Bobby the Ice Stoat (Full Version)

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Cryogenesis -> Bobby the Ice Stoat (8/3/2009 21:32:52)

Nope, I don't believe he can downgrade.
I was thinking about the "score" after the reset. But nothing is for sure.

137ben -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (8/4/2009 10:49:39)

I meant that we can lose tokens, but defense score is even better:)

chugg -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (8/6/2009 18:38:40)

Cool he's a ice Stoat now. That is totally awesome

Lord Ouranos -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (8/15/2009 17:36:47)

I love this! I remember when Bobby was just a wee little egg and then a dragon.

Now a stoat! Awesome!

Siege -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (8/17/2009 17:38:35)

Lord O! nowai

137ben -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (8/23/2009 19:50:53)

Lord ouranos! Come back to glacius:(

brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (8/24/2009 14:26:15)

Yeah, chill for a while

137ben -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (6/20/2010 18:21:33)

I propose a new system for bobby the ice__, as described below.

Bobby would get a level as well as a form. The stats (str/dex/end/cha/luk/int) given would total 5*level. Bobby's build would be decided by cyro.

In order to reach level X, clan defense must be at least (x^2)/2-100000, for x>/=0.
Thus, a clan defense of X means that Bobby is level Floor[Sqrt[2*X+200000]].
For clan defense below -100000...let's never get that low[:)]
Bobby changes forms whenever he levels up, but no more than 1 form change per week. Form change is also delayed whenever cyro needs more time.

Bobby would be level 0 if our defense is at -100000.
With -25000 defense, bobby would be level 387
With -20000 defense, bobby would be level 400
With 0 defense, bobby would be level 447
With 10000 defense, bobby would be level 469
With 20000 defense, bobby would be level 489
With 25000 defense, bobby would reach level 500[:)]

If we manage to reach the elusive 100000 defense, bobby will be level 632 and be the most powerful creature in L.O.R.E[:D]

This system would encourage defending, and help get us out of the negatives!

Dev -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (7/4/2010 14:29:22)

I'm all for it. After I level cap (should be this summer, if not before the end of it), I will go defend our clan each and every day - hopefully together we'll be able to boost Glacius into the positives. It's a pity that the Defense Forces aren't really advertised to people who are not on forums. I think they could pledge valuable support as well.

137ben -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (7/4/2010 23:45:49)

Okay! IIRC zephyos said that the reset wouldn't happen until the monster pool is balanced...i.e. after the monster sweep. At this rate, that could be a few years, so we have plenty of time to reach 0 defense, and for bobby to reach level 447.

EDIT: we are currently at -28859 defense, placing us at level 377. To reach level 378, we need -28558 defense.

drago774 -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (7/5/2010 16:16:03)

I will help each day after I hit my exp cap.

Baron -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (7/5/2010 19:37:11)

I am for this system as well, I'll defend when I have free time.

137ben -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (7/6/2010 18:54:17)

Cyro has not logged into the forums since june 28th, and has not posted since May. It could be awhile before he updates this, even if we quickly reach -28558 defense.

Cryogenesis -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (10/15/2010 21:22:44)

Sorry I've been gone for a while guys. I'll update this right now.

One new form a week? I honestly don't think I could ever keep up with this. You'll have to talk to me on that one.
I can do the level thing, though.

137ben -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (10/16/2010 7:41:45)

That system should be modified. The one/week was a MAXIMUM (in the event that we were leveling up too quickly). Now I realize that the maximum needs to be higher.
Additionally, rather than changing forms EVERY level, I think bobby should change forms every 10 levels or so (unless that is happening too quickly).

And welcome back cyro[:D][:D]

Ya know, it looks a bit like the O RLY owl[:)]

Please refrain from using more than 3 smileys per post. It is considered spam. ~Kosefira

Cryogenesis -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (10/23/2010 17:29:11)

Updated. Y'know, I haven't figured out about how often He will change his form, you are gonna have to get to me on that. Meanwhile, I'll change his form when we reach level 430.

brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (10/23/2010 18:31:21)

^Yay @cryo. I think in the past, it's been pretty obvious I don't quite understand this thread. But with my recent efforts on the ops thread, really starting to feel part of things!

137ben -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (10/24/2010 12:51:05)

At this rate he'll be level 430 soon[:)]

Cryogenesis -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (11/4/2010 20:14:13)

Alright, looks like he needs to change his form. I just gotta figure out what he will change into.

brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (11/5/2010 5:14:08)

Can't wait!

Cryogenesis -> RE: Bobby the Ice Stoat (11/12/2010 19:19:03)

Little late, but here's the update.
His next form change will be at level 460

brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (11/12/2010 20:33:14)

Is that really what a wolverine looks like...was expecting Hugh Jackman.

137ben -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (11/13/2010 10:26:08)

Still, its great to have an update!

Cryogenesis -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (11/14/2010 12:41:33)

Yup, that's what they look like.

brianspenceni -> RE: Bobby the Cute Snowhare (11/14/2010 17:44:11)

Less than 1,400 wins 'til we're back in the positives - can we have an update to commemorate what, a few months ago, seemed an unrealistic achievement?

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