RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (Full Version)

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SIGMUND -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (12/19/2009 11:13:53)

Character Info: SIGMUND
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional)
Level: 48

Bug Info: What happened? Wearing the Warp Star Ninja battlesuit, When trying to do a Ram attack with the Buffed Warp Gathorax, it did the special ranged attack?
The Galaxythe is now doing a magic attack instead of my normal Kick attack.
It's all gone crazy!!!
Location: Where did it happen? anywhere in combat

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible! Instead of Ramming my enemy the weapon did a ranged attack. Instead of doing a Kick the special attack is happening?
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? fighting
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see? No ram attack, no Kick attack.
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item? N/A

Did the game kick you out? N/A
What was the error message/code? N/A

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: Yes
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!) yes

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best) low
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?) Firefox
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?) windows xp
Flash version:

Any attack that uses weapon stats should have a chance for the Weapon Special to occur. For most weapons, this is an advantage. For others, it's required to not have the weapon be more powerful than anything else. is this what you are seeing? ~Aelthai

goron link8 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (12/26/2009 16:56:26)

Character Info:
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional) Master James
Level:38(should be 39)

Bug Info: What happened? I didn't level up
Location: Where did it happen? I was fighting a tytoa in the quest where you find ben kenobi

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible!
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? I did the 3 potion rescue mission a lot to level up to 5 so i could get the laser cane thing then got tired of it and went to random battles then went to the opie juan quest then did the quest up to the part where you find him
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see? It was the first battle after finding him and it was a tytoa i killed it took a long time to save and when it did i didn't get the level up message and where my elemental resistances are it said the same level i was also
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item? I didn't level up. It restarted my exp to the beginning of the bar without a level up and when i got to ybbor i got a blue scroll of death.

Did the game kick you out? no
What was the error message/code? none

Screenshot link: kinda hard to take a screen shot of something that isn't there
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: no
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!) i haven't gotten close to leveling up again so i wouldn't know

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best) low
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?) fire fox
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?) Windows 7
Flash version: not sure

I'm not sure what happened but it fixed itself

Smackie El Frog -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (1/11/2010 20:24:18)

Character Info:
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional) Smackie El Frog
Bug Info: What happened? It says I have hit the WG level cap. And i cannot earn xp even though im level 48.
Location: Once i logged in.

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible!
Before Bug occurred: Nothing didnt log in yet! lol
During Bug: Everything was normal, but it thought i hit the level cap.
After bug/game crash: Nope ran just fine minus the gaining of xp.

Did the game kick you out? no
What was the error message/code? none

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: yeah
Did the bug happen again?:yeah tried a bunch of times to relog in but still same message.

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best) any.
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?) fire fox and internet explorer.
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?) Windows 7
Flash version: not sure

fixed (a while back) ~Aelthai

xehanort -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (1/12/2010 13:14:51)

I can attest to the fact that the above bug is happening to quite a few other people, so it's not a isolated incident.

I also like to say that i was in the middle of playing when the bug first appeared, one second you are fighting a monster and next you are informed that you can gain no more XP due to being at the level cap.

Not sure if it happens to people of all levels or if it's only us level 48'ths that suffer from it.

Maybe the level cap has somehow managed to get reset to last months update? Pretty sure it was at 48 then.

Just thought i throw that out here, just in case.

yjjoel26 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (1/12/2010 22:01:36)

Character Info:
Char ID (optional)
Char Name Oel

Bug Info: I Couldn't gain exp after reaching lev 48
Location: Main screen(the image of the ship,cos after I level up,I just logged off)

Details Level cap bug
Before Bug occurred: Farming at 2 pronged attack mission
During Bug: there is a pop up stating "You have reached the WarpGuardian level cap!"
After bug/game crash: Can't gain exp anymore

Did the game kick you out? NO
What was the error message/code? Nil

Screenshot link: Nil
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: Yes,After
Did the bug happen again?:Well I can't gain Exp anymore (If it did not, no need to post!)

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best)
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?)
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?)
Flash version:

DT25 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (1/14/2010 21:22:26)

Character Info:
Char ID (optional)
Char Name ARTIX

Bug Info: At lvl 48 the game said I'd hit the lvl cap
Location: Main screen upon logging in.

