 7

Look in the small cage behind the generator. That's where they took Raz :o

Nooooooooooo.... >:P
7. Play any other games besides AQW or AQ?
8. favorite color?
9. favorite foodz?
10. i hope i didnt annoy you :3
Not at all.
*grumble* sure you didn't -_-

WAun12 -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 15:10:46)

i'm back :O
MY WORST NIGHTMARE!! they're returning O.o
Kay :D
IF sepulchure was gonna eat you( o noes! his mouth got bigger :O)what would you do
Eat him >:O
If he came back I'd kick him in the shoulder, and tell him to go back to his crypt! We're done with him. Like "done" done >.<'
what will happen if razgriz became evil and greystar good >:D
I'm evil now actually, but if Greystar becomes good the world would end O.o
Wait he's Evil? Are we that low in troops and expectations that we just let anyone with Zs in their name and a cape join?
somehting shinyer than greystar!!!!! its called goldstar!!!!!
Silleh, you just think goldstar's a shinyer cause your teacher gives them to people when they get A's. You only get me when you score above an A :O
omg!greystar ate a blue cookie and he became bluestar!
I think Reni Bluestar wouldn't be all to happy with that ._.
Yeah Reni might beat me so hard I'd be black and Bluestar
Buh bai again XD

(for the record greystar transforms every 10 mins -.-)
Nyeh?! O.o
What Can I say I'm fickle :3

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 15:16:52)

Me is bakc for morez quistions!
=O imagine teh horror
I lilked Him he was cool.
What is an AK?
an Archknight....
We're the protectors of Forum Order! With our mighty Hammers we fix the dents in our system, we Bring down justice upon unjust. It is our sworn duty to make this a truly safe and worthy place for everyone from the New Member to the Moderators. We my friend, are ARCHKNIGHTS!
Seriusly, what's an AK?
People with alot of free time and responsibility :P
Can you read this?
yes, cuz when i edit this it all shows in black letters :P
HOw bout now?
Still black letters...
Ar you awesome?
I'm only just neet. Someday I'll get cool enough to start thinking about being awesome.
Who wins, Greystar or Razgriz?
Greystar uses super glue to cheat, I rain death upon the land.
your choice....

It's no fun when he's evil too. I'd surrender and spend the rest of my days finding homes for abandoned puppies.

Wo are yu guys?
Just your regular power abusers
You're first and last defence agaisn't SPAM! (save for the mods ofcourse >.>)
Whare am I?
In our MtAK thread O.o
I can say you're about to be in Sector 7
Why ar ther typos in mi post?
lulz, there war typoes, I deednt saw anyz of zhem lal
because your Grammar is like that of a third graders!
Later. (Or never again :O)
nice Vergil avvy btw e.e

D: I liked you too

archie -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Garuda (aka Razgriz) (7/2/2009 15:17:47)

Youse has an MtAK up already?? O_o
Yesh we haz muhahahahahaha
We payed the extra shipping cost. Now we're indentured for eternity as oppose to the rest of our natural lives.
Anyway, just popping in to say hi, congratulations and wish you good luck..
Hi, thank you, and good luck to you too :P
Hello, we appreciate it, and the best of luck to you with anything.
Art On! (Who is this phrase from?)
OMGZORZ u stole that from Reverend Wyrm! =O gief eet back nao x)
^Yeah I'm pretty sure it's Wyrms.

dark! -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/2/2009 15:48:36)

Hmmmmmmmmm Gratz :D
lol here we go :)

1.Hmm i was wondering whether u could tell me what u 2 do [sm=puppy_dog_eyes.gif]
Use less smileys D:< There's a limit of 3 per post. This is Universal.
You tell him!
2. is it fun?
Yes it's quite fun actually :3
yup =)

3. how did u get picked for this[8|]
There's a chicken anda circle with everyones name. We put Korins head on the chicken. The chicken proceeds to run around franticlly. Were it passes out is who they select. As you figure Garuda Razgriz and Greystar are pretty close so it must have passed out on both. It's not dead just asphyxiated.
Learn my name! D:<
5.Dont know me sadly might try and goto one day if ya don't mind :O[sm=puppy_dog_eyes.gif]
I don't mind you /goto me aslong as you keep only up to 3 smileys in your post ;D
the fear of my everyday AQW life ._.
thanks guys :D

and once again Gratz
Sorry before i forgot does this mean ur a mod :O in aqw
No, there are other restrictions to that, though it does mean we might one day.
We shall reign supreme!

urpee -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/2/2009 16:00:05)

can u guys make all of the en
I don't totally get what your asking here. If you mean can we make it all end, the yes. We have a Destroy Town button.

Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/2/2009 16:07:53)

Congratulations on both your AKshipness [:D]
Thank ye mr. Tokijin bunny
I will keep this short so I don't ker'splode both your heads [8D]
Kay... It's funny watching Raz ker'splode though.
I can say the same thing about you >.>
Cookies or Cake?
Is it fun being an AK?
Of course it is!
BANHAMMORZ!! that means yes <.<
Do or Die? Watch documentaties on Hippo's for 14 hours straight.
Do and let them Die. Also, I've never seen a documentary on a hippo.
let Grey do it for me
Thanks for answering my rediculious questions!
We've had worse.
they were ridiculous? psh, this was nothing :P try better next time
Bye...for now.Mwhahahaha
Adios Clan Buddeh

Coyote -> RE: =MtAK= Greystar and Razgriz (formerly Garuda) (7/2/2009 17:37:50)

Razzie! Greystar! How're y'all doing today?
I have a small headache but I'll probably be fine.
except my contact lenses hurt alot, I'm fine...
Leafeon or Glaceon?
Glaceon, though I admit that Leafeon is pretty cool (something whihc Grey can never do with Glaceon) but I still like Glaceon better...
How's my singing sounding? I've been practicing for a while, and since TG didn't maneuver your cage away from mine, I want to ask my new neighbors. =D
You were singing?! I thought I sensed a disturbance in the force! Like the sound of a thouasand screaming voices just asking to be silenced.
So that's where all that noise came from, I thought Grey was trying to learn screech...
zomg can i b ur frend on aqw pl0x??????????[:)][:D][:D]
Yesh. my FL is very small. Only 19 friends :o
fine with me... though I'll need to delete someone..
Do you play a musical instrument?
Clarinate, and when I feel daring the electric Triangle.
does Guitar Hero Guitar count? >.>
Why is it impossible to figure out what the heck is going on in ILmaster13's posts?
It's not impossible i thought it was quite clear :P
Okay, that's it for now. Bai!
Not really, I'm still in the channel with you x3
Bai.... HEY! neighbour, that was a long 1 second ago...

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