RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (Full Version)

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Supercohboy -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/9/2009 4:23:06)

It won't let me put .bmp on here. I'll have to ask my dad about it. screenshots in the morning!

No need, I know what it is. In the future, you can upload a screenshot to an image-hosting site and simply post a link. ~Aelthai

LORD TEEB -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/9/2009 16:55:04)

b]Character Info: Human Striker
Char ID (optional)63267172
Char Name (optional)Lord Teeb

Bug Info: Where did it happen? VR deck
Quest: Which Quest were you on? stat training

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible! Tronvors stats were way to high
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? Playing as usual
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see? Overleveled stats
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item? I died

Did the game kick you out? No
What was the error message/code? No

Screenshot link: None
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: Yes after
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!) Yes

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best) High
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?) Internet Exploer
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?) Windows Vista
Flash version: Latest

Er, are you sure they weren't all 80? That happens when you train CHA... we'll be looking at him. ~Aelthai

leileinad -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/10/2009 21:43:09)

I reached lvel 10 and then it appears: "You reached the Warp Force level cap, you can now be a WarpGuardian to train further"

Were can I be a WarpGuardian??

It's not out yet (soon though) ~Aelthai

MageDan123 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/11/2009 2:36:03)

Level 10 is the level cap until beta testing is over next friday

Nightly -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/11/2009 14:28:02)


To add on to what MageDan123 said, if you go to the WarpForce home page and find the upgrade button, it's not here yet but on the 17th, or once Beta is over, you can talk to Temura in game and she will give you the option to upgrade then. Temura is located in the Warp Guardian Tower which is at the end of the LSS Alteon if you are viewing it from the main screen.

leileinad -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/17/2009 15:08:31)

Thank youu![:D]

Naraku578 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/17/2009 16:03:36)

I am doing the Meteors quest and it keeps repeating the segment where I shoot the meteors. After I hit them 7 times I cannot hit any more and they still repeat.

Fire the gun for a bit ... that should finish that section. ~Aelthai

takua264 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/17/2009 23:39:05)

Umm i did the first quest for the drakel in the hangar and my screen goes black or whatever the backround colour is

Any thoughts?

fixed ~Aelthai

jakemaster1390 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/17/2009 23:48:37)

Bug Info: Where did it happen? Hangar Missions
Quest: Which Quest were you on? Peace Offering

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible! The mission seems to be unavailable, You click on the mission and start into the intro info about the quest but then it exits and then all you see is the original screen with the shop and mission buttons
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? Upgrading to Guardian
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see?
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item?

Did the game kick you out? no
What was the error message/code?

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?:Yes
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!)Yes

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best)Low
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Interet Explorer? Opera? Another one?) IE8
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?) Vista
Flash version: Latest

fixed ~Aelthai

Palehawk -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 0:19:06)

I'm trying to do a mission from Stormfront. But when i click mission the background goes grey, only showing the grey background and my character picture at the bottom.

fixed ~Aelthai

Kint -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 0:21:20)

WG Drak

trying to redo Moonbase in the hanger and the screen just stops loading when I clk it...
also can't get into the level 5 mission there either...

On a dial up connection as well but my charater info comes up... I cna play with the options but every thing else is missiing

fixed ~Aelthai

WiseLoad43 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 0:27:38)

Whenever I do the Test Misson I just get a black screen. What is the cause of this?

fixed ~Aelthai

DXfan153 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 0:38:30)

tht happened to me too >.> i cant do test mission pls fix this thx

fixed ~Aelthai

marccohen -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 1:00:44)

during the mission from sick bay (I forget what it's called)... in any case... during the battle I went to use my gauntlet which was equipped and everything and I had enough SP, but whenever I go to use it, my character attacks with it's weapon instead.