Details Level cap bug
Before Bug occurred: Hadn't logged in for 8 days
During Bug:pop up stating "You have reached the WarpGuardian level cap!"
After bug/game crash: No

Did the game kick you out? NO
What was the error message/code? N/A

Screenshot link: N/A
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?:No
Did the bug happen again?:Logged in repeatedly, same result.

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: Best
Browser type and version: Opera
Operating System: Vista
Flash version:10

Anhilation2 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (1/16/2010 6:36:37)

Character Info:
Char ID (optional): 68983357
Char Name (optional): Baron
Level: 48

Bug Info: Once I reached level 48 It stated I was at the level cap for Warp Guardians, I am now no longer able to get experience (In other words I'm having the same issue as a lot of the people above me).
Location: I finished a "Battle Monsters!" encounter (Random encounter with the button when you're not doing anything, it's how I do most of my leveling).

Details: I was just farming the "Battle Monsters!" button for gold and XP, then I was informed after leveling that I had reached the maximum possible level for Warp Guardians.
Before Bug occurred: As above.
During Bug: It merely continues to tell show me the statement "You have reached the WarpGuardian level cap!" whilst refusing to give me XP or level me up, so it has never ceased to make its presence known.
After bug/game crash: I can no longer gain XP or level up despite the fact that the cap is 50.

Did the game kick you out? No.
What was the error message/code? It continued to tell me, and I quote: "You have reached the WarpGuardian level cap!" at the top of the screen in the long white bubble.

Screenshot link: I have none, however the above people have the same issue, some with screen shots.
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: I attempted to do it AFTER the bug happened, I even closed down firefox, opened google, did another complete clear, closed it down again after that and re-opened WF, the issue remains.
Did the bug happen again?: It has remained.

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: High.
Browser type and version: Firefox.
Operating System: Windows 7
Flash version:

Side-Comment: I hope this issue can be fixed soon, I've really been farming hard as I've been trying to get the final level versions of "Peppermint Lasercane" before it is removed and I'd hate to miss out on such an amazing rare simple because of a terrible bug, not to mention that it's the strongest weapon (non-token) available at the moment, especially for its element.

I hope this can be fixed very quickly or some extra (or maybe just special circumstances for those affected) time given to those affected who need the Peppermint (level 50 X-mas Weapons) weapons and were halted by terrible circumstances.

Aelthai -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (1/17/2010 1:55:35)

I have reported the incorrect level cap, and mentioned the Frostval weapons.

The Level Cap has been fixed.

Anhilation2 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (1/19/2010 7:48:14)

I just wanted to give my personal thanks Aelthai, once I read it was fixed I logged right in and now I'm level 50.

Great work on the =WF= team, fixing issues like this so quickly!

Smackie El Frog -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (1/19/2010 9:00:50)

awesome[:)] thanks Aelthai! can't wait for the new release now!

Thandrades -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (1/19/2010 21:51:52)

I don't know if this is a bug or has to do with the player stats, but almost on any quest that I choose a guest, he/she/it simply dissapear after the first turn or even before doing anything. This happened on the Opera browser, just to let you know.. I don't know if it will happen again on Firefox.. Have to try.. But It's annoying when this happen, I mean the guests are intended to offer great help on quests.

I also noted that Tronzor seems to be a bit unbeatable, I wanna know if this is a bug or it is like this..

Neither are bugs. First, the guest. The guest disappears when you have less than the required amount of SP (the green bar). If you want to use guests (and keep them for quite a bit of time), I advise you to have your bar filled before inviting a guest.

As to Tronzor, you just need a good battle strategy. I don't want to get too much into that here, in the Bugs forum, so you can always ask in the appropriate GD thread. Thanks! ~$b

Veral77 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (1/26/2010 9:50:13)

Bug Info: When doing the Alteon Assault shooting minigame, shots do nothing against enemies.
Location: Alteon Assault

Details When doing the Alteon Assault shooting minigame, shots do nothing against enemies.
Before Bug occurred: Just finished the first part of the quest.
During Bug: Shots do nothing.
After bug/game crash: I had to refresh the page.

