Full Release Known Bugs (Full Version)

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Aelthai -> Full Release Known Bugs (7/18/2009 12:05:38)

The size selections do not work - all act as 800x600.

MP is still labeled MP in the combat menu - it should probably be EP (Energy Points).

When you change your Face, it will often update the Color but not the Style you changed. I have noticed that after you do this if you logout/login it will generally update your face - but you will hang on Loading Starting Equipment for a long time (eventually loads).
Sometimes your face will simply disappear - haven't figured out how to reliably do this.

If you have only one Pet, and you sell it, it continues to be equipped in combat.

The "Spin Slash" attack on the WarpGuardian Blaster Rifle does not retain custom colors.

When a Helm is unequipped, you continue to look like you are wearing the Helm. They also appear much smaller than your face in the mini-portrait.

In the Hangar, the Rank: 0 does not update when you complete the test mission.

In the Intro quest, the scene on the v'eld lags during scene changes - perhaps because of the moving gears?

The Asteroid quest gives Gold but not XP. Note: Sometimes you will seem to level up to 101 as well; this is not real.

When you ask about Temura's past, there is a long pause with a blank screen before the preloader appears - it looks like the game has died even though it hasn't.
This is also happening on the Hand of Creation quest. It will likely happen on any quest with notable amounts of music.

In the Balen-5 quest, the scene before the Maze - before your character mentions the luminescent characteristics of WF armor - the scene should be black, instead of present without the character.

In the Balen-5 quest, you must fight, you can't finish the Maze due to an Exo that cannot be passed: http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/whackybeanz/bug3.jpg

In the mission "Peace Offering":
While explaining to the aliens about the galaxy you say "We----sail in that see of stars on big metal ships.

During the Peace quest, while explaining the galaxy, a screen comes up with a button on it (something about time passing?) but it flashes past too quick to read.

During the Peace quest, when you are flown to the Shalen village, your character appears in a different armor - and the head is not quite connected.

During the Peace quest, if you visit the Junas first, upon meeting the guard and informing them of our peaceful intentions, Queen Pra’Mithia says, “My friend <<name>> speaks the truth. We are Drakel and Human from the world of Lore, and we wish you no harm.” This is true even if the character is an Elf.

During the Peace quest, if you visit the Junas first, Nizya will say that her "lotal" (instead of loyal) scouts reported some ... trouble.

During the Peace quest, your character appears when the two enemies are talking and the character should not be there: http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb108/Razgriz_Demon/WFbug.jpg

At the end of the Peace quest, the character does not disappear when you are flying back to the Alteon.

During the Find Floaty mission - at the end of the minigame, the Final Score is 0 even though you have a Score.
Also, no rocks appear near the edge of the screen.

During the Find Floaty mission - at the end - your character is visible on-screen as you fly away in your ship.

During the Scoutship mission, clicking on the Alteon will take you to the VR deck.

The fireballs the Jerroto spit out look like Fire, but do Earth damage.

The Junas face is all black instead of colored: http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss88/Trillionaire09/bug1.jpg (May not be a bug?)

The Scoutships have an entering-battle noise which plays even if sound effects are off.


For the Retro (and Advanced Retro) armors, part of the the rocket launcher appears in front of your upper arm. This also happens on the WarpTrooper and Energizer, and may happen on other armors as well.

For the Retro and WarpTracker Gunner armors, long hair - such as the default for a female Elf - can appear between the chest and abdomen (the abdomen is look low or the hair is too high).

A number of monsters do not have head pictures:
Nechron Exo
Alien Zard
Defiler Sentry

The ACHE machine does not properly display the character's head. It displays a stand-in head when you enter or are in the machine, and then a missing head with an - eyepatch? - when you leave.


During the Moon Base quest from General Leet Stormfront:
The "i" at the start of the text should be "I".

Location: the bridge talking to the huntress, clicking on the "what ABOUT your past??" option.
Current text: Whereever the Devourer passed, a world was left behind, either damaged beyond repair, or changed for the worse.
What it should say: wherever the Devourer passed, a world was left behind, either damaged beyond repair, or changed for the worse.

Location: Temura (What Do WarpGuardians Get?)
Current Text: And last, but no least
Correction: And last, but not least
Also, the level cap example is old.

Location: Save the Queen text- after saving the queen- Temura speaking
Current Text: Atleast we can make sure
Correction: At least we can make sure

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (8/20/2009 14:25:57)

Here are the bugs from the August release that have not yet been fixed.