Star Knight armor? The fix will roll soonish, probably this week. ~Aelthai

Lady Azjurai -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 1:03:43)

Makes three of us with the test-mission bug then ;)

Character Info:
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional) Azjurai
Level: 3

Bug Info: Where did it happen? Hanger Deck
Quest: Which Quest were you on? Training Mission

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible!
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? Playing the Beltan-5 mission, then did dex training
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see? Blank screen after agreeing to go on a training mission
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item? Freeze on blank screen

Did the game kick you out? no
What was the error message/code? n/a

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: Both
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!) Every time

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best) All
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?) Firefox, latest
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?) Vista
Flash version: Latest

fixed ~Aelthai

Cassius621 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 1:42:24)

The quests the guy in the hangar gives don't work, it hangs when you're supposed to start the first one.

fixed ~Aelthai

Alopex Lagopus -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 1:43:56)

Character Info:
Char ID (optional) 63240118
Char Name (optional) Alopex Lagopus
Level: 10

Bug Info: Where did it happen? Hangar Deck
Quest: Which Quest were you on? Moon Base

Before Bug occurred: Clicked on the Select Mission button
During Bug: I saw, there is 2 mission (one new for me). First, I clicked on the Peace Offering, the NPC said something about the quest, but there wasn't any button to start it, just a "More", witch returned me to the NPC's starter dialogue. Then I saw, my rank is level 0, and I tried do the Moonbase quest. I did durring the beta, but it let me doing now. Or I just thout, becouse when I clicked in the mission select, then I cilcked on the MOONBASE button in the quest dialogue, the game freezed solid with a grey backround. It do not loaded any, so there wherent any soundproblem like the girl in the Tower:)
After bug/game crash: The game frozen.

Did the game kick you out? No, just frozen.
What was the error message/code? Nothing

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before AND after, 2 times.:
Did the bug happen again?: Sadly, yes.

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting:High
Browser type and version: Firefox 3.5.1
Operating System: XP SP3
Flash version: 10

fixed ~Aelthai

DXfan153 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 1:44:14)

yea and tech ya cant further the story if you cant rise in rank so AE fix this bug pronto pls as it stops peeps from progressing so its really really bad

There does seem to be a rank issue, but that's not the problem. What was the problem is fixed. ~Aelthai

Zeige -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 2:41:18)

Well here is yet, another Quest bug.

When speeking to ADM Amada i tried to replay the quest were you shoot up the asteroids, but when ever i hit the "MISSIONS" button, he goes to discribing the LSS Alteon.

fixed ~Aelthai

Ghostclaw -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 3:50:45)

same problems with test mission

fixed ~Aelthai

Lerend -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 5:09:22)

Well, I have almost the same bug as Alopex.
But with me, it freezes when I try the first mission.

fixed ~Aelthai

whackybeanz -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 5:25:14)

This seems to be a very critical bug with regards to one of the quests.

Quest involved: Explore Balen-5

Quest Bug: It's not a bug per se, but I think when designing the maze, someone forgot to actually allow people to move to the extreme upper areas of the maze. The only entry is on the extreme top left, but when traveling inside it is blocked by an Exo traveling left and right. There is no way currently to move to the extreme top right areas, considering that the only corridor leading to it is blocked by an Exo.

This means that should the flower be placed on the top right, we'll be forced to actually fight our way through, and not move through the maze like we're supposed to.

Hopefully this helps, and sorry I didn't use the template. I figured this would be affecting everyone regardless of what equips/items we have.

Edit: To prove that what I'm saying is really true, I made a copy of the maze's upper portion.

The circle on the right shows the flower's spot. It's quite hard to see thanks to the shrink, but yes, it's there.

The circle on the left shows exactly where the Exo travels. There is no way that we can pass that area, so there's no choice but to fight.

Noted. Thank you for the thorough report! ~Aelthai

hydra095 -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 6:33:21)


Umm i did the first quest for the drakel in the hangar and my screen goes black or whatever the backround colour is

Same as me

fixed ~Aelthai

Zeltrax -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 7:14:45)

Here's something I noticed:

Whenever I talk to Amada on the ships Bridge about doing Missions, he just starts describing the ship, Logging off and on doesn't solve it, but a few other people have mentioned this too.

fixed ~Aelthai

Blacksh0t -> RE: =WF= Quest Bugs (7/18/2009 7:15:09)

i got this doing stormfront MISSION HELP ME PLS T.T

fixed ~Aelthai

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