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: High
Browser type and version: Google Chrome
Operating System: Windows XP Media Center Edition

You mean the one that looks like the shooting-asteroids game? It's a bit odd - you have to hit the icon, the shots track. I managed to kill 8 and win. There is a counter of how many you have hit. If you can't hit them, drain your energy. ~Aelthai

Okami Wulf -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (2/10/2010 19:31:38)

Character Info: lvl 35 (should be 36) gunner
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional) Wolf
Level: 35, but this should be 36

Bug Info: What happened? When I was about to level up, I got a blue scroll of doom. I retried, it worked, but my level up didn't count.
Location: Where did it happen? Ballistic Bounty

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible! When I was about to level up, I lost connection. I retried at the blue scroll of doom, and got the exp (ironically, I needed 42 exp to level up, too), but am still level 35.
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? Farming Ballistic Bounty for exp.
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see? Blue Scroll of Doom/ lost/weak connection
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item? Lost level up

Did the game kick you out? nope
What was the error message/code? no error

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: Cache was cleared 2 nights ago
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!)

Hey, not sure what happened, but I'm level 36 now. Logging out maybe fixed it, dunno...

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best) Low
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?) Firefox, always
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?) Windows 7 Home Premium (A.K.A. "the awesome")
Flash version: Newest, I've not recieved a request for an update

If you get a Blue Scroll of Doom, it means it didn't save; all you have to do is get more XP and you will then level properly. ~Aelthai

Heliks -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (2/17/2010 15:35:36)

Character Info: Human Striker
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional)Helix

Bug Info: What happened?While doing Virin infection where i had to shoot enemy ships my ship only did a strange animation around itself and didn't fire a shoot
Location: Where did it happen?Virin Infection WG tower

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible! Stated Above
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? Killing random enemies
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see?
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item? I had to give up

Did the game kick you out? No
What was the error message/code? No

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: Yes
Did the bug happen again?: Yes

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: Best
Browser type and version: Firefox
Operating System: Windows 7
Flash version: The Lates one

Known. ~Aelthai

Technomancer -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (2/19/2010 12:53:04)

The button 'Inspection' in the WGT, takes you to the 'Virin Infection' mission. So the new quest isn't accesible yet.

Edit: @Below: Actually, it wasn't working before but it's fixed now (so you can disregard this post). :)


Original: Galanoth
The WG Tower Inspection quest is now working, and you should be able to play it if you are L 42 or higher as well.

Legendary_Swordsman -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (2/20/2010 14:16:35)

That one is available Technomancer maybe u haven't done the Infection mission.

in the new Admiral Amada's mission many times when i try and use one of my 4 heal packs it won't let me.

Duplicated - you can, but you have to work at it. ~Aelthai

Rhowena -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (2/21/2010 2:35:42)

The lighter pixel-wide oval can be clicked on (move your mouse very carefully and click when the cursor turns into a hand). For the staff, the rest of the button gives you a text cursor.

Yep, that's what I guessed. Duplicated. ~Aelthai

Silver1 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (2/21/2010 5:08:31)

I don't know if this is the correct place to put this but the Medic III spell isn't in the shop. is the link to Medic III and it isn't in Sick Bay.

Updated the Encyclopedia entry - it appears only in the WG shop. ~Aelthai

Arithonne -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (2/24/2010 0:38:18)

Character Info:
Char ID (optional) 66737650
Char Name (optional)
Level: 52

Bug Info: During the time it took me to complete the special mission, the Nefadon war counter lost waves
Location: Nefadon War, special mission
Details Before starting the special mission the counter read 25621, after it read 25587 (also happened last night, but I don't have screen shots for that)
Before Bug occurred: repeatedly running the special mission
During Bug: the number of completed waves on the war meter went down instead of up
After bug/game crash: the number of completed waves was lower

Did the game kick you out? no
What was the error message/code? none

Screenshot link: Meter Pre-mission Meter Post-mission
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: clear cache before logging in tonight
Did the bug happen again?: yes

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: Medium
Browser type and version: Firefox 3.6
Operating System: Vista
Flash version:

I think I know what happened - I've had the War Meter increased to account for it, and it shouldn't happen again. ~Aelthai