Heavy Gunner
Something weird is happening with the Gauntlet - I enter combat, go to Battlesuit Skills, and try to use Gauntlet Blast, it tells me I have to have a Gauntlet equipped to use this attack even though i was just using it. It's showing visibly and the stats seem to be appearing, but it doesn't work for the Blast. Reequip, it works fine.
You can get a Lucky Overcharge even if you do not have LUK. This is not a bug ... you simple are getting a LUK/2 bonus .. which is 0.
Heavy Gunner's tail is in FRONT of the leg rather than behind - http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x247/derekkoch/warpforceglitch2.png

Warp Crystals Quest
Shattered World 2 does not save that you have collected a Warp Crystal, but it does check if you have completed the others. This means that Shattered World 2 must be done last.
When the "warp missile" is launched, the player should be (and is not) hidden.
You can take the Warp Crystals quest even if you are not Level 5

Also, a bug was discovered in the cutscenes you can see from the Huntress.
During the Devourer Cutscenes (Celestra - tell me about your past) Part 2, your character appears onscreen while Ryuusei / The`Galin fights Nightbane
From there, Part Four -> Joining the WarpForce leads to an older version of the Intro quest, with the flashy/glitched attack button. The current Intro quest from Queen Pra'mithia is good.

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (9/26/2009 23:39:05)

Alteon Assault
Before Bug occurred: Cleared out Defilers from various areas of the Alteon, then chose to liberate the WG Tower.
During Bug: Player is missing during dialogue scene after "Defiler Sentry" fight. Dialogue box is seen, but character is not.

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (10/1/2009 1:38:28)

The random Warpguardian in the WarpGuardian Tower's hands use the player's skin color, and so did the Guest Hans from the war.

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (10/4/2009 19:34:17)

When using the ACHE machine, clicking in certain places (where Daian would be if you weren't using the ACHE) takes you to talking with Captain Daian.

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (10/17/2009 19:54:21)

Roznort can't die.

The first scroll Roznort - Trainer presents to you does not display properly.

Star Ninja: Kick is not currently taking the SP it requires.

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (10/21/2009 23:57:32)

Bug Info: First battle against Maws
Quest: Maws

Details What happened? What's the bug? Use as much detail as possible!
Before Bug occurred: Had just completed the quest, then accidentally hit play again, so I fled form the first battle. Then it continued as if I hadn't fled to the next stage where you would be if you defeated the monster.
During Bug: Fleeing counted as victory instead of returning to Alteon.
After bug/game crash: Just continued to next part of quest. Then when playing again for a third time in a row, the game wouldn't load (but that was probably to do with my internet).

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (12/7/2009 1:39:24)

Star Ninja: Gauntlet Attack and jump-kick make the Helmet appear and stay until changing armors or the next battle.
The head is also in front of the torso; this may be unavoidable.

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (12/19/2009 16:02:25)

December Release

Cosmoslug does 0 damage

Virin WarpForcer changes heads / weapons (and so on) on some attacks.

In the Virin Infection mission, the Zhoom6000 ship cannot fire, which means that the minigame cannot be won.

The Peace Offering quest appears twice in the Hangar; the second Peace Offering actually leads to Breakout, the button is mislabeled.

The sound in the Gervel mission sounds like there is a small blank spot, it doesn't quite seem to loop as expected.

Virin Buddy Misc costs a turn and should not.

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (12/20/2009 11:22:00)


Maws: you can Flee the first battle with Maws and end up continuing the quest. You cannot Flee while in the submarine.

The Garden: During the minigame, you need to get NEAR the plants to get points. Actually touching them damages you.

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (2/14/2010 0:51:57)

Monster Bugs

Giant Skitter: The net attack has the damage occur before the net actually hits you.

Rhapsus: the Darkness attack (first hit in a string of attacks, looks like a cloud) does 0 damage.

Skull Drone: Damage dealt to the Drone is not displayed.

Doc Crader: If you are Drakel, a tail is displayed.

Battlesuit Bugs

Cyber Suit: using a Battlesuit ability, such as Weapon Throw, places the Helmet back on if it was off. It cannot be removed after this without reequipping the armor.

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (3/15/2010 18:25:45)

CyberTech Battlesuit Chest Laser does 0 damage until either the Thigh Turrents or Shoulder Rockets attacks are used. Will still deal 0 damage after attacking regularly or using Build CyBear, Propeller Slash, or Gauntlet Blast.

The Healing Kits in the Infiltrate Haven quest (from Admiral Amada) have selectable text, which makes them difficult to click.

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (4/12/2010 23:06:25)

Space Rogue -> Stun Pistol causes the Weapon and Gauntlet to be reset.
NOTE: If this happens, simple reequip your weapon and Gauntlet. If you do not reequip your weapon, you risk having the game freeze if the weapon attempts to Special.
The Stun Pistol also does 0 damage.
The Drakel tail does not show
Both Cheap Shot attacks are using the same animation

Zero Point Energy is dealing Energy damage (should be Light) Fixed

Aelthai -> RE: Full Release Known Bugs (4/28/2010 23:39:53)

Cyborg Battlesuit does not show the Drakel tail.

Dead Planet music loop appears to have a dead spot in it.
The player is not visible at the scene in Dead Planet, after arriving on the planet.

In Infiltration Rescue, the minigame does not allow you to fire.

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