Redcorvus -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (3/1/2010 8:08:35)

Character Info: Human / Striker
Char ID (optional) 70384229
Char Name (optional) Ziko
Level: 9

Bug Info: Using the trainer option "New Face" and using the human face with the hood will result in the head disappreaing. The face icon next to the stat bars work but when looking at the full body, there is no head at all.
Location: Trainer / Combat / Story scenes

Details Using the trainer option "New Face" and using the human face with the hood will result in the head disappreaing. The face icon next to the stat bars work but when looking at the full body, there is no head at all.
Before Bug occurred: I trained 5 points into strenght
During Bug: Head on the toon is missing
After bug/game crash: Only a cosmetic bug, logged off and back in but still same result. I just went with a different face to face the problem.

Did the game kick you out? No
What was the error message/code? No message or code

Screenshot link:
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: Yes
Did the bug happen again?: Yes

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: Best
Browser type and version: Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18882
Operating System: Vista 32
Flash version:

Cannot duplicate - I see a face. Please post a screenshot so that I can be sure I'm looking at the right face. ~Aelthai

Necrophades -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (3/2/2010 18:59:13)

I apologize if this does not go here, but there is no armor bugs section at the moment.

The Chest Laser attack for Cybertech Battlesuit is doing zero damage when it hits. I have tried it multiple times with multiple weapons and against different enemies, but it doesn't do any damage.

Duplicated. It's an Item bug, as it happens. ~Aelthai

Tetra -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (3/18/2010 0:12:41)

Character Info:Level 5 elf gunner
Char ID (optional)
Char Name (optional)

Bug Info: What happened? Training new stats, and cannot attack, tried different weapons, armor and stuff, but will only let me use EP attacks can't use SP attacks or wepon attacks (Attack button is unclickable (the first attack button, not the "use main wepon button, as I cant get into the menu because, as I said, it's unclickable.)) sorry if I am confusing. anyway..I relogged, and it still happened. Oh. And my pet can attack, so it's just me.
Location: Where did it happen? VR room.

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible! See above.
Before Bug occurred: What were you doing prior to the problem? Getting my new level 5 equipment, as I had just leveled up.
During Bug: What happened during the bug/what issues or errors did you see? See above.
After bug/game crash: What was the end result? Game crash/freeze? Missing item?
lose battle with trainer, or have to flee.
Did the game kick you out? no.
What was the error message/code? none

Screenshot link: none. (picture this: battle screen, with attack button less bright and 3-D looking than usual.
Did you try clearing your cache? Before or after the bug happened?: what does that even mean?
Did the bug happen again?: (If it did not, no need to post!) yes.

Technical Info:
Graphics quality setting: (Low, Medium, High, Best) High, there is no "best" available as far as I know...
Browser type and version: (Firefox? Internet Explorer? Opera? Another one?) Internet Explorer
Operating System: (Windows 98? XP? Vista? Another type?) Windows XP SP2
Flash version: I have no idea, sorry.

umm, now I feel like an idiot... apparently that's what happens when you train INT?

You aren't the first to make that mistake - nor the twenty-first either. ~Aelthai

UmbraCorvus -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (3/25/2010 6:49:39)

Okay, not sure if this qualifies as a bug or not but while using the star ninja grasshoper battle suit and the airy beam lance in conjuction my character did something unusual. I attacked a nefadon with the kick battlesuit commond and my character dropped the lance and then wind came from the bottom of my screen and dealt damage to the nefadon. Pretty sure it is just an animation glitch because it looks like the weapon is activating its special attack but the animation is the one that activates when I use a spell; also the weapon drops off the screen instead of just on the ground.

Can't duplicate. I think this has been fixed. ~Aelthai

ghostkid30214 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (3/29/2010 16:23:19)

the game always opens in the default screen size

Known ~Aelthai

Superlink64 -> RE: =WF= Game Engine Bugs (4/4/2010 15:48:10)

In Warpforce, anytime I do a minigame, no matter what happens, the final score always says "0"

Some of the minigames do this - it's a bug when it happens. They should all be listed individually in the Known Bugs post. If you see it happen on a minigame and it isn't listed in the Known bugs post, please post it and specify which minigame it is. ~Aelthai

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